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Home : ITU-T : SG02 : Meeting�2007-10-30�: Temporary Documents� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-T�SG02� TD-PLEN�(2007-10-30)�


Network service and assessment, and traffic engineering

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2007-10-30 to 2007-11-08

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-242008-09-232008-05-06� [ 2007-10-30 ]� 2007-08-272007-01-302006-05-032005-12-062005-02-16

Results:33 total items.
Temporary Documents �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 127-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 1/2 � Chairman, Working Party 1/2 Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 2007-11-08
[ 126-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Response - Accessibility matters � Acting Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2007-11-07
[ 125-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Proposal for the formation of a JCA � Acting Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2007-11-07
[ 124-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Accessibility of mobile phone control software for blind users � Acting Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2007-11-07
[ 123-PLEN ]
Proposal for Determination of E.212, Annex A, C and D � Editor, E.212 Q1/2 2007-11-07
[ 122-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Bridging the standardization gap � Vice-Chairman, SG2 QALL/2 2007-11-07
[ 121-PLEN ]
Q.1/2 work programme � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2007-11-06
[ 120-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - SG2, Lead Study Group on Service Definition, Numbering, and Routing; Lead Study Group for Telecommunication for Disaster Relief/Early Warning � Chairman, WP 1/2 Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 2007-11-06
[ 119-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Revision of E.212 possible SG3 implications � Editor, E.212 Q1/2 2007-11-06
[ 118-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Proposals for updating NGN requirements in Release 2 � Ad-hoc on numbering requirements for NGN R2 Q1/2 2007-11-06
[ 117-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Proposed liaison to TSAG and SG17 on Future of Numbering � Ad-hoc on Future of Numbering and IdM Q1/2 2007-11-06
[ 116-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Draft Recommendation E.IDs-DEF - Definition of terms used for identifiers (names, numbers, addresses and other identifiers) in telecommunications networks � Editor, E.IDs-DEF QALL/2 2007-11-06
[ 115-PLEN ]
Report of the ad hoc group on IPv6 � Chairman, SG2 QALL/2 2007-11-06
[ 114-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Response - Proposal for draft Amendment to ITU-T Rec. E.115 (2007) � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2007-11-05
[ 113-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Response to ETSI-EMTEL - SIP-based emergency addressing � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2007-11-05
[ 112-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Options for Study Group restructuring � Chairman, SG2 Q1/2 2007-11-01
[ 111-PLEN ]
OUTGOING LS - Proposed amendments to WTSA Resolutions � Chairman, SG2 Q1/2 2007-11-01
[ 110-PLEN ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation E.412.1 (was E.41asrtn) - The assessment for the running status of transport networks (V0.4.1) � Editor, E.41arstn QALL/2 2007-10-24
[ 109-PLEN ]
LS - Action plan of the QoS flagship Group � ITU-T Study Group 12 (Geneva, 2-11 October 2007) QALL/2 2007-10-18
[ 108-PLEN ]
LS - Reply to TSAG and ITU-T Restructuring Correspondence Group � ITU-T Study Group 12 (Geneva, 2-11 October 2007) QALL/2 2007-10-18
[ 107-PLEN ]
LS - reply to TSAG - Creation of ITU-T Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs (TSAG-LS 23) � ITU-T SG4 QALL/2 2007-09-20
[ 106-PLEN ]
LS - Rechartering of the NGN Management Focus Group � ITU-T SG4 QALL/2 2007-09-20
[ 105-PLEN ]
Quality of Services Development Group items of possible interest to Study Group 3 � Chairman, Study Group 2 Quality of Services Development Group (QSDG) QALL/2 2007-08-02
[ 104-PLEN ]
LS - Establishment of a Joint Coordination Activity on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (JCA-CIT) � Chairman, SG17 QALL/2 2007-04-12
[ 103-PLEN ]
LS - Improvement of the Author's Guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations � TSAG (Geneva, 26 February - 1 March 2007) QALL/2 2007-03-19
[ 102-PLEN ]
LS - Creation of ITU-T SG Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs � TSAG (Geneva, 26 February - 1 March 2007) QALL/2 2007-03-12
[ 101-PLEN ]
Origin and Terms of Reference of SNO and QSDG � TSB QALL/2 2007-03-12
[ 100-PLEN ]
LS - Improve the Geographic Distribution of Workshops � TSAG (Geneva, 26 February - 1 March 2007) QALL/2 2007-03-12
[ 99-PLEN ]
LS - PP-06 Results as Strategic guidelines for Workshops � TSAG (Geneva, 26 February - 1 March 2007) QALL/2 2007-03-08
[ 98-PLEN ]
LS to TDAG, ITU-D and ITU-T Study Groups on ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap � TSAG (Geneva, 26 February - 1 March 2007) QALL/2 2007-03-08
[ 97-PLEN ]
Results of consultation with members (TSB Circular 151) � TSB QALL/2 2007-10-23
[ 96-PLEN ]
Draft SG2 Report � TSB QALL/2 2007-10-26
[ 95-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda for SG2 meeting (Geneva, 30 October-8 November 2007) � TSB QALL/2 2007-10-23
Results:33 total items.
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