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Contributions to TG 1-6 (1998-2000)

[1-6/1,1/2,1A/1,1B/1,1C/2,1-4/2,1-5/14] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 1, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[1-6/2,1/3,1A/2,1B/2,1C/3,1-4/3,1-5/15] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 1 and its Working Parties and Task Groups
[1-6/3-1] Part 1 - Reply to liaison statements from Task Group 1/6 - Development of methods for the determination of the coordination aera around earth stations
[1-6/3-2] Part 2 - Reply to liaison statement from TG 1/6 - Development of methods for the determination of the coordination area around Earth stations
[1-6/4] Chairman's Report
[1-6/4A1] Task Group 1/6 work progress report
[1-6/5,3K/6,3M/14,4-9S/23] Progress towards an extension to procedures to allow VHF/UHF co-ordination between space and terrestrial services
[1-6/6] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 - Parameters required for calculation of coordination distances for Earth stations operating in the Earth exploration and meteorological-satellite services
[1-6/7] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 - Amendment of system Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7 and Rec. ITU-R IS.847-1 regarding coordination parameters of Earth stations for the space operation and space exploration
[1-6/8] Relationship between power limits in Article S21 (27) and terrestrial station parameters in Appendix S7 (28) and Recommendation ITU-R IS.847
[1-6/9] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Technical input related to the revision of Radio Regulations, Appendix S7
[1-6/10] Statistics on coordination distances produced by Appendix 28, Rec. ITU-R IS.847 and Rec. ITU-R P.620
[1-6/11] Draft new Report [Doc. 4-9S/TEMP/39] - Operation of Earth stations on board vessels in the fixed-satellite service in the bands 3 700 - 4 200 MHz and 5 925 - 6 425 MHz and coordination with other services allocated to these bands
[1-6/12, 3M/24] Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3 and Recommendation ITU-R IS.847-1 calculations for 40 and 50 GHz
[1-6/13,3M/25] A comparison of coordination distances for propagation mode (1) of Appendix S7 calculated using Rec. ITU- P.620-3 and Rec. ITU-R IS.847-1 and data measured in Europe for frequencies between 6 and 30 GHz
[1-6/14] Factors impacting on propagation mode (1) co-ordination distance requirements
[1-6/15,3M/23] Liaison statement from the Chairman, Working Party 3M to the Chairman, Task Group 1/6 - Propagation aspects of the determination of the co-ordination area around earth stations
[1-6/16, 1A/3, 1B/3, 1C/6, 1-5/32] ITU-R Patent statements database
[1-6/17] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 - Request for new and revised system parameters for Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7 and Rec. ITU-R IS.847-1
[1-6/18] Considerations of coordination procedures, risks and responsibilities after coordination
[1-6/19] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Fixed-satellite service system parameters and methodology for the determination of the coordination area around earth stations operating in bidirectional bands with other earth stations
[1-6/21] Chairman's report on the second meeting from 19-24 March 1998
[1-6/21a1] Chairman's report on the second meeting from 19-24 March 1998
[1-6/22,4A/76,8B/42] Liaison statement to WP 4A with copy to WP 8B and TG 1/6 (for information) - Information as requested by TG 1/6 for new and revised system parameters for Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7 and Rec. ITU-R IS.847-1
[1-6/23] Liaison statement from Working Party 3M to Task Group 1/6
[1-6/24,8A/55] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 (for action) and to WP 8A (for information) - Coordination area around earth stations
[1-6/25, 3M/54] Proposed propagation models for cold and warm sea path climates for earth station frequency coordination at frequencies below 850 MHz in the range 1% to 50% annual time
[1-6/26,3M/55] A proposed extension to 50% of time of the propagation model for earth station frequency coordination at frequencies between 0.85 GHz and 40 GHz
[1-6/27, 3M/56] Liaison statement from the Chairman of WP3M to the Chairman of TG1/6 - Propagation aspects of the determination of the coordination area around Earth stations
[1-6/28,4-9S/70,4A/103] Comments on ITU-R Documents 1-6/9 and 1-6/19
[1-6/29] Inclusion of additional system parameters to evaluate long-term interference criteria in Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix S7
[1-6/30] Revised format of system parameter tables for use in determination of the coordination area around earth stations
[1-6/31,4A/105,7B/33,7C/68,10-11S/61] Modifications required to Recommendation ITU-R IS.848 to accomodate earth stations operating to satellites in non-geostationary orbits
[1-6/32] The study of some risk factors for portuguese Sintra case study
[1-6/32r1] The study of some risk factors for the portuguese sintra case study
[1-6/33] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Comments on "Modifications required to Recommendation ITU-R IS.848 to accommodate earth stations operating to satellites in non-geostationary orbits"
[1-6/34] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Coordination area parameters for earth stations operating in the space operation and space research services for incorporation into the system Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7
[1-6/35] Parameters required for calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in the earth exploration-and meteorological-satellite services
[1-6/36] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S and TG 1/6 - Parameters required for calculation of coordination distances for earth stations operating in the earth exploration- and meteorological- satellite services
[1-6/37] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6
[1-6/38] Test of the method to calculated mode (1) coordination contours aroung 150 MHz in the range 1% to 50% annual time
[1-6/38r1] Test of the method to calculate mode (1) coordination contours around 150 MHz in the range 1% to 50% annual time
[1-6/39, 3M/62] Liaison statement to the Chairman of Task Group 1/6 - Maximum coordination distances in Recomendation ITU-R P.620
[1-6/40] Maximum coordination distance limitation in Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3
[1-6/41] Work.Doc.for the develop.of a PNDR on the "Method for the det.of the coord.area around an Earth Stations in Freq.bands between [0.1 & 105 GHz] shared with terr.radioc.serv.or earth the oppos.dir.of transm. & issues rel.
[1-6/42] Working doc. for the development of a PDNR-Method for the determination of the coord. area around an earth station in freq. bands between 0,1GHz and 4105 GHz shared with terrestrial radiocommunication services or earth stations operating in ...
[1-6/43] Liaison statement from Working Party 10-11S - Parameters and methodologies required for the determination of the coordination area around BSS and BSS feeder link earth stations
[1-6/45] Liaison statement from WP 9D to TG 1/6 - Parameters required for calculation of coordination area around Earth stations sharing with the fixed service
[1-6/46] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 from Working Party 4A
[1-6/47] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 - Parameters required for calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service
[1-6/48, 8B/53, 8D/182] Liaison statement to Working Party 8D - Reference bandwidth of aeronautical radionavigation systems operating in the band 5.091 - 5.250 GHz
[1-6/49] Report of the third meeting of TG 1/6
[1-6/49c1] Corrigendum 1 to the report of the third meeting of Task Group 1/6
[1-6/49a1] Addendum 1 to the Report of the third meeting of TG 1/6
[1-6/49a1r1] Report of the third meeting of Task Group 1/6
[1-6/50,4A/205] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 and WP 4A - System parameters for the international standard microwave landing system required for the calculation of the coordination area around eart stations operating in the fixed-satellite service
[1-6/51] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Non geostationary mobile earth station antenna gain parameters
[1-6/52] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - System parameters required for the calculation of the coordination area
[1-6/53,3M/72] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 and Working Party 3M - Propagation factors in the determination of coordination area
[1-6/54] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - System parameters required for the calcution of the coordination area in frequency bands below 1 GHz
[1-6/55,3J/36,3M/79] Gaseous attenuation equations in the proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3
[1-6/56,3J/37,3M/80,4-9S/100,8A/81,8D/195] Liaison stat. to Chair. of TG 1/6 and draft proposal to WP 3M on rev. of Rec. ITU-R P.620-3 to become entitled: "Propag. data required for the evaluation of coordin. distances in the frequency range 100 MHz-15 GHz
[1-6/57,4A/226,8D/199] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 8D and Task Group 1/6 on Receiver reference bandwidth of aeronautical radionavigation systems operating in the band 5.091-5.250 GHz
[1-6/58,3M/109,8D/206] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M and 8D Task Group 1/6
[1-6/59,3M/110,8D/208] Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M and 8D and Task Group 1/6 on Technical characteristics of mobile service (MS) systems for interference studies
[1-6/60] Part 1 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Determination of the coordination area around and earth station in frequency bands between [0.1 GHz and 105] GHz
[1-6/60R1] Draft new Recommendation - Determination of the coordination area around an earth station in frequency bands between [01 GHz and 105] GHz
[1-6/60] Part 2 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Determination of the coordination area around an earth station in frequency bands between [0.1 GHz and 105] GHz
[1-6/60] Part 3 - Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Determination of the coordination area around an earth station in frequency bands between [0.1 GHz and 105] GHz
[1-6/61,3/58r1,] Liaison statement to the chairman of TG 1/6 and draft proposal to SG 3 for revision of Rec. ITU-R P.620-3
[1-6/62] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - NGSO ES antenna gain parameters requiredd for the determination of the coordination distance
[1-6/63] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Coordination area parameters for earth stations operating in the space operation and space research services
[1-6/64] Observations to liaison statements from WP 8A to TG 1/6
[1-6/65] Impact of a proposed method of accommodation the mitigating effects of the non-propagation factors on coordination distances produced by Rec. ITU-R P.620 and comparison with Appendix 28 and Rec. ITU-R IS.847
[1-6/66] Use of auxiliary coordination contours produced by Rec. ITU-R P.620 together with a proposed method of accommodating the mitigating effects of hte non-propagation factors - Comparison with Appendix S7 (28) & Rec. ITU-R IS.847
[1-6/67] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Parameters required for calculation of coordination area around earth stations operating in the earth exploration and meteorological-satellite services
[1-6/68] Liaison statement from WP 3M to TG 1/6 - Propagation factors relating to the determination of the coordination distance
[1-6/69,8A/121] Liaison statement from WP 3M to WP 8A and TG 1/6 on land mobile radio propagation models
[1-6/70] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Parameters required for calculation of coordination areas around earth stations sharing with the terrestrial services
[1-6/71] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6
[1-6/72] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Determination of the coordination areas around high density earth stations and high density fixed stations in the same frequency band
[1-6/73] Use of the coastal zone in Recommendation ITU-R P.620-3 to determine coordination contours
[1-6/74] Conference Preparatory Meeting Report
[1-6/75] A discussion of "worst month" in the context of earth station frequency coordination
[1-6/76] Further testing of the "Z-factor" correction for the mitigating effects of non-propagation factors, and a proposed amendment to the approach used for its integration with the Recommendation ITU-R P.620 propagation mode (1) model
[1-6/77] Comparison of coordination methods
[1-6/78] Comparison of the methods of calculation of the coordination distances around an earth station operating with non-GSO satellites
[1-6/79] Impact of the antenna gain statistics on an earth station operating with non-GSO satellites on the coordination distances
[1-6/80] Consideration on methodologies to be used for calculating coordination distances around earth stations operating with a NGSO FSS system
[1-6/81] Proposal to revise the nominal correction frequency dependence
[1-6/82] Example of co-ordination between the fixed satellite service and high capacity digital fixed service links at the band 10.7-11.7 GHz
[1-6/83] Examples of coordination between the space operation and the fixed or mobile services at the band 148-149.9 MHz
[1-6/84] Proposed new text for a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Determination of the coordination area around an earth station in frequency bands between (0.1 GHz and 105 GHz]
[1-6/85] Report on the Task Group 1/6 Correspondence Group on Methodologies Meeting
[1-6/86,10-11S/131,SC99-1/8] Liaison stat. to JWP10-11S, TG1/6 and to the SC - Method for the determination of the coord.area around a BSS feeder-link stations with respect to receiving earth stations in the FSS in the freq.bands 17.7-18.1 GHz
[1-6/87] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - System parameters required for the calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service
[1-6/88] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6
[1-6/89, 8D/313] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 and for information to Working Party 8D - System parameters required for the calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service in the band 15.4-15.7 GHz
[1-6/90, 8D/314, 8B/106] Liaison statement to Working Parties 8B and 8D and Task Group 1/6 - System parameters for the international standard microwave landing system required for the calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating ...
[1-6/91] Proposed text for inclusion in the CPM Report
[1-6/92] List of Documents issued
[1-6/93] TG 1/6 Chairman's Report on the fourth meeting
[1-6/94] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Coordination between transmitting terrestrial stations and broadcasting satellite service earth stations in non-planned BSS bands
[1-6/95, 8D/318] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 (and for information to WP 8D)
[1-6/96] Liaison statement to TG 1/6 - Output of the Special Committee regarding WRC-2000 agenda item 1.3
[1-9/97] Examination of earth stations with respect to bidirectional coordination areas
[1-6/98] Coordination contours using the statistical and TIG methods
[1-6/99] Drafting Group 1 Report - Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[ ] - Determination of the coordination area around an earth station in frequency bands between 0.1 and 105 GHz
[1-6/100] Consideration of the effect of maximum coordination distance limits on predicted available transmission loss at some frequency bands below 12.75 GHz
[1-6/100c1] Consideration of the effect of maximum coordination distance limits on predicted available transmission loss at some frequency bands bewlow 12.75 GHz
[1-6/101] Improvements to the method to calculate mode (2) auxiliary coordination contours described in PDNR ITU-R SM.XX
[1-6/102] An inquiry into the properties of different methods to calculate the coordination area of an earth station operating with non-GSO space stations
[1-6/103] Statistics on coordination distances produced by PDNR SM.XX and Recommendation ITU-R P.620 comparison with Appendix S7 (28) and Recommendation ITU-R IS.847
[1-6/104] Considerations of the use of the statistical method in the determination of coordination area for earth stations operating to non-geostationari satellites
[1-6/105] Improvements to the method to calculate mode (2) auxiliary coordination contours described in PDNR ITU-R SM.XX
[1-6/106] Overview of earth station coordination area procedure
[1-6/107] Provisions of radio regulation making reference to coordination, ageement, Recommendation or distance
[1-6/108] Possible improvements to the TIG method for determination of coordination area for earth stations operating to non-geostationary space stations
[1-6/109] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Comments and suggested modifications to the PDNR "Determination of the coordination area around an Earth station in frequency bands between 0.1 GHz and 105 GHz
[1-6/110] List of documents issued
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