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[347]� Report on the meeting of Task Group 1/8, 18-27 May 2005






4622336 bytes 2005-06-28 [347]�Annex 5 - Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[UWB.XYZ] - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on radiocommunication services

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1244936 bytes 2005-06-28 [347]�Annex 5 - Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[UWB.XYZ] - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on radiocommunication services


5120000 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 1 - Studies related to the impact of devices using UWB technology on systems operating within the Mobile Service

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1826842 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 1 - Studies related to the impact of devices using UWB technology on systems operating within the Mobile Service


4903424 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 2 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the Fixed Service (FS)

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2867081 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 2 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the Fixed Service (FS)


550912 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 3 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra wideband technology on systems operating within the Fixed-Satellite Service


4742144 bytes 2005-06-28 [347]�Annex 5 Part 4 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the mobile-satellite service (MSS) and the radio navigation satellite service (RNSS)

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1468562 bytes 2005-06-28 [347]�Annex 5 Part 4 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the mobile-satellite service (MSS) and the radio navigation satellite service (RNSS)


2083328 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 5 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within

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452919 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 5 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within


830976 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 6 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wide band technology on systems operating within

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314362 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 6 - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wide band technology on systems operating within


3588096 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 7 - Test measurements related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within Radiocommunication Services

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2399377 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 7 - Test measurements related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within Radiocommunication Services


786432 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]�Annex 5 Part 8 - Characteristics and protection criteria of radiocommunication services


322560 bytes 2005-06-22 [347]�Annex 4 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation - ITU-R SM.[UWB.MES] - Measurement techniques of emissions from systems using ultra-wideband technology


217600 bytes 2005-06-22 [347]�Annex 3 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[UWB.FRAME) - Framework for the introduction of ultra-wideband devices


1186816 bytes 2005-06-21 [347]�Annex 2 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[UWB.COMP] - Impact of systems using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within radiocommunication services

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173397 bytes 2005-06-21 [347]�Annex 2 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[UWB.COMP] - Impact of systems using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within radiocommunication services


220672 bytes 2005-06-21 [347]�Annex 1 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[UWB.CHAR] - Characteristics of ultra-wideband technology


375808 bytes 2005-06-23 [347]� - Chairman's report - Meeting 18-27 May 2005

Document :

ITU-R�TG1/8� Contribution� 347

Title :

Report on the meeting of Task Group 1/8, 18-27 May 2005

Date :


Source :

Chairman, TG 1/8

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Restricted to TIES users�[ITU-R]

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