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ITU-T�SG13� TD-WP3�(2007-04-16)�


Project management and coordination; Architectures and internetworking principles; Multi-protocol networks and mechanisms; Network performance and resource management

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2007-04-16 to 2007-04-27

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2009-09-01� 2009-01-12� 2008-09-122008-05-222008-01-142007-09-21� [ 2007-04-16 ]� 2006-11-032006-07-172006-01-162005-08-292005-04-252004-12-07

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Temporary Documents �(WP3) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 469-WP3 ]
Q.2/13 meeting report (24 October - 3 November 2006) � Rapporteur Q2/13 2007-04-27
[ 468-WP3 ]
LS on Sharing of CGOE component descriptions � Rapporteur Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 467-WP3 ]
LS on Sharing of CGOE component descriptions � Rapporteur Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 466-WP3 ]
LS on Sharing of CGOE component descriptions � Rapporteur Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 465-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex trcr - Tracer � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 464-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex tls - TLS � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 463-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex - Software Upgrade � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 462-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex snmp.svr - SNMP Server � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 461-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex snmp.clnt - SNMP Client � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 460-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex sip - SIP � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 459-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex pol..mgr - Policy Manager � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 458-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex perf.mgr - Performance Manager � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 457-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex ovrld - Overload Control � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 456-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex oamp - OAM&P � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 455-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex ntp - Network Time Protocol � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 454-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex lg.mgr - Log Manager � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 453-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex ld-blnc - Load Balancer � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 452-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex ipsec - IPSec � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 451-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex http.svr - http Server � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 450-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex http.clnt - http client � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 449-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex hdwr.mgr - Hardware Manager � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 448-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex ftp.svr - FTP server � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 447-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex ftp.clnt - FTP Client � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 446-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex evt.mgr - Event Manager � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 445-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex dms - Data Model Services � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 444-WP3 ]
Baseline text for draft Y.cgoe-cmpts-Annex db.mid - Database Middleware � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 443-WP3 ]
Agreed baseline text for draft Annex alm.mgr to draft Recommendation Y.cgoe-cmpts � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 442-WP3 ]
Agreed baseline text for draft Annex dia.clnt to draft Recommendation Y.cgoe-cmpts � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 441-WP3 ]
Agreed baseline text for draft Annex dia.svr to draft Recommendation Y.cgoe-cmpts � Acting Editor Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 440-WP3 ]
Information on draft new ITU-T Recommendation, Y.cwbs "Converged web browsing service scenario over NGN" � Rapporteur Q8/13 2007-04-26
[ 439-WP3 ]
Initial Draft Recommendation Y.cmr � Editor Q8/13 2007-04-26
[ 438-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.cwbs � Editor Q8/13 2007-04-26
[ 437-WP3 ]
Revised version of draft Recommendation Y.ctmp: NGN capabilities to support convergence terminals for multiple network and service provider environment (CTMP) � Editors Q8/13 2007-04-26
[ 436-WP3 ]
Living List on Revised version of draft Recommendation Y.wsconv : "Web Services based NGN Convergence Service Scenario", Geneva, 16-27 April 2007 � Editors Q8/13 2007-04-26
[ 435-WP3 ]
Revised version of draft Recommendation Y.wsconv : "Web Services based NGN Convergence Service Scenario", Geneva, 16-27 April 2007 � Editors Q8/13 2007-04-26
[ 434-WP3 ]
Q.8/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q8/13 2007-04-26
[ 433-WP3 ]
Q.16/13 - meeting report 02/11/2006 � Rapporteur Q16/13 2007-04-26
[ 432-WP3 ]
Updated living list of Q.2/13 (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Rapporteur Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 431-WP3 ]
Peer-to-Peer IPTV � ITU-T SG13 Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 430-WP3 ]
Sharing the revised output document: Y.ngn-account � ITU-T SG13 Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 429-WP3 ]
LS to ITU-T SG16 on planned work in SG16 related to Networked ID services � ITU-T SG13 Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 428-WP3 ]
Joint activity of ITU-T Q.2/13 with OMA on NGN Open Service Environment � ITU-T SG13 Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 427-WP3 ]
Collaboration bsetween SG13 and ETSI TISPAN on scenarios and requirements for NGN in support of corporate networks and communications � ITU-T SG13 Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 426-WP3 ]
Output draft text of ITU-T Recommendation Y.ngn-vpn: VPN service capabilities in NGN mobile environment (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Editors Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 425-WP3 ]
Output draft text of ITU-T Recommendation Y.mpls-mob (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Editors Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 424-WP3 ]
Output document of Y.MDS-REQ (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Editors Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 423-WP3 ]
Living list on Y.ngn-openenv: Open service enironment capabilities for NGN applications and user services (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Editors Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 422-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.ngn-openenv: Open services environment capabilities for NGN applications and user services (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Editors Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 421-WP3 ]
Living list for Y.idserv-reqts (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Editors Q2/13 2007-04-26
[ 420-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.idserv-reqts, "NGN service requirements and capabilities for network aspects of identification-based applications and services" (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Editors Q2/13 2007-04-26
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