Contributions�� |
[ 731 ]
� |
Liaison statement on work being carried out under study in ITU-T Q3/5
� |
� |
� |
2019-10-15 |
[ 730 ]
� |
Liaison statement to CISPR (copy for infromation to Study Group 1 and Working Parties 1A, 5A, 5B and 7A) - Update to broadcasting services protection requirements in the CISPR radio sevices database
� |
� |
� |
2019-07-29 |
[ 729 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5B - Sharing and compatibility studies between IMT systems in 3 300-3 400 MHz and radiolocation systems in 3 100-3 400 MHz
� |
� |
� |
2019-07-23 |
[ 728 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5B - AWG activities related to usage of UHF onboard communication system
� |
Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
� |
� |
2019-07-19 |
[ 727 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1B, 5A, 5B and 5D on activities on wireless power transmission via radio frequency beam
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-24 |
[ 726 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5B (copy for information to ICAO) - Aeronautical radionavigation service information for Wireless Power Transmission (WPT)
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-24 |
[ 725 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to CISPR (copy to ITU-R Working Parties 1A, 5A, 5B, 6A and 7A) - Establishment of liaison between CISPR-B and the relevant groups in ITU-R
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-21 |
[ 724 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 5A and 5D and ITU-T Study Group 15 and 3GPP TSG RAN (copy to ITU-R Working Parties 5B, 5C, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R SM.2351-2 on Smart Grid Utility Management Systems
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-21 |
[ 723 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 15 (copy to Working Parties 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B and 7D) - Liaison acitvities on the G.mgfast and - Power Spectral Density specifications
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-21 |
[ 722 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Liaison between ITU-R and CISPR ont the protection of radio services in the 6-40 GHz frequency range
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-18 |
[ 721 ]
� |
Liaison statement to CISPR on EMC standards and limits (copy to ITU-T Study Group 5 and ITU-R Working Parties 1C, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Further cooperation on reducing EMI and RF noise
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-18 |
[ 720 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to CISPR on EMC standards and limits (copy for information to ITU-T Study Group 5 and ITU-R Working Parties 1C, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D)
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-18 |
[ 719 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 6A (copy for information to Working Parties 1A, 5A, 5B and 7A) - Frequency use by non-beam Wireless Power Transmission for Electric Vehicle (WPT-EV) applications using magnetic resonance power transfer
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-17 |
[ 718 ]
� |
Liaison statement on working being carried out under study in ITU-T Study Group 5 Question 3/5
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-14 |
[ 717 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 7B and 7C - System parameter tables in Recommendation ITU-R SM.1448 and Appendix 7 (Rev. WRC-15) of the Radio Regulations
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-14 |
[ 716 ]
� |
Reply to a liaison statement to Working Party 5B and ICAO (with a copy to Working Party 6A for information) - Status of compatibility studies between the AM(R)S systems below 137 MHz and SOS non-GSO short duration satellite systems proposed in the 137-138 MHz (s-E) frequency band
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-11 |
[ 715 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5B - e.i.r.p. of terrestrial radars operating in EESS (active) frequency bands from 432 MHz to 238 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2019-06-10 |
[ 714 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5B - Completion towards a Preliminary Draft New Report ITU-R RA.[COEXISTENCE]
� |
� |
� |
2019-05-31 |
[ 713 ]
� |
Reply liaison statemen to Working Party 1A (copy to ITU-T Study Group 15 and ITU-R Working Parties 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R SM.2351-2 on Smart Grid Utility Management Systems
� |
� |
� |
2019-05-13 |
[ 712 ]
+Ann.1-22� |
Report on the twenty-third meeting of Working Party 5B (Geneva, 29 April - 10 May 2019)
� |
Chairman, WP 5B
� |
� |
2019-05-10 |
[ 711 ]
� |
Final list of participants - Working Party 5B (Geneva, 29 April - 10 May 2019)
� |
Director, BR
� |
� |
2019-05-10 |
[ 710 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 1A (copy for information to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5D, 7B and 7C) - System parameter tables in Recommendation ITU-R SM.1448 and Appendix 7 (Rev.WRC-15) of the Radio Regulations
� |
� |
� |
2019-05-06 |
[ 709 ]
� |
List of documents issued (Documents 5B/646 - 5B/709)
� |
BR Study Groups Department
� |
� |
2019-04-26 |
[ 708 ]
� |
Note to Working Party 5B on application of No.5449 of the Radio Regulations
� |
Director, BR
� |
� |
2019-04-25 |
[ 707 ]
� |
Comments on the preliminary draft new Report ITU-R RA.[COEXISTENCE] - Coexistence between the radio astronomy service and radiolocation service applications in the frequency band 76-81 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 706 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[SENSE-AND-AVOID] - Guidance on unmanned aircraft Sense-and-Avoid systems operating in existing relevant services
� |
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 705 ]
� |
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1638-1
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 704 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2058 - Characteristics of a digital system, named navigational data for broadcasting maritime safety and security related information from shore-to-ship in the maritime HF frequency band
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 703 ]
� |
Update to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[FOD_EESS_SHARE]
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 702 ]
� |
Proposed reply liaison statement to Working Party 7C on comparison of highest known e.i.r.p. of terrestrial radars operating in EESS (active) frequency bands from 432 MHz to 238 GHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 701 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5 - Technical characteristics for an automatic identification system using time division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile frequency band
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 700 ]
� |
Draft liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 1A and 1B - The EMI effects of LED lighting systems on-board marine vessels
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 699 ]
� |
Working documents towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation and new Report ITU-R M.[AMRD]
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 698 ]
� |
Working document towards a draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 697 ]
� |
Technical characteristics of autonomous maritime radio devices, using automated identification system based technology, operating in the frequency band 156-162.05 MHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 696 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[SENSE-AND-AVOID] - Guidance on unmanned aircraft Sense-and-Avoid systems operating in existing relevant services
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 695 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report/Recommendation ITU-R M.[UAS CNPC_CHAR] - Characteristics of unmanned aircraft system control and non-payload Earth stations for use with space stations operating in the Fixed Satellite Service
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 694 ]
� |
Proposed update of the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[UA_PFD] to a draft new Report - Review of power flux-density limits in accordance
with resolves 16 of Resolution 155 (WRC-15)
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 693 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RAD-92-100GHZ] - Technical and operational characteristics of radiolocation systems operating in the frequency range 92-100 GHz and radionavigation systems operating in the frequency range 95-100 GHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 692 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[FOD-92-100GHZ] - Technical and operational characteristics of the foreign object debris detection system operating in the frequency band 92-100 GHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 691 ]
� |
Proposed updates to WD-PDN Report ITU-R M.[RADAR SIMULATIONS] - Simulations of performance for specific primary surveillance radars
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 690 ]
� |
Draft new Report ITU-R M.[SUBORBITAL VEHICLES] - Radiocommunications for suborbital vehicles
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 689 ]
� |
Draft [reply] liaison statement to Working Party 7B (copy to Working Parties 4C, 5A, 5C and 6A for information) - Review of proposed short duration satellite in 137-139 MHz/Characteristics and protection criteria for aeronautical mobile (route) systems operating in the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 688 ]
� |
WD-PDN [RECOMMENDATION/REPORT] ITU-R M.[AMRS-VHF] - Characteristics and protection criteria for systems operating in the aeronautical mobile (route) service in the frequency band 117.975 - 137 MHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 687 ]
� |
Proposed modification to working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AMRD] - Technical characteristics of autonomous maritime radio devices operating in the frequency band 156-162.05 MHz
� |
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 686 ]
� |
Proposed modification to working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2058 - Characteristics of a digital system, named navigational data for broadcasting maritime safety and security related information from shore-to-ship in the maritime HF frequency band
� |
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 685 ]
� |
Proposed modification to working document towards a preliminary draft new [Recommendation/Report] ITU-R M.[UAS CNPC_CHAR] - Characteristics of unmanned aircraft system control and non-payload earth stations for use with space stations operating in the fixed-satellite service
� |
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 684 ]
� |
Proposal for working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1798-1 - Characteristics of HF radio equipment for the exchange of digital data and electronic mail in the Maritime Mobile Service
� |
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2019-04-22 |
[ 683 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B relative to short duration satellites
� |
� |
� |
2019-04-21 |
[ 682 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new [Recommendation/Report] ITU-R M.[AMRS-VHF] - Characteristics and protection criteria for systems operating in the aeronautical mobile (route) service in the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz
� |
� |
� |
2019-04-21 |
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