T�tulo :
Resolution 9 (Rev. Kigali, 2022) implementation, ITU-R and ITU-D collaboration - Participation of countries, particularly developing countries, in spectrum management
Abstracto :
This document contains the progress on the work on Resolution 9 (Rev. Kigali, 2022) by Study Groups (SG) ITU-R SG 1, ITU-D SG 1 and ITU-D SG 2. ITU-D SG 1 nominated the coordinators for WTDC Resolution 9, Mr Roberto Hirayama (Brazil) and Mr Sunil Singhal (India); ITU-D SG 2 nominated the coordinators, Mr Hideo Imanaka (Japan) and Mr Haim Mazar (ATDI, France). ITU-D and ITU-R Directors to collaborate closely to improve cooperation, via ITU-D SGs and ITU-R SG 1. TDAG, in collaboration with the regional focal points and the BR, may guide ITU-D SGs, how to advance collaboration. Note by the Secretariat: this document was also submitted to ITU-R SG 1, to the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) and to the Rapporteur Groups on ITU-D Questions 1/1, 2/1, 4/1, 5/1, 1/2, 2/2 and 7/2.