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Contributions to SG 10 (1998-2000)

[10/1] Questions attribu�es � la Commission d'�tudes 10 des radiocommunications
[10/1a1] Questions assign�es � la Commission d'�tudes 10 des radiocommunications
[10/1a2] Questions assign�es � la Commission d'�tudes 10 des radiocommunications
[10/1a3] Questions assign�es � la Commission d'�tudes 10 des radiocommunications
[10/2,10A/3,10B/2,10C/3,10-4/8] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 10, its Working Parties and Task Group
[10/3,10A/4,10B/3,10C/4,10-4/9] Recommendations, Decision and Opinion to be brought to the attention of Study Group 10, its Working Parties and Task Group
[10/4,11/6,JSC10,11/49] Liaison statement from Chairman of TSAG to the Chairmen of ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/5] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BS.[10/5] - Mise en oeuvre du service de radiodiffus. (sonore) par satellite dans les m�mes bandes de fr�qu. que celles utilis�es par les syst�mes mobiles a�ronautiques pour la t�l�mesure dans la gamme de fr�qu. 1-3 GHz
[10/5r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BO.[10/5] - Mise en oeuvre du service de radiodif. (sonore) par satellite dans les m�mes bandes de fr�qu. que celles utilis�es par les syst�mes mobiles a�ronautiq. pour la t�l�mesure dans la gamme de fr�qu. 1-3 GHz
[10/6] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BO.1130-1 - Syst�mes de radiodiffusion sonore num�rique par satellite (SRS) � destination des r�cepteurs portatifs ou fixes, ou plac�s � bord de v�hicules, dans la gamme de fr�quences 1 400-2 700 MHz
[10/6r1] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BO.1130-1 - Syst�mes de radiodiffusion sonore num�rique par satellite (SRS) � destination des r�cepteurs portatifs ou fixes, ou plac�s � bord de v�hicules, dans la gamme de fr�quences 1 400-2 700 MHz
[10/7,11/10] Chairman's Report on the first meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S, 15-23 January 1998, Honolulu, Hawaii
[10/8,10-11R/17,10-11S/37,10-4/16,10A/7,10B/10,10C/5] Status of texts of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Groups
[10/8c1,10A/7c1,10B/10c1,10C/5c1,10-4/16c1,10-11R/17c1,10-11S37c1] Status of texts of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Groups
[10/8r1,10-11R/17r1,10-11S/37r1,10-4/16r1,10A/7r1,10B/10r1,10C/5r1] Status of texts of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Groups
[10/9] Liaison statement from WP 7D to SG 10 - Request for information related to planned contributions to the CPM-99 report
[10/10] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10/10] - Parameters of international exchange of multi-channel sound recordings
[10/10r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BR.[Doc. 10/10] - Param�tres pour l'�change international d'enregistrements sonores multivoie
[10/11] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10/11] - Exchange of sound programme son recordabel compact discs (CD-R)
[10/11r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BR.[Doc. 10/11] - Echanges de programmes radiophoniques
[10/12] Draft new Question ITU-R [10C/XXX] - Calibration of the listening level for headphones in subjective listening tests
[10/13,11/19] Report of the first meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the 1998-99 study period
[10/14,11/20] Summaries of draft new Rec. proposed for adoption by correspondence
[10/15-1] Part 1 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15-2] Part 2 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15-3] Part 3 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15-4] Part 4 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15-5] Part 5 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15r1 Part 1 - Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BS.1194-1 - Syst�mes de multiplex. de signaux de radiodiff. sonore � modulation de fr�qu. avec une voie de donn�es sur sous-porteuse ayant une grande capacit� de transmiss.pour r�ception fixe et mobile
[10/15r1 Part 2 - Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BS.1194-1 - Syst�mes de multiplex. de signaux de radiodiff. sonore � modulation de fr�qu. avec une voie de donn�es sur sous-porteuse ayant une grande capacit� de transmiss.pour r�ception fixe et mobile
[10/15r1] Part 3 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - Systems for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasting with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15r1] Part 4 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - Systems for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasting with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15r1] Part 5 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - Systems for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasting with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/16] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R BS.412-7 - Planning standards for terrestrial FM sound broadcasting at VHF
[10/16r1] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BS.412-8 - Normes de planification pour la radiodiffusion sonore par voie hertzienne � modulation de fr�quence en ondes m�triques
[10/17] Proposed modification of Recommendation ITU-R BS.707-3
[10/17r1] Projet de r�vision de la Rec. UIT-R BS.707-3 - Emission de plusieurs voies son dans les syst�mes de t�l�vision de Terre Pal B, D1, G, H et I et Secam D, K, K1 et L
[10/18] Proposed revision of Rec. ITU-R BS.1350 - Systems requirements for multiplexing (FM) sound broadcast with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/18R1] Proj. de r�v. Rec. UIT-R BS.1350-Cahier des charges d'un syst�me de multiplex. de signaux de radiodif. sonore MF et d'une voie de donn�es en sous-porteuse offrant une capacit� de transmission relativement importante pour r�ception fixe ou mobile
[10/19] Report of the Chairman of Study Group 10 (Period April 1997 - March 1998)
[10/20] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[10/20] - Method for objective measurements of perceived audio quality
[10/20r1) Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[Doc. 10/20] - M�thode de mesure objective de la qualit� du son per�u
[10/21] Report on seventh meeting of Task Group 10/4 (Geneva, 23-26 March 1998)
[10/22] Draft new Rec. ITU-R BS.[Doc. 10/22] - LF and MF transmitting antennas characteristics and diagrams
[10/22R1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BS.[Doc. 10/22] - Caract�ristiques et diagrammes de rayonnement des antennes d'�mission en ondes kilom�triques ou hectorm�triques
[10/23] Report of the Chairman of Working Party 10B to Study Group 10 - Meeting 16-22 March 1998
[10/24] Summary Report of the first meeting of Working Party 10A (study period 1998-99)
[10/25,11/51] Proposal for a draft Decision
[10/26] Report on the fifth meeting of ITU-R Task Group 10/4
[10/27] Report on the sixth meeting of ITU-R Task Group 10/4
[10/28] Summary record of the first meeting of Study Group 10
[10/29] Report of the first meeting of Working Party 10C (1998-99 Period) (Geneva, 24-27 March 1998)
[10/30] Summary record of the second meeting of Study Group 10
[10/32] Approval of Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194-1 - Systems for multiplexing frequency modulation sound broadcasting with sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/33, JSC10-11/53] Liaison statement to Study Group 10 and Joint Steering Committee of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/34] Summaries of Draft new Recommendations proposed for adoption by correspondence
[10/35,11/54] Summary Record of the Joint Meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/35r1,11/54r1] Summary record of the Joint Study Group 10 and Study Group 11 meeting (Wednesday, 1 April 1998)
[10/37] Summary record of the third meeting of Study Group 10 (Thursday, 2 April 1998)
[10/38] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BO.1130-1 sur les syst�mes de radiodiffusion sonore num�rique par satellite (SRS)
[10/38 - Part 2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BO.1130-1 - System selection for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers for broadcasting satellite service (sound) in the bands in the frequency range 1 400-2 700 MHz
[10/39] Report to SG 10 and WPs 10A and 10B on the activities of TG 11/5
[10/40,11/63] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 - Deletion of a number of J-Series and N-Series Recommendations and a Supplement to the N-Series
[10/41,10-11/9,10A/56,10B/36,10C/19,10-11Q/24,10-11R/37,10-11S/113] Status of texts of Study Group 10 its Working Parties and Taks Group
[10/41r1,10A/56r1,10B/36r1,10C/19r1,10-11/9r1,10-11Q/24r1,10-11R/37r1,10-11S/113r1] Status of text of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Group
[10/42] Note de liaison � l'intention de la Commission d'Etudes 10 - Projets de nouvelles Recommandations sur les syst�mes de radiodiffusion [sonore et] t�l�visuelle num�rique interactive soumis pour adoption � la Commission d'�tudes 11
[10/43] Rapport du Pr�sident - (Mars 1998 - mai 1999)
[10/44,11/69,10C/22,11A/57,11B/37,11C/48,11-5/62,10-11/15,10-11Q/29,10-11R/46,10-11S/122] Re-organisation of SGs 10 and 11
[10/45] Avant-projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [NNN/10] - Syst�mes de radiodiffusion sonore num�rique interactive
[10/46] Observations sur la r�organisation des Commissions d'�tudes 10 et 11
[10/47] Rapport d'une enqu�te sur les r�cepteurs et les �metteurs
[10/48] Commentaires concernant les documents soumis par le Groupe d'action 11/5 � la Commission d'�tudes 10
[10/49] Projet de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.[1386] - Caract�ristiques et diagrammes de rayonnement des antennes d'�mission en ondes kilom�triques ou hectom�triques
[10/49r1] Projet de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.1386 - Caracteristiques et diagrammes de rayonnement des antennes d'�mission en ondes kilometriques ou hectometriques
[10/51, 11/72] Report of the Chairman, First Meeting of Joint Task Group 10-11 (30 November - 1 December 1998)
[10/52, 11/73] Chairman's report - First Joint Working Party 10-11Q Meeting
[10/53, 11/74] Report on the Second Meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S (Geneva, 5-13 October 1998)
[10/54] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R XXX/10 - Param�tres de planification pour la radiodiffusion num�rique aux fr�quences inf�rieures � 30 MHz
[10/55, JSC10-11/66] WBU-TC Statement to the DRM and ITU-R on Digital Sound Broadcasting below 30 MHz
[10/56, 11/75, 10-11/20, 10-11S/203] Liaison statement to Study Groups 10 and 11, JWP 10-11S and JTG 10-11 - Draft proposal for a Joint Working Party to deal with all aspects of interactive broadcasting
[10/56r1, 10-11/20r1, 10-11S/203r1, 11/75r1] Liaison Statement to Study Groups 10 and 11, JWP 10-11S and JTG 10-11
[10/56r2, 11/75r2] Liaison statement to SGs 10 and 11 - Draft proposal for a Joint Working Party to deal with all aspects of interactive and multimedia broadcasting
[10/57] Avant-projet de nouevelle Question (Commission d'Etudes 11) - Besoins en fr�quence de la Radiodiffusion sonore
[10/58, 11/77] Report on the second meeting of Joint Task Group 10-11
[10/59,10C/29,11/78,11B/51] Liaison statement to Working Parties 10C and 11B and Study Groups 10 an 11- Proposed treatment for opinions ITU-R 74-1, 755-1 and 90
[10/60, 11/83] Draft revision of Opinion ITU-R 16-3 - Organizations qualified to set standards on sound and television recording
[10/61,11/85] Report of third meeting of JTG 10-11, Geneva, 18 May 1999-05-18
[10/62] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 10/62] - Operational practices for television use of film soundtracks encoded with noise reduction and matrix surround
[10/62r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[Doc. 10/62] - Methodes d'exploitation relatives a l'utilisation en television de pistes sonores de films codees avec reduction du bruit et ambiophonie matricielle
[10/63] Draft new Question MMM/10 - Round-trip time delay tolerances for sound broadcast programme inserts
[10/64] Draft new Question YY2/10 - Audio coding scheme for sound broadcasting programme inserts
[10/65] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 10/65] - Guidelines for producing multichannel soundtracks using surround matrix techniques
[10/65r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[Doc. 10/65] - Principes directeurs relatifs a la production de pistes sonores multicanaux a l'aide de techniques sonores ambiophoniques matricielles
[10/66] Draft revision of Opinion 74-1 - Systems for signal interface connection between sound-broadcasting receivers and associated equipement
[10/67] Re-organization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/68] Liaison statement to SMPTE, EBU and ISO - Interface to indicate processing relay
[10/69,11/88] Liaison statement to Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/71] Report of the second meeting of Working Party 10C (1998-1999 period)
[10/72, 11/92] Summaries of draft revised and draft new Recommendations from JWP 10-11R
[10/73, 11/93] Note by the Secretariat
[10/74, 11/95] Report on the second meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the Study Period 1998-99
[10/74a1, 11/95a1] Proposed structure for ITU Recommendation on the use of film in television
[10/75, 11/96] Proposed revision of all the Questions assigned to WP 10-11R
[10/75a1, 11/96a1] Proposed revision of all the Questions assigned to WP10-11R
[10/76, 11/111] Comments on the re-organization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/77, 11/115] Comments on the reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/78,11/120] Draft new Question - Methodologies for subjective assessment and optimisation of audio and video quality
[10/79, 11/123] Draft Chairman's Report - Joint Working Party 10-11Q - Second meeting
[10/80,11/124] Draft new Report on objective quality assessment technology in a digital environment
[10/81,11/126,JSC10-11] Report to Study Group 11 - Reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/84,11/135] Summary report to Study Groups 10 and 11 on the third meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S
[10/83] Report to Study Group 10 of the meeting of Working Party 10B for the study period 1999-2000
[10/85] Summary Report of the third meeting of Working Party 10A (1998-1999 period) (Las Vegas, Nevada, 12-16 April 1999)
[10/86] Report of the meeting of Radiocommunication Study Group 10 (31 May to 2 June 1999)
[10/87, 11/141] Review of the Questions adopted at the May 1999 meeting of Study Group 11
[10/89, 11/145] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1348 - Service requirements for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands
[10/90, 11/146] Summary Record of the Joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11 - Tuesday, 1 June 1999, 10:45-17:00 and Wednesday, 2 June 1999, 9:00-10:45
[10/92, 11/149] Proposals for the terms of reference and workplan for a new joint Working Party, JWP 10-11M - Interactivity and multimedia
[10/93, 11/151] Proposed text for inclusion in Study Groups 10 and 11 Charimen's Reports to RA-2000 - Cooperation of SG10 and SG11 With the IEC and the ISO
[10/94] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 10/94] - Effective utilization of spectrum assigned to the broadcasting-satellite service (sound)
[10/95, 11/154] Review of Questions assigned to Joined Working Party 10-11S
[10/96] Systems for digital broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the bands allocated to BSS (sound) in the frequency range 1 400 - 2 700 MHz
[10/96R1] System description and selection for digital satellite broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the bands allocated to BSS (sound) in the frequency range 1 400 - 2 700 MHz
[10/97, 11/155] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[11/155] - Coordination procedure for assignments of space operation service in the guardbands of Appendices S30 and S30A plans
[10/98, 11/156] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BO.566-3 on terminology relating to the use of space communication techniques for broadcasting
[10/98r1,11/156r1] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BO.566-3 on terminology relating to the use of space communication techniques for broadcasting
[10/99, 11/157] Proposal for the extraordinary meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/100] List of documents
[10/101, 11/158] Reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/102, 11/159] Extraordinary meeting for re-organization of Radiocommunication Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/103, 11/161] Proposed extended definition for the term "Broadcasting"
[10/104, 11/162] Plan of activity for the Ad Hoc Group on Questions
[10/105, 11/163] Re-organisation of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/106, 11/164] Chairmen's report on the reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/107, 11/165] The future structure of the ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/108, 11/166] Statuts of Work on consolidation of requirements for digital multi-programme broadcasting-satellite systems; and their evaluation as developed by the Special Rapporteur JWP 10-11S/SRG 6
[10/109, 11/167] Report of the fourth meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S (Geneva, 18-27 October 1999)
[10/110, 11/169] Request for consultation on the future chairs and vice-chairs of the combined ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/111, 11/170] Comments on the draft ITU-R definition of broadcasting
[10/112, 11/172] Merger of SG 10 and SG 11 into a single broadcasting Study Group
[10/114, 11/175] Report of the meeting of TG 10/6 - September 1999
[10/116, 11/117] Interim structure of activities for Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/116r1, 11/177r1] Interim structure of activities for Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/117, 11/178] Text for a section of the meeting report
[10/118, 11/179] Working Procedures
[10/118r1, 11/179r1] Working procedures
[10/119, 11/180] Final report of the extraordinary meeting of ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 (Geneva, 15-17 December 1999)
[10/120, 11/181] Reply to liaison statement from the TSAG
[10/121, 10-6/11] System standard for digital sound broadcasting below 30 MHz
[10/122, 1C/53, 8A/136, 8B/115, 9C/44, 10A/72, 10B/58, 11C/75] Liaison statement to Study Group 10 and to Working Parties 1C, 8A, 8B, 9C, 10A, 10B and 11C - OOB emission measurements below 30 MHz
[10/123, 11/184] Summary record of the first joint meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/124, 11/185] Summary record of the second joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11
[10/125, 11/186] Summary record of the third joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11
[10/126, 11/202] Liaison statement - Multimedia studies - Potential overlap
[10/127, 11/205] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.1348 - Cahier des charges du service de radiodiffusion sonore num�rique aux fr�quences inf�rieures � 30 MHz
[10/128, 11/206] System Recommendation for digital sound broadcasting at frequencies below 30 MHz

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