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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG02 : R�union�2006-05-03�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG02� TD-GEN�(2006-05-03)�


Aspects op�rationnels de la fourniture de services, r�seaux et qualit� de fonctionnement

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2006-05-03 au 2006-05-11

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-242008-09-232008-05-062007-10-302007-08-272007-01-30� [ 2006-05-03 ]� 2005-12-062005-02-16

Resultats:48 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 218-GEN ]
Revised version of E.164 Supplement 2: Number Portability � Editor, Number Portability Supplement Q1/2 2006-05-10
[ 217-GEN ]
Presentation on Electronic Working Methods � SG2 EDH Coordinator QALL 2006-05-09
[ 216-GEN ]
LS - G.hn: Liaison regarding Home Networking transceivers � Rapporteur, Q.4/15 QALL 2006-05-08
[ 215-GEN ]
Contributions related to RFID �
Corrigendum was posted by mistake and has been withdrawn
TSB QALL 2006-05-02
[ 214-GEN ]
List of temporary documents for the current SG2 meeting � TSB QALL 2006-05-02
[ 213-GEN ]
List of white and delayed contributions for the current SG2 meeting � TSB QALL 2006-05-02
[ 212-GEN ]
LS - Draft Recommendation X.cso, Overview of Cybersecurity, and working definition of Cybersecurity � ITU-T SG17 Q4/2, Q1/2 2006-05-02
[ 211-GEN ]
LS - Status of WTSA Resolution 50 Obligations � ITU-T SG17 QALL 2006-05-02
[ 210-GEN ]
LS - Summary of ITU-T Study Groups Security Related Activities � ITU-T SG17 QALL 2006-05-02
[ 209-GEN ]
Useful information to ITU-T SG2 meeting attendants � TSB QALL 2006-05-02
[ 208-GEN ]
LS - Creating Fraud Opportunities through E.164 Resource Misuse � GSMA Fraud Forum Q1/2 2006-05-01
[ 207-GEN ]
Internet Draft on The E.164 to Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) Application for Infrastructure ENUM � TSB Q1/2 2006-04-27
[ 206-GEN ]
LS - NGN Project Management Database � Q.1/13 Rapporteur Group QALL 2006-04-26
[ 205-GEN ]
LS - New working arrangements in SG16 for ETS/TDR/EW and progress report � ITU-T SG16 (Q.20/16) Q1/2 2006-04-26
[ 204-GEN ]
E.164 Country Code for the UN for Telecommunication for Disaster Relief (TDR) � TSB on behalf of UN Q1/2 2006-04-27
[ 203-GEN ]
Reproduction of the text of TSB Circular 80 � TSB QALL 2006-04-24
[ 202-GEN ]
Editorial changes to E.118 suggested by Sweden in COM 2-D 76 and COM 2-D 86 � TSB QALL 2006-04-24
[ 201-GEN ]
Editorial changes to E.156 suggested by Sweden in COM 2 - D 86 � TSB QALL 2006-04-20
[ 200-GEN ]
Editorial changes to E.152 proposed by Sweden in COM 2 - D 86 � TSB QALL 2006-04-20
[ 199-GEN ]
Draft Report: Consumer abuses and fraud issues relating to high tariff services � TSB Q1/2 2006-03-29
[ 198-GEN ]
Draft Report: The future of numbering � TSB Q2/2, Q1/2 2006-03-29
[ 197-GEN ]
Proposed modifications to ITU Constitution � TSB Q1/2 2006-03-29
[ 196-GEN ]
Possible ISO New Work Item on name and address � TSB Q1/2 2006-03-27
[ 195-GEN ]
Internet Draft on Infrastructure ENUM Requirements � TSB Q1/2 2006-03-27
[ 194-GEN ]
A Global Number for all Children � TSB on behalf of Child Helpline International Q1/2 2006-03-16
[ 193-GEN ]
Comments on COM 2-C 22 from Korea on IPv6 Address Allocation for Efficient Routing � TSB on behalf of individuals Q1/2 2006-03-03
[ 192-GEN ]
LS - Requirements and framework for CGOE components � ITU-T SG13 (Geneva, 16-27 January 2006) QALL 2006-02-02
[ 191-GEN ]
LS - NGN and satellite work; and Intersector Coordination Group on Satellite (ICG-SAT) Matters � ITU-T SG13 (Geneva, 16-27 January 2006) QALL 2006-02-02
[ 190-GEN ]
LS - About ETS and TDR � ITU-T SG11 Chairman Q1/2 2006-02-02
[ 189-GEN ]
LS - NGN Protocol Sets � ITU-T SG11 Chairman QALL 2006-02-02
[ 188-GEN ]
IETF RFC 4190 on Framework for Supporting Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) in IP Telephony � TSB Q1/2 2006-02-01
[ 187-GEN ]
Correspondence with ICANN re E.910 (was E.int) �
Public access
TSB QALL 2006-05-02
[ 186-GEN ]
Responses to Circular 64 on extra-territorial use of E.212 MCC+MNC codes � TSB Q1/2 2006-04-20
[ 185-GEN ]
Final list of participants for May 2006 meeting � TSB QALL 2006-05-10
[ 184-GEN ]
Recent updates to the wireless LAN facilities � TSB QALL 2006-04-25
[ 183-GEN ]
Report on activities related to misuse of numbering resources � TSB QALL 2006-04-25
[ 182-GEN ]
Developments with respect to management of Internet Domain Names and Addresses � TSB QALL 2006-04-27
[ 181-GEN ]
Council Highlights (19-28 April 2006) � TSB QALL 2006-05-01
[ 180-GEN ]
Update on Services to Improve Study Group Working Methods Project (IWM) � TSB QALL 2006-05-03
[ 179-GEN ]
Report on numbering issues, including NCT � TSB QALL 2006-04-25
[ 178-GEN ]
Liaison statement matrix � TSB QALL 2006-05-01
[ 177-GEN ]
Results of consultation with members (TSB Circular 65) � TSB QALL 2006-04-25
[ 176-GEN ]
Work programme � TSB QALL 2006-04-25
[ 175-GEN ]
Timetable and room allocation � TSB QALL 2006-04-25
[ 174-GEN ]
Draft Agenda � TSB QALL 2006-04-24
[ 173-GEN ]
Dot arpa TLD management � TSB QALL 2006-01-10
[ 172-GEN ]
Draft SG2 Report � TSB QALL 2006-01-10
[ 171-GEN ]
LS - Application of WTSA Resolution 40 � TSAG meeting (Geneva, 7-11 November 2005) QALL 2006-01-10
Resultats:48 documents
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