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Land mobile service above 30 MHz*(excluding IMT); wireless access in the fixed service; amateur and amateur-satellite services

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 847 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 3/1 to ITU-R WP5A, WP5D and 6A (Disaster relief liaison rapporteur) - ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 3/1: The use of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster risk reduction and management � ITU-D SG1 - Q3/1 2023-11-06
[ 846 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 3/1 to ITU-T Study Group 11 and to ITU-R Working Party 5A for disaster relief - ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 3/1:The use of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster risk reduction and management � ITU-D SG 1 - Q3/1 2023-11-06
[ 845 ]
Liaison statement on initiation of new work item ITU-T Q.Req_Frame_RRDN "Requirements and framework for rapid response to sudden natural disasters in network" � ITU-T SG11 2023-10-27
[ 844 ]
Liaison statement on request to provide the standardization status for metaverse-related technologies � ITU-T FG-MV 2023-10-19
[ 843 ]
Reply liaison statement to CCT (copy for information to Study Group 6 and Working Parties 1B, 3J, 3K, 3M, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7B and 7C) � WP 7D 2023-10-19
[ 842 ]
Liaison statement on definition of metaverse � ITU-T FG-MV 2023-10-19
[ 841 ]
Liaison statement on request to provide the standardization status for metaverse cross-platform interoperability � ITU-T FG-MV 2023-10-19
[ 840 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 1A - (Copy to Working Parties 4C, 5A, 5D, 7C for information) - Beam Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) � WP 7D 2023-10-17
[ 839 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 4 and 5, and ITU-T Study Groups 9, 12, 16 and 20, and ITU-D Study Group 1 and to Academia Members of the ITU and Regional, International and External Organizations - New ITU-R Report introducing a framework for the future of broadcasting � ITU-R SG 6 2023-10-10
[ 838 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5A - Definition of utility radiocommunications systems � CCT 2023-10-06
[ 837 ]
Report on the thirtieth meeting of Working Party 5A (Geneva, 13 - 22 September 2023) � Chair, WP 5A 2023-09-22
[ 836 ]
Final List of participants Working Party 5A (Geneva, 13 - 22 September 2023) � Director, BR 2023-09-22
[ 835 ]
Report on disaster relief � Disaster Relief Liaison Rapporteur 2023-09-18
[ 834 ]
Report on relevant activities in certain countries in Region 3 � Liaison Rapporteur 2023-09-18
[ 833 ]
Report on relevant activities in certain countries in Region 1 � Liaison Rapporteur 2023-09-14
[ 832 ]
Report on relevant activities in certain countries in Region 2 � Liaison Rapporteur 2023-09-13
[ 831 ]
List of documents issued (Documents 5A/769 - 5A/832) � BR, Study Groups Department 2023-09-12
[ 830 ]
Reply liaison statement to CISPR/H (copy for information or action to Working Parties 4A and 7D on Question 6) (copy for information to Study Group 1 and Working Parties 1A and 5A) � WP 6A 2023-09-11
[ 829 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 5A and 5C regarding the ENG Webpage � WP 6A 2023-09-08
[ 828 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 5A - Revision of Resolution ITU-R 59-2 � WP 6A 2023-09-08
[ 827 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 5A - Revision of Resolution ITU-R 55-3 - ITU-R studies of disaster prediction, detection, mitigation and relief � WP 6A 2023-09-08
[ 826 ]
Proposed revisions to the preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] - Guidance on technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the amateur and amateur-satellite service in order to protect the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) � Germany (Federal Republic of) AI9.1B) 2023-09-06
[ 825 ]
Completion of the preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1450-5 - Characteristics of broadband radio local area networks � Mexico 2023-09-06
[ 824 ]
Proposal to elevate a "preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.2442-0" on current and future usage of railway radiocommunication systems between train and trackside to a "draft new Report ITU-R M.2442-0" � China (People's Republic of) 2023-09-06
[ 823 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R M.2282-0 - Systems for public mobile communications with aircraft � China (People's Republic of) 2023-09-06
[ 822 ]
Proposed modification to working document towards a draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] - Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) � China (People's Republic of) Q261/5 2023-09-06
[ 821 ]
Proposed modification on radiocommunication technologies that support CAV in the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] - Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) � China (People's Republic of) Q261/5 2023-09-06
[ 820 ]
Proposed modification on port automated vehicles use case in the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] - Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) � China (People's Republic of) Q261/5 2023-09-06
[ 819 ]
Proposal on upgrade the working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1763-1 � China (People's Republic of) 2023-09-06
[ 818 ]
Proposed modifications to the preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] � China (People's Republic of) AI9.1B) 2023-09-06
[ 817 ]
Proposal on the modification of the working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1450-5 � China (People's Republic of) 2023-09-06
[ 816 ]
Contribution to Annex 6 of the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[UTILITIES] - Utility radiocommunication systems � France 2023-09-06
[ 815 ]
Contribution to Annex 6 of the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[UTILITIES] - Utility Radiocommunication Systems � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q37-6/5 2023-09-06
[ 814 ]
Proposed update of the guide to the use of ITU-R texts relating to the land mobile service, including wireless access in the fixed service � Chairman, WP 5A 2023-09-06
[ 813 ]
Proposals for the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] � Qualcomm, Inc. 2023-09-06
[ 812 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RSTT_FRQ ] � Inter-American Telecommunication Commission 2023-09-05
[ 811 ]
Proposed modification to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[LMS.SPEC.NEED.ABOVE.275 GHZ] - Spectrum needs for land-mobile service applications in the frequency above 275 GHz � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) , Waseda University 2023-09-05
[ 810 ]
Proposed modifications to the preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] - Guidance on technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the amateur and amateur-satellite service in order to protect the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) � France , Korea (Republic of) AI9.1B) 2023-09-05
[ 809 ]
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[AMATEUR.CHARACTERISTICS] - Amateur and amateur-satellite services characteristics and usage in the 1 240-1 300 MHz frequency band � France AI9.1B) 2023-09-05
[ 808 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Question ITU-R [ITS-CAV-MMW]/5 - Studies related to its, CAV and MMW � Korea (Republic of) Q261/5 2023-09-05
[ 807 ]
Proposed updates to the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[UTILITIES] - Utility radiocommunication systems operating in the land mobile service � Korea (Republic of) 2023-09-05
[ 806 ]
Proposed modifications of Question ITU-R 263/5 - Studies related to the further development of RSTT � Korea (Republic of) Q263/5 2023-09-05
[ 805 ]
Proposed modifications to the working document towards a new preliminary draft of Recommendation ITU-R M.[RSTT_FRQ] - Harmonization of spectrum for existing and future Railway Radiocommunication Systems between Train and Trackside (RSTT) within the frequency bands allocated to the mobile service � Korea (Republic of) 2023-09-05
[ 804 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] - Guidance on technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the amateur and amateur-satellite service in order to protect the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) � International Amateur Radio Union AI9.1B) 2023-09-04
[ 803 ]
Proposed modifications to preliminary draft new Question ITU-R [FUTURE-ITS-CAV]/5 � Japan 2023-09-05
[ 802 ]
Proposed modifications to preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] - Connected Automated Vehicles � Japan Q261/5 2023-09-05
[ 801 ]
Consideration of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] - Guidance on technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the amateur and amateur-satellite service in order to protect the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) � Japan AI9.1B) 2023-09-05
[ 800 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS.GUIDANCE] � Inter-American Telecommunication Commission AI9.1B) 2023-09-04
[ 799 ]
IEEE 802'S views on Annex 17 to Document 5A/597 � Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 2023-09-04
[ 798 ]
Proposed modification to Annex 10 to Document 5A/769 (Recommendation ITU-R M.1801-2) � Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 2023-09-04
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