Radio Regulations adopted by the WRC-95 - R�glement des radiocommunications adopt� par la CMR-95 - Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones adoptado por la CMR-95 | |
[1] Agenda of the Conference | |
[3] Credentials of Delegations to Conferences | |
[5] European Common Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[5Corr1] European Common Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[5Corr2] European common proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[5Corr3] European common proposals... Trilingual Doc.(EFS) | |
[6] Niger (Rep. of the): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[006Add1] Niger - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[006Add2] Niger - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[7] Uzbekistan (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[8] SG/Report on Resolution 18 (Kyoto, 1994) | |
[8Add1] Report on Resolution 18 (PP-94) | |
[8Add1l] Report on Resolution 18 (PP-94) liste of satellites | |
[9] Senegal (Rep. of) - Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[10] Spain: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[11] Lithuania (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[12] Denmark: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[13] Sweden: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[14] Asia-Pacific Common Proposals for WRC-97 | |
[14Corr1] Asia-Pacific Common Proposals - Trilingual doc. (EFS) | |
[14Corr2] This document exists only in French. | |
[14Corr3] Asia-Pacific Common Proposals - Trilingual doc. (EFS) | |
[15] Russian Federation: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[15Add1] Russian Federation: Proposals... Addendum 1 to document 15 | |
[15Add2] Russian Federation: Proposals... Addendum 2 to document 15 | |
[16] Bulgaria (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[17] Korea (Dem. Peop. Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[17Add1] Democratic People's Rep. of Korea: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[17Add2] Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Proposals | |
[18] Hungary (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[19] Turkey: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[20] Poland (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[21] Thailand: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[22] ICAO Information Paper | |
[23] Slovak Republic: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[24] Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Portugal, Sweden: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[25] Netherlands (Kingdom of the): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[25Add1] Netherlands (Kingdom of the): Proposals... Doc. 25, Addendum 1 | |
[26] Australia: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[27] Director, BR: Report on the Activities of the Radiocommunication Sector to WRC-97 | |
[27Corr1] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[27Add1] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[28] Report of the BR on simplified Radio Regulations & other matters | |
[28Add1] Note by the Secretary-General: Additional information on the issues addressed in Resolutions 71 (WRC-95) and 713 (WRC-95) | |
[28Add2] Note by the SG: Information ... Resolution 312 | |
[29] Japan, Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[29Corr1] Japan: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[30] United States of America, Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[30Add1] United States of America: Proposals...Updating Appendices S30 and S30A. Doc. 30, Addendum 1 | |
[30Add2] United States of America: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[30Add3] United States of America: Information Paper. Addendum 3 to Doc. 30 | |
[30Add4] United States of America: Proposals... Addendum 4 to Doc. 30 | |
[31R1] Contribution of Entities & Organizations to the expenses of the Conference - (Rev. 1) | |
[32] Financial responsibilities of conferences | |
[33R1] Budget of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-97) - (Rev. 1) | |
[34] UK of Great Britain & Northern Ireland: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[35] Canada: Proposals for the work of the conference | |
[35Add1] Canada: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[35A1C1] Canada: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[35A1C2] Canada: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[36] France: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[37] New Zealand: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[37Add1] New Zealand: Proposals for the work of the Conference. Addendum 1 to Doc. 37 | |
[38] China (People's Republic of): Proposal for work of the conference | |
[38Add1] China (People's Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[39] Germany, Luxembourg & Norway: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[40] [CITEL Administrations]: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[40Corr1] This document exists only in French. | |
[40Add1] Common Inter-American proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[40Add2] Common Inter-American proposals ... - Trilingual Doc. (EFS) | |
[40A1C1] Common Inter-American proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[40A1C2] Common Inter-American proposals: Corr.2 to Doc. 40 (Add.1) | |
[40Add3] WG 1 of the Plenary: Common Inter-American Proposals... Add.3 to Doc.40 | |
[40A1C3] Common Inter-American proposals ... | |
[40Corr2] Common Inter-American proposals...-Trilingual Doc.(EFS) | |
[40A1C4] Common Inter-American proposals ... | |
[40A2R1] Common Inter-American proposals ...-Trilingual Doc.(EFS) | |
[40A1C5] Common inter-American Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[40Add4] Common inter-American Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[40Add5] Common Inter-American proposals ... | |
[40C3] Common inter-American Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[40A4C1] Common Inter-American Proposals...-Trilingual Doc.(EFS) | |
[40Add6] Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[40Add7] Proposals for the Work of the Conference - Allocation ... | |
[40A6C1] Common Inter-American proposals | |
[40A7C1] Common Inter-American proposals | |
[41] Luxembourg: Proposals for the work of the conference | |
[41Corr1] This document exists only in French. | |
[42] Luxembourg, Norway: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[43] Marshall Islands (Rep. of the): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[44] Iran (Islamic Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the conference | |
[44Add1] Iran (Islamic Rep. of): Proposals ... Conference | |
[45] Belarus (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[46] Vatican City State: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[47] Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: Proposals for the work of the conference | |
[48] Armenia (Republic of): Proposals for the work of de conference | |
[49] Brazil (Fed. Rep. of) : Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[50] List of documents: (Doc. 1- 50) | |
[51] Note by the Secretary-General: INTELSAT | |
[52] United Arab Emirates: Proposal for the work of the Conference | |
[52Corr1] United Aab Emirats: Trilingual doc. (EFS) | |
[52Corr2] United Arab Emirates - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[52Corr3] United Arab Emirates - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[53] Note by the Secretary-General: IMO Information Paper | |
[54] Israel (State of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[55] Uganda (Republic of): Proposals for the work of the conference | |
[56] Note by the Secretary-General: Planning exercises conducted in accordance with Resolution 531 (WRC-97) | |
[56.1] This document exists only in French. | |
[56Add1] Results of BSS-BSS compatibility studies | |
[56Corr1] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[56Add2] Compatibility Analyses with other Services and Region 2 Plan | |
[56.2] This document exists only in French. | |
[56Corr2] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[56Add3] Provisional results: Step 3 - Res.531 | |
[56Add4] Input data used in BSS-BSS compatibility studies | |
[56Corr3] Note by the SG: Corrigendum 3 to Doc. 56 | |
[57] Colombia (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[58] Israel (State of): Proposals for the work of the conference | |
[59] Uzbekistan (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[60R1] Note by the SG: Invitations - Rev.1 | |
[61] Note by the SG: Participation requested submitted by International Organizations | |
[62] France: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[62Add1] France: Proposals... Addendum 1 to Doc. 62 | |
[62Add2] France: Proposals... Addendum 2 to Document 62 | |
[62A3] France: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[62Add4] France - Proposals for work of the Conference | |
[63] Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of): Proposals for the work of the conference | |
[64] Tajikistan (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[65] Secretary-General: Information Document | |
[66] Cuba: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[67] Panama (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[68] Malaysia: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[68Add1] Malaysia: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[69] Germany (Federal Republic of): Proposal for the work of the Conference - Agenda item 1.9.3 | |
[70] Kenya (Republic of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[71R1] South Africa (Republic of): Proposals for the work of the Conference - Rev.1 | |
[71r1A1r2] South Africa: Proposals... Add 1(Rev.2) to Document 71 (Rev.1) | |
[71A2R1] South Africa (Rep. of): Proposals... Addendum 2 to Doc. 71 (Rev.1) | |
[72] France: Proposals... Agenda Item 1.1 | |
[73] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | |
[74] Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of): Proposals ... Part 1 | |
[74A1] Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of): Proposals ... | |
[74A2] Viet Nam (Socialist Rep. of): Proposals ... | |
[74A3] Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of): Proposals ... | |
[75] Guinea (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[76] Prov. posting - Syria: Proposals for the work of WRC-97 | |
[76Corr1] Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of), etc. ... Trilingual Doc. (EFS) | |
[77] Czech Republic: Proposal ... Agenda item 1.1 | |
[78] Armenia, Azerbaijani etc. ... : Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[78Corr1] Armenia, Azerbaijani etc. ... Trilingual doc. (EFS) | |
[78C1R1] Armenia, Azerbaijani etc. ... Trilingual doc. (EFS) | |
[79] Korea (Republic of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[80] Tanzania (United Republic of): Proposals for the work of the Conf�rence | |
[81R1] Moldova (Republic of): Proposals... (Rev.1) | |
[82] Singapore (Rep. of): Poposals for the work of the Conference | |
[83] Note by the Secretary-General: Inmarsat | |
[84] Indonesia (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[84Add1] Indonesia (Rep. of): Proposals... Addendum 1 to Doc. 84 | |
[84A1C1] Indonesia: Proposals... Corr.1 to Add.1 to Doc. 84 | |
[85] India (Republic of): Proposals ... Conference | |
[85Corr1] India (Rep. of): Trilingual doc. (EFS) | |
[86] Canada: Information paper ... in a portion of the 450-470 MHz range | |
[87] Pakistan (Islamic Republic of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[88] Malawi: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[89] Philippines (Republic of the): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[90Add1] List of the broadcasting-satellite networks ...RR - Trilingual Doc. (EFS) | |
[90R1] Note du SG: Document trilingue (EFS) | |
[91] Argentine Republic: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[92] Information document on CEPT coordination | |
[93] Note by the SG: ICAO Information Paper | |
[94] Cameroon (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[95] Spain:Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[96] Note by the S.G.: Conference rules of procedures and the use of visual aids | |
[97] Egypt: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[98] Note by the Secretary-General: Transfer of Powers: Micronesia - United States | |
[99R5] Loss of the right to vote | |
[100] List of Documents | |
[101] Chairmanship of the Conference | |
[102] Note by the SG: Secretariat of the Conference | |
[103] Note by the SG: Conference structure of the WRC Conference | |
[104] Mexico: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[105] Burkina Faso: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[106] Organization of the work of Committee 4 | |
[107R1] General schedule of the work of the Conference - Rev.1 | |
[108] Nigeria (Fed. Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[108Add1] Nigeria (Fed. Rep. of): Proposals... Addendum 1 to Doc.108 | |
[108Add2] Nigeria (Fed. Rep. of) - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[109] Organization of the work of Committee 5 | |
[110] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[111] Note by the Chairman of Committee 3 | |
[112] Canada: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[113] Greece: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[114] Lebanon: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[114Add1] Lebanon: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[114Add2] Lebanon - Proposals for the work of the Conference and ... | |
[115] Rep. of C�te d'Ivoire: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[115Corr1] Republic of C�te d'Ivoire - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[116] Norway: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[117] Information Document on APT Coordination | |
[118] Minutes of the first plenary meeting | |
[118Corr1] Minutes of the First Plenary Meeting | |
[119V2] Summary record of the first meeting of Committee 4 - Rev.2 | |
[120] Summary record of the first meeting of Committee 5 | |
[121] Note by the Chairman of Committee 6 | |
[122.1] Note by the SG: Part 1 | |
[122.2] Note by the SG: Part 2 | |
[122Corr1] Note by the Secretary-General. Corr.1 to Doc.122 | |
[122Corr2] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[123] Kazakstan (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[123Add1] Kazakstan (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[124] Tonga (Kingdom of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[125] Zambia (Rep. of): Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[126] Switzerland: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[127] Belgium: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[128] Note from the Chairman of the Conference | |
[129] Austria, Finland and Switzerland (Confederation of): Proposals ... Conference | |
[130] Ukraine: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[131] Note by the Chairman of Committee 4 | |
[132] Report by the Chairman of Working Goup 4A | |
[133] Ukraine: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[133Corr1] Ukraine - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[133Corr2] Ukraine - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[134] Thailand: Proposal for the work of the Conference | |
[135] Israel (State of): Position concerning Doc. 76 | |
[136] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[136Add1] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[136Add2] Note from the Secretary-General | |
[137] First Report of Working Group 5A to Committee 5 | |
[138] Note from Chairman of WG 5A to Chairman of C5 | |
[139] Summary Record of the Segond Meeting of Committee 4 | |
[140] Turkey: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[141] Spain: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[142] Greece: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[144] Note by the SG: IUCAF Information Paper | |
[145] Summary Record: First meeting of C3 | |
[146V2] Summary Record of the first meeting of Committee 2 | |
[147] Summary Record: First meeting of C6 | |
[148] Israel (State of): Response to a Proposal of the Delegation of Lebanon | |
[149] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[150] List of Documents (Doc. 101 - 150) | |
[151] Note by the Chairman of Committee 4 | |
[152] France: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[153] Note by the Secretary-General | |
[154] First Report of Working Group 5B to Committee 5 | |
[155] Note from the Chairman of Working Group 5C to the Chairperson of Committee 5 | |
[156] Report by the Chairman of Working Group 4B | |
[157] Note by the SG: ITU-R Rec. and Incorporation by Reference | |
[158] Israel: A new category of space network | |
[159R1] Minutes of the second plenary meeting | |
[160] Chairman, Working Group 4D: Summary of Conclusions reached by Working Group 4D | |
[160Add1] Chairman of Working Group 4D: Summary of Conclusions reached by Working Group 4D | |
[160Add2] Note by the Chairman of Working Group 4D | |
[161R1] Brazil, Burkina Faso, ... - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[161R1C1] Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada ... - Proposals for the Work of the Conference | |
[162] Report by the Chairman of Working Group 4B: Rep. 4B to C4 | |
[163] Luxembourg: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[164R1] Report by the Chairman of Sub-Working Group 5C1 | |
[164R2] Report by the Ch. of Sub-Working Group 5C1 | |
[165] Malaysia: Proposals | |
[166] Note by the SG: Assignments | |
[166A1] Note by the S-G: Assignments | |
[167R1] Ukraine: Proposals | |
[168V2] Summary Record of the third meeting of C4 | |
[169] Report of drafting Group 2 | |
[170R1] Note by the S-G: References ... | |
[171R2] Note by the Chairman of Drafting Group 5C | |
[172] Note by the Chairman of Drafting Group 5C1 | |
[173R1] Note by the Chairman of Drafting Group 5C1 | |
[174] Note by the Chairman of C5 | |
[174C1] Note by the Chairman of C5 | |
[175] First Serie of Texts submitted... | |
[176] WG1 of the Plenary: Note from the Chairman... | |
[177] Commitee 6: First Series of Texts from... | |
[178R1] Note from the Chairman of Working Group 5B to ... | |
[179] CITEL Coordinators: Information Doc. | |
[180R1] The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | |
[181] Summary Record of the second meeting of C5 | |
[182] Second Report: Working Group 5A to C5 | |
[183] Report by the Chairman of Working Group 4A - 4A to C4 | |
[184] 1st series of texts sub.by the Edit. C to the Plenary Meeting | |
[185] Rep.by the Ch.of Working Group 4B - 4B to C4 | |
[185A1] Rep. by the Chairman of Working Group 4B | |
[186] Greece: Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[187] Note by the Chairman of C4 | |
[187Add1] Note by the Chairman of Committee 4 | |
[188] Second Report of the Working Group 5B to C5 | |
[189] Papua New Guinea: Proposals ... | |
[190V2] Summary Record of the fourth Meeting of Committee 4 | |
[191] Second series of texts submitted by Committee 5 | |
[192] African Common Proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[192Corr1] African common proposals for the work of the Conference | |
[193] Note by the Chairman of Sub-Working Group 5C3 on high altitude platform stations | |
[194] Third Report of Working Group 5A to Committee 5 | |
[194Corr1] Third Report of Working Group 5A to C5 | |
[195] Syrian Arab Republic - Proposals ... | |
[196] Estonia (Republic of) - Proposals ... | |
[197] Report by the Chairman of Working Group 5B - Third Report | |
[198] Report by the Chairman of Working Group 4B | |
[199] Second Report of Working Group 5C to Committee 5 | |