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English |
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616321 octetos |
2000-11-15 |
[68]�- LM Ericsson (Q6/11, 12/11, 13/11, 21/11, BICC/11): Signalling requirements for the support of the call bearer control interface (TRQ.xxx) |
Documento :
(Periodo de estudios 2001)�
Contribuci�n Tard�a�
T�tulo :
Signalling requirements for the support of the call bearer control interface (TRQ.xxx)
Recibido en :
Origen :
LM Ericsson
AI/Cuesti�n :
Q12/11, Q13/11, Q20/11, Q21/11, Q6/11, QBICC/11
Disponibilidad :
Restringido a usuarios de TIES�[UIT-T]