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Contributions to SG 4 (1998-2000)

[4/1] Questions assigned to Radiocommunication Study Group 4 - Fixed satellite service
[4/2,4A/2,4B/2,4-9S/3,4SNG/1] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 4 and its Working Parties
[4/3,4A/3,4B/3,4-9S/4,4SNG/2] Recommendations, decision and opinion to be brought to the attention of Study Group 4 and its Working Parties
[4/4] Liaison statement from WP 7B to SG 4 regarding Question ITU-R 253/4
[4/5] Liaison statement from WP 7D to SG 4 - Request for information related to planned contributions to the CPM-99 report
[4/6,9/18] Projet de r�vision de la Question UIT-R 237-1/4 - Crit�res de partage entre syst�mes du service fixe par satellite mettant en oeuvre un gran ombre de satellites non g�ostationnaires et syst�mes du service fixe dans les bandes entre 10 et 30 GHz
[4/7,9/17] Projet de r�vision de la Question UIT-R 206-1/9 - Crit�res de partage entre syst�mes du SF et SFS mettant en oeuvre un gran nombre de satellites non g�ostationnaires dans des bandes de fr�quences entre 10 et 30 GHz
[4/8,9/19] Projet de r�vision de la Question UIT-R 217/9 - Faisabilit� duu partage de fr�quences entre le service fixe et le service fixe par satellite dans la gamme 30-52 GHz
[4/9,9/20] Projet de r�vision de la Question UIT-R 250/4 - Faisabilit� du partage de fr�quences entre le service fixe par satellite et le service fixe dans la gamme 30-52 GHz
[4/10, 9/21] Projet de revision de la Question UIT-R 218/9 - Crit�res de partage des fr�quences entre syst�mes du service fixe utilisant des stations plac�es sur des plate-formes � haute altitude et syst�mes du service fixe par satellite
[4/11,9/22] Projet de r�vision de la Question UIT-R 251/4 - Crit�res de partage des fr�quences entre systt�mes du service fixe par satellite et syst�mes du service fixe utilisant des stations plac�s sur des plate-formes � haute altitude
[4/12,9/23] Projet de nouvelle Question [UU/9] - Possibilit�s de partage des bandes 3 700-4 200 MHz et 5 925-6 425 MHz entre stations du service fixe et stations terriennes de navire du service fixe par satellite
[4/13,9/24] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [WW/4] - Possibilit�s de partage des bandes 3 700-4 200 MHz et 5 925-6 425 MHz entre stations terriennes de navire du service fixe par satellite et stations du service fixe
[4/14,9/25] Projet de nouvelle Question [XX/9] - Crit�res de partage de la bande 3 400-3 700 MHz entre syst�mes d'acc�s hertzien fixe (FWA) point � multipoint du service fixe et syst�mes � microstations terriennes (VSAT) du service fixe par satellite
[4/15,9/26] Projet de nouvelle Question [YY/4] Crit�res de partage de la bande 3 400-3 700 MHz entre syst�mes � microstations terriennes (VSAT) du service fixe par satellite et syst�mes d'acc�s hertzien fixe (FWA) point � multipoint du service fixe
[4/16] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R S.[4A/XS] [Doc. 4/16] - M�thode de calcul du rapport porteuse/brouillage � source unique pour les syst�mes intersatellites OSG
[4/17] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R S.1325 - M�thodes de simulation pour la d�termination des statistiques relatives au brouillage � court terme entre des r�seaux � satellite non g�ostationnaire du service fixe par satellite non g�ost....
[4/18] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R S.1339 - Faisabilit� du partage de fr�quences entre les d�tecteurs passifs spatioport�s du service d'exploration de la Terre par satellite et les liaisons intersatellites des r�seaux � satellite g�ost...
[4/19] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R S.1328 - Caract�ristiques de syst�mes � satellites � prendre en compte dans les analyses de partage des fr�quences entre syst�mes � satellites sur l'orbite des satellites g�ostationnaires (OSG) et ....
[4/19r1) Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R S.1328 - Caract�ristiques de syst�mes � satellites � prendre en consid�ration pour les analyses de partage de fr�quences ntre syst�mes du SFS OSG et syst�mes du SFS non OSG, y compris les liaisons de..
[4/20] Projet de r�vision de la Question UIT-R 206-2/4 - Partage des fr�quences entre, d'une part, les liaisons de connexion du service fixe � satellites non g�ostationnaires utilis�es par le service mobile par satellite et d'autres services spatiaux et ..
[4/21] Projet de r�vision de la Question UIT-R 241/4 - Cons�quences techniques de l'�ventuelle d�finition d'une orbite quasi g�ostationnaire sur le service fixe par satellite utilisant des orbites g�ostationnaires et non g�ostationnaires
[4/22] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [Doc. 4/22 (XXX/4)] - Crit�res et m�thodes de partage entre le service fixe par satellite et d'autres services ayant des attributions dans la bande 40,5-42,5 GHz
[4/23] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [Doc. 4/23 (YYY/4)] - Besoins de fr�quences pour la poursuite, la t�l�mesure et la t�l�commande des r�seaux du SFS dont les liaisons de service fonctionnent dans les bandes au-dessus de 17 GHz
[4/24] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [Doc. 4/24 (ZZZ/4)] - Faisabilit� de la mise en oeuvre de liaisons de connexion descendantes du SMS non OSG � 15 GHz compte tenu des besoins de protection du service de radioas. fonctionnant dans une bande voisine
[4/25] Projet de nouvelle Question [Doc. 4/25] - Niveaux de densit� de p.i.r.e. hors axe des stations terriennes dans les bandes au-dessus de 14,5 GHz attribu�es au SFS
[4/26] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R S.1062-1 - Caract�ristiques d'erreur admissibles d'un conduit num�rique fictif de r�f�rence fonctionnant � un d�bit �gal ou sup�rieur au d�bit primaire
[4/27, 4A/74, 8-1/103, 8A/53, 9D/49] Consideration of Annex 7 of Appendix S30 - Liaison statement to Special Rapporteur Group JWP 10-11S/SRG-1 and to ITU-R Study Groups 4, 8 and 9
[4/28] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R S.[4B/XE] (S.ATM_AV) - Objectifs de disponibilit� d'un conduit num�rique fictif de r�f. utilis� pour �mettre en mode de transfert asynchrone (ATM) sur le RNIS � large bande (RNIS-LB) dans le service fixe par satellite
[4/29] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R S.[4B/XC] (S.ATM) - Caract�ristiques du mode de transfert asynchrone (ATM) par satellite dans le RNIS-LB
[4/30] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [Doc. 4/30] - Guide de l'utilisateur pour le reportage d'actualit�s par satellite (RAS)
[4/31,4A/77] Liaison statement to Study Group 4 and Working Party 4A from Working Party 4SNG
[4/32, 9/29] Next meeting of Working Party 4-9S and possible draft Recommendations and Questions
[4/33, 9/30] Summary of draft new Recommendation
[4/34, 9/31] Draft new Recommendation [4-9S/AD] - Minimum propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service
[4/35,9/32] Questions assigned to WP 4-9S - Sharing between fixed-satellite service and FS
[4/36,9/33] Executive Report of the meetings of WP 4-9S
[4/37, 9/34] Draft revision to Question ITU-R 219/4 - Protection of non-geostationary satellite feeder links in the fixed-satellite service used by the mobile-satellite service from radio-relay systems in the shared frequency bands
[4/38, 9/35] Draft revision to Question ITIU-R 201/9 - Protection of radio-relay systems from non-geostationary satellite feeder links in the fixed-satellite service used by the mobile satellite service in the shared frequency bands
[4/39, 9/36] Final list of participants (Joint SGs 4 and 9 Meeting)
[4/40,9/84] Compte rendu de la r�union conjointe des Commissions d'�tudes 4 et 9 de l'UIT-R
[4/41] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R WWW/4 - D�gradations admissibles de la disponibilit� et des caract�ristiques d'erreur et de disponibilit� des syst�mes du service fixe par satellite, dues au brouillage
[4/42] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R S.[Doc. 4/42] - Techniques de r�duction des brouillages propres � faciliter la coordination des liaisons de connexion du SMS non OSG et des r�seaux du SFS OSG dans les bandes 19,3-19,7 GHz et 29,1-29,5 GHz
[4/43] Proj. de nouv. Rec. UIT-R S.[Doc. 4/43]-Objectifs de disponib. d'un conduit num�rique fictif de r�f. utilis� pour les transm. en mode de transfert async. (ATM) du RNIS � large bande (RNIS-LB) sur des syst�mes du SFS g�os. � des fr�qu. < � 15 GHz
[4/43r1]Draft new Rec. ITU-R S.[4/43]-Availability obj. for hypothetical reference digital path when used for the transmission of B-ISDN asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) in the fixed-satellite service by GSO orbit satellite systems using freq. below 15 GHz
[4/43r2] Draft new Rec. ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/43]-Avail. objectives for a hypothetical ref. digital path when used for the trans. of B-ISDN asynchronous trans. mode (ATM) in the fixed-satellite service by geostat. orbit satellite systems using freq. below 15 GHz
[4/44] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R S.[Doc. 4/44] - Caract�ristiques du mode de transfert asynchrone (ATM) par satellite dans le RNIS-LB
[4/45] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R SNG 4SNG[Doc. 4/45] - Param�tres communs de fonctionnement pour assurer l'interop�rabilit� de la transmission num�rique de reportages d'actualit�s par satellite (RAS) t�l�vis�es
[4/46] Review of Questions assigned to Working Party 4SNG
[4/47] Report of the meeting of Working Party 4SNG of Radiocommunication Study Group 4
[4/48] Executive report of the meeting of Working Party 4-9S
[4/49] Report on ITU-R Working Party 4B activities for the period 1998 - 1999
[4/50] Liste des documents publies (Docs. 4/1 - 4/50)
[4/51] Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R S.733-1 - Determination fo the G/T ratio for earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service
[4/51r1] Draft revision to Rec. ITU-R S.733-1 - Determination of the G/T ratio for earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service
[4/52] Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R S.521-3 - Hypothetical reference digital paths for systems using digital transmission in the fixed-satellite service
[4/52r1] Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R S.521-3 - Hypothetical reference digital paths for systems using digital transmission in the fixed-satellite service
[4/53] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[4/53] - Transmission considerations for digital carriers using higher levels of modulation on satellite circuits
[4/53r1] Draft new Rec. ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/53] - Transmission considerations for digital carriers using higher levels of modulation on satellite circuits
[4/54] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[IWD] - Aggregate power flux-density limits, at the FSS satellite orbit for RLAN transmitters operating in the 5 150 - 5 250 MHz band sharing frequencies with the fixed-satellite service
[4/54r1] Draft new Rec. ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/54] - Aggregate power flux-density limits, at the FSS satellite orbit for RLAN transmitters operating in the 5 150 - 5 250 MHz band sharing frequencies with the fidxed-satellite service (S5.447A)
[4/55]Draft new Rec.ITU-R S.EPINT-Error performance obj. due to internetwork interf. between GSO & NGSO fixed satellite service systems for hypothetical reference digital paths operating at or above primary rate carried by systems using freq. below 50 GHz
[4/56] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/56] - Methodology and criterion to assess interference from RLAN transmitters to Non-GSO MSS feeder links in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[4/57] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [4/57] - Reference FSS earth-station radiation patterns for use in interference assessment involving Non-GSO satellites in frequency bands between 10.7 GHz and 30 GHz
[4/57r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/57] - Reference FSS earth-station radiation patterns for use in interference assessment involving non-GSO satellites in frequency bands between 10.7 GHz and 30 GHz
[4/58] Modification to Recommendation ITU-R S.1328
[4/58r1] Modification to Recommendation ITU-R S.1328
[4/59] Draft new Recommendation S.EPINT - Error performance objectives due to internetwork interference between GSO and Non-GSO fixed-satellite service systems for hypothetical reference digital paths operating at or above the primary rate carried by ...
[4/59r1] Draft new Rec.ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/59]-Error perform. obj. due to Internetwork interfer. between GSO and non-GSO fixed-sat. service systems for hypothet. ref. digital paths oper'g at or above the primary rate carried by systems using freq. below 15GHz
[4/60] Draft new Recommendation - Determination of the coordination area for earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations with respect to earth stations operating in the reverse direction in frequency bands allocated bidirectionally to ..
[4/60r1] Draft new Rec.ITU-R S.[Doc.4/60] Determin'n of the coordin'n area for earth stations operating with non-geo. space stations with respect to earth stats. operating in the rev. direction in freq. bands alloc. bidirectionally to the fixed-sat.service
[4/61] Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R S.1325 - Simulation methodologies for determining statistics of short-term interference between co-frequency, codirectional non-geostationary-satellite orbit (NGSO) fixed-satellite service (FSS) networks and...
[4/61r1] Draft revision to Rec. ITU-R S.1325 - Simulation methodologies for determining statistics of short-term interference between co-frequency, co-directional NGSO fixed-satellite service (FSS) networks and other non-GSO FSS or GSO FSS networks
[4/62] Draft new Question ITU-R XX/4 - Allowable noise in fixed-satellite service systems due to interference
[4/63] Draft new Question ITU-R YY/4 - Allowable error performance and availability degradations of fixed-satellite service systems due to long and short-term effects
[4/64] Proposed amendment to Recommendation ITU-R S.1257 - Analytical method to calculate short-term visibility and interference statistics for non-geostationary satellite orbit satellites as seen from a point on the Earth's surface
[4/64r1] Draft mod. to Rec. ITU-R S.1257 - Analytical method to calculate short-term visibility and interference stats for non-geostationary satellite orbit satellites as seen from a point on the earth's surface
[4/65] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/65] - Methods to enhance sharing between Non-GSO FSS Systems (except MSS feeder links) in the frequency bands between 10-30 GHz
[4/65r1] Draft new Rec. ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/65] - Methods to enhance sharing between non-GSO FSS systems (except MSS feeder links) in the frequency bands between 10 - 30 GHz
[4/66] Revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.524-5 - Maximum permissible levels of off-axis E.I.R.P. density from earth stations in GSO network operating in the fixed-satellite service transmitting in the 6, 14 and 30 GHz frequency bands
[4/66r1] Draft rev. to Rec. ITU-R S.524-5 - Max. permissible levels of off-axis e.i.r.p. density from earth stations in GSO networks operating in the fixed-satellite service transmitting in the 14 and 30 GHz frequency bands
[4/67] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S[IAL] - Apportionment of the allowable error performance degradations to fixed-satellite service hypothetical reference digital paths arising from time invariant interference for systems operating below 15 GHz
[4/67r1] Draft new Rec. ITU-R S.[Doc.4/67] - Apportionment of the allowable error performance degreadations to fixed-satellite service hypothetical reference digital paths arising from time invariant interference for systems operating below 15 GHz
[4/68] Draft new Recommendation - Equivalent power flux-density EPFDup and EPFDis
[4/68r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/68] - Equivalent power flux-density EPFDup and EPFDis
[4/69-P1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1323 - Maximum permissible levels of interference in a satellite network (GSO/FSS; Non-GSO/FSS; Non-GSO/MSS feeder links)* in the fixed-satellite service caused by other codirectional networks below 30 GHz
[4/69-P2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1323 - Maximum permissible levels of interference in a satellite network (GSO/FSS; Non-GSO/FSS; Non-GSO/MSS feeder links)* in the fixed-satellite service caused by other codirectional networks below 30 GHz
[4/69r1] Part 1 - Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R S.1323 - Maximum permissible levels of interference in a satellite network (GSO/FSS; non-GSO/FSS; non-GSO/MSS feeder links) in the fixed-satellite service caused by other codirectional networks below 30 GHz
[4/69r1] Part 2 - Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R S.1323 - Maximum permissible levels of interference in a satellite network (GSO/FSS; non-GSO/FSS; non-GSO/MSS feeder links) in the fixed-satellite service caused by other codirectional networks below 30 GHz
[4/69r2] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R S.1323 - Maximum permissible levels of interference in a satellite network (GSO/FSS; non GSO/FSS; non-GSO/MSS feeder links) in the fixed-satellite service caused by other codirectional networks below 30 GHz
[4/70] Draft new Question - Performance objectives of digital links in the fixed-satellite service for transmission of IP packets
[4/71] Liste finale des participants - Commission d'Etudes 4 - Gen�ve, 5-7 mai 1999
[4/72] Summary record of the First Session of Study Group 4
[4/73] Summary Record of the Second Meeting of SG 4
[4/74c1] Report of the fourth meeting of JTG 4-9-11 (Geneva, 26 May - 1 June 1999)
[4/74-1] Report of the fourth meeting of JTG 4-9-11 - Geneva, 26 May - 1 June
[4/74-2] Report of the fourth meeting of JTG 4-9-11 - Geneva, 26 May - 1 June
[4/75] Rapport d'activit� du Groupe du Manuel - Publication de l'�dition 3 du "Manuel sur les t�l�communications par satellite (SFS)"
[4/76] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R S.[Doc. 4/76] - Proc�dure de mesure pour d�terminer la p.i.r.e. et la discrimination de l'antenne d'un satellite non g�ostationnaire
[4/77] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R S.[Doc. 4/77] - D�termination de la n�cessit� de coordination entre r�seaux OSG du SFS
[4/78] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R S.1257-1 - M�thode analytique pour calculer les statistiques de visibilit� des satellites non g�ostationnaires � partir d'un point � la surface de la terre
[4/79] Projet de mod. de la Rec.UIT-R S.1328-Caract�ristiques de syst�mes � sat. � prendre en compte dans les analyses de partage des fr�quences entre syst�mes � sat. sur OSG et syst�mes � sat. non OSG dans le SFS,y compris les liaisons de connexion du SMS
[4/80] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R S.1428 - Diagrammes de rayonnement de r�f. de station terrienne du SFS, � utiliser pour l'�valuation des brouillages faisant intervenir des sat. non OSG dans des bandes de fr�quences comprises entre 10.7 et 30 GHz

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