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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG04 : Documentos de la reuni�n� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG04� ALL�(2005-09-20)�


Gesti�n de las telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2005-09-20 al 2005-09-30

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Cartas Colectivas��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 3 ]
Reuni�n de la Comisi�n de Estudio 4, Ginebra, 20-30 de septiembre 2005 � SG 4 2005-07-25

Contribuciones Tard�as��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 58 ]
Draft Rec. O.iptest: Proposal for a common IP test packet signature � France Telecom Q4/4 2005-09-09
[ 57 ]
Proposed addition to ITU-T Recommendation M.3016.1 � KT Q11/4 2005-09-09
[ 56 ]
Clearing up of draft M.3060 � Siemens Q8/4 2005-09-09
[ 55 ]
Comparison of Ethernet management specifications � Siemens Q10/4 2005-09-09
[ 54 ]
Use case descriptions and analysis for SDH-DLC Network Level Management Interface � Telkom Indonesia Q12/4 2005-09-12
Documentos presentados : 5 de un total de 14� relacionaron a este reuni�n (vea m�s...)

Documentos Temporales��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 161-GEN ]
Final list of participants � TSB QALL 2005-09-29
[ 160-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for Joint Meeting between Question 10/4 and Q 8/4 - Accounting Management � Rapporteur Q10/4 Q8/4, Q10/4 2005-09-28
[ 159-GEN ]
Usage Data Management for Packet-Based Services - Service-Neutral Architecture and Protocol Requirements � SG4 Chairman on behalf of TMOC Q10/4, Q8/4 2005-09-28
[ 158-GEN ]
LS - Final report of NGNMFG � NGN MFG Chair QALL 2005-09-27
[ 157-GEN ]
Proposed Revised NGN Management Focus Group Terms of Reference � SG4 Chairman Q8/4 2005-09-26
Documentos presentados : 5 de un total de 211� relacionaron a este reuni�n (vea m�s...)

Informe��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 9 ]
Report of Working Party 3/4 Meeting � Chairman, WP 3/4 Q1/4, Q10/4, Q9/4 2005-12-12
[ 8 ]
Report of Working Party 2/4 Meeting � Chairman, WP 2/4 Q12/4, Q8/4, Q7/4, Q6/4 2005-12-12
[ 7 ]
Report of Working Party 1/4 Meeting � Chairman, WP 1/4 Q5/4, Q4/4, Q3/4, Q2/4 2005-12-12
[ 6 ]
Report of the Study Group 4 Meeting, Geneva, 20-30 September 2005 � Chairman, SG 4 QALL/4 2005-12-12
[ 5 ]
Report of Working Party 2/4 (Montreal, Canada, 29 July 2005) � Chairman, Working Party 2/4 Q12/4, Q8/4, Q7/4, Q6/4 2005-09-05

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