[11/1] Questions assign�es � la Commission d'�tudes 11 des radiocommunications - Service de radiodiffusion t�l�visuelle | |
[11/1a1] Questions assign�es � la Commission d'�tudes 11 | |
[11/1a2] Questions assign�es � la Commission d'�tudes 11 des radiocommunications | |
[11/2,10-11R/2,10-11S/5,11-5/3,11A/2,11B/2,11C/2,11E/2] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups | |
[11/3,10-11R/3,10-11S/7,11-5/5,11A/3,11B/3,11C/3,11E/3] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups | |
[11/4] Projet de r�vision de la D�cision {Doc. 11/109] - Syst�me de radiodiffusion t�l�visuelle interactif | |
[11/5] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [Doc. 11/5] - Syst�mes de radiodiffusion t�l�visuelle num�rique interactive par satellite | |
[11/5r1] Draft new Question [Doc. 11/5] - Digital interactive television broadcasting systems | |
[11/6,10/4,JSC10,11/49] Liaison statement from the Chairman of TSAG to the Chairmen of ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/7] Projet d'adjonction au Rapport UIT-R BO.1227-1 - Syst�mes de radiodiffusion par satellite pour la RDNIS (Radiodiffusion num�rique � int�gration de services) | |
[11/8] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BO.[11/8] - Utilisation des bandes attribu�es au SRS pour des transmissions du SFS | |
[11/8r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BO.[11/8] - Utilisation des bandes attribu�es au SRS pour des transmissions du SFS | |
[11/9] Modification de la version r�vis�e en 1996 du Rapport UIT-R BO.2008 - Radiodiffusion num�rique multiprogramme par satellite | |
[11/10,10/7] Chairman's Report on the first meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S, 15-23 January 1998, Honolulu, Hawaii | |
[11/11] Report of the first and second meetings of Task Group 11/5 | |
[11/12,11A/8,11B/12,11C/11,11E/11,10-11R/12,10-11S/36,11-5/18] Status of texts of SG 11, WPs and TGs | |
[11/12r1,11A/8r1,11B/12r1,11C/11r1,11-5/18r1,10-11/3,10-11Q/8,10-11R/12r1,10-11S/36r1] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups | |
[11/12r1c1,11A/8r1c1,11B/12r1c1,11C/11r1c1,10-11Q/8c1,10-11R/12r1c1,10-11S/36r1c1,11-5/18r1c1,10-11/3c1] Status of text of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups | |
[11/12r1c2,10-11S/36r1c2,11A/8r1c2,11B/12r1c2,11C/11r1c2,10-11Q/8c2,10-11R/12r1c2,10-11/3c2,11-5/18r1c2] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups | |
[11/13] Rapport du Pr�sident de la Commission d'�tudes 11 (avril 1997-mars 1998) | |
[11/13c1] Rapport du Pr�sident de la CE 11 | |
[11/13c2] Rapport du Pr�sident de la CE 11 | |
[11/14] Liaison statement from WP 7D to SG 11 - Request for information related to planned contributions to the CPM-99 report | |
[11/15,11A/25,11B/18,11C/22,11E/18,11-5/24] ITU-R patent statements database | |
[11/16] Draft new Rec. ITU-R BR.[Doc. 11/16 ] - Scanned area dimensions from 16 mm to 35 mm cinematographic film used in television | |
[11/16r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BR.[Doc. 11/16] - Dimensions de la surface de balayage des films cin�matographiques 16 mm et 35 mm utilis�s en t�l�vision | |
[11/17] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[Doc.11/17] - High definition television (HDTV) recording (Question ITU-R 108-1/11) | |
[11/17r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BR.[Doc. 11/17] - Enregistrement de la t�l�vision � haute d�finition (TVHD) | |
[11/18] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[11/18] - Compression families to be used in networked television production | |
[11/18r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BR.[11/18] - Familles de syst�mes de compression � utiliser dans la production t�l�visuelle en r�seau | |
[11/19,10/13] Report of the first meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the 1998-99 study period | |
[11/20,10/14] Summaries of draft new Rec. proposed for adoption by correspondence | |
[11/21R1] Proj. de r�v. de la Rec. UIT-R BT.655-4-Rapports de protection radiofr�quence pour les syst�mes de t�l�vision de Terre � modulation d'amplitude � bande lat�rale r�siduelle brouill�s par des signaux image analogiques et leurs signaux son associ�s | |
[11/21r1] Proj. de r�v. de la Rec. UIT-R BT.655-4-Rapports de protection radiofr�quence pour les syst�mes de t�l�vision de Terre � modulation d'amplitude � bande lat�rale r�siduelle brouill�s par des signaux image analogiques et leurs signaux son associ�s | |
[11/22] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1368 - Planning criteria for digital terrestrial television services in the VHF/UHT bands | |
[11/22r1] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BT.1368 - Crit�res de planification des services de t�l�vision num�rique par voie hertzienne de Terre dans les bandes d'ondes m�triques et d�cim�triques | |
[11/23] Task Group 11/5 Report to Study Group 11 Plenary, 2 April 1998 | |
[11/24] Draft new Rec. ITU-R [Doc. 11/24] - Labelling of video and audio apparatus through-put (processing) delay | |
[11/24R1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BT.[11/24] - Indications des temps de traitement des appareils audio et vid�o | |
[11/25] Draft new Rec. ITU-R [Doc. 11/25] - Basic requirements for multimedia-hypermedia broadcasting | |
[11/25r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/25] - Conditions de base applicables � la radiodiffusion multim�dia-hyperm�dia | |
[11/26] Draft new Rec. ITU-R [Doc. 11/26] - Framing of wide-screen 16:9 and standard 4:3 aspect ratio productions to achieve a common production format during a transition period to wide-screen 16:9 production and broadcasting | |
[11/26r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/26] - D�finition d'un cadrage commun des images produites aux formats �cran large 16:9 et classique 4:3 pour la transition vers la production et la diffusion en 16:9 | |
[11/27] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1359 - Relative timing of sound and vision for broadcasting | |
[11/27r1] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BT.1359 - Synchronisation relative du son et de l'image en radiodiffusion | |
[11/28] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 11/28] - Enhanced wide-screen SECAM TV | |
[11/29] Note from Working Party 11A to Study Group 11 on "Parental Control Signalling" | |
[11/30] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-5 - Conventional television systems | |
[11/30r1] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BT.470-5 - Syst�mes de t�l�vision classiques | |
[11/31] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/31] - Standards for bit rate reduction coding systems for SDTV | |
[11/31r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/31] - Normes pour syst�mes de codage avec r�duction du d�bit binaire pour la TVDC | |
[11/32] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-1 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60 and 1250/50 HDTV studio signals | |
[11/32a1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-1 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60 and 1250/50 HDTV studio signals | |
[11/32r1] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BT.1120-1 - Interfaces num�riques pour les signaux de TVHD en studio 1125/60 et 1250/50 | |
[11/32r1a1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-1 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60 and 1250/50 HDTV studio signals | |
[11/33] Report on the first meeting of Working Party 11C (study period 1988-99) Geneva, 19-25 March 1998 | |
[11/34] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/34] SDI-based transport interface for compressed television signals in networked television production based on Recommendations ITU-R BT.656 and BT.1302 | |
[11/34r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/34] - Interface de transport bas�e sur l'interface SDI pour les signaux de t�l�vision compress�s dans la production de t�l�vision en r�seau selon les Recommandations UIT-R BT.656 et UIT-R BT.1302 | |
[11/35] Draft modification of Rec. ITU-R BT.1363 - Jitter specifications and methods for jitter measurements of bit-serial signals conforming to Recs. ITU-R BT.656, BT.799 and BT.1120 | |
[11/35r1] Projet de modification de la Rec. UIT-R BT.1363 - Sp�cifications de gigue et m�thodes pour mesurer la gigue des signaux s�rie conformes aux Recommandations UIT-R BT.656, UIT-R BT.799 et UIT-R BT.1120 | |
[11/36] Liaison statement to SG 8 and the Rapporteur for Chapter 2 of the CPM-99 Report - Sharing between MSS and terrestrial television | |
[11/37] Report on the first meeting of Working Party 11E - Geneva, 23-27 March 1998 | |
[11/38] Proposed modifications of Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-8 - Methodology for the subjective assessment of the quality of television pictures | |
[11/38r1] Proposition de modifications de la Rec. UIT-R BT.500-8 - M�thodologie d'�valuation subjective de la qualit� des images de t�l�vision | |
[11/39] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.710-3 - Subjective assessment methods for image quality in high-definition television | |
[11/39r1] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BT.710-3 - M�thodes d'�valuation subjective de la qualit� d'image en t�l�vision � haute d�finition | |
[11/40] Draft new Rec. ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/40] - Assessment of the picture quality of multi-programme services | |
[11/40r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/40] - Evaluation de la qualit� d'image des services multiprogramme | |
[11/41] Draft new Question ITU-R [DOC.11/41] - Relationship between quality, quality evaluation methodology, and type of application, in a multimedia environment | |
[11/42] Liaison statement from ITU-R Study Group 11 to ITU-T Study Group 12 - commends on VQEG plans and draft new Recomendation P.AVQ | |
[11/43r1] Summary report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (Geneva, 23-27 March 1998) | |
[11/44] Draft Decision - Establishment of a new Task Group on multimedia broadcast evolution and common content format | |
[11/45] Summary of draft new or revised Recommendations | |
[11/46] Chairman's Report on the meeting of Working Party 11B (Geneva, 24-27 March 1998) | |
[11/46r1] Chairman's report on the meeting of Working Party 11B | |
[11/46r1c1] Chairman's report on the meeting of Working Party 11B | |
[11/47] Summaried of draft Recommendations prepared by Working Party 11A | |
[11/48] Proposed modification of Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-8 - Summary | |
[11/49] Liaison statement to Study Group 11 - Coordination with ITU-R Study Group 11 | |
[11/50] Liste des documents publies (11/1 - 11/50) | |
[11/51,10/25] Proposal for a draft Decision | |
[11/53] Modifications to Questions assigned to Study Group 11 | |
[11/54,10/35] Summary Record of the Joint Meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/54r1,10/35r1] Summary record of the Joint Study Group 10 and 11 meeting (Wednesday, 1 April 1998) | |
[11/55] Summary record of the second meeting of Study Group 11 | |
[11/55r1] Summary record of the second meeting of Study Group 11 (31 March 1998) | |
[11/56] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 11/56] - Multimedia evolution and common content format | |
[11/57] Summary record of the third meeting of Study Group 11 (Wednesday 1 April 1998) | |
[11/58] Summary record for the fourth and last meeting of Study Group 11 - Geneva 2 April 1998 | |
[11/59] Summary record of the first meeting fo Study Group 11 (Geneva, 30 March 1998) | |
[11/60,11A/48] Position statement on the HDTV production and exchange standard | |
[11/61] Projet de modification du Rapport UIT-R BO.[10-11S/R2] - M�thodes de calcul du brouillage | |
[11/62] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BO.[Doc. 11/62] Syst�me de transmission pour services multim�dias de haute technologie fournis par la radiodiffusion num�rique � int'gration de services dans un canal de radiodiffusion par satellite | |
[11/63,10/40] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 - Deletion of a number of J-Series and N-Series Recommendations and a Supplement to the N-Series | |
[11/64] Rapport du Pr�sident de la Commission d'�tudes 11 - (P�riode avril 1998 - mai 1999) | |
[11/65,11A/53,11B/32,11C/45,11-5/58,10-11/10,10-11Q/25,10-11R/38,10-11S/114] Status of texts of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups | |
[11/66] Projet de nouvelle Recommandatin UIT-R BT.[11/66] - Protocoles ind�pendants du r�seau pour syst�mes interactifs | |
[11/66r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[11/66] -Protocoles ind�pendants du r�sau pour syst�mes interactifs | |
[11/67] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[11/67] - Canal RTPC/RNIS d'interaction retour pour la diffusion vid�onum�rique | |
[11/67r1] Revision to draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11/67] - Digital video broadcasting interaction channel through the PSTN/ISDN | |
[11/67r2] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT. DOC.11/67] - Canal RTPC/RNIS d'interaction retour pour la diffusion sonore et t�l�visulle num�rique | |
[11/68] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[11/68] - Syst�mes de transmission pour services interactifs de t�l�vision par c�ble | |
[11/68r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[DOC.11/68] - Syst�mes de transmission pour services interactifs de t�l�vision par c�ble | |
[11/69,10/44,10C/22,11A/57,11B/37,11C/48,11-5/62,10-11/15,10-11Q/29,10-11R/46,10-11S/122] Re-organisation of SGs 10 and 11 | |
[11/70] Report of the fifth meeting (Geneva, 22-24 March 1999) | |
[11/71] Report of the fourth meeting of Task Group 11/5 (New York, 16-18 September 1998) | |
[11/72,10/51] Report of the Chairman, First Meeting of Joint Task Group 10-11 (30 November - 1 December 1998) | |
[11/73,10/52] Chairman's Report - First Joint Working Party 10-11Q Meeting | |
[11/74,10/53] Report on the Second Meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S (Geneva, 5-13 October 1998) | |
[11/75,11/75,10-11/20,10-11S/203] Liaison statement to Study Groups 10 and 11, JWP 10-11S and JTG 10-11 - Draft proposal for a Joint Working Party to deal with all aspects of interactive broadcasting | |
[11/75r1,10-11/20r1,10-11S/203r1,10/56r1] Liaison Statement to Study Groups 10 and 11, JWP 10-11S and JTG 10-11 | |
[11/75r2,10/56r2] Liaison statement to SGs 10 and 11 - Draft proposal for a Joint Working Party to deal with all aspects of interactive and multimedia broadcasting | |
[11/76] Avant-projet de nouvelle Qustion (Commission d'�tudes 11) - Besoin en fr�quence de la radiodiffusion t�l�visuelle | |
[11/77,10/58] Report on the second meeting of Joint Task Group 10-11 | |
[11/78,10/59,10C/29,11/78,11B/51] Liaison statement to Working Parties 10C and 11B and Study Groups 10 an 11- Proposed treatment for opinions ITU-R 74-1, 755-1 and 90 | |
[11/79] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[Doc. 11/79] - 16:9 video images transferred to 35 mm film for optical projection | |
[11/79r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BR.[Doc.11/79] - Transfert d'images video en 16:9 sur film 35 mm pour la projection optique | |
[11/80] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[Doc. 11/80] - Compromise scanned area dimensions for television from 35 mm wide-screen films | |
[11/80r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BR.[Doc.11/80] - Dimensions de compromis de la surface de balayage des films 35 mm sur �cran large pour la t�l�vision | |
[11/81] Proposed draft new Question [Doc. 11/81] - Recording formats to be used in international tape exchange for HDTV programme evaluation | |
[11/82] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.602-3 - Exchange of SDTV recordings for programme evaluation | |
[11/82r1] Echange d'enregistrements de t�l�vision pour l'�valuation des programmes | |
[11/83,10/60] Draft revision of Opinion ITU-R 16-3 - Organizations qualified to set standards on sound and television recording | |
[11/84] Report to Study Group 11 | |
[11/85,10/61] Report of third meeting of JTG 10-11, Geneva, 18 May 1999-05-18 | |
[11/86] Report of sixth meeting of TG 11/5, Geneva, 17-20 May 1999 | |
[11/87] Suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BR.1354 | |
[11/87r1] Proposition de suppression de la Recommandation UIT-R BR.1354 | |
[11/88,10/69] Liaison statement to Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/89] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR[Doc. 11/89] - User's requirement for high-definition digital tape cassette recorder | |
[11/89r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BR.[Doc.11/89] - Besoins des usagers en mati�re de magn�toscopes num�riques � cassette de TVHD | |
[11/90,10/70,JSC 10-11/68] Statement of WBU-TC | |
[11/91] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.1355 - Viewing conditions for telecine transfer of film images on a television display | |
[11/91r1] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BR.1355 - Condition d'observation pour le transfer t�l�cin� sur un moniteur de t�l�vision d'images sur film | |
[11/92,10/72] Summaries of draft revised and draft new Recommendations | |
[11/93,10/73] Note by the Secretariat | |
[11/94] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc.11/94] - Coordination distances for terrestrial digital television broadcasting (DVB-T) stations in the European broadcasting area | |
[11/95,10/74] Report on the Second Meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the 1998-99 Study Period | |
[11/95a1,10/74a1] Proposed structure for ITU Recommendation on the use of film in television | |
[11/96,10/75] Proposed revision of all the Questions assigned to WP 10-11R | |
[11/96a1,10/75a1] Proposed revision of all the questions assigned to Joint Working Party 10-11R | |
[11/97] Draft new Recommendations proposed fro transmission to the ISO | |
[11/98] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.655-5 | |
[11/156, 10/98] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BO.566-3 on terminology relating to the use of space communication techniques for broadcasting | |
[11/98r1] Projet de r�v. de la Rec.UIT-R BT.655-5-Rapports de protection radiofr�quence pour les syst�mes de t�l�vision de terre � modulation d'amplitude � bande lat�rale r�siduelle brouill�s par des signaux image analogiques et leurs signaux son associ�s | |
[11/99] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITu-R BR.703-1 | |
[11/99r1] Proposition de suppression de la Recommandation UIT-R BR.713-1 | |
[11/100] Liste des documents publies (Document 11/51 - 11/100) | |
[11/101] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 233/11 - Unified identification data for international exchange and archival of recordings and of films for televison | |
[11/102] Proposed draft new Question ITU-R [Doc.11/102] - Spectrum requirements for television broadcasting | |
[11/103] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1368-1 | |
[11/103r1] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1368-1 - Crit�res de planification des services de t�l�vision num�rique par voie hertzienne de terre dans les bandes d'ondes m�triques et d�cim�triques | |
[11/104] Report of the second meeting of Working Party 11C | |
[11/105] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 11/105] - Sharing criteria for BSS networks in the 17.3-17.8 GHz band in Region 2, and in the 21.4-22 GHz band in Regions 1 and 3, and their assoiated feeder links | |
[11/106] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 11/106] - User requirements for coding for multi-programme transmission | |
[11/106r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R [Doc. 11/106] - Exigences des utilisateurs en mati�re de transmissions mutliprogramme | |
[11/107] Draft revision of Opinion ITU-R 90 - Equipement interconnection in professional programme production installations | |
[11/108] Draft revision of Opinion ITU-R 75-1 - Systems for signal interface connection between television receivers and associated equipment | |
[11/109] Draft revision of ITU-R Recommendation BO.1293 - Protection masks and associated calculation methods for interference into broadcast-satellite systems involving digital emission | |
[11/109c1] Draft revision of ITU-R Recommendation BO.1293 - Protection masks and associated calculation methods for interference into broadcast-satellite systems involving digital emission | |
[11/109r1] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BO.1293 - Gabarits de protection et m�thodes de calcul associ�es pour les brouillages caus�s aux syst�mes de radiodiffusion par satellite dans le cas d'�missions num�riques | |
[11/110] Draft revision of Section 3 of new Report ITU-R BO.[10-11S/R2] on interference calculation methods | |
[11/111,10/76] Comments on the re-organization of Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/112] Summaries of draft new or draft revised Recommendations | |
[11/172, 10/112] Merger of SG 10 and SG 11 into a single broadcasting Study Group | |
[11/113] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-2 - Digital interfaces for HDTV studio signals | |
[11/113a1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-2 - Digital interfaces for HDTV studio signals | |
[11/113r1] Projet de Recommandation r�vis�e UIT-R BT.1120-2 - Interfaces num�riques pour les signaux de TVHD en studio | |
[11/114] Proposal for a draft new Question - Reference signals for the component digital studio | |
[11/115,10/77] Comments on the reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/116] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[Doc. 11/116] - Improved patterns for fast roll-off satellite transmit antenna of the Regions 1 and 3 BSS plan of Appendix S30 | |
[11/116r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BO.[Doc. 11/116] - Diagrammes am�lior�s pour les antennes d'�mission de satellite � d�croissance rapide utilis�s dans le plan de l'Appendice 30 pour le SRS en R�gions 1 et 3 | |
[11/117] Proposed modification of Section 2.2 of new Report ITU-R BO.[10-11S/R2] - Interference calculation methods | |
[11/118] Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-9 - New method: simultaneous double stimulus for continuous evaluation (SDSCE) | |
[11/119r1] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.500-9 - M�thodologie d'�valuation subjective de la qualit� des images e t�l�vision | |
[11/119] Draft new Recommendation - Subjective assessment of stereoscopic television pictures | |
[11/119r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/119] - �valuation subjective des images de t�l�vision st�r�oscopiques | |
[11/120,10/78] Draft new Question - Methodologies for subjective assessment and optimisation of audio and video quality | |
[11/121] Chairman's Report on the meeting of Working Party 11B (Geneva, 24-27 May 1999) | |
[11/122] Draft new Recommendation - Measurement methods applicable in the analogue television studio | |
[11/122r1] Draft new Recommendation - Measurement methods applicable in the analogue television studio and the overall analogue television system | |
[11/122r2] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/122] - M�thodes de mesure applicables au studio de t�l�vision analogique et � l'ensemble du syst�me de t�l�vision analogique | |
[11/123,10/79] Draft Chairman's Report - Joint Working Party 10-11Q - Second meeting | |
[11/124,10/80] Draft new Report on objective quality assessment technology in a digital environment | |
[11/125] Summary Report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (24 - May 1999) | |
[11/125r1] Summary report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (24-28 May 1999) | |
[11/125r1a1] - Summary Report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (24-28 May 1999) - Additional Notes on the ITU-R BT.709-3 Revision | |
[11/126,10/81,JSC10-11] Report to Study Group 11 - Reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/127] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1300 - Service multiplex, transport, and identification methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting | |
[11/127r1] Projet de Recommendation r�vis�e UIT-R BT.1300 - M�thodes de multiplexage, de transport et d'identification des services pour la radiodiffusion t�l�visuelle num�rique par voie hertzienne de terre | |
[11/128] Draft new Question - Digital systems for the production of enhanced television and for emerging applications | |
[11/129] Draft new Question - Broadcasting of copy protection signalling for television | |
[11/130] Draft new Question - Flexibility and interoperability in digital television broadcasting applications | |
[11/131] Draft new Question ITU-R TMIQ/11 - Television and multimedia images quality levels | |
[11/132] Draft new Question - Broadcast data systems to facilitate "Client Storage" | |
[11/133] Draft new Question XXX/11 - Round-trip time delay tolerances for television broadcast programme inserts | |
[11/134] Revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-3 - Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange | |
[11/134r1] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation r�vis�e UIT-R BT.709-3 - Valeur des param�tres des normes de TVHD pour la production et l'�chance international de programmes | |
[11/135,10/82] Summary report to Study Groups 10 and 11 on the third meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S | |
[11/136] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[Doc.11/136] - Functional description to be used in developing software tools for determining conformity on non-GSO FSS networks with limits contained in Articl S22 of the Radio Regulations | |
[11/136r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BO.(Doc.11/136) - Description fonctionnelle � utiliser pour le d�veloppement de logiciels destin�s � d�terminer la conformit� des r�seaux du SFS non OSG avec limites sp�cifi�es dans l'Article S22 du RR | |
[11/137] Draft new Recommendation - Reference BSS earth station antenna patterns for use in interference assessment involving non-geostationary satellites in frequency bands covered by Appendix S30 | |
[11/137r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BO.[Doc.11/137]-Diagrammes de r�f. des antennes de stations terr. du SRS � utiliser pour l'�valuation des brouillages faisant intervenir des sat. non g�ostat. dans les bandes de fr�quences vis�es � l'Appendice S30 | |
[11/138-1] Part 1 - Draft new Recommendation - Protection of the broadcasting-satellite service in the 12 GHz band and associated feeder links in the 17 GHz band from interference caused by non-GSO FSS systems | |
[11/138-2] Part 2 - BSS System characteristics (Excel file updated in October 99) | |
[11/138r1] Proj. de nouvelle Rec.UIT-R BO.[Doc.11/138]-Protection du service de radiodiffusion par satellite dans la bande des 12GHz et des liaisons de connexion associ�es dans la bande des 17GHz contre les brouillages caus�s par les systemes nonOSG du SFS | |
[11/139] Summaries of Draft New or Draft Revised Recommendations | |
[11/140] Final list of participants - 31 May - 2 June 1999 | |
[11/141, 10/87] Review of the Questions adopted at the May 1999 meeting of Study Group 11 | |
[11/142] Summary record of the first meeting of SG 11 - Monday, 31 May 1999 9:30-12:30 | |
[11/143] Summary record of the second meeting of Study Group 11 - Tuesday June 1st, 9:00-10:45 | |
[11/145, 10/89] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1348 - Service requirements for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands | |
[11/146, 10/90] Summary Record of the Joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11 - Tuesday, 1 June 1999, 10:45-17:00 and Wednesday, 2 June 1999, 9:00-10:45 | |
[11/147] Summary record of the third and final meeting of Study Group 11 | |
| |
[11/149, 10/92] Proposal for the terms of reference and workplan for a new joint Working Party, JWP 10-11M - Interactivity and multimedia | |
[11/150] List of documents | |
[11/151, 10/93] Proposed text for inclusion in Study Groups 10 and 11 Charimen's Reports to RA-2000 - Cooperation of SG10 and SG11 With the IEC and the ISO | |
[11/152] A methodology to evaluate the impact of solar interference on GSO BSS link performance | |
[11/153] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BO.[Doc.11/153] - Description fonctionelle � utliser pour le d�veloppement de logiciels d�stin�s � d�terminer la conformit� des r�seaux du SFS non OSG avec limites sp�cifi�es dans l'article S22 du RR | |
[11/154, 10/95] Review of Questions assigned to Joint Working Party 10-11S | |
[11/155, 10/97] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[11/155] - Coordination procedure for assignments of space operation service in the guardbands of Appendices S30 and S30A plans | |
[11/155r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[DOC. 11/155] - Coordination procedure for assignments of space operation service in the guardbands of Appendices S30 and S30A plans | |
[11/156r1,10/98r1] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BO.566-3 on terminology relating to the use of space communication techniques for broadcasting | |
[11/157, 10/99] Proposal for the extraordinary meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/158, 10/101] Reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/159, 10/102] Extraordinary meeting for re-organization of Radiocommunication Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/160] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1306 | |
[11/161, 10/103] Proposed extended definition for the term "Broadcasting" | |
[11/162, 10/104] Plan of activity for the Ad Hoc Group on Questions | |
[11/163, 10/105] Re-organisation of Study Group 10 and 11 | |
[11/164, 10/106] Chairmen's report on the reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/165, 10/107] The future structure of the ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/166, 10/108] Statuts of Work on consolidation of requirements for digital multi-programme broadcasting-satellite systems; and their evaluation as developed by the Special Rapporteur JWP 10-11S/SRG 6 | |
[11/167, 10/109] Report of the fourth meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S (Geneva, 18-27 October 1999) | |
[11/168] Report of seventh meeting of TG 11/5, Geneva, 4 - 8 October 1999 | |
[11/169, 10/110] Request for consultation on the future chairs and vice-chairs of the combined ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/170, 10/111] Comments on the draft ITU-R definition of broadcasting | |
[11/171, 11A/105] Report of the meeting of SRG-720P - Ottawa, 30 Sep. - 1 Oct. 1999 | |
[11/173, 11A/107] Comments on the draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R 1306 | |
[11/175, 10/114] Report of the meeting of TG 10/6 - September 1999 | |
[11/177, 10/116] Interim strucutre of activities for Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/177r1, 10/116r1] Interim structure of activities for Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/178, 10/117] Text for a section of the meeting report | |
[11/179,10/118] Working Procedures | |
[11/179r1, 10/118r1] Working procedures | |
[11/179r1] Working procedures | |
[11/180, 10/119] Final report of the extraordinary meeting of ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 (Geneva, 15-17 December 1999) | |
[11/181, 10/120] Reply to liaison statement from the TSAG | |
[11/182, 11A/110] Studio standard for production and international exchange of HDTV programmes | |
[11/183] Past record of contributions addressed to Questions to Study Group 11 | |
[11/184, 10/123] Summary record of the first joint meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11 | |
[11/185, 10/124] Summary record of the second joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11 | |
[11/186, 10/125] Summary record of the third joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11 | |
[11/187, 11A/116, 10-11/35, 10-11Q/61, 11-5/92] Status of texts of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups | |
[11/188] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. ] - Draft new Recommendation for an interaction channel using digital enhanced cordless telecommunications systems (DECT) | |
[11/188r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/188] - Interaction channel using digital enhanced cordless telecommunications systems (DECT) | |
[11/189] Report of the Chairman of Study Group 11 (period June 1999 to February 2000) | |
[11/190, 11A/121] End-to-end studies of broadcasting | |
[11/191] Part 1 - Draft new Report on development and implementation of interactivity in broadcasting systems and services | |
[11/191] Part 2 - Draft new Report on progress on development and implementation of interactivity in broadcasting systems and services | |
[11/192] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. ] - Draft new Recommendation for an interaction channel using global system for mobile communications (GSM) | |
[11/192r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/192] - Intereaction channel using global system for mobile communications (GSM) | |
[11/193] Error-correction, data framing, modulation and emission methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting | |
[11/193r1] Error-correction, data framing, modulation and emission methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting | |
[11/194] Progress during 1999/2000 - Report to SG 11 | |
[11/195] Chairman's Report - Joint Working Party 10-11Q: Third meeting | |
[11/196] Draft revised Report on Objective quality assessment technology in a digital environment | |
[11/197] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1210-1 - Test materials to be used in subjective assessment | |
[11/197r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1210-1 - Test materials to be used in subjective assessment | |
[11/198] Summary report of the meeting of Working Party 11A, 7-9 February 2000 | |
[11/199] List of participants | |
[11/200] List of documents issued | |
[11/201] Report to Study Group 11 | |
[11/202, 10/126] Liaison statement - Multimedia studies - Potential overlap | |
[11/203] Summary record of the first plenary meeting (10 February 2000) | |
[11/204] Summary record of the second plenary meeting (11 February 2000) | |
[11/205, 10/127] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.1348 - Cahier des charges du service de radiodiffusion sonore num�rique aux fr�quences inf�rieures � 30 MHz | |
[11/206, 10/128] System Recommendation for digital sound broadcasting at frequencies below 30 MHz | |