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P�gina principal : UIT-D : RPM ARB : Reuni�n�2021-04-07�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-D�RPM ARB� C�(2021-04-07)�


Reuni�n� del 2021-04-07 al 2021-04-08

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : N/A (no se aplica)

Resultados :15 documentos
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 15 ]
Report by the RPM-ARB Chairman � Chairman, RPM-ARB 2021-05-03
[ 14 ]
Final list of participants � Director, BDT 2021-04-16
[ 13 ]
Creating an enabling environment for 5G services in terms of studying the market and applications related to artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and spectrum �
The English version is provided using automated translation.
Iraq (Republic of) 2021-04-08
[ 12 ]
Desk Research: GAP Analysis Report on the Status of Thematic Priorities of the Development Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union in the Arab Region � Director, BDT 2021-04-06
[ 11 ]
Report: Crystallizing Regional Priorities in the Arab Region to prepare for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-21) � Director, BDT 2021-04-06
[ 10 ]
Notes and proposals on regional initiatives for the Arab region �
The English version is provided using automated translation.
United Arab Emirates 2021-03-24
[ 9 ]
Arab countries' views on draft regional initiatives �
The English version is provided using automated translation.
Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) , Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) , Bahrain (Kingdom of) , Egypt (Arab Republic of) , Kuwait (State of) , Morocco (Kingdom of) , Oman (Sultanate of) , Qatar (State of) , Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) , Tunisia , United Arab Emirates 2021-03-24
[ 8 ]
Report on the meeting of TDAG Working Group on Strategic and Operational Plans (TDAG-WG-SOP) � Chairman, TDAG-WG-SOP 2021-02-11
[ 7 ]
(Rev.1) +Ann.1
Report of the meeting of the TDAG Working Group on Resolutions,Declaration and Thematic Priorities (TDAG-WG-RDTP) � Chairman, TDAG-WG-RDTP 2021-02-11
[ 6 ]
Final report of the TDAG Working Group on WTDC Preparations (TDAG-WG-Prep) � Chairman, TDAG-WG-Prep 2021-02-11
[ 5 ]
Report on the implementation of outcomes of other ITU Conferences, Assemblies and meetings related to ITU-D work: PP-18, WRC-19, RA-19, and WTSA-16 � Director, BDT 2021-02-11
[ 4 ]
Reporting on the implementation of the WTDC-17 Buenos Aires Action Plan (including regional initiatives), and contribution to the implementation of the WSIS Plan of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) � Director, BDT 2021-02-11
[ 3 ]
Result Based Management (RBM) implementation in BDT � Director, BDT 2021-02-11
[ 2 ]
Digital trends in the Arab States region in 2021 � Director, BDT 2021-03-22
[ 1 ]
Draft agenda � Director, BDT 2021-02-04
Resultados :15 documentos
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