Administrative Documents�� |
[ 87 ]
(Rev.2)� |
Draft agenda for the closing plenary of the twenty-ninth meeting of Working Party 5C - Closing session - Wednesday, 17 May 2023, at 1400 hours Merida Time
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2023-05-16 |
[ 86 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft agenda for the first meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz - Wednesday, 10 May 2023 at 1545 hours Merida time (Room KABAH)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2023-05-11 |
[ 85 ]
(Rev.3)� |
Draft agenda for the fourth meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Tuesday, 16 May 2023 at 1045 hours Merida time (Room KABAH)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2023-05-10 |
[ 84 ]
(Rev.3)� |
Draft agenda for the third meeting of Working Group 5C-1 - Thursday, 11 May 2023, 1045-1200 hours Merida Time (Room KABAH)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-1
� |
2023-05-09 |
[ 83 ]
(Rev.5)� |
Draft agenda for Working Group 5C-3 closing meeting - Systems above 85 GHz and interdisciplinary topics - Merida, Mexico, 9-18 May 2023 - 16 May 2023 meeting - 17 May 2023 meeting
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-3
� |
2023-05-08 |
[ 82 ]
� |
Draft schedule for the twenty-ninth meeting of Working Party 5C and assignment of contributions
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2023-05-05 |
[ 81 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft agenda for the Opening Plenary of the twenty-ninth meeting of Working Party 5C - Tuesday, 9 May 2023, at 1045 hours Merida time
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2023-05-05 |
[ 80 ]
(Rev.7)� |
Common schedule for the twenty-ninth meetings of Working Parties 5A and 5C (9-18 May 2023)
� |
Chairmen, WPs 5A and 5C
� |
2023-05-04 |
[ 79 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the fourth and fifth meetings of the Ad Hoc WPs 5A/5C (Topic 9.1c) / Question 215) - Tuesday, 22 November and Wednesday, 23 November 2022, at 1400 hours Geneva time (CICG - Pl�ni�re F)
� |
Chairman, Ad Hoc WPs 5A/5C topic 9.1 c)
� |
2022-11-21 |
[ 78 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft agenda for the closing Plenary of the twenty-eighth meeting of Working Party 5C - Final session - Thursday, 24 November 2022, at 1400 hours (physical meeting with remote attendance) (Room Popov, ITU Tower)
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2022-11-18 |
[ 77 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the second meeting of the Ad Hoc WG 5A/5C (Topic 9.1.c/Question 215) - Thursday, 17 November 2022, at 1545 hours Geneva time (ITU-Tower Room C2)
� |
Chairman, Ad Hoc WPs 5A/5C topic 9.1 c)
� |
2022-11-17 |
[ 76 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the meeting of the Ad Hoc WG5A/5C (Topic 9.1.c/Question 215) - Wednesday, 16 November 2022, at 1045 hours Geneva time (ITU-Tower Room C1)
� |
Chairman, Ad Hoc WPs 5A/5C topic 9.1 c)
� |
2022-11-16 |
[ 75 ]
(Rev.3)� |
Draft agenda for the third meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz - Tuesday, 22 November 2022 at 1545 hours (Room C1, Tower)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2022-11-15 |
[ 74 ]
(Rev.3-4)� |
Draft agenda for the forth meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 900 hours Geneva time (ITU Tower, Room C1)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2022-11-14 |
[ 73 ]
(Rev.3)� |
Draft agenda for the fifth meeting of Working Group 5C-1 - Monday, 21 November 2022, 1545-1700 hours (Room C1)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-1
� |
2022-11-14 |
[ 72 ]
(Rev.7)� |
Draft agenda for Working Group 5C-3 meetings - Systems above 86 GHz and interdisciplinary topics - Monday, 14 - Thursday, 24 November 2022
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-3
� |
2022-11-14 |
[ 71 ]
� |
Draft schedule for the twenty-eighth meeting of Working Party 5C and assignment of contributions
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2022-11-10 |
[ 70 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the opening Plenary of the twenty-eighth meeting of Working Party 5C - Monday, 14 November 2022, at 1400 hours Geneva time
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2022-11-10 |
[ 69 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the joint meeting of Working Parties 5A and 5C - Thursday, 2 June 2022, at 1430 hours, Geneva time (CICG, Room A)
� |
Chairmen, WPs 5A and 5C
� |
2022-06-02 |
[ 68 ]
� |
Draft Agenda for the sixth meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Thursday, 2 June 2022 at 0900 hours, Geneva Time (CICG, Room Pl�ni�re C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2022-06-01 |
[ 67 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the fourth and fifth meetings of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz - Wednesday, 1 June 2022 at 1300 hours (CICG - Pl�ni�re C) - Thursday, 2 June 2022 at 1040 hours (CICG - Pl�ni�re C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2022-06-01 |
[ 66 ]
� |
Draft Agenda for the fifth meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Wednesday, 1 June 2022 at 0900 hours Geneva time (CICG, Room Pl�ni�re C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2022-05-31 |
[ 65 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the third meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz - Tuesday, 31 May 2022 at 1300 hours (CICG - Pl�ni�re C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2022-05-31 |
[ 64 ]
� |
Draft Agenda for the fourth meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Tuesday, 31 May 2022, at 0900 hours Geneva time (CICG, Pl�ni�re C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2022-05-30 |
[ 63 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the third meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Monday, 30 May 2022 at 0900 hours Geneva time (CICG - Pl�ni�re C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2022-05-27 |
[ 62 ]
(Rev.2)� |
Draft agenda for the closing plenary of the twenty-seventh meeting of Working Party 5C - Friday, 27 May 2022, at 1600 hours (physical meeting with remote attendance)
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2022-05-27 |
[ 61 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the second meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz - Wednesday, 25 May 2022 at 1430 hours (Room C, Tower)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2022-05-25 |
[ 60 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the second meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Wednesday, 25 May 2022, at 0900 hours Geneva Time (ITU Tower, Room C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2022-05-24 |
[ 59 ]
� |
Draft Agenda for the first meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 0900 hours Geneva time (ITU Tower Room C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2022-05-23 |
[ 58 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the first meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz - Monday, 23 May 2022 at 1600 hours (Room C, Tower)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2022-05-23 |
[ 57 ]
(Rev.5)� |
Draft Agenda for the first meeting of Working Group 5C-1 - Monday, 23 May 2022 at 1430-1545 hours (Tower Room C)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-1
� |
2022-05-23 |
[ 56 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft agenda for the meeting of the Ad Hoc WG5A/5C (Topic 9.1.c)) - Monday, 23 May 2022, at 1300 hours Geneva time (ITU Tower, Popov)
� |
Chairmen, Ad Hoc WG5A/5C
� |
2022-05-23 |
[ 55 ]
(Rev.6)� |
Draft agenda for Working Group 5C-3 meetings - Systems above 86 GHz and interdisciplinary topics (25 May - 3 June 2022)
� |
WG 5C-3
� |
2022-05-23 |
[ 54 ]
� |
Draft schedule for the twenty-seventh meeting of Working Party 5C and assignment of contributions
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2022-05-20 |
[ 53 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft agenda for the opening Plenary of the twenty-seventh meeting of Working Party 5C - Monday, 23 May 2022 at 1100 hours (Geneva time)
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2022-05-20 |
[ 52 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft agenda for the closing plenary of the twenty-sixth meeting of Working Party 5C - Thursday, 25 November 2021, at 1510 hours, Friday, 26 November 2021, at 1200 hours
� |
Interim Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2021-11-25 |
[ 51 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the fourth meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2021-11-25 |
[ 50 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the third meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Wednesday, 24 November 2021 at 1510 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2021-11-24 |
[ 49 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the meeting of the Ad Hoc WG5A/5C (Topic 9.1.c)) - Wednesday, 24 November 2021, at 1335 hours Geneva time
� |
Chairmen, Ad Hoc WG5A/5C
� |
2021-11-24 |
[ 48 ]
� |
Draft Agenda for the second meeting of Working Group 5C-4 - Tuesday, 23 November 2021 at 1200 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-4
� |
2021-11-23 |
[ 47 ]
� |
Draft Agenda for the fourth meeting of Working Group 5C-1 - Monday, 22 November 2021, at 1510 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-1
� |
2021-11-22 |
[ 46 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the third meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz - Monday, 22 November 2021 at 1200 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2021-11-22 |
[ 45 ]
� |
Draft Agenda for the third meeting of Working Group 5C-1 - Friday, 19 November 2021 at 1510 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-1
� |
2021-11-19 |
[ 44 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the interim plenary of the twenty-sixth meeting of Working Party 5C - Friday, 19 November 2021, at 1510 hours
� |
Chairman, WP 5C
� |
2021-11-19 |
[ 43 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft agenda for the meeting of the Ad Hoc WG5A/5C Topic 9.1.c) - Friday, 19 November 2021, at 1200 hours Geneva time (Virtual Room 1)
� |
Chairmen, Ad Hoc WG5A/5C
� |
2021-11-19 |
[ 42 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the second meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Draft agenda for the second meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 1510 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2021-11-17 |
[ 41 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the second meeting of Working Group 5C-1 - Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 1335 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-1
� |
2021-11-17 |
[ 40 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft agenda for the meeting of the Ad Hoc WG5A/5C topic 9.1.c) - Tuesday, 16 November 2021, at 0910 hours Geneva time (Virtual Room 1)
� |
WPs 5A and 5C
� |
2021-11-16 |
[ 39 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the first meeting of Working Group 5C-2 - Systems above 3 GHz and up to 86 GHz - Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 1200 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-2
� |
2021-11-16 |
[ 38 ]
� |
Draft Agenda for the first meeting of Working Group 5C-1 - Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 1335 hours (Virtual Room 3)
� |
Chairman, WG 5C-1
� |
2021-11-16 |
Results:87 total items. Result page:�
1 -
� |
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