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Contributions to WP 11A (1998-2000)

[11A,11C/36,10-11S/47] Liaison statement to JWP 10-11S, WP 11A and WP 11C regarding Recommendation ITU-T J.111(J.INI)
[11A/1] Documents to be considered in the 1998-99 study period
[11A/2,11/2,10-11R/2,10-11S/5,11-5/3,11B/2,11C/2,11E/2] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11A/3,11/3,10-11R/3,10-11S/7,11-5/5,11B/3,11C/3,11E/3] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11A/4] Image Quality Control; Quality of color reproduction
[11A/6] Digital terrestrial television transmission - User's needs and system selection
[11A/7] Proposed draft new Recommendation - Identification of processing delay in video and audio equipment
[11A/8,11/12,11B/12,11C/11,11E/11,10-11R/12,10-11S/36,11-5/18] Status of texts of SG 11, WPs and TGs
[11A/8R1,11B/12R1,11C/11R1,11-5/18R1,10-11/3,10-11Q/8,10-11R/12R1,10-11S/36R1,11/12R1] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11A/8R1C1,11B/12R1C1,11C/11R1C1,10-11Q/8C1,10-11R/12R1C1,10-11S/36R1C1,11-5/18R1C1,10-11/3C1,11/12R1C1] Status of text of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11A/8R1C2,11/12R1C2,10-11S/36R1C2,11B/12R1C2,11C/11R1C2,10-11Q/8C2,10-11R/12R1C2,10-11/3C2,11-5/18R1C2] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11A/9] Choice of HDTV production standard for Europe
[11A/11] Proposed modication of Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-5 - New television system D1/PAL
[11A/12] Information Document - Marketplace status of AC-3
[11A/13] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.470 - PAL system I in the United Kingdom
[11A/14] Sound/Vision timing error
[11A/15] Report on parental control signalling
[11A/16] Proposed new draft Recommendation
[11A/17] Report of the Special Rapporteur for data structure and requirements for multimedia-hypermedia broadcasting services
[11A/18] Proposed draft new Recommendation and modification - Framing of wide-screen 16:9 and standard 4:3 aspect ratio productions to achieve a common production format during a transition period to wide-screen 16:9 production and broadcasting
[11A/19,11C/14] A proposed set of Canada DTV emission masks
[11A/20,11C/16] Introduction of digital terrestrial television systems
[11A/21,11C/17] Digital terrestrial television broadcasting field test plans in Canada
[11A/22] Proposal for and usage of the reference signals for the relative timing of sound vision signals
[11A/23] Progress Report on download mechanisms, headers and descriptors for developing a common receiver
[11A/24] Status of development of digital terrestrial television broadcasting in Japan
[11A/25,11/15,11B/18,11C/22,11E/18,11-5/24] ITU-R patent statements database
[11A/26] ENG user requirements - Draft Report of responses received
[11A/27] Report on parental control signalling
[11A/28] Liaison statement to Working Party 11A - Answer to two liaison statements from Working Party 11A
[11A/29,11C/24] Measurements and field trials of mobile reception of DVB-T
[11A/30] File formats and compression
[11A/31] Progress report on Stereoscopic Television
[11A/32] Propositions of Amendment to Preliminary Draft Recommendation - An enhanced wide-screen Secaqm TV Transmission System
[11A/33] Modificaiton of the draft Report - Elements of an enhanced wide-screen Secam television transmission system
[11A/34] Propositions of amendment of the draft Report - Elements of an enhanced wide-screen Secam television transmission system
[11A/35] Today status of colour imaging systems design and development and possible ways of assessment and optimization of colour reproduction quality in digital TV systems of future
[11A/35 A1] Add. 1 - Today status of colour imaging systems design and development and possible ways of assessment and optimization of colour reproduction quality in digital TV systems of future
[11A/36] Modification of the text of Preliminary draft Recommendation - An enhanced wide-screen Secam TV transmission system
[11A/37,11B/22] Liaison statement to Working Parties 11A and 11B
[11A/39, 11B/24] Liaison statement to Working Parties 11A and 11B - Draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.etv
[11A/40] Liaison statement to WP 11A - Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT (11-3/AA)
[11A/41,11B/27,11C/33,10-11S/41] Liaison statement to ITU-R SG 11 - Draft new Recommendation J.94 (
[11A/42, 10-11R/30] Liaison statement to Working Parties 11A and 10-11R, ITU-T SG16 and the ISO/IEC - Progress report on the use of computer technology in TV boradcasting applications
[11A/43] Liaison statement to Working Party 11A - Adaptive image quality control in future TV systems
[11A/44] Liaison statement to Working Party 11A - Assessment and optimization of quality of colour reproduction in television
[11A/45] Liaison statement to Working Party 11A
[11A/47] Proposal for a draft new Recommendation of Study Group 11 on measurement methods applicable in the analogue television studio
[11A/48, 11/60] Position statement on the HDTV production and exchange standard
[11A/49] Part 1 - Report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (23-27 March 1998)
[11A/49] Part 2 - Report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (23-27 March 1998)
[11A/50] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-3 and BT.1360
[11A/51] Proposal for a draft new Recommendation of Study Group 11 - Measurement methods applicable in the analogue television studio
[11A/52] Studio standard for production and international exchange of HDTV programmes
[11A/53, 11/65, 11B/32, 11C/45, 11-5/58, 10-11/10, 10-11Q/25, 10-11R/38, 10-11S/114] Status of texts of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11A/54] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-6
[11A/55] WBU-TC statement to ITU-R Working Party 11A on the high definition common image format (HD-CIF) Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-3
[11A/56,11B/35] EBU Technical Standard N14-1998 - Reference signal for the synchronisation of 625-line digital televisi�n equipment
[11A/57,10/44,11/69,10C/22,11B/37,11C/48,11-5/62,10-11/15,10-11Q/29,10-11R/46,10-11S/122] Re-organisation of SGs 10 and 11
[11A/58,10A/67,10B/50,10C/23,11B/38,11C/50,11-5/63,10-11/17,10-11Q/31,10-11R/48, 10-11S/128] Collaboration with ITU-R: Category a liaison with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29
[11A/59] Proposed draft new Recommendation - Channel coding, frame structure and modulation scheme for terrestrial integrated services digital broadcasting (ISDB-T)
[11A/60] Draft new Question XXX/11 - Round-trip time delay tolerances for television broadcast programme inserts
[11A/61, 11C/54] Updating of the handbook on digital terrestrial television broadcasting ISDB-T
[11A/62] Liaison statement to Working Party 11A - Assessment and optimisation of colour reproduction in television
[11A/63] Draft Report of Special Rapporteur's Group for production and delivery formats including use of a 720/1280/P scanning standard (720P)
[11A/64] Progress Report on extremely high resolution imagery
[11A/65] Guide for the use of digital television terrestrial broadcasting systems based on performance comparison of ATSC 8-VSB and DVB-T COFDM transmission systems
[11A/66] Modification of the PDNR - Assessment and optimization of quality of colour reproduction in television
[11A/67] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Adaptive image quality control in future TV systems
[11A/68] Proposition on the Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Adaptive image quality control in future TV systems
[11A/69] Transmission performance of ISDB-T
[11A/70] Colour reproduction quality assessment in television
[11A/71,11C/66] The introduction of digital terrestrial television in the United Kingdom
[11A/72] Modification of the Draft Report - Elements of an enhanced wide-screen Secam television transmission system
[11A/73] Propositions of modifications of the draft Report - Today status of colour imaging systems design and dev.and possible ways of ass.and optimization of colour reprod.quality in digital TV systems of future
[11A/74] Revision of the draft Report - Today status of colour imaging systems design and development and possible ways of assessment and optimization of colour reproduction quality in digital TV systems of future
[11A/75] Modification of the preliminary draft new Recommendation - Assessment and optimization of quality of colour reproduction in television
[11A/76] On working out the Recommendation ITU-R "Enhanced wide-screen Secam television transmission system" and the Report "Elements of wide-screen television transmission system enhanced secam"
[11A/77] Progress report on working out the Recommendation ITU-R "Enhanced wide-screen Secam television transmission system" and Report "Elements of wide-screen television transmission system enhanced Secam"
[11A/78, 10-11/19, 11C/67] Building of the analogue-digital information networks based on TV distribution networks: Microwave integrated TV-Radio-Information System (MITRIS)
11A/78r1, 11C/67r1] Building of the analogue-digital information networks based on TV distribution networks: microwave integrated TV-radio-information system (MITRIS)
[11A/79] Proposed draft new Recommendation for 1280x720 image format
[11A/80] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-3 - Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange
[11A/81] Report - Adaptive image quality control in future TV systems
[11A/82] Draft new Recommendation J.cp - Copy protection of intellectual property for content delivered on secondary distribution systems
[11A/83] Proposed technical corrigendum to the ATSC A/65 program guide and system information protocol
[11A/84] Liaison statement to WP 11A - Round-trip time delay tolerances for sound broadcast programme inserts
[11A/85] Information contribution - Modulation and coding standard for digital TV applications over satellite for ITU "SystemA/ATSC DTV standard
[11A/86] Liaison statement to Working Party 11A - Framing for wide screen 16:9 and standard 4:3 aspect ratio productions
[11A/87] Liaison statement to Working Party 11A on labelling of video and audio throughput (processing) delay (Recommendation ITU-R BT.1377)
[11A/88] Information document - Updating Recommendation ITU-R BT.1200-1
[11A/89] Information document - Issues regarding production in 720P 60
[11A/90] Interoperability of 720P with computers
[11A/91] Liaison statement from JWP 10-11Q - Measurement methods applicable in the analogue television studio
[11A/92] List of documents issued
[11A/93] Proposal for a Recommendation of a conditional access system for ITU "System A"(ATSC DTV standard)
[11A/94] The ATSC A/65 program and system information
[11A/95] Proposal for a new Recommendation parallel interface for 625/50 analogue component video signals
[11A/96,11B/55,11-5/75,10-11/24] Liaison statement from ITU-T SG 16
[11A/97, 11B/57, 11C/72, 10-11/25, 11-5/77] Liaison statement from the Chairman of ITU-T SG 9
[11A/98] Liaison statement to WP 11A - Measurement method applicable in the analogue television studio
[11A/99] Proposal for a preliminary draft new Report - Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting
[11A/100] Part 1 - Report of the meeting of WP 11A (Geneva, 24-28 May 1999)
[11A/100] Part 2 - Report of the meeting of WP 11A (Geneva, 24-28 May 1999)
[11A/101] Copy protection for intellectual property delivered over cable television systems
[11A/102, 11B/59, 11C/74] Liaison statement - New Recommendation J.117: Home digital network interface
[11A/103, 10-11/32] Liaison statement to WP 11A and JTG 10-11 - Draft proposal for a new Question dealing with delivery of interactive electronic cinema and theatre through broadcasting systems
[11A/104] Liaison to ITU-R WP 11A on quality measures for EHRI video signals
[11A/105, 11/171] Report of the meeting of SRG-720P - ottawa, 30 Sep. - 1 Oct. 1999
[11A/106] World Broadcasting Unions comments on "Parental Control Signalling"
[11A/107, 11/173] Comments on the draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1306
[11A/108] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1306 - Error-correction, data framing, modulation and emission methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting (Question ITU-R 121/11)
[11A/108a1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1306 - Error-correction, data framing, modulation and emission methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[11A/109] Interpreting the meaning of High Definition Television - (A note from the Chairman of Working Party 11A, prepared at the request of Study Group 11)
[11A/110, 11/182] Studio standard for production and international exchange of HDTV programmes
[11A/111] Draft comments from Working Party 11A on documents 11A/101 and 11A/82
[11A/112] "TV Anytime"
[11A/113] Flat panel displays and their impact on formats and standards
[11A/114] Proposals for a Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1306
[11A/115] Digital television receivers for multiple physical delivery systems
[11A/116, 10-11/35, 10-11Q/61, 11-5/92, 11/187] Status of texts of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11A/117] Digital widescreen television - the UK experience
[11A/118] Proposed revision of Rec. ITU-R BT.1379 - Framing of wide-screen 16:9 and standard 4:3 aspect ratio productions to achieve a common production format during a transition period to wide-screen 16:9 production and broadcasting
[11A/119] Comments on interpreting the meaning of high definition television
[11A/120] Performance comparison of digital television terrestrial broadcasting systems based on the ATSC 8-VSB, DVB-T COFDM and ISDB-T BST-OFDM transmission systems
[11A/121, 11/190] End-to-end studies of broadcasting
[11A/122] Framing of wide-screen 16:9 and standard 4:3 aspect ratio productions to achieve a common production format during a transition period to wide-screen 16:9 production and broadcasting
[11A/123] 720P24 Production considerations - Support of a draft new Recommendation for 1 280 x 720 image format for production and international programme exhange
[11A/123] Part 2 - 720P24 Production considerations - Support of a draft new Recommendation for 1 280 x 720 image format for production and international programme exhange
[11A/123] Part 3 - 720P24 Production considerations - Support of a draft new Recommendation for 1 280 x 720 image format for production and international programme exhange
[11A/124] Definition of the term "High Definition Television"
[11A/125] Clarification of United States position on the 1280x720P production format
[11A/126] Support of a draft new Recommendation for 1280x720 image format for production and international programme exchange
[11A/127] Special Rapporteur 10-11S/SRG 6 - Consolidation of requirements for digital multi-programme broadcasting-satellite systems and their evaluation
[11A/128] Proposed draft new Recommendation for 1 280-Pixel x 720-Line - Progressively-captrured image format for production and international programme exchange
[11A/129] Proposition on modification of Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-6 conventional television systems
[11A/130r1] Modification of the preliminary draft new Recommendation - Assessment and optimization of quality of colour reproduction in television
[11A/131] Framing of wide-screen 16:9 and standard 4:3 aspect ratio productions to achieve a common production format during a transition period to wide-screen 16:9 production and broadcasting
[11A/132] List of documents issued
[11A/133] Revision of preliminary Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[AIQC]
[11A/134] Proposed preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[TMIQ] - Quality levels of television and multimedia images
[11A/135] Chairman's Report of the meeting of WP 11A (7-9 February 2000)
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