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Pagina Principal : Publicaciones

[Final] Final List of Participants
[1] Informaci�n del Grupo de Trabajo 4A
[2] Declaraci�n de coordinaci�n de la Comisi�n Especial: Examen t�cnico de redes de sat�lites
[3] Grupo de Acci�n sobre el retraso en materia de sat�lites: Informe al Consejo-02
[4] Resumen de los debates del Consejo en su reuni�n de 2002
[5] Algunas consideraciones sobre las Reglas de Procedimiento relativas a los n�meros 9.35 y 9.36
[6] Actualizaci�n del Plan de Acci�n
[6-a1] Action Plan update
[6-r1] Action Plan Update
[6-r2] Action Plan Update
[6-r3] Actualizaci�n del Plan de acci�n en enero de 2003
[7] Draft SATBAG Report to WRC-03
[7-r1] Draft SATBAG Report to WRC-03
[7-r3] Informe del SATBAG a la CMR-03
[8] Luxembourg -- Contribution to the SAT-BAG meeting (Backlog - Agenda item 1.30: RRB Rules of Procedure for No. 9.35)
[9] United Kingdom: The satellite backlog and the complexity of the Radio Regulations
[10] United Kingdom: Proposed extension of the Coordination arc
[11] United Kingdom: A review of measures introduced to address the satellite network filing backlog
[12] United Kingdom: Planning software development
[13] Islamic Republic of Iran: Simplification and processing of assignments submitted under Appendix 30B
[13-r1] Islamic Republic of Iran: Simplification and processing of assignments submitted under Appendix 30B
[14] United States of America - Treatment of RRB Rules of Procedure at WRCs
[15] Chairman - Proposals for the Sat-Bag Report to WRC-03
[16] Processing of Space Notices -- Statistics
[17] Final list of participants
[18] Draft: Report of Council Satellite Backlog Action Group Meeting (Geneva, 22-24 January 2003)
[18-r1] Informe de la Reuni�n del Grupo de Acci�n del Consejo sobre el retraso acumulado en materia de sat�lites, Ginebra, 22-24 de enero de 2003
[19] SATBAG: Liaison statement to the RAG: Radiocommunication Bureau software development
[20] SATBAG: Liaison statement to WP4A, WP6S, WP7C, WP8D: Extension of the coordination arc

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