ITU Operational
No. 726 - 15.X.2000
(Information received by 9
October 2000)
preceded by the letters (BR) in the table of Contents are dealt with
by Subjects
preceded by the letters (TSB) in the table of Contents are dealt with
by |
General Information
Lists annexed to Operational Bulletin: Note from the TSB
Maritime Mobile Service: Hongkong (Cable and Wireless Hong Kong Telecom � Hong Kong Radio)
Legal time changes: New Zealand
Assignment of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)): Peru
Access codes/numbers for mobile networks (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.164): Note from the TSB
Bureaufax Service: Finland (Finland Post Ltd, Posti), Malaysia (Malaysia Post Limited, Kuala Lumpur)
Telegram Service: Japan (Suspension of telegrams POSTFIN)
Telephone Service: Germany (Regulierungsbeh�rde f�r Telekommunikation und Post � RegTP, Bonn), Australia (Australian Communications Authority, Melbourne: International collect calls to telephone numbers of the public land mobile telephone services), Bhutan (Bhutan Telecommunications Authority, Thimphu), Brunei Darussalam (Jabatan Telekom Brunei � Telecommunication Department of Brunei, Berakas), Burkina Faso (Office National des T�l�communications � ONATEL, Ouagadougou), Cook Islands (Telecom Cook Islands Ltd., Rarotonga), Denmark (National Telecom Agency, Copenhagen), Ethiopia (Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation, Addis Ababa), Greenland (TELE Greenland A/S, Nuuk), Guatemala (Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones, Ciudad de Guatemala), Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial de Telecomunicaciones Sociedad An�nima � GETESA, Malabo), Indonesia (Directorate General of Posts and Telecommunications � Postel, Jakarta: International collect calls to numbers of mobile telephone services in Indonesia), Iran (Ministry of Posts, Telegraph and Telephone, Teheran), Iceland (Post and Telecom Administration of Iceland, Kopavogur), Jamaica (Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited, Kingston), Macau (Administration of Macau), Mali (Soci�t� de t�l�communications du Mali � SOTELMA, Bamako), Morocco (Agence Nationale de R�glementation des T�l�communications � ANRT, Rabat), Namibia (Telecom Namibia, Windhoek), Nicaragua (Instituto Nicarag�ense de Telecomunicaciones y Correos � TELCOR, Ente Regulador, Managua), Nigeria (Nigerian Telecommunications Ltd., Abuja), Pakistan (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Islamabad), Paraguay (Comisi�n Nacional de Telecomunicaciones � CONATEL, Asunci�n), Philippines (National Telecommunications Commission, Quezon City), Saint Lucia (Cable and Wireless (St. Lucia) Ltd., Castries), Switzerland (Federal Office for Communication � OFCOM, Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications, Biel), Yemen (Yemen International Telecommunications Co. (LLC), Sana'a), Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe Posts and Telecommunications Corporation, Harare)
Telex Service: Yemen (Yemen International Telecommunications Co. (LLC) � TELEYEMEN, Sana'a)
Changes in Administrations/ROAs and other entities or Organizations: Spain, Turkey (Telecommunications Authority � TA: New independant regulatory body)
Service Restrictions: Australia, Indonesia, Note from the TSB
Call-Back and alternative calling procedures (Res. 21 Rev. PP-98): Note from the TSB
Amendments to service documents
List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC)
List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC)
List of Issuer Identifier Numbers for the international telecommunication charge card
Dialling Procedures
Bureaufax Table
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