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Contributions to WP 8D (1998-2000)

[8D/330] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on frequency sharing between the MSS and the land mobile service
[8D/1] Documents to be considered in the 1998-99 study period
[8D/1r1] Documents to be considered in the 1998-99 study period
[8D/2] Note by the Chairman of Study Group 8
[8D/3,8A/4,8B/4] Disaster communications
[8D/4,8/2,8A/5,8B/5,8-1/8] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 8, its Working Parties and Task Group
[8D/5,8/3,8A/6,8B/6,8-1/9] Recommendations and Decisions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 8, its Working Parties and Task Group
[8D/6,8A/10,8B/7] Liaison statement to Study Groups 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11
[8D/7,8A/11,8B/8] Liaison statement to ITU-R SGs 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and their relevant WPs - Out-of-band (OOB) emission limits
[8D/8] Liaison statement to SGs 4, 7 and 8 - Statistics of spurious emission levels for space stations in non-geostationary orbit and protection of radio astronomy and passive services
[8D/9] Liaison statement to SGs 4, 7 and 8 and JWP 10-11S - Spurious emission limits for earth and space stations in the space services
[8D/10] Working Party 8D preparations for WRC-99
[8D/11] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Sharing between the mobile-satellite service and the meteorological-satellite service in the band 1675-1710 MHz as well as the meteorological-aids service in the band 1675-1700 MHz
[8D/12] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Frequency sharing between the radio astronomy, the Earth exploration-satellite (passive) and space research (passive) services and feeder links of the mobile-satellite service in the bands near 1.4 GHz
[8D/13] Liaison statement to from WP 7D to WP 8D on WRC-99 agenda item 1.10
[8D/14] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Development of regulatory texts for the CPM-99 Report
[8D/15] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Information related to sections 6.8, 7.2 and 8 in Attachment 1 of PDNR ITU-R M.[8D/XY]
[8D/16] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Studies relating to the consideration of an allocation to the non-geostationary mobily-satellite servie (MSS) in the meteorological aids band 405-406 MHz and the impact on primary services allocated in ....
[8D/17] Liaison statement from WP 7D to WP 8D - Possible broadening of the secondary allocation to mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the band 14.0-14.5 GHz to cover aeronautical applications
[8D/18] Liaison statement to WP 8D regarding Rec. ITU-M. 1316 - Principles and methodology for frequency sharing in the 1610.6-1613.8 and 1660-1660.5 MHz bands between the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) and the radio astronomy service
[8D/19] Liaison statement from WP 7B to WP 8D regarding WRC-99 Agenda Item 1.11
[8D/20] Work Plan of Working Party 8D for the study period 1997-1999
[8D/21,8A/30,8B/23] Liaison statement from WP 7D to WPs 8A, 8B and 8D - Request for information related to planned contributions to the CPM-99 Report
[8D/22,8A/43,8B/24,8D/22,8-1/49] ITU-R patent statements database
[8D/23,8A/44] Liaison statement to WPs 8A and 8D - Sharing between MSS feeder links and wireless RLAN devices in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8D/24,8B/27] Liaison statement to WP 8B and 8D - Prevention of harmful interference to 406 MHz EPIRBS operating with the COSPAS-SARSAT system
[8D/25,8B/40] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8B and 8D on interference protection to mobile systems
[8D/26] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Statistical modelling of frequency sharing between stations in the land mobile service below 1 GHz and NGSO mobile earth stations
[8D/27] On the feasibility of making allocations for MSS (Space-to-Earth) in the band 1 559 - 1 567 MHz
[8D/28] Modification of Recommendation ITU-R M.1319
[8D/29,9B/48,4A/70,4-9S/30,7C/38] Liaison statement from WP 8A on radio local area networks (RLANs)
[8D/30,4A/71,4-9S/31,7C/39,9B/49] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 7C, 8B and 9B - Radio local area networks (RLANs)
[8D/30c1,9B/49c1,7C/39c1,4-9S/31c1,4A/71c1] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 7C, 8D and 9B
[8D/31] Draft Material for the CPM-99 Report - Compatibility between the radionavigation-satellite service and the mobile-satellite service (Space-to-Earth) in the band 1 559 - 1 610 MHz
[8D/32] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Parameters required for calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in frequency bands shared with terrestrial services
[8D/33] Technical characteristics of the E-NSS-1 Network
[8D/34] A method for derivation of performance objective for non-GSO MSS systems and development of interference criteria
[8D/35] LMSS propagation channel model
[8D/36] Information paper - Application of the global positioning system and the automatic packet reporting system to disaster communications
[8D/37] Working Document towards preliminary draft new Recommendation - Characteristics of the systems in the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-space) in the frequency bands 1215-1260 MHz and 1559-1610 MHz
[8D/38] Working Doc. toward draft CPM-99 text - Compatibility between the radionavigation-satellite service operating in the space-to-space direction, in the bands 1 215-1 260 and 1 559-1 610 MHz, and other space services operating in the adjacent bands
[8D/39] The impact of MSS downlink emissions below 406 MHz on the primary services allocated in the two upper adjacent band and draft CPM text element
[8D/40] LSATNAV system description
[8D/40C1] LSATNAV system description
[8D/41] Preparation of draft elements for the CPM-99 Report and establishment of a Rapporteurs Group
[8D/42] Spurious emission limits for earth and space stations
[8D/43] Sharing between the LSATNAV low Earth orbit radionavigation-satellite system and spaceborne GPS receivers
[8D/44] Draft new Question - Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations for global non-geostationary mobile-satellite service systems with primary allocations in bands below 1 GHz
[8D/45] Information paper - A preliminary analysis model to determine interference effects to GPS from other radio services
[8D/45a1] Information paper - A preliminary analysis model to determine interference effects to GPS from other radio services
[8D/46] Working document towards a draft new Recommendation - Technical parameters of non-GSO mobile-satellite service networks with primary allocations below 1GHz
[8D/47] Compatibility analysis between non-geostationary mobile satellite services (non-GSO MSS) feederlinks and the existing services near 1.4 GHz
[8D/48] Essential technical requirements of mobile Earth stations for geostationary mobile-satellite service system in the bands 1-3 Ghz
[8D/49] Information document - Current list of texts all mobile-satellite services and radiodetermination-satellite service
[8D/50] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Technical assessment of the sharing potential for MSS and RNSS/ARNS in a portion of the band 1559-1567 Mhz
[8D/51] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations for global non-geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the 148-150.5 MHz frequency bands
[8D/52] Performance objectives for narrow-band digital channels using geostationary satellites to serve transportable and mobile earth stations in the 1-3 GHz range, forming part of the ISDN
[8D/53] Information paper on space-to-space applications of the global positioning system
[8D/54] Working doc. for draft new Rec.-Method for the statistical modelling of freq. sharing between stat in the mobile service and FDMA non-geostationary satellite orbit (non-GSO) mobile Earth stations with primary allocations (Earth-to-space) below 1GHz
[8D/55] Working Document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation and draft element for the CPM-99 Report
[8D/56] Working document toward draft element for the Report of CPM-99 - Considerations for the evolution of GNSS spectrum utilization
[8D/57] Proposed study program under Resolution 220 (WRC-97) leading to the development of CPM text regarding the feasibility of co-primary use of RNSS spectrum in aprotion of the frequency band 1559 to 1567 MHz by MSS
[8D/58] Information paper - Civil, commercial and consumer use of the Global Positioning System (GPS)
[8D/59] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D and the Rapporteur for Chapter 2 of the CPM-99 Report - Sharing between MSS and terrestrial television
[8D/60] Sharing considerations regarding the meteorological satellite service and the mobile satellite service in the band 1698 - 1710 MHz
[8D/61] A methodology to calculate interference probability from non-GSO MSS mobile earth station to land mobile station operating below 1 GHz
[8D/62] Proposed draft new Recommendation for uplink sharing studies
[8D/63] An investigation of the out-of-band-emission-limits of Recommendation ITU-R M.[8D/XZ]
[8D/64] Proposed CPM text on uplink studies toward possible allocation of spectrum to non-voice, non-GSO MSS (Earth-space) in a portion of 450-470 MHz
[8D/65] Methodology and criteria to protect NGSO MSS feeder links (Earth-to-space) in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz from wireless local area networks (RLANS) intended to share the same band
[8D/66] Frequency allocation interference through use of DCAAS
[8D/66R1] Frequency interference avoidance through use of DCAAS
[8D/67] Structure of sub-working groups and document attribution for the seventh Working Party 8D meeting
[8D/67C1] Structure of sub-working groups and document attribution for the seventh Working Party 8D meeting
[8D/68] Handbook on mobile-satellite communications
[8D/69] Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.633-1 on 406 MHz satellite EPIRBS
[8D/69r1] Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.633-1 on 406 MHz satellite EPIRBs
[8D/71] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D and the Rapporteur for Chapter 2 of the CPM-99 report - Sharing between MSS and terrestrial television
[8D/71c1] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D and the Rapporteur for Chapter 2 of the CPM-99 report - Sharing between MSS and terrestrial television
[8D/72] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on IMT-2000 satellite component
[8D/73] Liaison statement to WP 8D on IMT-2000 satellite component
[8D/73] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on IMT-2000 satellite component
[8D/74] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Response to a request from Task Group 1/6 for new and revised system parameters for Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7 and Rec. ITU-R IS.847-1
[8D/75] Liaison statement to WP 7C - Response to a liaison statement from WP 7C on the feasibility of sharing between radionavigation-satellite service receivers and active spaceborne sensors in the 1215-1260 MHz band (Question ITU-R 201/8)
[8D/76] Prel. draft new Rec. ITU-R [8D/XYZ] - Rec.for the def.of the min.geographical sep.distance to protect aeronautical radiocom.and radionav.syst.from radio freq.interf.when aircraft operate in the precision approach phase of flight (Q.207/8)
[8D/77] Revision of Rec. ITU-R M.1039-1 - Methods for evaluating sharing between systems in the land mobile service and FDMA low Earth orbit (LEO) systems in the mobile satellite service below 1 GHz
[8D/78] Sharing between the mobile satellite service and electronic news gathering/outside broadcast links at 2.5 GHz
[8D/79] Draft liaison statement from WP 8D to TG 1/5 - Spurious and out-of-band emission limits for mobile Earth stations of the mobile satellite service operating below 1 GHz
[8D/80] Liaison statement to WP 8D on joint meeting of WP 8D and TG 8/1 on 29 April 1998
[8D/81] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on propagation models for the determination of the coordination area around earth stations
[8D/82] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on proposed modifications to Recommendations ITU-R M.1039 and P.681
[8D/83 - Part 1] Report of the seventh meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 20 April - 1 May 1998)
[8D/83 - Part 2] Report of the seventh meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 20 April - 1 May 1998)
[8D/83 - Part 3] Report of the seventh meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 20 April - 1 May 1998)
[8D/83 - Part 4] Report of the seventh meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 20 April - 1 May 1998)
[8D/84] Document(s) referred back to Working Party 8D
[8D/85,4A/91,7D/41,10-11S/54] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7D, 8D and 10-11S
[8D/86,10-11S/55] Reply to Joint Working Party 10-11S and for information to Working Party 8D - Limits to spurious emissions, out-of-band emissions, and intermodulation products for earth and space stations in the space services
[8D/87,4A/92,7B/29,7C/57,7D/42,8A/60,8B/45,9B/59,10A/38,10B/26,11C/38,10-11S/56] Liaison statement to WP 4A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8D, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11C and 10-11S - Protection of passive and safety serv. from interf. due to unwanted emissions by other serv.
[8D/88,4A/93,7C/58,8A/61,8B/46,9A/38] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7C, 8A, 8B, 8D and 9A - Measurement of spurious emission limits in the radiated field
[8D/89,4A/94,7B/30,7C/59,7D/43,8A/62,8B/47,9B/61,10A/40,10B/28,11C/40,10-11S/58] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8D, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11C and 10-11S - Maximum necessary bandwidth concept
[8D/90,9B/60,10A/39,10B/27,11C/39,10-11S/57,4A/95,7D/44,8A/63,8B/48]Liaison statement to WPs 4A,7D,8A,8B,8D,9B,10A,10B,11C and 10-11S-Protection of services from interference caused by out-of-band emissions of transmitters operating in adj. allocated bands
[8D/91] [Preliminary] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [8D/XU] - Methodology for evaluating potential for interference from TDMA/FDMA MSS (Earth-to-space) transmissions into line-of-sight fixed service receivers in the 2 GHz range
[8D/92] [Prel.] Draft new Rec.ITU-R[8D/XV]-Method'y to eval. the impact of interfer. from TDMA/FDMA non-GSO MSS systems operating in the 2 GHz range on basebd perfomance in dig'l line-of-sight fixed service rec's based on statistics of radio-freq. interf.
[8D/93, 9D/57] Draft new Rec. ITU-R [8D/XS] - Methodology to evaluate the impact of interference from TDMA/FDMA MSS systems operating in the 2 GHz range on baseband performance in FDM-FM analogue line-of-sight fixed service receivers
[8D/94,9D/58] Draft New Recommendation ITU-R [8D/XT] - Methodology to evaluate the impact of interference from TDMA/FDMA MSS systems operating in the 2 GHz range on video baseband performance in TV-FM analogue line-of-sight fixed service receivers
[8D/95] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D
[8D/96,9D/60] Draft new Recommandation [8D/XX,9D/XX] - Guidance to facilitate coordination and use of frequency bands shared between the mobile-satellite and fixed services in the frequency range 1-3 GHz
[8D/97] Draft rev. of Rec. ITU-R M.1319 - The basis of a assess the impact of interf.from a time div.mult.access/freq.div.mult.access (TDM/FDMA) mobile-sat.serv.sat.syst.operating in the 2 GHz range on the perf.of line-of-sight fixed serv.receivers
[8D/98,9A/44,9B/62,9D/62,11C/41,10-11S/60,1-5/95,4A/100,4B/30,4-9S/50,4-9-11/212,7D/46,8-1/117,8B/50] Agenda for the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2000)
[8D/99] Updated work plan of Working Party 8D for the study period 1998-1999
[8D/100] Technical characteristics and sharing scenarios of satellite systems offering multiple services (SSOMS)
[8D/101] Chairmen's Report of the third meeting of the Joint Rapporteur Group of WPs 8D and 9D (JRG 8D-9D) (London, 31 August - 4 September 1998)
[8D/102, 4A/188] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A and 8D
[8D/103] Liaison statement to WP 8D on WRC-2000 agenda item 1.15.2 "Addition of space-to-space direction to radionavigation satellite service in the bands 1 215-1 260 MHz and 1 559-1 610 MHz"
[8D/104] Sharing considerations regarding the meteorological-satellite service and the mobile-satellite service in the band 1 698-1 710 MHz
[8D/105,8A/65,9D/86] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8A, 8D and 9D - Telecommand links in the space research and space operation services below 1 GHz bands
[8D/106] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Sharing considerations regarding the meteorological-satellite service and the mobile-satellite service in the band 1675-1710 MHz
[8D/107] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Technical information regarding Resolution 127 (WRC-97)
[8D/108] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Request for additional information on proposed systems in the 405-406 MHz band
[8D/109] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Response to liaison statement from WP 8D on the feasibility of sharing between radionavigation-satellite service receivers and active spaceborne sensors in the 1215-1260 MHz band
[8D/110] Compability between the radionavigation-satellite service and the mobile-satellite service (Space-to-Earth) in the band 1559-1610 MHz - Draft material for the CPM Report
[8D/111] Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations for global non-geostationary mobile satellite service systems in the band 1-3 MHz
[8D/112] Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations of geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the bands 1-3 GHz
[8D/113] Compatibility between the radionavigation-satellite service and the fixed service in the band 1559-1610 MHz
[8D/114] AMS(R)S communications traffic predictions and spectrum requirements for the bands 1545-1555 MHz and 1646.5-1655.5 MHz to the year 2010
[8D/115] Liaison statement to WP 8D from 7B on WRC-2000 Agenda Item 1.15.2 "Addition of space-to-space direction to radionavigation satellite service in the bands 1 215 - 1 260 MHz and 1 559 - 1 610 MHz"
[8D/116] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Reply to Document 7D/38 on proposed MSS systems in the 405 - 406 MHz band
[8D/117] Liaison statement from Working Party 7D to Working Party 8D - Principles and methodology for frequency sharing in the 1 610.6 - 1 613.8 and 1 660 - 1 660.5 MHz bands between the mobile-sat.service (Earth-to-space) and the radio astronomy service
[8D/118,7D/56] Liaison statement from WP 7A to Working Parties 7D and 8D on WRC-99 agenda items
[8D/119, 3M/61] Liaison statement to Chairman of Working Party 8D - Comments on PDNR [8D/XU] attached to Document 3M/57, 9A/41
[8D/120] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Technical information regarding Resolution 127 (WRC-97)
[8D/121] Liaison statement from Working Party 7D to Working Party 8D - Potential interference by the radionavigation-satellite service to the radio astronomy service
[8D/122,4A/196,9D/92] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 8D and 9D - Draft CPM texts on agenda item 1.16 section 4.1: passive allocations above 71 GHz
[8D/123r1] Evaluation of interference from transmitters of the fixed service into receivers of the radionavigation-satellite (space-to-Earth) service in band 1559-1610 MHz
[8D/124] Possible new frequency bands for the radionavigation-satellite (space-to-earth) service
[8D/125] Working document toward draft CPM element - Consideration of burden sharing and frequency dependent rejection in sharing studies involving RNSS/ARNS
[8D/126] Draft modification of attachment 29 to Document 8D/83, draft elements for Chapter 2 of the Report of CPM-2000 to WRC-2000
[8D/127] Draft modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS.CHAR], technical characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (space-to-earth) and ARNS receivers to be considered in interference studies in the band 1 559 - 1 610 MHz
[8D/127] Draft modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS.CHAR], technical characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (space-to-earth) and ARNS receivers to be considered in interference studies in the band 1 559 - 1 610 MHz
[8D/128] Working document toward draft CPM element: Characteristics of pseudolites operating in the aeronautical radionavigation serv./radionavigation-sat. serv. band at 1559-1610 MHz and their impact on the feasibility of sharing with MSS (space-to-Earth)
[8D/129] Working Document toward draft CPM element: Additional factors affecting the feasibility of sharing between ARNS/RNSS and MSS (Space-to-Earth) in a portion of the 1 559 - 1 567 MHz band
[8D/129] Working Document toward draft CPM element - Additional factors affecting the feasibility of sharing between ARNS/RNSS and MSS (Space-eo-Earth) in a portion of the 1559-1567 MHz band
[8D/130] Working document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Practical levels of unwanted emissions
[8D/131] Draft modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS.CHAR] - Technical characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (space-to-earth) and ARNS receivers to be considered in interference studies in the band 1 559 - 1 610 MHz
[8D/132] Draft modification of working document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Technical assessment of the sharing potential for MSS (space-to-earth) with RNSS (space-to-earth)/ARNS in a portion of the band 1 559 - 1 567 MHz
[8D/133] Long term spectrum requirements of AMS(R)S
[8D/134] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [8D/XP] (Attachment 10 to Doc. 8D/83) - Methods for sharing between MSS systems and RNSS systems in the frequency bands 149.9-150.05 MHz and 399.9-400.05 MHz
[8D/135] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1039-1 - Methods for modeling frequency sharing between stations in the mobile service below 1 GHz and non-geostationary satellite orbit (non-GSO) mobile earth stations
[8D/136] Methodology for derivation of performance objective of non-GSO MSS systems operating in the 1-3 GHz band
[8D/137] Draft modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[MSS.ETR] (Att. 2 to Doc. 8D/83) - Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations for global non-geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the 148-150.05 MHz ...
[8D/139] Information pertaining to frequency sharing between stations in the mobile and fixed services below 1 GHz and NGSO mobile earth stations
[8D/140] Comments on liaison statement from Task Group 1/5 (Doc. 8D/85)
[8D/141] Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations of geostationary MSS systems in the bands 1 - 3 GHz (Doc. 8D/83, Attachment 11)
[8D/142] Analysis of out-of-band interference from MSS mobile earth terminals operating in the 1 610 - 1 625 MHz band to spaceborne RNSS receivers operating in the 1 559 - 1 610 MHz band
[8D/143] Modification of draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[Doc. 8/27]
[8D/144] Propagation models for use in Recommendation ITU-R M.1039
[8D/145] Contribution to CPM Report to WRC-2000
[8D/146] Potential interference to terrestrial service from space-to-space links in the radionavigation-satellite service in the 1215-1260 MHz and 1559-1610 MHz bands
[8D/147] Co-frequency sharing bewtween non-GSO MSS earth to space links and networks in the mobile service at 455 MHz
[8D/148] Analysis of the interference from the proposed INMARSAT downlink signal in the band 1559-1567 MHz to GPS receivers
[8D/149] Working document toward a draft element for the Report of CPM-99-REview of INMARSAT contribution of "Feasibility of making allocations for MSS (Space-to-Earth) in the band 1559-1567 MHz
[8D/150] Analysis of interference from the proposed LSATNAV and E-NSS-1 satellite navigation systems to spaceborne GPS receivers
[8D/151] Potential interference from terrestrial services in the 1 215 - 1 260 MHz and 1 559 - 1 610 MHz bands to space based radionavigation satellite service receivers
[8D/152] Working document toward satisfying Resolution 220 (WRC 97) - Analysis of interference from the proposed INMARSAT downlink signal in the band 1559-1567 MHz to GPS receivers
[8D/153] Potential interference from spaceborne active sensors to space-to-space links of radionavigation-satellite service receivers in the 1215-1260 MHz band
[8D/154] MSS Spectrum Requirements
[8D/155] Draft modification of Attachment 29 to Document 8D/83, draft element of section 2.4.2 (RNSS space-to-space allocation) of the CPM report to WRC-2000
[8D/156] Draft modification of Working Doc. toward a PDNR - Technical assessment of the sharing potential for MSS (Space-to-Earth) with RNS (Space-to-Earth)/ARNS in a portion of the band 1559-1567 MHz
[8D/157] General spectral masks for mobile space services
[8D/158] Addressing Task Group 1/5 issues to Working Party 8D
[8D/159] Working document toward modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M[RNSS.ISS] (Attachment 7 to Doc. 8D/83)
[8D/160] Structure of Sub-Working Groups and document attribution for the eighth WP 8D meeting
[8D/160R1] Structure of sub-working groups and document attribution for the eighth WP 8D meeting
[8D/160C1R2] Structure of sub-working groups and document attribution for the eighth WP8D meeting
[8D/160C2R2] Structure of sub-working groups and document attribution for the eighth WP 8D meeting
[8D/161] Draft CPM contribution - constraints on existing MSS allocations below 1 GHz
[8D/162] Protection of services from interference caused by out-of-band emission of transmitters operating in adjacent allocated bands
[8D/163] Proposed amendments of working documents towards draft new Recommendation - Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations if geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the bands 1-3 GHz
[8D/164] Proposed modifications to Recommendation ITU-R M.1343 - Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations for global non-geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the bands 1-3GHz
[8D/165] Technical characteristics of the user and feeder radiolinks in the mobile-satellite service to be used in the ROSTLESAT-N network
[8D/166] Possible new frequency bands for the radionavigation-satellite service draft text for the CPM-Report
[8D/167] Working doc. toward a prel. draft new Rec.-Priority and pre-emptive access, capabilities that can be implemented in a practical manner in mobile sat. service systems in the 1 545-1 555 MHz and 1 646.5-1 656.5 MHz bands in support of the AMS(R)S
[8D/168] Technical and operational characteristics of mobile satellite systems in the bands 1 545 - 1 555/1 646.5 - 1 656.5 MHz needed to accommodate AMS(R)S
[8D/169] Methodology and criteria to facilitate sharing between NGSO MSS feeder links and HIPERLAN in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8D/170] Sharing between RNSS radiobeacons and radiolocation radars
[8D/171] Draft text fo the CPM-Report - Addition of the space-to-space direction to the radionavigation satellite service allocations in the bands 1 215 - 1 260 MHz and 1 559 - 1 610 MHz
[8D/172] Compatibility between MSS (space-to-earth) in the 1559-1567 MHz band and ARNS/RNSS including GNSS in the 1559-1610 MHz band
[8D/173] Proposals for amendments of the Preliminary Draft New Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS.CHAR]
[8D/174] Working document toward draft CPM element - Use of the bands 1545-1555 MHz/1646.5-1656.5 MHz and 1530-1544 MHz/1625.5-1645.5 MHz by the mobile-satellite service while ensuring the availability of AMS(R)S and GMDSS communications respectively
[8D/175] Impact of LEO-MSS downlink emissions below 406 MHz on the primary services allocated in the upper adjacent band (406-406.1 MHz: COSPAS/SARSAT System)
[8D/176] Proposed revision to Rec. ITU-R M.1184 - Addition of representative MSS GSO technical characteristics to Annex 1 of Rec. ITU-R M.1184
[8D/177] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Comments on draft new Recommendations submitted by JRG 8D-9D
[8D/178] Draft new Rec. ITU-R M.[8D/XP] - Methodology of sharing between MSS systems (Earth-to-Space) and existing RNSS systems (Space-to-Earth) in frequency bands 149.9-150.05 and 399.9-400.05 MHz
[8D/178a1] Addendum 1 to draft new Recommendatio ITU-R M.[8D/XP]
[8D/179] Projections for spectrum requirements for MSS/satellite IMT-2000 services
[8D/180] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Information pertaining to frequency sharing between stations in the mobile and fixed services below 1 GHz and NGSO mobile earth stations
[8D/181] Liaison statement to Working Parties 7C, 8D, 9D and 4-9S and to Joint Task Group 4-9-11 - Analytical approach for assessing interference in environments involving NGSO satellite networks
[8D/182, 1-6/48, 8B/53] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Reference bandwidth of aeronautical radionavigation systems operating in the band 5.091 - 5.250 GHz
[8D/183, 4-9S/90, 8A-9B/67] Liaison statement from WP 4A to JRG 8A/9B, WP 8D and WP 4-9S for information - Issues relating to the sharing between the NGSO MSS feeder-link systems and RLANs in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8D/183R1, 4-9S/90R1, 8A-9B/67R1] Liaison statement from Working Party 4A to JRG 8A-9B, Working Parties 4-9S and 8D - Issues relating to the sharing between the NGSO MSS feeder-link systems and RLANs in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8D/185] Liaison statement from WP 4B to WP 8D - Performance objectives
[8D/186] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D from Working Party 4A
[8D/186C1] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D from Working Party 4A
[8D/188r1, 7B/44r1, 4A/197r1, 7C/89r1, 8A/69r1, 9D/96r1] Withdrawal of Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C, 8A, 8D and 9D - System parameter tables for use in the determinationof the coordination area around earth stations
[8D/189, 3M/63, 8A/70] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8A and 8D and to WOrking Party 3M (for information) - The calculation of coordination distances at frequencies below 850 MHz
[8D/190] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D from Working Party 7C
[8D/191, 3M/64, 8A/71] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M and Working Parties 8A and 8D (for information) - Propagation factors relating to the determination of the coordination distance
[8D/191r1,3M/64r1,8A/71r1] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M and Working Parties 8A and 8D (for information) - Propagation factors relating to the determination of the coordination distance
[8D/192r1, 4A/198r1, 7B/45r1, 7C/90r1] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C and 8D - Antenna gain parameters required for the determination of the coordination distance
[8D/193] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Systems parameters required for the calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service
[8D/194] Part 1 - Report of the eighth meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 19-30 October 1998)
[8D/194] Part 2 - Report of the eighth meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 19-30 October 1998)
[8D/194] Part 3 - Report of the eighth meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 19-30 October 1998)
[8D/194] Part 4 - Report of the eighth meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 19-30 October 1998)
[8D/194] Part 5 - Report of the eighth meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 19-30 October 1998)
[8D/195,3J/37,1-6/56,3M/80,4-9S/100,8A/81] Liaison stat. to Chair. of TG 1/6 and draft proposal to WP 3M on rev. of Rec. ITU-R P.620-3 to become entitled: "Propag. data required for the evaluation of coordin. distances in the frequency range 100 MHz-15 GHz
[8D/196] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 8D and 10-11S - Maximum necessary bandwidth concept
[8D/196R1] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 8D and 10-11S - Maximum necessary bandwidth concept
[8D/197,8A/86,8-1/229] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8A, 8D and Task Group 8/1 - Monte Carlo Tool
[8D/198,8B/70] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8B, 8D, 9B and 9D and JWP 10-11S
[8D/198R1,8B/70R1] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8B, 8D, 9B and 9D and JWP 10-11S
[8D/199,1-6/57,4A/226] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 8D and Task Group 1/6 on Receiver reference bandwidth of aeronautical radionavigation systems operating in the band 5.091-5.250 GHz
[8D/200] Draft contribution to the CPM Report Chapter 2, section 2.1 on Use of the band 1 500-1 700 MHz by the MSS
[8D/201,10-11S/104,4A/222,7B/53,8a/100,8B/73,9B/98,9D/108] Liaison statement Working Parties 4A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 8D, 9B and 9D and Joint Working Party 10-11S - Protection of safety services
[8D/202,4A/223,7B/54,10-11S/105] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8D, 4A, 7B and 10-11S on out-of-band emission masks for space services
[8D/203, 4A/224, 10-11S/106] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 8D and 10-11S - Maximum necessary bandwidth concept
[8D/204,10-11S/107,4A/225,7B/55,7C/106,7D/68,8B/75,9B/99,9D/109] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8B, 9B and 9D and Joint Working Party 10-11S - Protection of passive services
[8D/205] Liaison statement from WP 8A to WP 8D - Transport information and control systems
[8D/206,1-6/58,3M/109] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M and 8D Task Group 1/6
[8D/207,4A/227,8B/100] Liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Issues relating to the sharing between the NGSO MSS feeder link systems and RLANs in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8D/208,1-6/59,3M/110] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M and 8D and Task Group 1/6 on Technical characteristics of mobile service (MS) systems for interference studies
[8D/209,4B/47,7C/157,8A/115,8B/102,9B/102,10B/35,10-11S/110,11C/44] Liaison statement from Task Group 1/5 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation and Report on intermodulation in transmitters
[8D/209r1, 4B/47r1, 7C/157r1, 8A/115r1, 8B/102r1, 9B/102r1, 10B/35r1, 10-11S/110r1, 11C/44r1] Withdrawal of document
[8D/210] Comments on the preliminary draft new Rec. (PDNR) entitled Essential technical requirements of land mobile earth stations of geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the 1-3 GHz band
[8D/211,10B/39] Sharing of MSS (space-to-earth) with the broadcasting service - Protection of services ancillary to programme making (SAP) and services ancillary to broadcasting (SAB)
[8D/212] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Proposed amendments to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[8D.SARP] - Protection criteria for SARSAT search and rescue processors (SARP) in the band 406-406.1 MHz
[8D/212] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Proposed amendments to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[8D/SARP]
[8D/213] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - CPM text for WRC-2000
[8D/214] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Sharing consideration regarding the meteorological service and the mobile-satellite service (MSS) in the band 1 675-1 710 MHz
[8D/215,4-9S/107,8A/120] Liaison statement from Chairman, WP 3M to WP 4-9S, 8A and 8D on Revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.620 "Propagation data required for the evaluation of coordination distances in the frequency range 100 MHz to 105 GHz"
[8D/216] Liaison statement from Working Parties 3K and 3M to Working Party 8D on Propagation models used in analyses of frequency sharing between stations in the mobile service and mobile earth stations in the non-GSO MSS below 1 GHz
[8D/217] Assessment of frequency requirements for meteorological services in the band 1675-1690 MHz
[8D/218] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on sharing between MS and MSS in the band below 1 GHz
[8D/219] Working Party 7D (Radio Astronomy)
[8D/220] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Reply to Document 7D/63 (Document 8D/TEMP/117(Rev.2)) on WRC-2000 agenda item 1.9 (Resolution 220 (WRC-97))
[8D/221] Liaison statement to WP 8D from WP 7D (reply to Doc. 7D/35) - Technical information regarding Resolution 127 (WRC-97)
[8D/222] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Reply to Documents 7D/61 and 7D/66 on proposed MSS system in the 405 - 406 MHz band
[8D/223,7B/64,7C/160] Liaison statement to WPs 7B, 7C, 8D - WP 7D Rapporteur to WP 8D for CPM-2000 agenda item 1.11 (Res. 214)
[8D/224] Special Rapporteurs Group on Essential technical requirements for global and regional geostationary mobile-satellite service in the 1-3 GHz band
[8D/225] Liaison statement to WP 8D on WRC-2000 agenda item 1.15.1 - to consider new allocations to the radionavigation-satellite service in the range from 1 to support developments
[8D/226,7D/94] Liaison statement to JCG 7D/8D and WPs 7D and 8D - Principles and methodology for frequency sharing in the 1 610.6-1 613.8 and 1 660-1 660.5 MHz bands between the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) and the radio astronomy service
[8D/227] MSS sepctrum estimates for AMS(R)S
[8D/228] Work plan for the ninth WP 8D meeting and documet attribution to sub-working groups
[8D/228C1] Work plan for the ninth WP 8D meeting and document attribution to Sub-working Groups
[8D/229] Impact of MSS feeder links into RNSS in the band 5 091 - 5 150 MHz
[8D/230] Comments on Working Document towards a PDNR: Technical assessments of the sharing potential between MSS (Space-to-Earth) and RNSS (Space-to-Earth)/ARNS in a portion of the band 1 559 - 1 567 MHz
[8D/231,4A/243,8A-9B/113,8A/123,9B/122] Interference to NGSO MSS feeder link (S5.447A) link from RLAN devices in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8D/232] Comment on the modification proposed by JWP 10-11S, to the PFD limits contained in Section 5 (c) of Annex 5 to Appendix 30/S30
[8D/233,8A-9B/119,8A/113] Liaison statement to ITU-R Worling Parties 8A and 8D, JRG 8A-9B, ITU-T Study Groups 12, 13, 15 and 16 on Revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1079
[8D/234] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on high altitude platfomr stations (HAPS)
[8D/235] Proposed changes to the draft text for the CPM Report, Chapter 2, paragraph 2.1
[8D/236] Practicable levels of unwanted emissions from fixed and mobile satellites
[8D/237] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on ITU process on future submission of satellite radio transmission technologies
[8D/238] Study on the required separation between proposed RNSS radio beacons and Canadian radars in the band 1 300- 1 350 MHz
[8D/239] Proposed modification to draft elements for Chapter 2 of CPM Report for WRC-2000
[8D/240] Proposal for a draft modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R.[MSS.ETR] (att. 2 to Doc. 8D/194)
[8D/241] Proposed modification of Annex 8 to Attachment 7 of the Chairman's report
[8D/242] Proposed modification to Attachment 7 of the Chairman's Report
[8D/243] Comments to Working Party 7D on PDNR related to tolerable data loss due to interference
[8D/244, 8A/126] Sharing of MSS (Earth-to-space) with terrestrial services
[8D/245] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D on essential technical requirements for all IMT-2000 terminals
[8D/246] Techniques facilitating protection of the radioastronomy service from RNSS transmissions in the proposed new RNSS band 5 010-5 030 MHz
[8D/247] Frequency sharing between ARNS/RNSS and MSS in the 1559-1610 MHz band
[8D/248] Agenda item 1.10 : Resolution 218 on use of the bands 1 525 - 1 559 MHz and 1 626.5 - 1660.5 MHz by the mobile satellite service
[8D/249] Working document toward modification of Attachment 18 of Document 8D/194 - Protection of MLS from systems operating in a new RNSS allocation in the 5000-5250 MHz band
[8D/250] Draft modification of Preliminary Draft New Recommendation ITU-R M.[MSS.ETR] - Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations for global non-geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the 148 - 150.05 MHz frequency band
[8D/251] Draft liaison statement to Working Parties 7C and 7D (a reply to: Documents 7C/46 and 7D/35, "Liaison statements to Working Party 8D") - Technical information regarding Resolution 127 (WRC-97)
[8D/252] Working document toward modification of Annex 6 in Attachment 7 of Doc. 8D/194 - GPS intra-system interference and MSS interference analysis update
[8D/252c1] Working document towards modifications of Annex 6 in Attachment 7 of Document 8D/194, GPS intra-system interference and MSS interference analysis update
[8D/253] Modified draft CPM Report text and supporting analyses for section "Non-GSO MSS systems sharing with existing services in the band 450-470 MHz"
[8D/254] Modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS.CHAR], technical characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (space-to-Earth) and ARNS receivers to be considered in interference studies in the band 1 559- 1 610 MHz
[8D/254c1] Modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS.CHAR] - Technical characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (Space-to-earth) and ARNS receivers to be considered in interference studies in the band 1 559-1610 MHz
[8D/255] Potential interference from the fixed service to radionavigation satellite service terrestrial receivers service in the 1559-1610 MHz band
[8D/256] Working doc. toward mod. of Attach. 18 of Doc. 8D/194-A review of the existing radio freq. environment to support the addition of the space-to-space direction to the existing RNSS space-to-earth allocation in the bands 1559-1610 and 1216-1260 MHz
[8D/257] Working document on potential interference to aeronautical radionavigation service pseudolite receivers from potential mobile-satellite service (space-to-earth) links in a portion of the band 1559-1567 MHz
[8D/258] Draft CPM report text and supporting market studies for Section 2.0 "MSS spectrum requirements", new subsection 2.0.1 "MSS below 1 GHz and associated feeder links"
[8D/259] Possible sharing in the band 401-406 MHz between existing radiosondes and radiosondes using spread spectrum techniques
[8D/260] Technical information supporting liaison statement to WP 8D
[8D/261] Working document toward modification of Attachment 4 to Doc. 8D/194 - Experimental results pertaining to GNSS SBAS ground reference receiver, receiver aggregate interference threshold to be used interference studies in the band 1 559- 1 610 MHz
[8D/262] Working document to support modification of Attachment 18 of Doc. 8D/194, draft elements of section 2.4.1 of the Report of CPM for WRC-2000, bandwidth requirements for an additional radionavigation satellite service allocation
[8D/263] Prop. modif. to PDNR in Attach. 5 to Doc. 8D/194 - Preliminary draft new Rec. ITU-R M.[RNSS.ISS]-Technical charact. of current and prospective RNSS (space-to-space) receivers to be consid. in interf. studies in the band 1215-1260 and 1559-1610 MHz
[8D/264] Working document to support modification of attachment 18 to document 8D/194, sharing between RNSS radiobeacons and radars operating in the radiolocation and radionavigation services
[8D/265] Draft liaison statement to Task Group 1/5 - Out-of-band emission masks for space services
[8D/266] Proposed draft new Recommendation - Technical assessments of the sharing potential between MSS (space-to-earth) and RNSS (space-to-earth)/ARNS in a portion of the band 1559-1567 MHz
[8D/266C1] Proposed draft new Recommendation - Technical assessments of the sharing potential between MSS (space-to-earth) and RNSS (space-to-earth)/ARNS in a portion of the band 1 559-1 567 MHz
[8D/267] Reduction in MSS satellite capacity from aggregate interference due to radio devices operating within services with no world-wide regulatory status
[8D/268] Proposed modification of Draft CPM Report for WRC-2000 (Agenda item 1.15.2) Analysis of interference from MSS MES out of band emissions to spaceborne RNSS receivers operating in the 1559-1610 MHz band
[8D/269] Uses of 1.5/1.6 GHz spectrum for GMDSS services
[8D/270] Basis for a CPM element on future spectrum requirements for AMS(R)S communications (Resolution 218)
[8D/271] Proposed modification of draft CPM text for WRC-2000 (Agenda item 1.15.2) - Analysis of interference from the proposed LSATNAV satellite navigation system to a geostationary spaceborne GPS receiver
[8D/272] Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation on Out-of-band (OOB) emissions for the mobile-satellite services on a band-by-band
[8D/273,4A/246,4-9S/134,10-11S/123] Part 1 - Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 8D and 10-11S
[8D/273,4A/246,4-9S/134,10-11S/123] Part 2 - Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 8D and 10-11S
[8D/273,4A/246,4-9S/134,10-11S/123] Part 3 - Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 8D and 10-11S
[8D/274] Working Document to support modification of Attachment 18 to Document 8D/194 - Compatibility of a new RNSS signal with existing systems in the 960-1 215 MHz and 1 215-1 400 MHz bands
[8D/275] Long term spectrum requirements of AMS(R)S
[8D/276] Required guard band for the protection of the radionavigation satellite service in the 1 559-1 610 MHz band from interferences produced by fixed service
[8D/277] Proposed text element on IMT-2000 for the CPM Report to WRC-2000
[8D/278] Working document toward modification of draft CPM text for Section 2.4.2 of the Report of CPM to WRC-2000
[8D/279] Modifications to the draft CPM Report on agenda item 1.10
[8D/280] Proposed modifications of Attachment 18 to Document 8D/194, draft elements of Section 2.4.1 of the Report of CPM for WRC-2000
[8D/281] Proposed modification to Section [2.0] of the draft CPM Report
[8D/282] Comments on PDNR ITU-R[MSS.ETR]: "Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations for global non-geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the 148-150.05 MHz frequency band"
[8D/283] Proposed modifications to the CPM Report, � 2.4.2
[8D/284] Proposal of modification of Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS.ISS] - Characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (Space-to-space) receivers to be considered in interference studies in the bands 1215-1260 MHz and 1559-1610 MHz
[8D/285] Proposals on updating draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS-CHAR] - Technical characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (space-to-earth) and ARNS receivers to be considered in interference studies in the band 1559-1610 MHz
[8D/286] Proposals for modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[MSS.ETR] - Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations for global non-GSO mobile-satellite service systems in the 148-150.5 MHz frequency band
[8D/287] Protection of the primary safety services allocated in the band 406-406.1 MHz (Cospas-Sarsat System) from LEO-MSS downlink emissions below 406 MHz
[8D/288] Proposals for modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation - Essential technical requirements of mobile earth stations in geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the band 1-3 GHz
[8D/289] Impact of MLS into RNSS in the 5 GHz band
[8D/290] Proposed modification of the CPM text
[8D/291] Draft modification of preliminary draft new Rec. ITU-R M.[RNSS.ISS] - Technical characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (space-to-space) reveivers to be considered in interference studies in the bands 1 215 - 1 260 MHz & 1 559 - 1 610 MHz
[8D/292] Msatnav system description
[8D/293] Proposed modifications to the CPM Report (� - Regarding new RNSS allocations in the Earth-to-space direction
[8D/294] Sharing between MSATNAV radiobeacons and radiolocation radars
[8D/295] Draft modification of preliminary draft new Rec. ITU-R M.[RNSS.CHAR] - Technical charcteristics of current and prospective RNSS (Spaace-to-Earth) and ARNS receivers to be considered in interference studies in the band 1 559 - 1 610 MHz
[8D/296] Guidelines for using the protection requirements of the 406-406.1 MHz band (COSPAS/SARSAT system)
[8D/297] Sharing study between MSS (space-to-Earth) and the MSATNAV System
[8D/298] Criterion for protection of NGSO MSS feeder links operating in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz (sr.447A) from radio LANs
[8D/299, 8A/127, 4A/260] Protection requiremens of NGSO MSS feeder links in the band 5150-5250 MHz (S5.447A) from radio devices having no ITU status
[8D/300] Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R [RNSS.CHAR] - Technical characteristics of current and prospective RNSS (space-to-earth) and ARNS receivers to be considered in interference studies in the band 1559-1610 MHz
[8D/301] Comments on liaison statement to ICAO
[8D/302] Radiosondes in the band 401-406 MHz
[8D/303] Compatibility study between the s-s direction to the RNSS in the 1559-1610 MHz band and the MSS in the adjacent bands
[8D/304, 4A/263] Reply to TG 1/5's Liaison statements on unwanted emission unit of measurement, maximum necessary bandwidth for wide band systems, out-of-band (OOB) and out of allocated band (OAB) emissions
[8D/305] WRC-2000 Agenda item 1.9. Resolution 213. Additional spectrum for the mobile satellite service (including the satellite component of IMT-2000)
[8D/306] Preliminary Report on DME interrogator interference on GPS third civil signal
[8D/307] Mobile-satellite services and radiodetermination-satellite service
[8D/307C1] Mobile-satellite services and radiodetermination-satellite service
[8D/308] Comments on the preliminary draft new Recommendation (PDNR) entitled "essential technical requirements of land mobile earth stations of geostationary mobile-satellite service systems in the 1-3 GHz band"
[8D/309] List of documents issued
[8D/310,11C/49] Liaison statement to WPs 8D and 11C-Sharing of MSS (space-to-Earth) with the broadcasting service-Protection of services ancillary to programme making (SAP) and services ancillary to broadcasting (SAB)
[8D/311] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D
[8D/312] Status of MSS Handbook preparations
[8D/313, 1-6/89] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 and for information to Working Party 8D - System parameters required for the calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service in the band 15.4-15.7 GHz
[8D/314, 1-6/90, 8B/106] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8B and 8D and Task Group 1/6 - System parameters for the international standard microwave landing system required for the calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating ...
[8D/315, 8A-9B/134] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B, WP 8D - Draft new Recommendations on protection criteria and power flux-density limits to protect NGSO MSS feeder links in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8D/316,8A-9B/135] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B and WP8D - JRG 8A-9B PDNR of RLAN e.i.r.p. limits for proteciton of NGSO MSS feeder links operating in the band 5150-5250 MHz
[8D/317] Report of the ninth meeting of Working Party 8D (Geneva, 19-28 April 1999)
[8D/318, 1-6/95] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 (and for information to WP 8D)
[8D/319, 4A/428, 7D/104] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7D and 8D and to the Chairmen fo Working Parties 4A and 7D - Proposal for interference calculations between radioastronomy telescopes and NGSO satellites systems
[8D/320, 4A/429, 7B/69, 7C/164, 7D/105, 8A/132, 8B/110, 9B/144, 9C/34, 10A/70, 10B/54, 11C/73, 10-11S/214] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8D, 9B, 9C, 10A, 10B and 11C and Joint Working Party 10-11S
[8D/321, 10-11S/235, 4A/430, 8A/133, 8B/111] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 8A, 8B, 8D and 10-11S on out of band regions of multicarrier system
[8D/322] Chairman's report of SRG2
[8D/322a1] WP 8D SRG 2 Chairman - Chairman's Report
[8D/323] Progress report on the MSS handbook development
[8D/324] Report of the special meeting of Working Party 8D - (Geneva, 9 November 1999)
[8D/325, 4A/437, 7B/73, 7C/190, 7D/112, 8B/113, 8F/1, 10-11S/254] Liaison statement from TG 1 /5 to WPs 4A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8B, 8D, 8F and JWP 10-11S (Chairman) concerning a prelim.draft new Rec. on the protection of passive services from unwanted emissions
[8D/326, 8B/114] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8B and 8D concerning PDNR on protection of safety services from unwanted emissions
[8D/327] Liaison statement to WP 8D - Technical information regarding Resolution 127 (WRC-97)
[8D/328, 4A/534, 10-11S/256] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A and 8D, and to JWP 10-11S
[8D/329] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Creation of the Working Group on satellite coordination within Working Party 8F
[8D/331] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - TICS: VICS and MSS in the 2.5 GHz band
[8D/332, 1-5/274, 7D/122, 10-11S/258] Liaison statement to Working Parties 7D, 8D, Joint Working Party 10-11S and Task Group 1/5 - Proposal for interference calculations between radio astronomy telescopes and NGSO satellite systems
[8D/333] Liaison statement to relevant external organizations and ITU-R Working Party 8D on the updating of RSPC
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