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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG11 : R�union�2003-09-01�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG11� TD-PLEN�(2003-09-01)�


Sp�cifications et protocoles de signalisation

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2003-09-01 au 2003-09-12

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-03-01� [ 2003-09-01 ]� 2002-11-11� 2002-02-18� 2001-07-02� 2001-05-14� 2001-03-21� 2000-11-27�

Resultats:47 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 47-PLEN ]
WP3/11 meeting report � WP3/11 Chairman (A. Le Roux) Q16/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2003-09-12
[ 46-PLEN ]
WP3/11 Documents Roadmap for SG11 Plenary � WP3/11 Chairman (A. Le Roux) Q10/11, Q11/11, Q12/11, Q16/11 2003-09-12
[ 45-PLEN ]
SG 11 WP3/11 Work Programme update � WP3/11 Chairman (A. Le Roux) Q16/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2003-09-12
[ 44-PLEN ]
WP3/11 Liaisons External to Study Group 11 � WP3/11 Chairman (A. Le Roux) QALL/11 2003-09-12
[ 43-PLEN ]
A.5 documentation for approval of Q.1912.SIP � Associate Rapporteur (T. Taylor) QALL/11 2003-09-12
[ 42-PLEN ]
Draft Q.1912.SIP � Acting Editor (C. Hogg) Q11/11, QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 41-PLEN ]
WP4/11 Document Roadmap for SG11 Plenary � WP4/11 Chairperson (K. Waber) Q13/11, Q14/11, Q15/11 2003-09-11
[ 40-PLEN ]
Report of the meeting of WP4/11 � WP4/11 Chairperson (K. Waber) Q13/11, Q14/11, Q15/11 2003-09-11
[ 39-PLEN ]
Draft New Recommendation Q.2920 � Editor (G. Koleyni) Q12/11, Q8/11, QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 38-PLEN ]
Deletion of Q.10xx-series recommendations � SG 11 QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 37-PLEN ]
Proposed texts for new Questions N1, N2 and N3/11 � SG 11 QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 36-PLEN ]
Draft Report of the SG11 Plenary � SG 11 Chairman (Y. Hiramatsu) QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 35-PLEN ]
WP2/11 Work Programme (output) � WP2/11 Vice-Chairman QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 34-PLEN ]
WP1/11 part I Report � WP1/11 Vice Chairman (J. Humphrey) QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 33-PLEN ]
WP1/11 Work Programme Output � WP1/11 Vice Chairman QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 32-PLEN ]
WP1/11 Liaisons Exteranl to Study Group 11 � WP1/11 Vice Chairman (J. Humphrey) QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 31-PLEN ]
WP2/11 Document Roadmap for SG11 Plenary � WP2/11 Chairman Q6/11, Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-09-11
[ 30-PLEN ]
Liaison Statements and Communications (WP4/11) � WP4/11 Chairperson (K. Waber) Q13/11, Q15/11 2003-09-11
[ 29-PLEN ]
WP4/11 Work Programme (input) � WP4/11 Chairperson (K. Waber) Q15/11, Q14/11, Q13/11 2003-09-11
[ 28-PLEN ]
Proposed Workplan for SG11 Meeting in March 2004 � SG11 Vice Chairperson QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 27-PLEN ]
Proposed terms of Reference for Interim Q8/11 Rapporteur Meeting � WP2/11 Chairperson Q8/11 2003-09-11
[ 26-PLEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation Q.2630.3 AAL type 2 Signalling Protocol (Capability Set 3) � Editor (P. Schicker) Q15/11, QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 25-PLEN ]
Technical report TRQ.2000:Roadmap for the TRQ.2xxx-series technical reports � SG11 Vice Chairman QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 24-PLEN ]
Draft Supplement 46 � Editor (G. Koleyni) Q12/11, Q8/11, QALL/11 2003-09-11
[ 23-PLEN ]
[ 22-PLEN ]
Proposed Output Liaisons Originated by WP2/11 Sessions � WP2/11 Chairperson Q6/11, Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-09-11
[ 21-PLEN ]
WP 2/11 Part I Report � WP2/11 Chairperson Q9/11, Q8/11, Q7/11, Q6/11 2003-09-11
[ 20-PLEN ]
Qualifying criteria for referencing IETF documents in Q.2631.1 � N/A � 2003-09-10
[ 19-PLEN ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation Q.2631.1 � Editor (I. Rytina) Q15/11, QALL/11 2003-09-10
[ 18-PLEN ]
Draft New ITU-T Recommendation Q.2632.1 � Editor (B. Pfeil) Q15/11, QALL/11 2003-09-10
[ 17-PLEN ]
Draft TRQ.2415 � Editor (L. Graf) Q9/11, QALL/11 2003-09-10
[ 16-PLEN ]
Draft TRQ.2402 � Editor (L. Graf) Q9/11, QALL/11 2003-09-10
[ 15-PLEN ]
Draft New Technical Report TRQ.2800 � Editor (B. Pfeil) Q9/11, QALL/11 2003-09-10
[ 14-PLEN ]
Proposed Output Liaisons Originated by SG11 Coordination Sessions � SG11 Vice Chairman QALL/11 2003-09-10
[ 13-PLEN ]
Discussion Report of the SG 11 Coordination Session Held 8 September 2003 (Draft) � SG 11 Vice-Chairperson QALL/11 2003-09-09
[ 12-PLEN ]
Amendment 3 to Q.2111 � WP4/11 Chairman (K. Waber) Q13/11 2003-09-09
[ 11-PLEN ]
Draft NCAP/NGN Session Report � NCAP/NGN Sess. Chairs (A. Le Roux, J. Dobrowolski) QALL/11 2003-09-04
[ 10-PLEN ]
TSB Director's 2003 Informal Forum Summit -Output and list of participants � TSB QALL/11 2003-08-05
[ 9-PLEN ]
Liaison Statement - Correspondence Group on 'Time-E' � TSAG (GVA. 24-28 February 2003) QALL/11 2003-03-25
[ 8-PLEN ]
Liaison on Regional Balance to ITU-T meetings � TSAG (GVA. 24-28 February 2003) QALL/11 2003-03-25
[ 7-PLEN ]
Liaison on use of mandatory terms such as "shall" or "must" in ITU-T Recommendations � TSAG (GVA 24-28 February 2003) QALL/11 2003-03-25
[ 6-PLEN ]
Liaison on Procedures for Study Group Questions � TSAG (GVA 24-28 February 2003) QALL/11 2003-03-25
[ 5-PLEN ]
Liaison Statement - ToR and action plan for the "ITU-T SGs Restructuring" Group � TSAG (24-28 February 2003) QALL/11 2003-03-25
[ 4-PLEN ]
Liaison Statement - SG 9 Reply to TSAG on Restructuring of Study Groups (LS02-TSAG) � SG9 (April 2003) QALL/11, QALL/9 2003-04-08
[ 3-PLEN ]
Hard and Soft copies to tbe handed to TSB secretariat before leaving; guidelines for preparing Recommendation texts, Liaisons/Transmittal and SG11 Work Programme � TSB QALL/11 2003-08-08
[ 2-PLEN ]
List of PL/11 Series Temporary Documents �
Rev. 1 - updated list (05.09.03) Rev. 2 - updated list (11.09.03), available only electronically
TSB QALL/11 2003-09-01
[ 1-PLEN ]
Proposed Draft Agenda � TSB QALL/11 2003-09-01
Resultats:47 documents
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