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Spectrum engineering techniques

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 146 ]
Liaison statement to Task Group 6/8 (and for information to Working Parties 1A and 8A) - Protection of fixed wireless systems from digital video broadcasting systems � WP 9D 2003-04-24
[ 145 ]
Liaison statement to WP 1A - Assessment of unwanted emissions � WP 4A 2003-04-09
[ 144 ]
Liaison statement to WP 1A - Assessment of interference from PLT systems into digital sound broadcasting system in 1-30 MHz � WP 6E 221/1, 32/6 2003-03-24
[ 143 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 6S and 1A concerning the applicability of the Appendix 7 propagation model for the coordination of terrestrial stations or transmit FSS earth stations with BSS earth stations � Chairman, WP 3M 2003-03-14
[ 142 ]
See Doc. 1A/140 - 1C/56 � Russian Federation 222/1 2003-03-11
[ 141 ]
Working material for draft new Recommendation - Use of the X dB bandwidth criterion for specifying and monitoring transmitter spectral properties in the out-of-band domain � Russian Federation 209/1, 222/1 2003-01-29
[ 140 ]
Recommendation ITU-R SM.328-10 - Spectra and bandwidth of emissions � Russian Federation 222/1 2003-01-29
[ 139 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 9D and 1A - Protection of the fixed service in the VHF/UHF bands from terrestrial broadcasting (DVB-T) � Task Group 6/8 2002-12-20
[ 138 ]
Liaison statement to WP's 1A and 7C - Issues concerning the EESS (passive) band-by-band studies � TG 1/7 2002-12-13
[ 137 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A and copied to Working Parties 1A, 7C, 7D and Joint Working Party 4-9S - Compatibility analysis between the EESS (passive) in the band 50.2-50.4 GHz and a possible new allocation to the FSS (space-to-Earth) in parts of the band 47.2-50.2 GHz � Task Group 1/7 2002-12-13
[ 136 ]
Remarks on the interference from digital terrestrial television broadcasting to the land mobile service � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2002-11-25
[ 135 ]
Interference levels from digital video broadcasting-terrestrial to the land mobile service � Israel (State of) 2002-11-18
[ 134 ]
Planning tool for Task Group 6/8 - Terrasys � Israel (State of) 2002-11-12
[ 133 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 1A - Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541 � WP 8F 2002-10-17
[ 132 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541 � WP 7A 2002-10-11
[ 131 ]
Liaison statement to WP 1A - Definitions of the spectral properties of transmitter emissions � WP 7A 2002-10-09
[ 130 ]
Liaison statement to WP 1A - Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541 � WP 7C 2002-10-09
[ 129 ]
Liaison statement to WP 1A on the determination of the orbit spectrum utilization factor for satellite system stations � WP 8D 2002-10-04
[ 128 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Definitions of the spectral properties of transmitter emissions � WP 8D 2002-10-04
[ 127 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1A and 1B, copied to Task Group 1/8 and Study Group 8 - Ultra wideband emissions � WP 8A 2002-10-03
[ 126 ]
Chairman's report of the meeting of WP 1A (Geneva, 17-23 July 2002) � Chairman, WP 1A 2002-10-28
[ 125 ]
Reply to liaison statement from WP 1A concerning the proposed revision of Annex 3 to Appendix 30 � WP 6S 2002-10-02
[ 124 ]
Liaison Statement to WP 1A - Proposed modification to the out-of-band domain emission mask for BSS in Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541 � WP 6S 2002-10-02
[ 123 ]
Liaison statement to WP 1A - Protection requirement of digital broadcasting below 30 MHz against interference from wired telecommmunication systems � TG 6/7 2002-10-02
[ 122 ]
Reply to liaison statement from WP 1A to WP 6E and TG 6/7 - Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541 - Annex 7 � TG 6/7 2002-10-02
[ 121 ]
Liaison Statement to WP 1A Out-of-band and Spurious Domains � WP 6E 2002-09-06
[ 120 ]
Liaison statement to WP 1A and TG 6/7 - Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541 - Annex 7 � WP 6E 2002-09-06
[ 119 ]
Liaison Statement to WPs 1A, 1B and TG 1/8 in response to Liaison Statement to WPs 7C, 7D, 6E, 6S, 4A, 9D, 8A and 3J Ultra-wideband Emissions � N/A � 2002-09-27
[ 118 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 1A, 7D, 8A, 8B, 9C and TG 6/7 - Response to Liaison statement to WP 6E and TG 6/7 concerning compatibility between radiocommunication systems and high data telecommunication systems using electricity power supply or telephone distributing wiring (ITU-R Q. 221/1) � WP 6E 221/1, 32/6 2002-09-06
[ 117 ]
Final List of Participants � Director, BR 2002-07-22
[ 116 ]
List of documents issued � BRSGD 2002-07-16
[ 115 ]
Sharing and compatibility between the broadcasting service and the fixed service in the VHF and UHF bands � ITU-R WP 9D Correspondence Group 2002-07-15
[ 114 ]
How to deal with Question ITU-R 222/1 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Switzerland (Confederation of) 2002-07-15
[ 113 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1A, 3M and 6S - (For information) � WG 1 of the SC on reg. and proc. matters 2002-07-15
[ 112 ]
The importance of passive radio services and the protection of frequency bands allocated to them: Footnote 5.340 � IUCAF 2002-07-12
[ 111 ]
Protection of Earth-exploration satellite service (passive) bands � France 2002-07-11
[ 110 ]
Preliminary study on coexistence between UWB and the fixed service in bands from 1 to 6 GHz � Italy 2002-07-10
[ 109 ]
Proposed amendments to Recommendation ITU-R SM.329 - Reference bandwidth and resolution bandwidth � Japan 2002-07-10
[ 108 ]
Working document toward a PDNR [UWB-1] - Characteristics of devices using ultra-wideband (UWB) transmissions � United States of America 2002-07-10
[ 107 ]
U.S. National Regulations regarding ultra-wideband transmission systems � United States of America 2002-07-10
[ 106 ]
Proposal for a liaison statement from WP 1A to WPs 6E, 7A, 7C and 8F � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2002-07-10
[ 105 ]
UWB interference into DVB-T/DAB/GSM/Bluetooth - (C/I Measurement Results) � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2002-07-09
[ 104 ]
Characterization of various factors relating to Radiocommunication Interference � Korea (Republic of) 2002-07-08
[ 103 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1538 - Technical parameters and spectrum requirements for short-range radiocommunication devices � Korea (Republic of) 2001-11-07
[ 102 ]
Characteristics of cable transmissions systems � France 2001-11-07
[ 101 ]
Use of the radio spectrum and associated protection requirements � France 2001-11-07
[ 100 ]
Report on the activities of CISPR � ITU Observer in CISPR SC 2001-11-07
[ 99 ]
Proposal for a liaison statement to Working Party 6E - Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541 - Annex 7 � France 2001-11-07
[ 98 ]
Preliminary compatibility analysis between space scientific services and UWB � France 2001-11-07
[ 97 ]
A preliminary CEPT approach for a band-edge emission mask for UWB systems � France 2001-11-07
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