Contributions�� |
[ 20 ]
� |
Report of the meeting - 27-28 June 2007
� |
Chairman, CCV
� |
2007-10-10 |
[ 19 ]
� |
Recommendation to be brought to the attention of the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary
� |
BR Study Group Department
� |
2007-07-18 |
[ 18 ]
� |
Collection of terms and descriptions of definitions
� |
CCV rapporteur of SG 6
� |
2007-06-27 |
[ 17 ]
� |
ITU-R Resolutions 33 - 36
� |
Vice-Chairman, CCV
� |
2007-06-07 |
[ 16 ]
� |
V Series Recommendations
� |
Vice-Chairman, CCV
� |
2007-06-07 |
[ 15 ]
� |
Terms and definitions
� |
Vice-Chairman, CCV
� |
2007-06-07 |
[ 14 ]
� |
Liaison statement to the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary
� |
SG 9
� |
2007-06-05 |
[ 13 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Coordination Committee for Vocabulary - SG 3 Vocabulary database development
� |
Study Group 3
� |
2007-05-09 |
[ 12 ]
� |
Third meeting of the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) - Chairman's report to the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau
� |
� |
2006-12-22 |
[ 11 ]
� |
Liaison statement Radiocommunication Study Groups and Working Parties
� |
� |
2006-12-22 |
[ 10 ]
� |
Liaison statement from Study Group 1 to the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary - Answer to the point 7 of the liaison statement from CCV (Doc. 1/94)
� |
SG 1
� |
2006-10-18 |
[ 9 ]
� |
Second meeting of the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary - Chairman's report of the meeting 27-28 October 2005
� |
Chairman, CCV
� |
2005-11-17 |
[ 8 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Study Groups - For action
� |
� |
2005-11-17 |
[ 7 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4-9S, 6S, 7B, 8D, 9D and the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary - Development of DNR S.[HEO_Sys_Char] - Characterization of HEO-type FSS systems
� |
� |
2005-11-17 |
[ 6 ]
� |
Liaison statement to the RAG for information
� |
� |
2005-10-26 |
[ 5 ]
� |
Liaison statement to the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) - List of vocabulary of terms for the land mobile service
� |
� |
2005-10-14 |
[ 4 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3K and 3M for action and CCV for information - Recommendation ITU-R P.620-5
� |
� |
2005-10-05 |
[ 3 ]
+Add.1� |
Reply to liaison statement to Study Group 6
� |
Chairman, Study Group 6
� |
2005-05-16 |
[ 2 ]
+Add.1� |
First Meeting of the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary
� |
Chairman, Study Group 6
� |
2005-10-25 |
[ 1 ]
� |
Liaison Statement to CCV - Issues on terminology raised at the May 2004 meeting of WP 6R
� |
Chairman, Study Group 6
� |
2004-11-19 |
Results:20 total items.
� |
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