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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG15 : R�union�2004-11-29�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG15� TD-WP3�(2004-11-29)�


R�seaux optiques et autres r�seaux de transport

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2004-11-29 au 2004-12-03

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-12-012008-02-112007-06-042006-10-302006-02-062005-05-16� [ 2004-11-29 ]�

Resultats:72 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP3) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 73-WP3 ]
Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 5.1 � Rapporteur Q.3/15 Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15 2004-12-02
[ 72-WP3 ]
Amendment 2 to ITU-T Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 � Editor Rec. G.707 Q11/15 2004-12-02
[ 71-WP3 ]
Updated Draft of the Living List of G.8021 as per Results of SG15 Meeting � Acting Editor Rec. G.8021 Q9/15 2004-12-02
[ 70-WP3 ]
Updated Draft of G.8021 as per Results of SG15 Meeting � Editor Rec. G.8021 Q9/15 2004-12-02
[ 69-WP3 ]
Living List: Draft Recommendation Y.17ethps (Ethernet Protection Switching) � Editors Rec. Y.17ethps Q9/15 2004-12-02
[ 68-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.17ethps (Ethernet Protection Switching) � Editors Rec. Y.17ethps Q9/15 2004-12-02
[ 67-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation G.8011.2/Y.1307.2 Ethernet Virtual Private Line Service � Acting Rapporteur Q.11/15 Q11/15 2004-12-01
[ 66-WP3 ]
LS from ITU-T SG16 on information on draft Recommendation G.IP2IP � ITU-T SG16 Q13/15 2004-11-30
[ 65-WP3 ]
Draft meeting agenda and workplan for Q.11/15 � Acting Rapporteur Q.11/15 Q11/15 2004-11-29
[ 64-WP3 ]
Agenda and workplan for Q.3/15 meeting � Acting Rapporteur Q.3/15 Q3/15 2004-11-29
[ 63-WP3 ]
Agenda and Workplan for Q.9/15 meeting � Rapporteur Q.9/15 Q9/15 2004-11-28
[ 62-WP3 ]
Q.12 and Q.21 meeting agenda � Rapporteur Q.12/15 Q21/15, Q12/15 2004-11-28
[ 61-WP3 ]
Report on status of work on ASON routing protocol � Chairman of SG15 on behalf of IETF ASON Routing So Q14/15 2004-11-28
[ 60-WP3 ]
Draft revised Recommendation G.8021/Y.1341 � Editor Rec. G.8021 Q9/15 2004-11-26
[ 59-WP3 ]
Draft revised Recommendation G.8012 � Editor Rec. G.8012 Q12/15, Q11/15 2004-11-26
[ 58-WP3 ]
Q.13/15 meeting agenda � Rapporteur Q.13/15 Q13/15 2004-11-26
[ 57-WP3 ]
Agenda and Workplan of Q14/15 � Rapporteur Q.14/15 Q14/15 2004-11-26
[ 56-WP3 ]
Comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery � CCAMP WG of the IETF Q14/15 2004-11-26
[ 55-WP3 ]
LS from OIF: New OIF project on interworking of ASON - GMPLS Network domains � SG15 Chairman on behalf of the OIF Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-25
[ 54-WP3 ]
LS from ITU-T SG9: Reply on Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 5 (COM 15-LS42) � ITU-T SG9 Q3/15 2004-11-25
[ 53-WP3 ]
Draft revised Recommendation G.8010 � Editor Rec. G.8010 Q12/15 2004-11-24
[ 52-WP3 ]
Reply to LS from Q19/15 (on OTNT-SWP, Issue 4) � IEC TC86 and its SCs Q3/15 2004-11-24
[ 51-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation G.asm v0.1.0 � Editor G.asm Q12/15 2004-11-24
[ 50-WP3 ]
Draft G.7713 incorporating Amendment 1 � Editor Rec. G.7713 Q14/15 2004-11-24
[ 49-WP3 ]
OTN definitions defined in both Recommendation G.870/Y.1352 and other ITU-T Recommendations � Editor Rec. G.870 Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2004-11-24
[ 48-WP3 ]
SDH definitions defined in both G.780/Y.1351 and other ITU-T Recommendations � Acting Rapporteur Q.19/15 Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2004-11-24
[ 47-WP3 ]
G.7713 Living List Recommendation G.7713 v4.0 � Editor Rec. G.7713 Q14/15 2004-11-23
[ 46-WP3 ]
Living List: G.8021/Y.1341 � Editor Rec. G.8021 Q9/15 2004-11-22
[ 44-WP3 ]
Liaison Statements To/From WP 3/15 � Chairman WP3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2004-11-21
[ 43-WP3 ]
WP3 Status of Recommendations � Chairman WP3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2004-11-21
[ 42-WP3 ]
Draft 0.2 of G.motnni: MPLS over Transport NNI � Chairman WP3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2004-11-21
[ 41-WP3 ]
WP3 Texts for Consent � Chairman WP3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2004-11-21
[ 40-WP3 ]
REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 29 November-3 December 2004) PART I - GENERAL � Chairman WP3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2004-11-21
[ 39-WP3 ]
Draft 0.1.1 of Recommendation G.motnni: MPLS over Transport NNI � Editor Rec. G.motnni Q11/15 2004-11-22
[ 38-WP3 ]
LS from ITU-T, WP3/4 on the Management of EoT � ITU-T SG4 Q14/15, Q9/15 2004-11-22
[ 37-WP3 ]
LS to ITU-T SG4, Qs 12 & 14: Draft G.7718 � ITU-T SG15 Q.14/15 Q14/15 2004-11-19
[ 36-WP3 ]
LS from IETF CCAMP WG on Crankback - Crankback in GMPLS Systems � Chairman SG15 on behalf of IETF CCAMP WG on Crankb Q14/15 2004-11-19
[ 35-WP3 ]
ASON definitions defined in both G.8081/Y.1353 and other ITU-T Recommendations � Editor Rec. G.8081 Q12/15, Q3/15 2004-11-19
[ 34-WP3 ]
Formatting and editorial errors in pre-published G.798 (06/2004) � Editor Rec. G.798 Q9/15 2004-11-17
[ 33-WP3 ]
Current Living List for G.7041 (GFP) � Editor Rec. G.7041 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2004-11-18
[ 32-WP3 ]
LS from DSL Forum: Reply to "DSL Forum Liaison to ITU-T SG13" � DSL Forum Q22/15 2004-11-17
[ 31-WP3 ]
LS from ITU-T SG13 Q.3/13 on Ethernet OAM functions � ITU-T SG13 Q11/15, Q12/15, Q9/15 2004-11-16
[ 30-WP3 ]
Draft Rec. Y.17ethps - Ethernet Protection Switching � Editors Rec. Y.17ethps Q22/15 2004-11-15
[ 29-WP3 ]
LS from CCAMP WG on the IETF: GMPLS MIB Modules � CCAMP WG on the IETF Q14/15 2004-11-16
[ 28-WP3 ]
LS from CCAMP WP on IETF: Procedures for Modifying the Resource reSerVation Protocol (RSVP) � CCAMP WG on IETF Q14/15 2004-11-16
[ 27-WP3 ]
LS from TMON: Announcement of New Standards Work: Security Management System (TMOC Issue 56) � TMOC Q14/15 2004-11-16
[ 26-WP3 ]
LS from OIF on Results from OIF World Interoperability Demo � OIF Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-16
[ 25-WP3 ]
LS from TMF MTNM Team on Optical Control Plane Management � TMF MTNM Team Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-16
[ 24-WP3 ]
Initial Draft of Recommendation G.atd � Editor Rec. G.atd Q12/15 2004-11-22
[ 23-WP3 ]
ODU over SDH equipment functions � Editor Rec. G.798 Q9/15 2004-11-13
Resultats:72 documents
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