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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CL : Reuni�n�2021-06-08�: Documentos de informaci�n� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-SG�CL� INF�(2021-06-08)�


Reuni�n de 2021 del Consejo

Reuni�n� del 2021-06-08 al 2021-06-18

Lugar : Virtual Event

Otras reuniones : N/A (no se aplica)

Resultados :14 documentos
Documentos de informaci�n��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 15 ]
Executive summary of ITU culture and skills project � SG 2021-06-02
[ 13 ]
MSAG: Review of document C21/77 � MSAG 2021-05-25
[ 12 ]
Business continuity - New ITU website � SG 2021-05-06
[ 11 ]
Overview of the ITU compliance dashboard � SG 2021-04-13
[ 10 ]
Situation of arrears of the Union � SG 2021-04-13
[ 9 ]
Additional information on Unfunded Critical Activities � SG 2021-03-29
[ 8 ]
Proposed improvements for the Plenipotentiary Conference - Compilation of proposals received from Member States as a response to CL-19/57 � SG 2021-03-03
[ 7 ]
Working group on internal controls - Follow up to Council 2021 Working Group on Internal Controls - Follow up to Council 2021 Working Group on Internal Controls - Follow up to Council 2021 � SG 2021-03-03
[ 6 ]
Strengthening the regional presence � SG 2021-03-03
[ 5 ]
Human Resources reporting and statistics � N/A (no se aplica) � 2021-03-03
[ 4 ]
UN-SWAP report card 2018 and 2019 � SG 2021-03-03
[ 3 ]
ITU Council contribution to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) � SG 2021-03-03
[ 2 ]
Collaboration with the UN system � SG 2021-03-03
[ 1 ]
Tasks and functions of the Deputy Secretary-General � SG 2021-03-03
Resultados :14 documentos
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