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Contributions to WP 3M (1998-2000)

[3M/1] Documents to be considered in the 1998-99 study period
[3M/2,3J/2] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M - Ground-cover categories in Study Group 3 Recommendations: Proposed revisions to Recommendations ITU-R P.370, 452, 1058
[3M/3] Liaison statement to JRG 3K-3M concerning requirements for databases of terrain height and surface features
[3M/4,3J/3,3/4,3K/2,3L/2] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 3 and its Working Parties
[3M/5,3/5,3J/4,3K3] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 3 and its Working Parties
[3M/6,3J/5,3K/4,3L/3] Radiowave propagation studies for CPM-99
[3M/7] Proposed revisions to Recommendation ITU-R P.681 - Urban roadside shadowing model
[3M/8] - Reply to Liaison Statement from WP 3M concerning propagation studies for L-Band Broadcasting Satellites providing Digital Sound Services to Mobile Receivers
[3M/9] Proposed revision of Study Group 3 databanks broadcasting-satellite measurements
[3M/10] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.530-7
[3M/11,4-9S/21] Preliminary liaison statement from Chairman WP 3M to Chairman WP 4-9S concerning technical work in relation to Rec. ITU-R P.620
[3M/12,4-9S/22,9B/21] Liaison statement from the Chairman WP 3M to the Chairman WP 4-9S and Chairman WP 9B concerning propagation issues associated with stratospheric relay stations
[3M/13,3J/7,7C/23] Interim liaison statement to Chairman of Working Party 7C concerning smooth-Earth diffraction
[3M/14,1-6/5,3K/6,4-9S/23] Progress towards an extension to procedures to allow VHF/UHF co-ordination between space and terrestrial services
[3M/15,4-9S/24] Factors impacting on propagation mode (1) co-ordination distance requirements
[3M/16] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.530 - Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of terrestrial line-of-sight systems
[3M/17] Coordination with high altitude platform stations
[3M/18] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Frequency sharing between fixed wireless access (FWA) systems (FS) and VSAT Satellite Systems (FSS) in the band 3.4 - 3.7 GHz
[3M/19,3J/11] Liaison statement to Chairmen of Working Parties 3 J and 3 M concerning smooth Earth diffraction
[3M/20,3J/13] Liaison statement from WP 7D to SG 3 (WPs 3J and 3M) - Request for information related to planned contributions to the CPM-99 Report
[3M/21] Liaison statement to WP 3M concerning rain attenuation and fixed service links above about 17 GHz
[3M/22] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Propagation issues for the study of frequency sharing between systems involving high-altitude platform stations and stations in the fixed-satellite service
[3M/23,1-6/15] Liaison statement from the Chairman, Working Party 3M to the Chairman, Task Group 1/6 - Propagation aspects of the determination of the co-ordination area around Earth stations
[3M/24, 1-6/12] Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3 and Recommendation ITU-R IS.847-1 calculations for 40 and 50 GHz
[3M/25,1-6/13] A comparison of coordination distances for propagation mode (1) of Appendix S7 calculated using Rec. ITU- P.620-3 and Rec. ITU-R IS.847-1 and data measured in Europe for frequencies between 6 and 30 GHz
[3M/26,3J/15] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M concerning request for slant path propagation information and data in the frequency range 18 to 55 GHz
[3M/27] Liaison statement to WP 3M concerning sharing between stations in the fixed and radionavigation services around 32 GHz
[3M/28,3J/17] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M on number of unavailibility events due to propagation in evaluation period
[3M/29] A new approach to modelling multipath on line-of-sight microwave links
[3M/30] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.530-7
[3M/31] Contribution to Study Group 3 Data Banks: Broadcasting-satellite narrowband fade measurements
[3M/32,3K/7] Comments on the profile extraction program for globe database
[3M/33] Proposals for prediction of ionospheric scintillation
[3M/34] A proposed supplement to Recommendation ITU-R P.680-2
[3M/35] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Propagation factors relating to the calculation of the coordination distance
[3M/36] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.681-3 - LMSS propagation channel model
[3M/37] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.311 - New data table for propagation data measured in multi-hop links
[3M/38,8-1/58] Interim liaison statement from Chairman WP 3M to Chairman TG 8/1 concerning information relevant to develop propagation models for the satellite component of IMT-2000
[3M/39] Working document toward the CPM-99 report in reply to Resolution 133 (WRC-97) under WRC-99 agenda item 1.4 - Characteristics and deployment of fixed service sytems in the bands 37 - 40 GHz
[3M/40] Maximum coordination distance limitation in Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3
[3M/41,3J/25] Proposal of modification to Recommendation ITU-R P.618
[3M/42,3K/8] Recent advances to Global terrain data bases
[3M/43] A proposed new propagation model for earth station frequency co-ordination at frequencies below 850 MHz
[3M/44] Supporting information for 3M/43: A proposed new propagation model for earth station frequency co-ordination at frequencies below 850 MHz
[3M/45] Rain attenuation in terrestrial paths
[3M/46,3J/30] A possible new method for predicting the worst month multipath fading distribution using variables derived from recent radioclimatic information
[3M/47] Report on progress of JRG 3M-9A Joint study of outage measurements and prediction methods for line-of-sight terrestrial links
[3M/48] Prediction and measurement of error performance and availability of line-of-sight SDH radio links
[3M/50] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Proposed modifications to Recommendations ITU-R M.1039 and P.681-3
[3M/51] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M on Propagation models for the calculation of coordination area
[3M/52] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M on information relevant to develop propagation models for satellite component of IMT-2000
[3M/53_1] Chairman's Report to the next meeting of Working Party 3M
[3M/53_2] Chairman's Report to the next meeting of Working Party 3M
[3M/53_3] Chairman's report to the next meeting of Working Party 3M
[3M/53c1] Corrigendum 1 to WP 3M Chairman's Report (Ottawa, 30 April - 7 May 1998)
[3M/54, 1-6/25] Proposed propagation models for cold and warm sea path climates for earth station frequency coordination at frequencies below 850 MHz in the range 1% to 50% annual time
[3M/55,1-6/26] A proposed extension to 50% of time of the propagation model for earth station frequency coordination at frequencies between 0.85 GHz and 40 GHz
[3M/56, 1-6/27] Liaison statement from the Chairman of WP 3M to the Chairman of TG 1/6 - Propagation aspects of the determination of the coordination area around earth stations
[3M/57,9A/41] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M and 9A
[3M/58] Background information relating to the propagation mode (1) maximum coordination distances in Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3
[3M/59] Liaison statement from the Chairman of WP 3M to the Chairman of WP 3K concerning propagation aspects of the determination of the coordination area around earth stations
[3M/60,4B/32] Liaison statement from the Chairman, Working Party 3M to the Chairman, Working Party 4B concerning earth-space path propagation information and data in the frequency range 18-55 GHz
[3M/61, 8D/199] Liaison statement to Chairman of Working Party 8D - Comments on PDNR [8D/XU] attached to Document 3M/57, 9A/41
[3M/62, 1-6/39] Liaison statement to the Chairman of Task Group 1/6 - Maximum coordination distances in Recommendation ITU-R P.620
[3M/63, 8A/70, 8D/189] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8A and 8D and to WOrking Party 3M (for information) - The calculation of coordination distances at frequencies below 850 MHz
[3M/64, 8A/71, 8D/191] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M and Working Parties 8A and 8D (for information) - Propagation factors relating to the determination of the coordination distance
[3M/64r1,8A/71r1,8D/191r1] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M and Working Parties 8A and 8D (for information) - Propagation factors relating to the determination of the coordination distance
[3M/65] Reply to liaison statement from Working Party 3M concerning building entry loss and vehicle entry loss
[3M/66-Part1] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M concerning rain and cloud attenuation on GSO BSS systems
[3M/66-Part 2] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M concerning rain and cloud attenuation on GSO BSS systems
[3M/66-Part 3] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M concerning rain and cloud attenuation on GSO BSS systems
[3M/67] Liaison statement to WP 3M concerning SDH performance prediction
[3M/68,3J/34] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M on number of unavailability events due to propagation
[3M/69] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Propagation aspects relating to Resolutions 726 and 133 (WRC-97)
[3M/70] Liaison statement to WP 3M regarding propagation effects at about 47 GHz associated with systems using high altitude platform stations
[3M/71] Liaison statement to WP 3M - Propagation aspects relating to Resolutions 726 and 133 (WRC-97)
[3M/72, 1-6/53] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 and Working Party 3M - Propagation factors in the determination of coordination area
[3M/73] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WP 3M - Propagation information relevant to sharing between radio local area networks operating indoors and mobile-satellite service feeder uplinks in the band 5150-5250 MHz
[3M/74] Proposed clarification on conversion from worst-month to annual percentage time
[3M/75] Revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.530-7
[3M/76,10-11S/99] Preliminary response from WP 3M to liaison statement from JWP 10-11S concerning rain and cloud attenuation on GSO BSS systems
[3M/77,9B/94] Preliminary response from Working Party 3M to liaison statement from Working Party 9B concerning propagation aspects relating to Resolutions 726 and 133 (WRC-97)
[3M/78,3K/17] Liaison statement to WPs 3K and 3M on propagation models used in analyses of frequecy sharing between stations in the mobile service and mobile earth stations on the non-GSO MSS below 1 GHz
[3M/79,1-6/55,3J/36] Gaseous attenuation equations in the proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3
[3M/80,3J/37,1-6/56,4-9S/100,8A/81,8D/195] Liaison stat. to Chair. of TG 1/6 and draft proposal to WP 3M on rev. of Rec. ITU-R P.620-3 to become entitled: "Propag. data required for the evaluation of coordin. distances in the frequency range 100 MHz-15 GHz
[3M/81] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.530-7
[3M/82,4-9S/102] Liaison statement from WP 9A to WP 3M and JRG 3M-9A and for information to WP 4-9S
[3M/83] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.452-8
[3M/84] Contribution to Handbook on "Radiowave propagation information for predictions for terrestrial path communications"- Part III: Horizon links
[3M/85] Rain attenuation in terrestrial paths
[3M/86] The study of some risk factors for portuguese Sintra case study
[3M/87] Contribution to propagation data banks - Simultaneity of fading occurrence in a multi-hop link
[3M/88,3J/43] Measured relationship between rain attenuation, number of events and mean duration of events
[3M/89,3J/44,3K/21] Measured precipitation effects on 42 GHz radio links in a star-network
[3M/90,3J/46,3K/22] Measured attenuation and distortion of 42 GHz radiowave propagation through vegetation
[3M/91,3K/25,3J/47] Horizontal variability in rain attenuation and impact on simultaneous coverage
[3M/92,3K/26] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M and 3K - The loss in excess to free space due to building shielding in the band 5 150-5 250 GHz
[3M/93,3J/48,3K/27,3L/32] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.341-4
[3M/94,3J/50] Rain attenuation on earth-satellite paths in Korea
[3M/95] Calculation of attenuation due to water vapour
[3M/96] Calculation of minimum coordination distance
[3M/97] Draft new Recommendation - Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of systems using high altitude platform stations at about 47GHz
[3M/98] Support for the change of the alfa and lambda model equations in Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3 and proposal to change these in Recommendation ITU-R P.452-8
[3M/99,3J/52] Inconsistencies in the nomenclature for rain height in ITU-R P-series Recommendations
[3M/100] Justification for fixing the value of e at 8.5 in Recommendation ITU-R P.620
[3M/101,3J/54] Durations of rainfall rates and rain fades
[3M/102] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.311 - New data table for propagation data on number of fade events and fade duration statistics
[3M/103,3K/29] The need for and scope of propagation prediction methods based on terrain data bank
[3M/104,3J/55,3K/30] Draft New Recommendation - Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of millimetric local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS)
[3M/105,3J/56,3K/31] Effect of rain on area coverage prediction for millimetric LMDS systems
[3M/106,3K/33,3J/57] Diversity improvement in point to multi-point millimetric LMDS systems
[3M/107] Liaison statement from Chairman Task Group 1/6 to WP 3M - Propagation aspects of the determination of the coordination area around earth stations
[3M/108] Liaison statement from WP 4-9S to WP 3M concerning Earth stations located on board vessels operating in FSS networks in bands 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz
[3M/109,8D/206,1-6/58] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M and 8D Task Group 1/6
[3M/110,8D/208,1-6/59] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M and 8D and Task Group 1/6 on Technical characteristics of mobile service (MS) systems for interference studies
[3M/111,3K/35] Excess path loss due to building blockage on the indoor to outdoor interference path from RLAN to NGSO-MSS at 5 GHz
[3M/112] Proposal for merging prediction methods for multipath and rain in Annex 2 of draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.530 (Annex 8 to Doc. 3M/53) and for improving proposed methods
[3M/113] Performance of Recommendation ITU-R P.452 computer program
[3M/114] Contribution to the proposed new Table 1-8 in the propagation data bank number of fade events and fade duration statistics
[3M/115] Excess attenuation and rain rate measurements at seven acts propagation sites
[3M/116] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3
[3M/117,3K/36] Average building attenuation for indoor to satellite interference propagation at 5 GHz
[3M/118] Mixed paths the VHF/UHF model of the proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3
[3M/120, 4-9S/136] Liaison statement to WP 3M and WP 4-9S - Regarding sharing between high density links in the fixed service and other services in the frequency range from 30 to about 50 GHz (area-to-point propagation)
[3M/121] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Multipath fading on link hop lengths less than 7 km
[3M/122] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - SDH performance prediction
[3M/123] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - ITU-R databank, Table I-8-line-of-sight number of fade events and fade duration statistics
[3M/124] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - The design of digital radio-relay systems and minimizing outage due to multipath propagation
[3M/125] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Earth stations located on board vessels operating in FSS networks in bands 3 700 - 4 200 and 5 925 - 6 425 MHz
[3M/126] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M on the preliminary response concerning our liaison statement on propagation aspects relating to Resolutions 726 and 133 (WRC-97)
[3M/127] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Propagation in the 38 and 40 GHz bands
[3M/128, 3J/69] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M concerning the draft revision to Recommendations ITU-R P.618-5 and ITU-R P.837-1
[3M/129] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WP 3M - Average building attenuation relating to the protection of NGSO MSS feeder links operating in the band 5 150-5 240 MHz from RLAN interference
[3M/130] List of ITU-R Study Group 3 texts
[3M/131, 3/66] Liaison statement to SG 3 and WP 3M concerning propagation aspects of the determination of the coordination distance
[3M/132] Reply to liaison statement from WP 3M - Rain and cloud attenuation on GSO-BSS systems
[3M/133] Chairman's Report to next meeting of WP 3M
[3M/134, 4-9S/177, 7D-9D/59] Liaison statement to JRG 7D-9D and WP 4-9S concerning sharing between high density links in the fixed service and other services in the frequency range from about 30 to about 50 GHz (area to point propagation)
[3M/135, 4A/432] Reply to liaison statement from Working Party 3M - Rain and cloud attenuation for GSO BSS systems
[3M/136] Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Propagation aspects of the determination of the coordination distance
[3M/137, 3/67] Liaison statement to the Chairman of ITU-R SG 3 - Propagation aspects of the determination of the coordination distance
[3M/138] An alternative approach to the calculation of coordination distance
[3M/139] Contributions to the work of JRG 3K-3M
[3M/140, 3K/57] Progress Report on JRG 3K-3M
[3M/141, 3J/72, 3K/58] Analysis of field-strength predictions using Recommendation ITU-R P.370, ITU-R P.526, ITS and IRT methods
[3M/142] Statistical signal characteristics over short periods of time on line-of-sight radio links
[3M/143, 3K/61, 1-5/268] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3K, 3M and Task Group 1/5 on interference assessment methodology for the terrestrial land mobile service in the bands 30 to 1 000 MHz and 1 to 3 GHz
[3M/144] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.620-4 - Improved descriptions for mode (2) contour distances
[3M/145, 3J/73] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.526-6 - Effect of changing effective earth radius
[3M/146] Results of an evaluation of the accuracy of methods for predicting the statistical characteristics of multipath fading on line-of-sight links
[3M/147] Earth-Space fade duration and inter-fade durations at 40 and 50 GHz
[3M/147C1] Inter-fade duration
[3M/148, 3J/75] Earth-space attenuation data at 40 and 50 GHz
[3M/149, 3K/65] Definition of building entry loss
[3M/150, 3J/78] Integration time of rainfall measurements
[3M/151, 3J/76] Evaporation duct statistics for the Study Group 3 databank
[3M/152, 3K/68] Shielding loss calculation for indoor-RLAN/MSS systems, a further model development
[3M/153, 3K/69] Building attenuation loss measurements at the 5.2 GHz band in an office building area
[3M/154, 3J/80] Rain attenuation data on Earth-space path at 12.25 GHz
[3M/155, 3J/83, 3K/70, 3L/46] Editorial modifications to P series Recommendations in accordance with Resolution ITU-R 44
[3M/156, 3J/84, 3K/71, 3L/47] Questions identified as suitable for approval by the alternative procedure according to Resolution ITU-R 45
[3M/157, 3J/85, 3K/74 ] Influence of small-scale rainfall non-uniformity on degradation of small-celled multipoint communications systems
[3M/158, 3J/88] Test of attenuation models for Earth-space paths
[3M/159] Working document towards interference calculations
[3M/160] Proposed revision of the mode (2) coordination method in Recommendation ITU-R P.620-4
[3M/161] Important isues for understanding the structure of surface and elevated ducts
[3M/162] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.681-4
[3M/163] Propagation models in simulation of GSO-NGSO sharing scenarios
[3M/164, 3J/92] Proposed tables for the Study Group 3 databank for the study of durations of rain events and attenuation events
[3M/165] Proposed revision to Recommendations ITU-R P.679-2 and P.1411-1 - Elevation angle dependency of building entry loss in office in 5 GHz band
[3M/166. 3J/93, 3K/80, 3L/49] Radiowave propagation studies for CPM-02
[3M/167, 3J/94] Proposed new Recommendation
[3M/168, 3J/95] Test of fade duration prediction model for Earth-space paths
[3M/169] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.452-9 - Addition of a complete description of the mode (2) method as a self-contained Appendix
[3M/170] Proposed modifications to Recommendation ITU-R P.530-8
[3M/171] Rain attenuation and fade duration statistics from 38 GHz link measurements in Norway and Hungary
[3M/172] Progress Report from 3M Rapporteur on activities in JRG 3M-9A
[3M/173] List of documents

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