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Radio Regulations adopted by the WRC-95 - R�glement des radiocommunications adopt� par la CMR-95 - Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones adoptado por la CMR-95

PDF - Radio Regulations adopted by WRC-95
2-1 - Part 1 of Document 2 (Articles) - Radio Regulations adopted by the WRC-95 (Word for Windows 7.0 format)
2-2 - Part 2 of Document 2 (Appendices) - Radio Regulations adopted by the WRC-95 (Word for Windows 7.0 format)
2-3 - Part 3 of Document 2 (Resolutions & Recommendations) - Radio Regulations adopted by the WRC-95 (Word for Windows 7.0 format)
2-4 - Part 4 of Document 2 (ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference) - Radio Regulations adopted by the WRC-95 (Word for Windows 7.0 format)
2-a1 - Addendum 1 to Document 2 - Radio Regulations adopted by WRC-95 (PDF & Word for Windows 7.0 formats)

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