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Contributions to SG 7 (1998-2000)

[7/1] Questions assigned to Radiocommunication Study Group 7 - Science services
[7/1a2] Question assigned to Radiocommunication Study Group 7
[7/1a1] Addendum 1 to Doc. 7/1
[7/2,7A/1,7B/2,7C/2,7D/1] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 7 and its Working Parties
[7/3,7A/2,7B/3,7C/3,7D/2] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 7 and its Working Parties
[7/4] Draft new Opinion [Doc. 7/4] - The use of two-way satellite time and frequency transfer to improve the stability of TAI
[7/4r1] Opinion [Doc. 7/4r1] - The use of two-way satellite time and frequency transfer to improve the stability of TAI
[7/5] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 104-1/7 - Stability of standard-frequency and time-signal emissions as received
[7/5r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.374-4 - Frequency and time-signal emissions
[7/6] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.374-4 - Frequency and time-signal emissions
[7/6r1] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 104-1/7 - Stability of standard-frequency and time-signal emissions as received
[7/7] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1163-1 - Interference criteria for service links in data collection systems in the earth exploration and meteorological-satellite services
[7/7r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1163-1 - Interference criteria for service links in data collection systems in the earth exploration-and meteorological- satellite services
[7/7r2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1163-1 - Interference criteria for service links in data collection systems in the earth exploration- and meteorological-satellite services
[7/8] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1164-1 - Sharing and coordination criteria for service links in data collection systems in the earth exploration and meteorological-satellite services
[7/8r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1164-1 - Sharing and coordination criteria for service links in data collection systems in the Earth exploration-and meteorological-satellite services
[7/9] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1026-2 - Interference criteria for space-to-earth data transmission systems operating in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit
[7/9r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1026-2 - Interference criteria for space-to-Earth data transmission systems operating in the Earth exploratio-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-Earth orbit
[7/9r2] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1026-2 - Interference criteria for space-to-earth data transmission systems operating in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit
[7/9r3] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1026-2 - Interference criteria for space-to-earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit
[7/10] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1161 - Sharing and coordination criteria for data dissemination and direct data readout systems in the meteorogical-satellite service using satellites in geostationary orbit
[7/10r1] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R SA.1161 - Sharing and coordination criteria for data dissemination and direct data readout systems in the meteorological-satellite service using satellites in geostationary orbit
[7/11] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1258 - Sharing of the frequency band 401 - 403 MHz between the meteorological satellite service, earth exploration satellite service and meteorological aids service
[7/11r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1258 - Sharing of the frequency band 401-403 MHz between the meteorological satellite service, earth exploration satellite service and meteorological aids service
[7/11r2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1258 - Sharing of the frequency band 401-403 MHz between the meteorological-satellite service, earth exploration-satellite service and meteorological aids service
[7/12] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1158-1 - Sharing of the 1 675 - 1 710 MHz band between the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-earth) and the mobile-satellite service (earth-to-space)
[7/12r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1158-1 - Sharing of the 1675-1710 MHz band between the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-earth) and the mobile-satellite service (earth-to-space)
[7/13] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1160-1 - Interference criteria for data dissemination and direct data readout systems in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in the geostationary orbit
[7/13r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1160-1 - Interference criteria for data dissemination and direct data readout systems in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in the geostationary orbit
[7/14] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 213/7 - Compatibility of spaceborne active sensors and systems in the services allocated above the band 5 250 - 5 460 `MHz
[7/14r1] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 213/7 - Compatibility of spaceborne active sensors and systems in the services allocated above the band 5 250-5 460 MHz
[7/15] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1027-2 - Sharing and coordination criteria for space-to-earth data transmission systems in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit
[7/15r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1027-2 - Sharing and coordination criteria for space-to-earth data transmission systems in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit
[7/15r2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1027-2 - Sharing and coordination criteria for space-to-earth data transmission systems in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit
[7/15r3] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1027-2 - Sharing and coordination criteria for space-to-earth data transmission systems in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit
[7/16] Report from the WP 7A meeting of 28 September - 2 October 1998
[7/17] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 218/7 - Frequency sharing between active sensor systems in the earth exploration-satellite service and systems operating in other services at around 440 MHz and 5 300 MHz
[7/18] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [Doc. 7/18] - Protection criteria for the space research service in the 37 - 38 and 40 - 40.5 GHz bands
[7/18r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R - Protection criteria for the space research service in the 37 - 38 and 40 - 40.5 GHz bands
[7/18r2] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[Doc. 7/18] - Protection criteria for the space research service in the 37-38 and 40-40.5 GHz bands
[7/19] Progress Report
[7/20] Executive Summary
[7/22] Report on the September 1998 meeting of WP 7D (Radio Astronomy)
[7/23] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1022 - Methodology for determining interference criteria for systems in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services
[7/24] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.516-1 - Feasibility of sharing between the earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) services and the radiolocation and radionavigation services
[7/24r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.516-1 - Feasibility of sharing between the earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) services and the radiolocation and radionavigation services
[7/25] Executive Report on the meeting of Working Party 7B (3-10 March 1999)
[7/26] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA[Doc. 7/26] Typical characteristics of data relay satellite-systems
[7/27] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[Doc. 7/27] - Sharing between inter-satellite service systems in the frequency band 25/25-27.5 GHz
[7/28] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1166-1 - Performance and interference criteria for active spaceborne sensors
[7/28r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1166-1 - Performance and interference criteria for active spaceborne sensors
[7/29] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1025-2
[7/30] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1159-1
[7/31] Questions proposed for suppression
[7/32] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 7/32] - Frequency sharing between the Earth exploration-satellite (passive) and airborne altimeter for the aeronautical radionavigation service in 4 200 - 4 400 MHz
[7/32r1] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 7/32] - Frequency sharing between the earth exploration-satellite service (passive) and airborne altimeter for the aeronautical radionavigation service in 4 200 - 4 400 MHz
[7/33] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 7/33] - Sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and the inter-satellite service operation near 118 and 183 GHz
[7/34] Liaison statement to Study Group 7 - Sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and the fixed service operating near 118 GHz and 183 GHz
[7/35] Liaison statement to Study Group 7 - Draft revisions of Recommendations ITU-R F.1247 and F.1249 and draft new Recommendation on the 8 GHz band issue
[7/36] Draft new Question - Protection and sharing criteria for radio astronomy measurements from space
[7/37] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R RA.[7/37] - A radio-quiet zone in the vicinity of the L2 Sun-Earth Lagrange point
[7/38] Executive Report on the meeting of Working Party 7C (3-10 March 1999)
[7/39] The structure of the Study Group 7
[7/40] Proposals on study of modification of the draft revisions of Recommendation ITU-R F.1247 shown in the Attachment 1 of Doc. 7/35
[7/41] Final List of Participants - Study Group 7 - Geneva, 7-9 June 1999
[7/42] Liaison statement from SG7 to SG8 concerning Doc. 8B/TEMP/54
[7/43] Executive report on the meeting of Working Party 7D - 3-10 March 1999
[7/44] The structure of Study Group 7
[7/45] Liaison statement to Working Party 9D - Sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and the fixed service operating near 118 GHz and 183 GHz
[7/46] Time and frequency functions, studies and services within the ITU-R
[7/47] Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-R TF.583-4 - Time codes (Question ITU-R 110/7)
[7/48] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.767 - Use of global navigation satellite systems for high-accuracy time transfer
[7/49] Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-R TF.768-2 - Standard frequency and time signals
[7/50] List of Documents issued (Docs. 7/1 to 7/50)
[7/51] Executive report on the meeting of Working Party 7A (Geneva, 4 - 8 October 1999)
[7/52] Report on June 1999 meeting
[7/53] Preliminary draft revision of Question ITU-R 143-1/7 - Preferred frequency bands for satellite systems for geodesy and geodynamics in the Earth exoploration satellite service
[7/54] Preliminary draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 7/54] - Frequency sharing between active sensor systems in the earth exploration-satellite service and systems operating in other services in the 1 215 - 1 300 MHz
[7/55] Preliminary draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 7/55] - Sharing conditions between active sensor systems in the earth exploration-satellite service and systems operating in other services around 35.5-36 GHz
[7/56] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 7/56] - Sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and other services in 36-37 GHz
[7/57] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 7/...] EESS (active) and SRS (active) operating above 100 GHz
[7/58] PDNR - Levels of data loss to radio astronomy observations and percentage-of-time criteria resulting from degradation by interference for primary radio astronomy bands
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