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Contributions to WP 1A (1998-2000)

[1A/1,1/2,1B/1,1C/2,1-4/2,1-5/14,1-6/1] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 1, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[1A/2,1/3,1B/2,1C/3,1-4/3,1-5/15,1-6/2] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 1 and its Working Parties and Task Groups
[1A/3, 1B/3, 1C/6, 1-5/32, 1-6/16] ITU-R Patent statements database
[1A/4] Draft new Recommendation - Long-term strategies for spectrum utilization
[1A/5] Draft new Recommendation - Technical and operating parameters for short-range radar gauge devides in bands above 18 GHz
[1A/6] Draft new Question - Compatibility between short-range communication devices operating in the bnad 59-64 Ghz and industrial scientific and medical (ISM) devices operating in the band 61-61.5 GHz
[1A/7] Proposal for a liaison statement to Study Groups 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 from Study Group 1
[1A/8] Working document toward a draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM [...] - Technical and operating parameters and spectrum requirements for short-range devices
[1A/9] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[ ... ] - Parameters of radio equipment required for spectrum management and the efficient use of the radio spectrum
[1A/10] Frequency agile and adaptive systems in the HF and MF bands
[1A/11] Resolution COMB-[X] - Participation of countries, particularly developing countries, in frequency spectrum management
[1A/12] Working Document - An example of a process for developing long term strategies for the use of the radio spectrum
[1A/14] Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Frequency tolerances
[1A/15] Liaison statement to WP 1A from WP 3L concerning wireless power transmission
[1A/16] Reply to Liaison statement from Working Party 1A - Frequency tolerance
[1A/17] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WP 1A - Frequency tolerance
[1A/18,1-5/109] Liaison statement from CISPR to ITU-R WP 1A and Task Group 1-5
[1A/19] Chairman's Report of WP 1A (Munich, 9-15 July 1998)
[1A/19C1] Chairman's Report of Working Party 1A (Munich, 9-15 July 1999)
[1A/20] Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Constants for use in simulation
[1A/21] Reply to liaison statement from Task Group 1A - Frequency tolerances
[1A/22] Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Determination of necessary bandwidth
[1A/22r1] Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Determination of necessary bandwidth
[1A/23] Draft new Question - The effects on radiocommunication systems of the use of high data rate telecommunication systems using electricity power supply of telephone sypply wiring
[1A/24] Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Response to liaison statement to Working Party 1A to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C, 10A, 10B, 11C and 10-11S - Frequency Tolerances
[1A/25] Reply to liaison statement from Working Party 1A - Frequency tolerances
[1A/26] Technical and operating parameters and spectrum requirement for SRD
[1A/27,1-5/176] Liaison statement to Working Party 1A and Task Group 1/5 - Determination of necessary bandwidths for systems in the fixed service above 30 MHz
[1A/28] Review of ERO COCOT 5, to be included in the ITU-R catalogue
[1A/29] Working document toward a draft new Recommendation - Technical and operating parameters and spectrum requirements for short range devices
[1A/30] Understanding the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules for legal low-power, non-licensed transmitters
[1A/31] Space solar power (SSP) exploratory research and technology (SERT) program
[1A/32] Modification to Recommendation ITU-R SM.1370 - Design guidelines for developing advanced automated spectrum management systems (ASMS)
[1A/33] Specific review of ERO COCOT 5
[1A/34] Contribution to draft new Recommendation on Short-range devices - RF (Radar) level gauges
[1A/35] Report on the meeting of the Joint Group WTDC on Resolution 9
[1A/36] Information on power line telecommunication system
[1A/37,1-5/194] Definition of necessary bandwidth for digitally modulated emissions
[1A/38] New ITU-R notification process
[1A/39] Characteristics of short range communication devices operating in the band 59 - 64 GHz
[1A/40] ISM use of 61.25 GHz
[1A/41, 1/32] BR Secretariat - Note by the Secretariat
[1A/42] Recommendation ITU-R SM.1266 - Adaptive MF/HF Systems
[1A/43] Spectrum management questionnaire
[1A/44] Draft new Resolution - Compatibility between telecommunication methods
[1A/45] An introduction to national spectrum management
[1A/46] Development of definitions
[1A/47] Working document toward a revision of, or supplement to, the ITU-R Handbook on national spectrum management
[1A/48] List of documents issued
[1A/49,1C/50] Liaison statement from TG 1/5 to WP 1A and WP 1C
[1A/50,1C/51] Report of the Joint WP 1A - TG 1/5 meeting regarding necessary bandwidth (Assen, 23 August 1999)
[1A/51] Liaison statement to Working Party 1A
[1A/52] Chairman, Working Party 1A
[1A/53] Liason reply to ITU-R SG 10 on effects on and by radiocommunication systems of high data rate telecommunication systems

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