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[826]� Report on the meeting of Working Party 4A (Geneva, 3-14 July 2018)



Mise � disposition



1144124 octets 2018-08-15 [826]�Annex 47- List of liaison statements to ITU-R Groups


44470 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 46- Note to the Director, Radiocommunication Bureau (copy for information to Working Party 4C) - Technical feasibility of NGSO-to-GSO satellite links


78458 octets 2018-07-23 [826]�Annex 45- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.9


51218 octets 2018-07-20 [826]�Annex 44- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.3


68603 octets 2018-07-23 [826]�Annex 43- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.2


61301 octets 2018-07-20 [826]�Annex 42- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue M


81737 octets 2018-07-20 [826]�Annex 41- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue L


894085 octets 2018-07-20 [826]�Annex 40- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue K


56463 octets 2018-07-20 [826]�Annex 39- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue J


55295 octets 2018-07-20 [826]�Annex 38- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue I


74439 octets 2018-07-20 [826]�Annex 37- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue H


68956 octets 2018-07-20 [826]�Annex 36- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue G


194706 octets 2018-07-19 [826]�Annex 35- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue F


66912 octets 2018-07-19 [826]�Annex 34- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue E


52515 octets 2018-07-18 [826]�Annex 33- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue D


126465 octets 2018-07-19 [826]�Annex 32- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue C


55397 octets 2018-07-18 [826]�Annex 31- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue B


411168 octets 2018-07-26 [826]�Annex 30- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue A


116415 octets 2018-08-02 [826]�Annex 29- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 1.6


89375 octets 2018-07-26 [826]�Annex 28- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 1.5


387415 octets 2018-08-14 [826]�Annex 27- Draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 1.4


45801 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 26- Consideration and discussion on long-term interference from non-GSO FSS systems into GSO FSS


74125 octets 2018-07-27 [826]�Annex 25 Part 2

Excel 2007

171054 octets 2018-07-27 [826]�Annex 25 Part 1


290613 octets 2018-07-27 [826]�Annex 25- Establishment of Correspondence Group for review of V-band GSO reference links - WRC-19 agenda item 1.6


53298 octets 2018-07-23 [826]�Annex 24- Working document towards the development of a methodology to validate the minimum emission parameters contained within submissions of FSS satellite network not subject to RR Appendix 30B


162735 octets 2018-07-23 [826]�Annex 23- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[NGSO_6/4-GHz] - Technical and regulatory studies for 6/4 GHz non-GSO FSS sharing


903936 octets 2018-07-25 [826]�Annex 22- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[NGSO-to-GSO] - Technical feasibility of NGSO-to-GSO satellite links


49283 octets 2018-07-25 [826]�Annex 21- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[MOD_NON-GSO] - Regulatory provisions for the modification of notices relative to non-geostationary systems operating in the FSS, MSS and BSS above 10 GHz subject to Section II of Article 9 of the Radio Regulations


156590 octets 2018-07-23 [826]�Annex 20- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[NGSO_BIU+MILESTONES] - Studies relating to the bringing into use of frequency assignments for all non-GSO satellite systems, and consideration of a milestone-based deployment approach for non-GSO satellite systems in specific bands and services


1875960 octets 2018-07-25 [826]�Annex 19- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT&BSS COMPATIBILITY] - Compatibility studies between IMT systems and BSS (sound) systems in the band 1 452-1 492 MHz in different countries in Regions 1 and 3


17255729 octets 2018-07-23 [826]�Annex 18- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R BO.[AP30.ANNEX7] - Assessment on limitations mentioned in Annex 7 to RR Appendix 30 (Rev.WRC 15) in the 11.7-12.7 GHz band for the GSO broadcasting-satellite service in all Regions


3917584 octets 2018-07-27 [826]�Annex 17- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report/Recommendation ITU-R [LESIM-MS] - Statistical methodologies to estimate the interference from land earth stations in motion (L-ESIM) communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service into mobile service (MS) stations operating in the frequency band 27.5-29.5 GHz


6597228 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 16- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report/Recommendation ITU-R [LESIM-FS] - Statistical methodologies to estimate the interference from land earth stations in motion (L-ESIM) communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed satellite service into fixed service (FS) stations operating in the frequency band 27.5-29.5 GHz


569226 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 15- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[ESIM] - Earth stations in motion (ESIM) compatibility with non-GSO MSS feeder links in the bands 19.3-19.7 GHz and 29.1-29.5 GHz


14987565 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 14- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S./M.[ESIM-MS] - Sharing and compatibility between earth stations in motion operating with geostationary FSS networks and current and planned stations of the MS in the frequency band 27.5-29.5 GHz


9881652 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 13- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S./F.[ESIM-FS] - Sharing and compatibility between earth stations in motion operating with geostationary FSS networks and current and planned stations of the FS in the frequency bands 27.5-29.5 GHz and 17.7-19.7 GHz


447432 octets 2018-07-25 [826]�Annex 12- Working document towardss a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[AGENDA ITEM 1.5] - Operation of earth stations in motion (ESIM) communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service allocations at 17.7-19.7 GHz and 27.5-29.5 GHz


6569657 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 11- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[50/40 GHz ADJACENT BAND STUDIES] - Protection of EESS (passive) and RAS systems from non GSO fixed satellite systems operating in the 37.5-42.5 GHz, 47.2 50.2 GHz and 50.4-51.4 GHz frequency bands


609327 octets 2018-07-25 [826]�Annex 10- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[50/40 NGSO-NGSO SHARING] - Study of mitigation techniques between non-GSO FSS systems in the bands 36-37 GHz and 50.2-50.4 GHz


12455723 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 09- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1503-3 - Functional description to be used in developing software tools for determining conformity of non-geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service systems or networks with limits contained in Article 22 of the Radio Regulations


110985 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 08- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BO.1443-3 - Reference BSS earth station antenna patterns for use in interference assessment involving non-GSO satellites in frequency bands covered by RR Appendix 30


69991 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 07- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1428-1 - Reference FSS earth-station radiation patterns for use in interference assessment involving non-GSO satellites in frequency bands between 10.7 GHz and 30 GHz


47735 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 06- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[UP TO 86 GHZ FSS PROTECTION] - Protection criteria for fixed-satellite service networks operating in frequency below 86 GHz for time-invariant and time-variant interference in the context of sharing studies with other co-primary services

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32425 octets 2018-07-30 [826]�Annex 05 Part 1


81346 octets 2018-07-30 [826]�Annex 05- Working document towards preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[50/40 REFERENCE LINKS] - WRC-19 agenda item 1.6


7168544 octets 2018-07-25 [826]�Annex 04- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[50/40 GSO-NGSO Sharing] - Sharing between 50/40 GHz GSO networks and non-GSO systems


16114405 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 03- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[SPECTRUM_SHARING] - Sharing with incumbent services in the 51.4-52.4 GHz band and adjacent and nearby bands


6570020 octets 2018-07-24 [826]�Annex 02- Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1782-0 and updates to the related work plan - Guidelines on global broadband Internet access by fixed-satellite service systems


376190 octets 2018-07-27 [826]�Annex 01- Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[50/40 GHz FSS SHARING METHODOLOGY] - Maximum permissible levels of interference in a atellite network (GSO and non-GSO) in the fixed-satellite service caused by other co-directional FSS and BSS networks operating in the 50/40 GHz frequency bands


1542491 octets 2018-08-15 [826]�- Report on the meeting of Working Party 4A (Geneva, 3-14 July 2018)

Document :

UIT-R�WP4A� Contribution� 826

Titre :

Report on the meeting of Working Party 4A (Geneva, 3-14 July 2018)

Re�u le :


Source :

Chairman, WP 4A

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R�serv� aux utilisateurs TIES�[UIT-R]

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