ITU Operational
No. 739 - 1.V.2001
(Information received by 24
April 2001)
preceded by the letters (BR) in the table of Contents are dealt with
by Subjects
preceded by the letters (TSB) in the table of Contents are dealt with
by |
Lists annexed to Operational Bulletin: Note from the TSB
International Monitoring System: Note from the BR � Service document: List VIII (Subscription Circular)
Access codes/numbers for mobile networks (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.164): Note from the TSB (Access codes/numbers for mobile networks used with the E.164 country code: List No. 1 � Operational Bulletin No. 726 of 15.X.2000, Amendment No. 9)
Bureaufax Service: Note from the TSB
Telephone Service: Netherlands Antilles (Bureau of Telecommunication and Post (Regulator), Cura�ao), France (Autorit� de R�gulation des T�l�communications, Paris), Gibraltar (Gibraltar Telecommunications International Ltd (Gibtel), Gibraltar), Malaysia (Telekom Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur), NANP (North American Numbering Plan), Switzerland (Office f�d�ral de la communication (OFCOM), Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications, Bienne)
Changes in administrations/ROAs and other entities or organizations: Burkina Faso (Minist�re des Postes et T�l�communications, Ouagadougou), Canada (AT&T Canada Long Distance Services Company: Change of name), Poland (Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Warszawa), Portugal (Portugal Telecom, S.A., Lisbon: Change of name), Romania (Minist�re des communications et des technologies de l'information, Bucarest), Tonga (Prime Minister's Office, Nuku'Alofa)
Service Restrictions: Note from the TSB
Call-Back and alternative calling procedures (Res. 21 Rev. PP-98): Note from the TSB
Amendments to service documents
List of Ship Stations (List V)
List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC)
List of Telegram Destination Indicators
List of ITU Carrier Codes
Dialling Procedures
Buraufax Table
(TSB) |
List of ITU Carrier Codes (According to ITU T Recommendation M. 1400 (02/2000)) (Position on 1 May 2001) |
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