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Contributions to WP 3J (1998-2000)

[3J/1] Documents to be considered in the 1998-99 study period
[3J/2-3M/2] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M - Ground-cover categories in Study Group 3 Recommendations: Proposed revisions to Recommendations ITU-R P. 370, 452, 1058
[3J/3,3/4,3K/2,3L/2,3M/4] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 3 and its Working Parties
[3J/4,3/5,3K3,3M/5] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 3 and its Working Parties
[3J/5,3K/4,3L/3,3M/6] Radiowave propagation studies for CPM-99
[3J/6] Proposed amendment to Recommendation ITU-R P.841 - Conversion of annual statistics to worst/month statistics
[3J/7,3M/13,7C/23] Interim liaison statement to Chairman of Working Party 7C concerning smooth-Earth diffraction
[3J/8,7C/25] Liaison statement from Chairman WP 3J to Chairman WP 7C concerning reflection and scattering properties of the earth in frequency bands near 118 and 183 GHz
[3J/9] Proposed addition to section 4 man-made radio noise of Recommendation ITU-R P.372-6
[3J/10] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.526-5
[3J/11,3M/19] Liaison statement to Chairmen of Working Parties 3 J and 3 M concerning smooth Earth diffraction
[3J/12] Liaison statement to WP 3J - Propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies
[3J/12A1] Addendum 1 - Liaison statement to WP 3J - Propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies
[3J/13,3M/20] Liaison statement from WP 7D to SG 3 (WPs 3J and 3M) - Request for information related to planned contributions to the CPM-99 Report
[3J/14] Worst month conversion factor data from transhorizon over-sea paths at 1.3 and 11 GHz
[3J/15,3M/26] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M concerning request for slant path propagation information and data in the frequency range 18 to 55 GHz
[3J/16] Liaison statement to WP 3J - Reference atmosphere for refraction
[3J/17,3M/28] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M on number of unavailibility events due to propagation in evaluation period
[3J/18] The inclusion of ducting parameters in the Study Group 3 databank
[3J/19] Proposed further modifications to the simplified models for specific gaseous attenuation
[3J/20] Effective earth radius
[3J/21] Method of calculating attenuation by atmospheric gases in Recommendation ITU-R P.676-3
[3J/22] Reference atmosphere for refraction
[3J/23] Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R P.835-2 - Reference standard atmospheres
[3J/24] Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R P.834-2 - Effects of tropospheric refraction on radiowave propagation
[3J/25,3M/41] Proposal of modification to Recommendation ITU-R P.618
[3J/26] Contribution to the Propagation Data Banks - Rainfall rate measurements in Spain
[3J/27] Discussion document on Recommendation ITU-R P.837-1
[3J/27c1] Discussion document on Recommendation ITU-R P.837-1
[3J/28] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.453-6 - Mathematical expression for the representation of the statistical distribution of the refractivity gradient
[3J/29] Proposed revision of Question ITU-R 202/3
[3J/30,3M/46] A possible new method for predicting the worst month multipath fading distribution using variables derived from recent radioclimatic information
[3J/32] Chairman's Report (Ottawa, 30 April - 7 May 1998)
[3J/33] Liaison statement to Working Party 3J - Propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies
[3J/34,3M/68] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M on number of unavailability events due to propagation
[3J/35r1] Proposed further modifications to the simplified models for specific gaseous attenuation
[3J/36,1-6/55,3M/79] Gaseous attenuation equations in the proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3
[3J/37,1-6/56,3M/80,4-9S/100,8A/81,8D/195] Liaison stat. to Chair. of TG 1/6 and draft proposal to WP 3M on rev. of Rec. ITU-R P.620-3 to become entitled: "Propag. data required for the evaluation of coordin. distances in the frequency range 100 MHz-15 GHz
[3J/38] Contribution to the propagation data banks rainfall rate measurements in Spain
[3J/39] Contribution to propagation databanks: Ground conductivity measurements around Australia
[3J/40] Proposed amendment to Rec. ITU-R P.841 - Conversion of annual statistics to worst-month statistics
[3J/41] The inclusion of ducting parameters in the Study Group 3 databank: evaporation ducts
[3J/42] Propagation loss due to vegetation in the range 0.8-2.0 GHz
[3J/43, 3M/88] Measured relationship between rain attenuation, number of events and mean duration of events
[3J/44,3K/21,3M/89] Measured precipitation effects on 42 GHz radio links in a star-network
[3J/45] Comments on the draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.526-5 contained in Document 3/8
[3J/46,3K/22,3M/90] Measured attenuation and distortion of 42 GHz radiowave propagation through vegetation
[3J/47,3M/91,3K/25] Horizontal variability in rain attenuation and impact on simultaneous coverage
[3J/48] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.341-4
[3J/48,3K/27,3L/32,3M/93] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.341-4
[3J/49] Proposed revisions to Recommendation ITU-R P.676-3 - Attenuation by atmospheric gases
[3J/50, 3M/94] Rain attenuation on earth-satellite paths in Korea
[3J/51] Worst month conversion factor data from transhorizon over-sea paths at 1.3 and 11 GHz
[3J/52,3M/99] Inconsistencies in the nomenclature for rain height in ITU-R P-series Recommendations
[3J/53] Contribution to the propagation data banks - Rainfall rate measurements in Korea
[3J/55,3K/30,3M/104] Draft New Recommendation - Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of millimetric local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS)
[3J/56,3K/31,3M/105] Effect of rain on area coverage prediction for millimetric LMDS systems
[3J/57,3K/33,3M/106] Diversity improvement in point to multi-point millimetric LMDS systems
[3J/58,3K/34] Effects of vegetation on area coverage
[3J/59] Conversion of rain rate statistics to various rain gauge integration times
[3J/60] Contribution to improvement of Recommendation ITU-R P.526: Propagation by diffraction
[3J/61] Analysis of diffraction produced by a finite-width screen
[3J/62] Regarding the creation of a new archive of rainfall climate data
[3J/63] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.840-2
[3J/64] Draft revision to Rec. ITU-R P.837-1 - Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling
[3J/66] Chairman's Report
[3J/67] Liaison statement from Working Party 3K to Working Party 3J concerning the description of the Nakagami-Rice distribution in Recommendation ITU-R P.1057
[3J/68] Liaison statement to Working Party 3J - Propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies
[3J/69, 3M/128] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M concerning the draft revision to Recommendations ITU-R P.618-5 and ITU-R P.837-1
[3J/70, 3K/40] Analysis of field-strength predictions using Recommendations ITU-R P.370, ITU-R P.526 and IRT methods
[3J/71] Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R P.526 - Propagation by diffraction
[3J/72, 3K/58, 3M/141] Analysis of field-strength predictions using Recommendation ITU-R P.370, ITU-R P.526, ITS and IRT methods
[3J/73, 3M/145] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.526-6 - Effect of changing effective earth radius
[3J/74] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.838
[3J/75, 3M/148] Earth-space attenuation data at 40 and 50 GHz
[3J/76, 3M/151] Evaporation duct statistics for the Study Group 3 databank
[3J/77] Important issues for understanding the structure of surface and elevated ducts
3J/78, 3M/150] Integration time of rainfall measurements
[3J/79] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.372-6
[3J/80, 3M/154] Rain attenuation data on Earth-space path at 12.25 GHz
[3J/81] Conversion of 1-minute rain rate statistics from various integration time data
[3J/82] Conversion of annual rainfall rate distributions to worst-month statistics
[3J/83, 3K/70, 3L/46, 3M/155] Editorial modifications to P series Recommendations in accordance with Resolution ITU-R 44
[3J/84, 3K/71, 3L/47, 3M/156] Questions identified as suitable for approval by the alternative procedure according to Resolution ITU-R 45
[3J/85, 3K/74, 3M/157] Influence of small-scale rainfall non-uniformity on degradation of small-celled multipoint communications systems
[3J/86] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.526-6
[3J/87] Rain rate distributions measured in Brazil
[3J/88, 3M/158] Test of attenuation models for Earth-space paths
[3J/89] Clear sky attenuation calculations from radiosondes realized in French Guyana and comparisons between Rec. ITU-R P.676 versions
[3J/90] Effects of vegetation on area coverage
[3J/91] Development of a UV Lidar facility to measure radio refractivity at altitudes up to 2 km
[3J/92, 3M/164] Proposed tables for the Study Group 3 databank for the study of durations of rain events and attenuation events
[3J/93, 3K/80, 3L/49, 3M/166] Radiowave propagation studies for CPM-02
[3J/94, 3M/167] Proposed new Recommendation
[3J/95, 3M/168] Test of fade duration prediction model for Earth-space paths
[3J/96] List of documents issued
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