[DT001] PL: Draft structure of the Assembly | |
[DT002] PL: Work Plan of the period | |
[DT003] PL: Allocation of documents | |
[DT004] PL: Chairmanship of the Assembly | |
[DT005] PL: Secretariat of the Assembly | |
[DT006] C6: Chairman of the Group of Experts on Reform of the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITR): Executive summary of the findings of the Group of experts; Results of the discussions in Council 2000 | |
[DT007] C3: Director of TSB: Proposed revisions to Resolution (A) | |
[DT008] C3: Director of TSB: Online access to ITU Recommendations | |
[DT009] C5: Recommendations proposed to Committee 5 for approval and deletion | |
[DT010] C6: Recommendations proposed to Committee 6 for approval | |
[DT011] C6: Chairman of Study Group 8: Status of Recommendations submitted to WTSA-2000 by Study Group 8 | |
[DT012] C3: General agenda for Committee 3 | |
[DT013] C4: Chairman of Committee 4: General agenda for Committee 4 | |
[DT013Rev.1] C4: Chairman of Committee 4: General agenda for Committee 4 | |
[DT014] C4: Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 15: Correction to Annex B of draft revised Resolution 2 | |
[DT015] C3: Drafting Group: Draft Resolution [A] | |
[DT016] C6: Chairman of Ad-Hoc Group on Draft Recommendation E.169.2, E.169.3 and E.195: Report of the Ad-Hoc Group | |
[DT017] C6: Draft revised Resolution 26 - Assistance to the Regional Tariff Groups | |
[DT018] C6: Chairman Ad-Hoc Group on D.iii: Summary report of the Committee 6 Ad-Hoc Group on D.III | |
[DT019] C3: Ad Hoc Group: Resolution 1, section 4.8 | |
[DT020] C6: Editing Group: Draft revised Resolution 29 | |
[DT021] C3: Convener of Committee 3 Ad-Hoc Group on - Revision of draft Resolution X7 | |
[DT022] C6: Ad-Hoc Group on Recommendation E.195 - Proposed draft revised text of Recommendation E.195 | |
[DT023] C4: Chairman of Ad Hoc Group concerning the Special Study Group on IMT-2000 and Beyond: Report of meetings on 29 September and 2 October 2000 | |
[DT024] C4: Vice-Chairman of the ITU-T Study Group 12 - Study Group 12 inputs to Resolution 2 | |
[DT025] C3: Ad Hoc Group: ITU Reform - Draft new Opinion: Opinion [A]* - ITU Reform - (Montreal, 2000) | |
[DT026] C4: Chairman of Committe 4: Proposed enhancement to draft new Recommendation A.pwp, provisional working procedures for the special Study Group on "IMT-2000 and beyond" to addresss issue of additional form(s) of output | |
[DT027] Canada, Netherlands: Revised Draft Recommendation D.iii - International Internet connection - (Montreal, 2000) | |
[DT028] Final list of DT Documents (DT/1 to DT/28) | |