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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG12 : Reuni�n�2007-10-02�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG12� C�(2007-10-02)�


Calidad de funcionamiento y calidad del servicio

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2007-10-02 al 2007-10-11

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-03� 2009-03-102008-05-222007-01-162006-06-052005-10-172005-01-18

Resultados :60 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 131 ]
Draft revision to G.1050- Network Model for Evaluating Multimedia Transmission Performance Over Internet Protocol � Spirent Communications , Telchemy Incorporated Q13/12 2007-09-26
[ 130 ]
Simulation results related to a possible mapping between MOS-LQON and MOS_LQOM � LM Ericsson, Sweden Q9/12 2007-09-26
[ 129 ]
Scope of P.NAMS parametric model in relation to bitstream, hybrid, and perceptual models � LM Ericsson, Sweden Q9/12, Q13/12, Q14/12 2007-09-25
[ 128 ]
First draft for Recommendation P.NAMS � LM Ericsson, Sweden Q13/12, Q14/12 2007-09-25
[ 127 ]
Performance Comparison of the ACR and the DCR subjective test methods for multimedia with rebuffering interruptions and packet loss � LM Ericsson, Sweden Q9/12, Q13/12, Q14/12 2007-09-25
[ 126 ]
Performance Measurement Related Proposals from Y.mpm to Y.PM � ETRI , KDDI , Huawei Q17/12 2007-09-25
[ 125 ]
Reference Noise Floor Sensitivity in Wideband P.564 Test Speech Selection Experiments � Cisco Systems, Inc., USA Q14/12 2007-09-25
[ 124 ]
Preliminary Speech Vector Selection For Wideband Extension to P.564 � Cisco Systems, Inc., USA Q14/12 2007-09-25
[ 123 ]
Studies regarding to: Estimation of Speech Quality per Call � ETSI STQ mobile , SwissQual AG Q1/12 2007-09-25
[ 122 ]
Estimation of Speech Quality per Call � ETSI STQ mobile , SwissQual AG Q1/12 2007-09-25
[ 121 ]
Report and analysis of PESQ under-prediction of EVRC family of speech codecs and proposal for PESQ enhancement for CDMA speech codecs � Qualcomm Inc. , Motorola Inc. , Verizon Wireless , Sprint Nextel Q9/12, Q7/12 2007-09-25
[ 120 ]
Investigating the proposed P.OLQA subjective test method � Psytechnics Ltd. Q9/12, Q7/12 2007-09-24
[ 119 ]
Investigation of the influence of pure delay, packet loss and audio-video synchronization for different conversation tasks � LM Ericsson Q7/12 2007-09-24
[ 118 ]
Encrypted video material in packet-based video objective quality measurement � Telchemy Inc., USA Q14/12, Q13/12, Q9/12 2007-09-24
[ 117 ]
Noticeability of video impairments � Telchemy Inc., USA Q14/12, Q13/12, Q9/12 2007-09-24
[ 116 ]
Comparison of availability definitions for Y.ETHperf � LM Ericsson Q17/12 2007-09-24
[ 115 ]
Derivation of Wideband Equipment Impairment Factors from Listening-only tests and Instrumental Models � Japan Q8/12 2007-09-24
[ 114 ]
Proposed extension of P.564 to wideband applications � Psytechnics Ltd. Q14/12 2007-09-24
[ 113 ]
Proposed modification to the reporting of P.564 algorithm quality predictions � Psytechnics Ltd. Q14/12 2007-09-24
[ 112 ]
Comments on the background and the speech rating scales used in ITU-T P.835 � France Telecom Q7/12 2007-09-24
[ 111 ]
Noise at listener's side � France Telecom Q9/12, Q7/12 2007-09-24
[ 110 ]
P.563 Reference Source Code V1.1 - Request for Change � OPTICOM GmbH Q9/12 2007-09-24
[ 109 ]
Position of OPTICOM - Standardization Procedures of P.CQO-L � OPTICOM GmbH Q20/12 2007-09-24
[ 108 ]
"Whisper" Echo � AT&T Q10/12 2007-09-24
[ 107 ]
Wide-band loudness ratings confusion (ref ITU-T P.79) � Plantronics, USA Q5/12, Q3/12 2007-09-24
[ 106 ]
Considerations for the publication of Appendix I of ITU-T Recommendation G.113 � Federal Republic of Germany Q10/12 2007-09-21
[ 105 ]
Effect of Noise Simulation at the Listener's Side on Overall Speech Quality Judgments � Federal Repblic of Germany , France T�l�com Q9/12, Q7/12 2007-09-21
[ 104 ]
Derivation of Wideband Equipment Impairment Factors from Listening-only tests and Instrumental Models � Federal Republic of Germany , Japan , NTT , France T�l�com Q8/12 2007-09-21
[ 103 ]
One-view visualization of usability measurement results � Federal Republic of Germany Q12/12 2007-09-21
[ 102 ]
Proposal for an additional handset position definition for the type 3.4 artificial ear in ITU-T Recommendation P.64 � Federal Republic of Germany Q5/12 2007-09-21
[ 101 ]
Tests on overall quality as perceived by high frequency hearing impaired subscribers � Federal Republic of Germany Q8/12 2007-09-21
[ 100 ]
E-model P.564 Compliance Testing and E-model evolution proposals � France T�l�com R&D Q14/12, Q8/12 2007-09-21
[ 99 ]
Problems raised by the development of a transfer function between MOS-LQON and MOS-LQOM scales for narrow-band conditions � France T�l�com R&D Q9/12 2007-09-21
[ 98 ]
Survey of existing databases for P-CQO (both -E and -L) � France T�l�com R&D Q20/12 2007-09-21
[ 97 ]
The position of France T�l�com concerning P.CQO-L and P.CQO-E � France T�l�com R&D Q20/12 2007-09-21
[ 96 ]
Proposed requirement specifications for P.ONRA � France T�l�com R&D Q9/12 2007-09-21
[ 95 ]
Proposal for new Recommendation on Framework for end to end QoE testing � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2007-09-21
[ 94 ]
Proposed Appendix on Network Contribution to SIP set-up time for G.1040 � AT&T Q13/12 2007-09-21
[ 93 ]
Proposal for Availability Measurement for IP/MPLS Services � AT&T Q17/12 2007-09-21
[ 92 ]
Subjective Test Methodology for Evaluating Speech Communication Systems that include Noise Suppression Algorithm - Proposed Revision to P.835 � Audience, Inc. Q7/12 2007-09-21
[ 91 ]
Proposal on adding Registration and Deregistration Delay Parameters to Y.1530 � China Mobile (P. R. China) Q19/12 2007-09-20
[ 90 ]
Advancing the work on P.CQO-L � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q20/12 2007-09-20
[ 89 ]
Proposal on service quality assurance for IPTV � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2007-09-19
[ 88 ]
Draft New Recommendation Y.Etraff Traffic control and congestion control in Ethernet-based networks � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q16/12 2007-09-19
[ 87 ]
Examples of determination of token-bucket-size parameter when only token bucket rate is provided � NTT Q16/12 2007-09-18
[ 86 ]
Proposal on the structure of a P.CQO-L model � NTT , Psytechnics Ltd. Q20/12 2007-09-18
[ 85 ]
Draft of FG-FITCAR "Hands-Free Communication in Motor Vehicles" � Chairman of FG FITCAR Q4/12 2007-09-18
[ 84 ]
Proposal on scope of P.CQO-L � NTT Q20/12 2007-09-18
[ 83 ]
Comparison of subjective conversational quality assessment methodologies � NTT Q20/12, Q7/12 2007-09-18
[ 82 ]
Performance of video quality parametric planning model for IPTV � NTT Q13/12 2007-09-18
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