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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG09 : Reuni�n�2005-10-17�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG09� TD-GEN�(2005-10-17)�


Redes de cable integradas de banda ancha y transmisi�n de televisi�n y sonido

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2005-10-17 al 2005-10-21

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-02� 2009-02-23� 2008-09-192008-05-052007-10-292007-06-142006-10-02� [ 2005-10-17 ]� 2005-01-17

Resultados :164 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 266-GEN ]
Draft liaison reply on appointement of EWM coordinator for SG 9 � WG 6 Chairman QALL 2005-10-20
[ 265-GEN ]
Draft liaison on merging of Questions 11/9 and 13/9 into 11/9 � WG 6 Chairman QALL 2005-10-20
[ 264-GEN ]
Liaison on official contacts in ITU-T SG 9 � WG 6 Chairman QALL 2005-10-20
[ 263-GEN ]
Reply to ETSI Correspondance (ETSI/AT905)11D13) � WG 1 Q9/9 2005-10-20
[ 262-GEN ]
Draft Liaison to SG 16 Management and SG 12 on concerns regarding speech codecs in draft revised J.161 � ITU-T SG 9 Q11/9, Q9/9 2005-10-20
[ 261-GEN ]
Draft reply to liaison concernant work to extend OIDs to provide Object Hierarchical Names � Rapporteurs Q.9/9, Q11/9 Q11/9, Q9/9 2005-10-20
[ 260-GEN ]
Draft liaison reply to LS from SG 16 Chairman (LS 57-16) � Rapporteurs Q.9/9, Q.11/9 Q11/9, Q9/9 2005-10-20
[ 259-GEN ]
Draft liaison response to ITU-T SG 17 Q.4/17 on Security guidance for ITU-T Recommendations � ITU-T SG 9 Q9/9 2005-10-20
[ 258-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation J.178 - IPCablecom CMS to CMS signalling (COM 9-C 34 revised) � Editor for ITU-T revised Rec. J.178 Q9/9 2005-10-20
[ 257-GEN ]
Draft liaison to ITU-R TG 6/9 on draft Recommendation J.exlsdi "Transport of SLDI applications for its expanded hierarchy � WG 8 Chairman Q15/9 2005-10-20
[ 256-GEN ]
Draft liaison to ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 29 on draft Recommendation J.exlsdi "Transport of LSDI applications for its expanded hierarchy" � WG 8 Chairman Q15/9 2005-10-20
[ 255-GEN ]
Draft liaison to ITU-T SG 15 on Home Networking Studies in SG 9 � WG 9 Q10/9 2005-10-20
[ 254-GEN ]
Draft liaison to Q13/15 regarding draft new Recommendation J.dti � Rapporteur Q.8/9 Q8/9 2005-10-20
[ 253-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.dti - DOCSIS Timing Interface Specification (COM 9-D 20 updated) � Rapporteur Q.8/9 Q8/9 2005-10-20
[ 252-GEN ]
Liaison reply to the Video Quality Experts Group � WG 5 Q14/9, Q2/9 2005-10-20
[ 251-GEN ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation J.cal "Calibration methods for constant misalignment of spatial and temporal domains with constant gain and offset" � WG 5 Q14/9, Q2/9 2005-10-20
[ 250-GEN ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation J.tmvq "A Method for a transmitter to monitor video quality at a receiver using transmission error information sent by the receiver" (COM 9-D 31 updated) � WG 5 Q14/9, Q2/9 2005-10-20
[ 249-GEN ]
Reply to LS on Gamma Correction Issues � WG 5 Q14/9, Q2/9 2005-10-20
[ 248-GEN ]
Schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2006 � TSB QALL 2005-10-21
[ 247-GEN ]
Draft Liaison Reply to ITU-T SG 12 on Recommendation Y.1541 (LS 14-12) � Rapporteur for Q.11/9 Q11/9 2005-10-20
[ 246-GEN ]
Liaison from ITU-T SG 9 to ITU-R WP6M on draft new Recommendation J.drm � WG 9 Q10/9 2005-10-21
[ 245-GEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.stb-mi-a: Next Generation Set-top-box Media Independant Architecture � WG 9 Q10/9, Q5/9 2005-10-20
[ 244-GEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.stb-core-a - Next Generation Set-Top-Box Core Architecture (COM 9-D 28 updated) � WG 9 Q10/9, Q5/9 2005-10-20
[ 243-GEN ]
Final list of Participants � TSB QALL 2005-10-20
[ 242-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.drm - High level requirements for a digital rights management bridge to a Home Network � WG 9 Q10/9 2005-10-20
[ 241-GEN ]
SG 17 guidance to TSAG and Study Groups on how ITU-T could strengthen its role in conformance and interoperability testing � ITU-T SG 17 Q9/9 2005-10-20
[ 240-GEN ]
Report and Minutes from SG 9 and SG 12 Joint Rapporteurs Group on Multimedia Quality Assessment (JRG-MMQA) held in Geneva October 18, 2005 � JRG-MMQA Q14/9 2005-10-19
[ 239-GEN ]
Draft LS reply to TSAG (LS01-TSAG) on work on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief and Early Warning and an Action Plan � WG 1 Q9/9 2005-10-19
[ 238-GEN ]
Draft skeleton of new ITU-T Recommendation J.redref - Perceptual video quality measurement techniques for digital cable television in the presence of a reduced reference � WG 5 - Rapporteur Q.2/9 Q2/9 2005-10-19
[ 237-GEN ]
Reply to LS on Closer Working with the Video Coding Experts Group in SG 16 � JRG-MMQA Q14/9 2005-10-19
[ 236-GEN ]

N/A (no se aplica) � Q1/9 2005-10-19
[ 235-GEN ]
Draft Liaison reply to LS from SG 13 on contact point for NGN Release planning � WG 3 Chairman Q1/9 2005-10-19
[ 234-GEN ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation J.exlsdi: Transport of LSDI applications for its expanded hierarchy (COM 9-D 12 updated) � WG 8 Q15/9 2005-10-19
[ 233-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.171.2 - IPCablecom Trunking Gateway Control Protocol (TGCP) Profile 2 (COM 9-D 21 updated) � N/A (no se aplica) � 2005-10-19
[ 232-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.171.1 - IPCablecom trunking gateway control protocol (TGCP) Profile 1 (COM 9-C 29 updated) � Editor for J.171.1 Q9/9 2005-10-19
[ 231-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.171.0 - IPCablecom trunking gateway control protocol (TGCP) Profiles Overview � Editor for ITU-T new Recommendation J.171.0 Q9/9 2005-10-19
[ 230-GEN ]
Draft Liaison reply to LS from SG 11 (Ref.: LS11-11) on draft J.rtav � WG 1 Q11/9 2005-10-19
[ 229-GEN ]
Draft Liaison reply to LS from Q.2/16 (Ref.: LS-AVD2625-16) � WG 1 Q11/9 2005-10-19
[ 228-GEN ]
Draft Liaison statement to TIA TR41 on reply to their Correspondence � WG 1 Q9/9 2005-10-19
[ 227-GEN ]
Accessibility features in SG 9 work � WG 1 QALL 2005-10-19
[ 226-GEN ]
Liaison Reply on Coordination with ITU-T Study Group 9 studies � ITU-R Working Party 6M QALL 2005-10-19
[ 225-GEN ]
Draft liaison from SG 9 to ITU-R WP6P on ITU-R Recommendation BS.1726 � WG 3 Chairman Q7/9, Q1/9 2005-10-20
[ 224-GEN ]
Draft Liaison statement from SG 9 to ITU-R WP6Q on draft new Recommendation J.moni-tv � WG 3 Chairman Q1/9 2005-10-19
[ 223-GEN ]
Draft liaison from SG 9 to ITU-R WP6P on ITU-R Recommendation BS.1726 � WG 3 Chairman Q7/9, Q1/9 2005-10-20
[ 222-GEN ]
Draft liaison statement on the draft new Recommendation J.mcvif-arch - Architecture of multi-channel video signal distribution over IP-based network � WG 3 Chairman Q12/9 2005-10-19
[ 221-GEN ]
Draft Liaison statement from SG 9 to ITU-R WP6M on draft new Recommendation J.mcvif-arch, and Amendment to J.280 � WG 3 Chairman Q12/9, Q7/9 2005-10-19
[ 220-GEN ]
Draft liaison statement on the draft new Recommendation J.mcvif-arch - Architecture of multi-channel video signal distribution over IP-based network � WG 3 Chairman Q12/9 2005-10-19
[ 219-GEN ]
Draft liaison statement from ITU-T SG 9 to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 (MPEG) on draft new Recommendation J.mvod � WG 3 Chairman Q1/9 2005-10-19
[ 218-GEN ]
Draft Liaison statement to SG 12, SG 13 and SG 15 on draft new recommendation J. resil-ipmulti titled "IP network architecture with network layer route diversity providing resilient IP multicast video distribution" � WG 3 Chairman Q12/9, Q1/9 2005-10-19
[ 217-GEN ]
Proposed Amendment to ITU-T Recommendation J.280, Digital Program Insertion: Splicing application programming interface � WG 3 Chairman Q7/9 2005-10-20
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