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Page d'accueil : UIT-D : WTDC : R�union�2022-06-06�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-D�WTDC� C�(2022-06-06)�


Conf�rence mondiale de d�veloppement des t�l�communications 2021

R�union� du 2022-06-06 au 2022-06-16

Lieu : Rwanda [Kigali]

Autres r�unions : N/A

Resultats:103 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 103 ]
Provisional Final Report of WTDC-22 � Director, BDT 2022-06-16
[ 102 ]
Final List of Participants � Director, BDT 2022-06-16
[ 101 ]
Note by Chairman of Plenary to Chairman of Committee 5 - Action Plan � PLEN 2022-06-15
[ 100 ]
Report of Committee 5 to the Plenary Meeting � COM5 2022-06-16
[ 99 ]
Report of the Budget Control Committee (Committee 2) to the Plenary Meeting � COM2 2022-06-15
[ 98 ]
2022 Generation Connect Youth Call to Action "My digital future" � Canada 2022-06-15
[ 97 ]
Note by Chairman of Plenary to Chairman of Committee 5 � PLEN 2022-06-15
[ 96 ]
Unused number � N/A � 2022-06-15
[ 95 ]
Seventeenth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 37, 64, 73, 76) � COM5 2022-06-14
[ 94 ]
Sixteenth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 2 and SG Questions) � COM5 2022-06-14
[ 93 ]
Fifteenth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 21, 27, 59 and 71) � COM5 2022-06-14
[ 92 ]
Note by Chairman of Plenary to Chairman of Committee 3: chairmen and vice-chairmen of TDAG and Study Groups � PLEN 2022-06-14
[ 91 ]
Presiding Officers of the Conference � Secretary-General 2022-06-14
[ 90 ]
Report of the Chairman of Committee 3 to the Plenary � COM3 2022-06-14
[ 89 ]
Tenth series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Resolution 2 and SG Questions) � COM3 2022-06-14
[ 88 ]
Fourteenth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 51, 63, 85) � COM5 2022-06-14
[ 87 ]
Thirteenth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 22, 45, 47) � COM5 2022-06-14
[ 86 ]
Twelfth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 8, 9, 15, 17) � COM5 2022-06-14
[ 85 ]
Eleventh series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 30, Declaration, Draft new Resolution WGPL/1) � COM5 2022-06-14
[ 84 ]
Ninth series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee � COM3 2022-06-14
[ 83 ]
Fifth series of texts submitted by Committee 4 to the Editorial Committee (Resolutions 21, 24, 27, 59 and 71) � COM4 2022-06-14
[ 82 ]
Eighth series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Resolutions 8, 9, 15, 17, 22, 45, 47, 51, 63 and 85) � COM3 2022-06-14
[ 81 ]
Tenth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting � COM5 2022-06-13
[ 80 ]
Ninth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 11, 58 and 79) � COM5 2022-06-13
[ 79 ]
Eighth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 1) � COM5 2022-06-13
[ 78 ]
Seventh series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 48) � COM5 2022-06-13
[ 77 ]
Sixth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 40 and 78) � COM5 2022-06-13
[ 76 ]
Note by Chairman of Plenary to Chairman of Committee 5 � Chairman of the Plenary 2022-06-13
[ 75 ]
Fifth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 5, 31, 81 and 86) � COM5 2022-06-13
[ 74 ]
Fourth series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 69) � COM5 2022-06-13
[ 73 ]
Financial statement of the 2022 World Telecommunication Development Conference as at 13 June 2022 � Secretary-General 2022-06-13
[ 72 ]
First series of texts submitted by working group of the Plenary to the Editorial Committee (Resolution 30, Declaration, Draft new Resolution on Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development) � WG-PL 2022-06-13
[ 71 ]
Transfer of Powers from Belarus to Russia � Secretary-General 2022-06-13
[ 70 ]
Fourth white series of texts submitted by Committee 4 to the Editorial Committee (Resolution 48) � COM4 2022-06-13
[ 69 ]
Note from the Chairman of Committee 4 to the Chairman of Committee 2 on possible financial implications � COM4 2022-06-13
[ 68 ]
Report of the Chair of Committee 4 to Plenary � COM4 2022-06-14
[ 67 ]
Seventh series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Resolutions 11, 58, 79) � COM3 2022-06-13
[ 66 ]
Sixth series of texts submmitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Resolutions 23, 34, 46, 55, 62, 66, 67, 82, 84 and new Resolution on digital innovation) � COM3 2022-06-13
[ 65 ]
Third Series of Texts submitted by Committee 4 to the Editorial Committee (Resolution 1) � COM4 2022-06-13
[ 64 ]
Report of the Chairman of the Working Group of the Plenary � WG-PL 2022-06-13
[ 63 ]
Third Series of Texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 25, 36) � COM5 2022-06-11
[ 62 ]
Second series of texts submitted by Editorial to the Plenary Meeting (Regional Initiatives - all regions) � COM5 2022-06-11
[ 61 ]
Fifth series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Regional Initiatives for AMS) � COM3 2022-06-11
[ 60 ]
Transfer of Vote from Latvia to Hungary � Secretary-General 2022-06-11
[ 59 ]
Fourth series of text submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Resolutions 40 and 78) � COM3 2022-06-10
[ 58 ]
First series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary (Resolution 61) � COM5 2022-06-10
[ 57 ]
Third series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Resolution 69) � COM3 2022-06-10
[ 56 ]
Second series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Regional Initiatives for AFR, ARB, ASP, CIS and EUR) � COM3 2022-06-10
[ 55 ]
Second series of texts submitted by Committee 4 to the Editorial Committee (Resolutions 5, 31, 81 and 86) � COM4 2022-06-10
[ 54 ]
First series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Resolutions 25 and 36) � COM3 2022-06-09
Resultats:103 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
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