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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SSG : Reuni�n�2002-11-04�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SSG� TD-GEN�(2002-11-04)�


IMT-2000 y sistemas posteriores

Periodo de estudios 2001

Reuni�n� del 2002-11-04 al 2002-11-08

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2004-10-012004-04-192003-11-172003-06-02� [ 2002-11-04 ]� 2002-05-21� 2002-02-20� 2001-08-30� 2001-05-07� 2000-12-11�

Resultados :38 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 38-GEN ]
Joint Session of WP1 & WP3/SSG: a Report � Acting WP3/SSG Chairman Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2002-11-08
[ 37-GEN ]
ETSI Workshop on Multi Services Network Technologies &Standardization for the NGN Environment � SSG Vice Chairman QALL/SSG 2002-11-08
[ 36-GEN ]
Joint Session Report of Q.2/SSG, Q.6/SSG & Q.7/SSG � Q.2/SSG Rapporteur, Q.6/SSG Rapporteur Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-08
[ 35-GEN ]
Report on SG-13/SSG Information Sharing Session on NGN. � Rapporteur for Q.6/SSG Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-06
[ 34-GEN ]
Questions and Issues during the joint session with ITU-T SG13 � TSB Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-06
[ 33-GEN ]
Q.5/13 Rapporteur presentation at the joint session with ITU-T SG13 � TSB Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-06
[ 32-GEN ]
SG 13 Vice Chairman presentation at the joint session with ITU-T SG13 � TSB Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-06
[ 31-GEN ]
Q.1/13 Rapporteur presentation at the joint session with ITU-T SG13 � TSB Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-06
[ 30-GEN ]
Report of Regional ITU-BDT Seminar on IMT-2000 in Abidjan, C�te d'Ivoire � SSG Vice-Chairman and IMT-2000 BDT Focal Point QALL/SSG 2002-11-06
[ 29-GEN ]
Proposed agenda for the joint session of Q.2/SSG and Q.7/SSG meeting. � WP3/SSG Vice-Chairman Q7/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-05
[ 28-GEN ]
Q.2/SSG Rapporteur presentation at the joint session with ITU-T SG13 � Q.2/SSG Rapporteur Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-05
[ 27-GEN ]
Sub-Regional ITU Seminar on IMT-2000 in Russia � SSG Vice-Chairman QALL/SSG 2002-11-04
[ 26-GEN ]
Link to the OMA presentation to 3GPP � SSG Vice-Chairman QALL/SSG 2002-11-04
[ 25-GEN ]
Resolution Plen/2 (Marrakesh, 2002)Strengthening the role of ITU in information and communication network security � TSB QALL/SSG 2002-11-04
[ 24-GEN ]
Document list for joint Q.2/SSG and Q.6/SSG meeting � Rapporteur for Q.6/SSG Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-05
[ 23-GEN ]
IMT-2000 and emergency telecommunications services � ITU IMT-2000 Project Manager* Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q4/SSG, Q1/SSG 2002-11-01
[ 22-GEN ]
New Question on Use of Public Telecommunication Services for Emergency and Disaster Relief Operations � ITU-T Study Group 16 Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q4/SSG, Q1/SSG 2002-10-30
[ 21-GEN ]
Response to liaison statement on request for status of Recommendations in the H.500 series � ITU-T Study Group 16 Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-30
[ 20-GEN ]
3GPP2 Harmonization report � WP3/SSG Chairman Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-07
[ 19-GEN ]
Liaison statement concerning SG11 activities relating to the SG13 planned "NGN Project" (carried-over from Ottawa meeting) � ITU-T SG 11 meeting (Geneva, 18/02-01/03/2002) Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-30
[ 18-GEN ]
Proposed agenda for session with SG-13 on NGN � Rapporteur for Q.6/SSG Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-30
[ 17-GEN ]
Notes on 3GPP PCG and OP Meetings, 3-4 October 2002 (MobileIP) � SSG Chairman Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-30
[ 16-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Q.8/SSG meeting in Geneva � Rapporteur for Q.8/SSG Q8/SSG 2002-11-04
[ 15-GEN ]
Draft agenda for joint Q.2/Q.6 meeting � Rapporteurs for Q.2/SSG and Q.6/SSG Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-28
[ 14-GEN ]
Report on the Q.2/SSG and Q.6/SSG Joint Rapporteurs' meeting (Seoul, 9-13 September 2002) � Rapporteurs for Q.2/SSG AND Q.6/SSG Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-28
[ 13-GEN ]
Draft Q.6/SSG output document � Co-Editors Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-07
[ 12-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for WP3/SSG Meeting (Geneva, 4 - 8 November 2002) � WP3/SSG Chairman Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-28
[ 11-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to ITU-D Study Group 2, ITU-T SSG and ITU-R WP 8A Strategy for migration of mobile networks to IMT-2000 and beyond � ITU-R WP 8F (25 Sept. -02. October 2002, Geneva) Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q5/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-11-01
[ 10-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to ITU-T Study Group 12 (Copied to THE ITU-T SSG and ITU-T SG 13 for information) - Updated text of Recommendation M.1079 on QoS � ITU-R WP 8F (25 Sept. -02. October 2002, Geneva) Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q1/SSG 2002-10-24
[ 9-GEN ]
SSG's role in the area of M-Commerce / e-Business � SSG Chairman, WP1/SSG Chairman Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q1/SSG 2002-10-23
[ 8-GEN ]
Report of Rapporteur's group meeting on Question 18/2 (3 September 2002) � BDT Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q5/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-23
[ 7-GEN ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 8F, ITU-T SSG and ITU-D SG 2 � ITU-R WP 8A (September, 2002 meeting, Geneva) Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q5/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-23
[ 6-GEN ]
Information on the Workshop on Satellites in IP and Multimedia, 9-11 December 2002, Geneva � TSB QALL/SSG 2002-10-23
[ 5-GEN ]
Request for up-dating of the Work Plan for Intersector Coordination Group on satellite matters � TSB Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q4/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2002-10-23
[ 4-GEN ]
Liaison statement from ITU-D SG2 to ITU-T SSG , ITU-R WP 8A AND 8F � ITU-D Study Group 2 Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q5/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2002-10-22
[ 3-GEN ]
Reply to Liaison statement from ITU-T Special Study Group (WP 3) � ITU-D SG 2 Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q5/SSG, Q2/SSG 2002-10-22
[ 2-GEN ]
Wireless LAN installation in ITU premises � TSB QALL/SSG 2002-10-22
[ 1-GEN ]
Revision of ITU-T Recommendation G.114 � ITU-T Study Group 12, Geneva, 27-31 May 2002 Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2002-10-15
Resultados :38 documentos
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