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Contributions to WP 11B (1998-99)

[11B/1] Documents to be considered in the 1998-99 study period
[11B/2,11/2,10-11R/2,10-11S/5,11-5/3,11A/2,11C/2,11E/2] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11B/3,11/3,10-11R/3,10-11S/7,11-5/5,11A/3,11C/3,11E/3] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11B/4 - 10-11R/7] Proposed procedure for coordination between WP 11B and WP 10-11R in view of a draft new Recommendation on the SDTI protocol
[11B/5] Liaison statement - Use of computer technology in television broadcasting applications
[11B/6] Liaison statement - Regarding the new bit rate reduction Question ITU-R 207-2/11 and work on adaptive image quality control and the assessment and optimization of the quality of color reproduction in television
[11B/7,10-11R/11] Part 1 - 2nd Report of the Rapporteur Group on file formats, interfaces and network protocols to be used in digital television recording for programme production - Part 1 : Compression and interfaces
[11B/7,10-11R/11] Part 2.1 - 2nd Report of the Rapporteur Group on file formats, interfaces and network protocols to be used in digital television recording for programme production - Part 2 : Network and Protocols
[11B/7,10-11R/11] Part 2.2 - 2nd Report of the Rapporteur Group on file formats, interfaces and network protocols to be used in digital television recording for programme production - Part 2 : Network and Protocols
[11B/7,10-11R/11] Part 3 - 2nd Report of the Rapporteur Group on file formats, interfaces and network protocols to be used in digital television recording for programme production - Part 3 : Wrapper, file formats and metadata
[11B/8] Part 1 - MPEG 4:2:2 profile at high level
[11B/8] Part 2 - MPEG 4:2:2 profile at high level
[11B/9] Part 1 - Serial data transport interface utilizing ITU-R BT.656
[11B/9] Part 2 - Serial data transport interface utilizing ITU-R BT.656
[11B/10] Part 1 - Bit-Serial digital checkfield for use in HDTV interfaces
[11B/10] Part 2 - Bit-Serial digital checkfield for use in HDTV interfaces
[11B/11] Part 1 - Jitter characteristics and measurements for bit-serial digital studio interfaces
[11B/11] Part 2 - Jitter characteristics and measurements for bit-serial digital studio interfaces
[11B/12,11/12,11A/8,11C/11,11E/11,10-11R/12,10-11S/36,11-5/18] Status of texts of SG 11, WPs and TGs
[11B/12R1,11/12R1,11A/8R1,11C/11R1,11-5/18R1,10-11/3,10-11Q/8,10-11R/12R1,10-11S/36R1] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11B/12R1C1,11/12R1C1,11A/8R1C1,11C/11R1C1,10-11Q/8C1,10-11R/12R1C1,10-11S/36R1C1,11-5/18R1C1,10-11/3C1] Status of text of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11B/12R1C2,11/12R1C2,10-11S/36R1C2,11A/8R1C2,11C/11R1C2,10-11Q/8C2,10-11R/12R1C2,10-11/3C2,11-5/18R1C2] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11B/13, 10-11R/16] EBU Statement D82-1998: M-JPEG in future Networked Television Production
[11B/15,11E/14] BIT allocation for multi-program video transmission
[11B/16] Proposed preliminary draft new Recommendation on interconnection between optical routing systems in broadcasting station
[11B/17] Proposed modifications of Recommendation BT.1120-1 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60 and 1250/50 HDTV studio signals
[11B/18,11/15,11A/25,11C/22,11E/18,11-5/24] ITU-R patent statements database
[11B/19] Report on the use of computer technology in TV broadcasting applications
[11B/20] Second Report of Rapporteur on bit-rate for television production studio applications
[11B/21] Draft liaison statement from WP 10-11R to WP 11B
[11B/22,11A/37] Liaison statement to Working Parties 11A and 11B
[11B/23] Draft liaison statement from Working Party 10-11R to Working Party 11B - Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[11/18] - Compression families to be used in networked television production (Question ITU-R 238/11)
[11B/24, 11A/39] Liaison statement to Working Parties 11A and 11B - Draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.etv
[11B/25] Liaison statement to Working Party 11B - Draft new Recommendation J.mpp
[11B/27,11C/33,10-11S/41,11A/41] Liaison statement to ITU-R SG 11 - Draft new Recommendation J.94 (
[11B/28] Liaison statement to WP 11B - Reply to liaison on Question ITU-R 207-2/11
[11B/29] Liaison statement to WP 11B - Layer model of programme materials in television programme production environment
[11B/30] Liaison statement from WP 11A to WP 11B - Use of computer technology in TV broadcast applications
[11B/31] Chairman's report on the meeting of Working Party 11B (Geneva, 24-27 March 1998)
[11B/32, 11A/53, 11/65, 11C/45, 11-5/58, 10-11/10, 10-11Q/25, 10-11R/38, 10-11S/114] Status of texts of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11B/33] EBU Technical Recommendation R92-1999 - Active picture area and picture centring in analogue and digital 625/50 television systems
[11B/34] EBU Technical statement D83-1999 - Flat panel and other new displays for 625-line television pictures
[11B/35,11A/56] EBU Technical Standard N14-1998 - Reference signal for the synchronisation of 625-line digital televisi�n equipment
[11B/36, 10C/21, 10-11R/44, JSC10-11/63] Proposed treatment for opinions ITU-R 74-1, 75-1 and 90
[11B/37,10/44,11/69,10C/22,11A/57,11C/48,11-5/62,10-11/15,10-11Q/29,10-11R/46,10-11S/122] Re-organisation of SGs 10 and 11
[11B/38,10A/67,10B/50,10C/23,11A/58,11C/50,11-5/63,10-11/17,10-11Q/31,10-11R/48, 10-11S/128] Collaboration with ITU-R: Category a liaison with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29
[11B/39] Liaison statement to Working Party 11B - Adaptive image quality control in future TV systems
[11B/40] Liaison statement to Working Party 11B - Assessment and optimisation of colour reproduction in television
[11B/41] Bit-serial digital interface for high-definition television systems
[11B/42] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11B/AB] - The transport of MPEG-2 re-encoding information throught 4:2:2 component digital interfaces conforming to ITU-R BT.656
[11B/43] Rapporteur on BIT-Rate reduction for television production studio applications - Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11B/AA] - Preservation of picture quality in cascaded MPEG codecs through use of the MPEG-2 recoding data set
[11B/44] Rapporteur Group of Working Party 11B - Report on optical routing systems in broadcast studio installations
[11B/45] Rapporteur on bit-rate reduction for television production studio applications
[11B/46] Coding gain of statistical multiplexing for multi-programme video transmission
[11B/47] Third report on coding for multi-programme transmission based on statistical multiplexing
[11B/49] Bit-rate reduction for television production studios applications - Draft bew Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11B/XX] - The transport of MPEG-2 re-encoding information as ancillary data packets
[11B/50] Addition to Second Report of Rapporteur on Bit-rate reduction for television production studio applications
[11B/51,10/59,10C/29,11/78] Liaison statement to Working Parties 10C and 11B and Study Groups 10 an 11- Proposed treatment for opinions ITU-R 74-1, 755-1 and 90
[11B/53] Liaison statement to WP 11B - SDI-based transport interface for compressed television signals in networked television production based on Recommendations ITU-r BT.656 and BT.1302
[11B/54] List of documents issued
[11B/55,11-5/75,10-11/24,11A/96] Liaison statement from ITU-T SG 16
[11B/56] Chairman's Report on the meeting of Working Party 11B (Geneva, 24-27 May 1999)
[11B/57, 11C/72, 11A/97, 10-11/25, 11-5/77] Liaison statement from the Chairman of ITU-T SG 9
[11B/58] Liaison statement to WP 11B - The future of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1200
[11B/59, 11C/74, 11A/102] Liaison statement - New Recommendation J.117: Home digital network interface

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