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Land mobile service above 30 MHz*(excluding IMT); wireless access in the fixed service; amateur and amateur-satellite services

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Administrative Documents��Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 222 ]
Draft agenda for the Closing Plenary meeting of Working Party 5A - Friday, 22 September 2023, at 1400 hours (CICG Room A) � Chair, WP 5A 2023-09-22
[ 221 ]
Draft agenda for the closing session of Working Group 5A-4 - Friday, 22 September 2023, at 1045-1200 hours (Geneva time) (CICG, Plenary A) � Chair, WG 5A-4 2023-09-22
[ 220 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th meeting of Working Group 5A-5 - Friday, 22 September 2023, at 0900 hours Geneva time (CICG, Pl�ni�re A ) � Chair, WG 5A-5 2023-09-22
[ 219 ]
Draft agenda for the interim plenary meeting of Working Party 5A - Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 1545 hours (CICG Plenary B) � Chair, WP 5A 2023-09-21
[ 218 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Working Group 5A-5 - Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 1400 hours Geneva time Plenary C (CICG) � Chair, WG 5A-5 2023-09-21
[ 217 ]
Draft agenda for the sixth meeting of Working Group 5A-2 - Thursday, 21 September 2023, at 1400 hours (Room Pl�ni�re B, CICG) � Chair, WG 5A-2 2023-09-21
[ 216 ]
Draft agenda for the 7th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5 (DG-CAV), followed by WG 5A-5 - Thursday, 21 September 2023, at 1400 hours (Geneva time) (CICG, Pl�ni�re C) � Chair, DG 5A, DG-CAV 2023-09-21
[ 215 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of Working Group 5A-5 - Thursday, 21 September 2023, at 0900 hours Geneva time - Plenary C (CICG) � Chair, WG 5A-5 2023-09-21
[ 214 ]
Draft agenda for the fifth meeting of Working Group 5A-2 - Thursday, 21 September 2023, at 0900 hours (CICG, Pl�ni�re B) � Chair, WG 5A-2 2023-09-20
[ 213 ]
[Draft] agenda for the final session of Working Group 5A-3 (Mission Critical Applications) - Thursday, 21 September 2023 in Period 2 (1045-1200) (CICG "Plenary B" or Zoom Virtual Room) � Chair, WG 5A-3 2023-09-20
[ 212 ]
Draft agenda for the 6th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5 (DG-CAV) - Wednesday, 20 September 2023, at 1545 hours (Geneva time) (CICG, Pl�ni�re C) � Chair, DG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-09-20
[ 211 ]
Draft agenda for the 5th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5 (DG-CAV) - Wednesday, 20 September 2023, at 1400 hours (Geneva time) - Plenary C (CICG) � Chair, DG 5A-5 DG-CAV 2023-09-20
[ 210 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5 (DG-CAV) - Wednesday, 20 September 2023, at 1045 hours (Geneva time) - Plenary C (CICG) � Chair, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-09-20
[ 209 ]
Draft agenda for the second meeting of Sub-Working Group WAS (Wireless Access Systems) - Wednesday, 20 September 2023, at 1045 hours (CCV Room Geneva) � Chair, SWG WAS 2023-09-20
[ 208 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5 (DG-CAV) - Tuesday, 19 September 2023 at 1545 hours (Geneva time) - Plenary C (CICG) � Chair, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-09-19
[ 207 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5 (DG-CAV) - Tuesday, 19 September 2023, at 1400 hours (Geneva time) (CICG, Pl�ni�re C) � Chair, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-09-19
[ 206 ]
[Draft] agenda for the second session of Working Group 5A-3 (Mission Critical Applications) - Wednesday, 20 September 2023 in Period 1 (0900-1015) (CICG "Plenary C" or Zoom Virtual Room) � Chair, WG 5A-3 2023-09-19
[ 205 ]
Draft agenda for the first meeting of Sub-Working Group WAS (Wireless Access Systems) - Tuesday, 19 September 2023, at 1400 hours (CCV Room Geneva) � Chair, SWG WAS 2023-09-19
[ 204 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5 (DG-CAV) - Tuesday, 19 September 2023, at 1045 hours (Geneva time) (CICG, Pl�ni�re C) � Chair, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-09-19
[ 203 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd session of Working Group 5A-4 - Tuesday, 19 September 2023, at 1045 hours Geneva time (CICG Room Plenary B) � Chair WG 5A-4 2023-09-19
[ 202 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st session of Working Group 5A-4 - Monday, 18 September 2023 at 1400 hours Geneva time (CICG Room Plenary A) � Chair, WG 5A-4 2023-09-18
[ 201 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of Working Group 5A-5 - Monday, 18 September 2023 at 1545 hours Geneva time (Plenary A CICG) � Chair, WG 5A-5 2023-09-18
[ 200 ]
Draft agenda for the first meeting of Working Group 5A-2 - Monday, 18 September 2023, at 1045 hours (Room Pl�ni�re A, CICG) � Chair, WG 5A-2 2023-09-18
[ 199 ]
[Draft] agenda for the opening session of Working Group 5A-3 (Mission Critical Applications) - Monday, 18 September 2023, in Period 3 (1400-1515) (Room A ITU Tower and Zoom Virtual Room) � Chair, WG 5A-3 2023-09-18
[ 198 ]
Draft agenda for Working Group 5A-1 - Amateur and Amateur-Satellite Services (18-20 September 2023) � Chair, WG 5A-1 2023-09-18
[ 197 ]
Draft agenda for the opening Plenary of the thirtieth meeting of Working Party 5A - Monday, 18 September 2023, at 0900 hours Geneva time (CICG Room A) � Chair, WP 5A 2023-09-15
[ 196 ]
Draft agenda for the meetings of Working Group 5A-1 (Amateur and Amateur-Satellite Services) (Geneva, 13-15 September 2023) (ITU Tower Room A) � Chair, WG 5A-1 2023-09-11
[ 195 ]
Draft agenda for the Plenary Session of Working Party 5A dealing with amateur services matters - Wednesday, 13 September 2023, at 1300 hours Geneva time (ITU Tower Room A) � Chair, WP 5A 2023-09-11
[ 194 ]
Schedule for the 30th meeting of Working Party 5A (13-22 September 2023) � Chair, WP 5A 2023-09-11
[ 193 ]
Assignment of contributions (13-22 September 2023) � Chair, WP 5A 2023-09-11
[ 192 ]
Draft agenda for the Closing Plenary meeting of Working Party 5A - Thursday, 18 May 2023, at 1045 hours (UXMAL & TULUM ROOMS) � Chairman, WP 5A 2023-05-18
[ 191 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Working Group 5A-5 - Thursday, 18 May 2023 at 0900 hours (M�rida time) (Room UXMAL+TULUM ) � Chairman, WG 5A-5 2023-05-18
[ 190 ]
Draft agenda for the 8th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5, DG-CAV - Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 1545 hours (M�rida time) (KABAH Room) � Chairman, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-05-17
[ 189 ]
Draft agenda for the fifth meeting of WG 5A-2 - Wednesday, 17 May, 2023, at 1400 hours (Room KABAH) � Chairman, WG 5A-2 2023-05-17
[ 188 ]
Draft agenda for the 7th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5, DG-CAV, focused on the new study question - Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 0900 hours (M�rida time) (UXMAL and TULUM Room) � Chairman, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-05-17
[ 187 ]
Agenda for meeting 13 of Working Group 5A-1 Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services - Wednesday, 17 May 2023, 1045 - 1200 hours Merida time - FINAL MEETING (UXMAL and TULUM Room) � Chairman, WG 5A-1 2023-05-17
[ 186 ]
[Draft] agenda for the final session of Working Party 5A Working Group 3 (Mission Critical Applications) - Wednesday, 17 May 2023 in Period 2 (1045-1200) (Kabah and Zoom Virtual Room) � Chairman, WG 5A-3 2023-05-16
[ 185 ]
Draft agenda for the second meeting of Sub-Working Group 5A2-2 (Broadband Wireless Access) - Tuesday, 16 May 2023, at 1545 hours M�rida time (Room TULUM) � Chairman, SWG 5A2-2 2023-05-16
[ 184 ]
Draft agenda for the 6th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5, DG-CAV - Tuesday, 16 May 2023 at 1545 hours (M�rida time) (Room UXMAL) � Chairman, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-05-16
[ 183 ]
Agenda for meetings 9 through 12 of Working Group 5A-1 - Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services - Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 0900 - 1700 hours Merida time (Room MAYA) � Chairman, WG 5A-1 2023-05-16
[ 182 ]
Draft agenda for the second plenary meeting of Working Party 5A - Monday, 15 May 2023, at 1545 hours Merida time (Room UXMAL) � Chairman, WP 5A 2023-05-15
[ 181 ]
Draft agenda for the 5th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5, DG-CAV - Monday, 15 May 2023 at 1400 hours (M�rida time) (TULUM Room) � Chairman, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-05-16
[ 180 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th session of WG 5A-4 - Monday, 15 May 2023 at 0900 hours M�rida time (TULUM Room) � Chairman, WG 5A-4 2023-05-16
[ 179 ]
Draft agenda for the fourth meeting of Working Group 5A-2 - Monday, 15 May, 2023, at 1045 hours Merida time (Room UXMAL) � Chairman, WG 5A-2 2023-05-16
[ 178 ]
[Draft] agenda for the second session of Working Party 5A Working Group 3 (Mission Critical Applications) - Monday, 15 May 2023 in Period 3 (1400-1515) (Kabah and Zoom Virtual Room) � Chairman, WG5A-3 2023-05-16
[ 177 ]
Agenda for meetings 7 & 8 of Working Group 5A-1 - Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services - Monday, 15 May 2023, 1045-1200 and 1400-1515 hours Merida time (Room MAYA) � Chairman, WG 5A-1 2023-05-13
[ 176 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5, DG-CAV - Friday, 12 May 2023 at 1545 hours (M�rida time) (UXMAL Room) � Chairman, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-05-13
[ 175 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of Working Group 5A-5 - Monday, 15 May 2023 at 0900 hours (M�rida time) (Room UXMAL) � Chairman, WG 5A-5 2023-05-13
[ 174 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Drafting Group 5A-5, DG-CAV - Friday, 12 May 2023 at 1045 hours (M�rida time) (UXMAL Room) � Chairman, WG 5A-5, DG-CAV 2023-05-13
[ 173 ]
Agenda for meetings 5 & 6 of Working Group 5A-1 - Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services - Friday, 12 May 2023, 1045-1200 and 1400-1515 hours Merida time (Room TULUM) � Chairman, WG 5A-1 2023-05-12
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