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Contributions to WP 4-9S (1998-2000)

[4-9S/1] Documents to be considered in the 1998-99 study period
[4-9S/2] Preparation by Working Party 4-9S for the CPM-99
[4-9S/3,4/2,4A/2,4B/2,4SNG/1] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 4 and its Working Parties
[4-9S/3-r1] Questions to be brought to the attention of Working Party 4-9S
[4-9S/4,4/3,4A/3,4B/3,4SNG/2] Recommendations, decision and opinion to be brought to the attention of Study Group 4 and its Working Parties
[4-9S/4-r1] Recommendations and decision to be brought to the attention of Working Party 4-9S
[4-9S/5] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S - Development of regulatory texts for the CPM-99 Reoirt
[4-9S/6] Propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service
[4-9S/7] Power flux-density limits to be applicable to the fixed-satellite service in the frequency range 37.5-42.5 GHz
[4-9S/8] Earth stations located on board vessels to operate in the fixed-satellite service networks in the bands 3 700-4 200 MHz and 5 925-6 425 MHz
[4-9S/9] Power flux-density limits to be applied to FSS space stations employing quasi-geostationary satellite orbits
[4-9S/10,4-9-11/5] Power flux-density limits applicable to non-GSO FSS systems for protection of FS systems in the band 17.7-19.3 GHz
[4-9S/11,9B/13] Coordination distance for high altitude platform station
[4-9S/12] Frequency sharing between high density fixed service systems using high altitude platform stations and systems in the fixed satellite service in the 47.2-50.2 GHz band
[4-9S/12 C1] Frequency sharing between high density fixed service systems using high altitude platform stations and systems in the fixed satellite service in the 47.2-50.2 GHz band
[4-9S/13] Operation of Earth stations on board vessels in the fixed-satellite service in the bands 3 700 - 4 200 MHz and 5 925 - 6 425 Mhz and coordination with other services allocated to these bands
[4-9S/14] Working document towards a draft new Recommendation - A methodology and associate interference criteria for detailed coordination between a fixed service transmitter and a Non-GSO MSS feeder-link in the 19.3-19.7 GHz band ...
[4-9S/15] Considerations for determining the effects of interference on the performance of fixed service receivers in the frequency bands above about 17 GHz
[4-9S/16] Technical parameters for typical systems using high altitude platforms
[4-9S/17] Sharing between the fixed service and the fixed-satellite service space segment in the 30-52 GHz range
[4-9S/18,4-9-11/6] Part 1 - Sharing between the FS and NON-GSO FSS downlinks in the bands 10.7 - 11.7 GHz and 17.7 - 19.3 GHz
[4-9S/18,4-9-11/6] Part 2 - Sharing between the FS and NON-GSO FSS downlinks in the bands 10.7 - 11.7 GHz and 17.7 - 19.3 GHz
[4-9S/19,4-9-11/7] Sharing between non-geostationary satellites in the FSS and the fixed service in the 10-12 GHz frequency range
[4-9S/20] Sharing potential at 3.5 GHz for fixed wireless access (FWA) systems with small aperture FSS terminals (VSATS)
[4-9S/21,3M/11] Preliminary liaison statement from Chairman WP 3M to Chairman WP 4-9S concerning technical work in relation to Rec. ITU-R P.620
[4-9S/22,3M/12,9B/21] Liaison statement from the Chairman WP 3M to the Chairman WP 4-9S and Chairman WP 9B concerning propagation issues associated with stratospheric relay stations
[4-9S/23,1-6/5,3K/6,3M/14] Progress towards an extension to procedures to allow VHF/UHF co-ordination between space and terrestrial services
[4-9S/24,3M/15] Factors impacting on propagation mode (1) co-ordination distance requirements
[4-9S/26] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S, WP 4A, WP 7B, WP 7C, WP 8D, WP 9D, JRG 8D-9D and WP 10-11S - Request for new and revised system parameters for Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7 and Recommendation ITU-R IS.847-1
[4-9S/27,9D/46,4-9-11/64] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S and JTG 4-9-11 and for information to WP 9D - Derivation of interference criteria applied to non-GSO fixed-satellite service sharing with the fixed service in the 11 GHz and 18 GHz band
[4-9S/28,4A/69] Liaison statement to WPs 4A and 4-9S
[4-9S/29] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S - GSO and non-GSO FSS characteristics for sharing studies with the FS in the bands 6 - 7/4 - 5 GHz, 14 - 15/11 - 13 GHz, 30/20 GHz and above 30 GHz
[8D/29,9B/48,4A/70,4-9S/30,7C/38] Liaison statement from WP 8A on radio local area networks (RLANs)
[4-9S/31,4A/71,7C/39,8D/30,9B/49] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 7C, 8B and 9B - Radio local area networks (RLANs)
[4-9S/31c1,7C/39c1,8D/30c1,9B/49c1,4A/71c1] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 7C, 8D and 9B
[4-9S/32] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S - Radio local area networks
[4-9S/33] Liaison Statement to Working Party 4-9S - Technical and operating characteristics of earth stations on board vessels in the band 3 700-4 200 MHz and 5 925-6 425 MHz
[4-9S/34] Part 1 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S - Geneva, 23 February - 3 March 1998
[4-9S/34] Part 2 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S - Geneva, 23 February - 3 March 1998
[4-9S/35] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Parameters required for calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in the fixed satellite service
[4-9S/36] Liaison statement from Working Party 3J to Working Party 4-9S concerning attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies
[4-9S/37,7D-9D/24,9B/51] Liaison statement from WP 3M to WPs 4-9S and 9B and to Joint Rapporteur Group 7D-9D concerning propagation effects at about 47 GHz associated with systems using high altitude platform stations
[4-9S/38] Liaison statement from Working Party 3M to Working Party 4-9S concerning rain attenuation and fixed service links above about 17 GHz
[4-9S/39,8A-9B/25] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S concerning frequency sharing between fixed wireless access (FWA) systems (FSS) and VSAT satellite systems (FSS) in the band 3.4 - 3.7 GHz
[4-9S/40] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S - Development of regulatory texts for the CPM-99 Report
[4-9S/41] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S from JTG 4-9-11
[4-9S/41R1] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S from JTG 4-9-11
[4-9S/45] Technical implications of quasi-geostationary satellite systems on frequency sharing between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service
[4-9S/46,4A/99] Feability of quasi-geostationary satellite systems
[4-9S/47,9D/61] Propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies
[4-9S/48] Possible application of Recommendation ITU-R S.1323 for assessing interference from FS transmitters into NGSO FSS earth station receivers
[4-9S/49] Proposed Revision to WP 4A Liaison statement in wo 4-9S in Doc. 4-9S/33 - Technical and operating characteristics of earth stations on board vessels in the band 3 700-4 200 MHz and 5 925-6 425 MHz
[4-9S/50,4-9-11/212,7D/46,8-1/117,8B/50,8D/98,9A/44,9B/62,9D/62,11C/41,10-11S/60,1-5/95,4A/100,4B/30] Agenda for the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2000)
[4-9S/51,9B/63] Preliminary considerations on sharing feasibility between fixed service using high altitude platform station and fixed satellite service (GSO) in the bands 20/30 GHz
[4-9S/52,4A/101] Frequency sharing between RLANs and mobile-satellite service feeder links in the 5 GHz
[4-9S/53,4A/102] Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation on frequency sharing between the non-geostationary fixed satellite service (NGSO FSS) and the fixed service (FS) in the band 40.5-42.5 GHz
[4-9S/53c1,4A/102c1] Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation on frequency sharing between the non-geostationary fixed satellite service (NGSO FSS) and the fixed service (FS) in the band 40.5-42.5 GHz
[4-9S/54] An analysis of the potential interference from point-to-point FS transmitters into NGSO FSS earth station receivers operating in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/55] Coordination areas for earth stations located on board vessels operating in the fixed-satellite service in the bands 3 700-4 200 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 5 925-6 425 MHz (Earth-to-space)
[4-9S/56] Working Document towards a preliminary draft new Rec. on frequency sharing between the fixed service (FS) and the fixed satellite service, in the space-to-earth direction, operating in the 37.5-40.0 GHz frequency band
[4-9S/56c1] Working Document towards a preliminary draft new Rec. on frequency sharing between the fixed service (FS) and the fixed satellite service, in the space-to-earth direction, operating in the 37.5-40.0 GHz frequency band
[4-9S/57] Evaluation of pfd levels required to protect fixed service receivers from interference from satellites of NGSO FSS networks operating in the 18.8 - 19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/58] The impact of automatic transmitter power control (ATPC) on short-term interference to 11 GHz fixed service systems
[4-9S/59] Fixed service deployment characteristics in the 11 GHz and 18 GHz frequency bands considered for use of non-geostationary systems in the fixed-satellite service
[4-9S/60,9B/64] Working Document toward response to Task Group 1/6 - Parameters required for calculation of the coordination area around earth stations operating in the fixed satellite service in the frequency range 37-40.5 GHz
[4-9S/61,9B/65] Fixed service depolyment characterisitcs in the frequency band 38.6-40.0 GHz considered four use on non-geostationary systems in the fixed-satellite service
[4-9S/62] Technical parameters for typical systems using high altitude platforms
[4-9S/63] FS characteristics to be taken into account in the interference simulations between FSS and FS in the 11 GHz and 18 GHz bands
[4-9S/64] Realisitic FS antenna gain and feeder loss used in the 11 GHz band
[4-9S/65] Framework for a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Maximum permissible levels of interference in systems in the fixed service caused by space stations of non-gso FSS systems operating in the same freq. band, in the 11 and 18 GHz bands
[4-9S/66] Interference simulations from FSS NGSO to FS in the Ka band
[4-9S/67] Sharing between non-geostationary satellites in the FSS and the fixed service in the 10-12 GHz frequency range
[4-9S/68] Simulation of FS systems subject to interference from NGSO FSS systems impact of antenna gain on results
[4-9S/69] Interference cartography from FS into FSS user terminals in the Ka band
[4-9S/70,4A/103,1-6/28] Comments on ITU-R Documents 1-6/9 and 1-6/19
[4-9S/71] Coordination area for earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations in the fixed services in bands shared with the terrestrial services
[4-9S/71c1] Coordination area for earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations in the fixed satellite services in bands shared with the terrestrial services
[4-9S/72,9D/63] Additional data for FS systems in 11 GHz and 18 GHz bands
[4-9S/73] Earth stations on-board vessels
[4-9S/74] Scaling function for pfd limits
[4-9S/75] Antenna radiation patterns for use in simulation studies
[4-9S/76] Fixed service and fixed satellite service spectrum usage in certain frequency bands considered for use of non-geostationary systems in the fixed-satellite service
[4-9S/77] Effect of automatic transmitter power control (ATPC) on interference from NGSO satellites into 11 GHz and 18 GHz fixed service
[4-9S/78] Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Potential interference between fixed service stations and fixed satellite service receiving earth stations in the bands 38.6 - 40.0 GHz
[4-9S/79] Co-frequency sharing of spectrum between high-density fixed systems and fixed satellite systems in the 37.5-40.5 GHz frequency range
[4-9S/80] Comments on the draft new Report [4-9S/AG] and issues to be considered in the development of CPM text for WRC-2000 Agenda Item 1.8 - Coordination of earth stations on board vessels with the fixed service in the bands 3700-4200 MHz & 5925-6425 MHz
[4-9S/81] Interference from fixed service transmitters into NGSO fixed-satellite earth station receivers at 18.8 - 19.3 GHz
[4-9S/82] Sharing of spectrum between High-Altitude Platform Systems and fixed satellite systems in the 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz bands
[4-9S/82C1] Sharing of spectrum between High-Altitude Platform Systems and fixed satellite systems in the 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz bands
[4-9S/83] Effect of the FS links in the 18 GHz band on the FSS NGSO user terminals results of statistical interference simulations
[4-9S/84] Working document toward the development of methodologies for analyzing potential interference between FSS space stations and fixed service stations in the frequency bands 38.6-40.0 GHz
[4-9S/85,4A/104] Report of the Special Rapporteur of WP 4A for Recommendation ITU-R S.1328 - Characteristics of FSS systems to be used in sharing studies
[4-9S/86] Sharing potential AT V-Band for Intelsat GSO FSS systems with high altitude platform FS systems
[4-9S/87] Sharing between fixed wireless access systems in the fixed service and very small aperture terminals in the fixed-satellite service in the 3.4-3.7 GHz band
[4-9S/89] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S and TG 1/6 - Parameters required for calculation of coordination distances for earth stations operating in the earth exploration- and meteorological- satellite services
[4-9S/90, 8A-9B/67, 8D/183] Liaison statement from WP 4A to JRG 8A/9B, WP 8D and WP 4-9S for information - Issues relating to the sharing between the NGSO MSS feeder-link systems and RLANs in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[4-9S/90R1, 8A-9B/67R1, 8D/183R1] Liaison statement from Working Party 4A to JRG 8A-9B, Working Parties 4-9S and 8D - Issues relating to the sharing between the NGSO MSS feeder-link systems and RLANs in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[4-9S/91,4-9-11/216] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S and JTG 4-9-11 - Derivation of interference criteria applied to non-GSO fixed-satellite service sharing with the fixed service in the 11 GHz and 18 GHz bands
[4-9S,92, 4A/203, 9B/90] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S and 9B - Determination of the coordination areas around high density earth stations and high density fixed stations in
[4-9S/93,10-11/98,4-9-11/222] Liaison statement from WP 4A to JTG 4-9-11 and for information to WPs 4-9S and 10-11S
[4-9-S/94,4-9-11/224,7C/100,9D/101] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WPs 7C, 9D, 4-9S and JTG 4-9-11 - Analytical approach for assessing interference in environments involving NGSO satellite networks
[4-9S/95] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WP 4-9S - Preliminary draft element for the report of CPM-99-2 on frequency sharing between the fixed service and the fixed-satellite service in the band 40.5-42.5 GHz
[4-9S/96] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WP 4-9S - Studies pertaining to characteristics of "Quasi-geostationary orbit" and quasi-geostationary systems with other FSS networks
[4-9S/97] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - The PDNR concerning geostationary and non-geostationary fixed-satellite service (S-E) power flux-densisty limits developed to protect the fixed service in the band 37.5-40.0 GHz
[4-9S/98] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Preliminary draft text element for CPM-99 Report on item 2 of Resolution 133 (WRC-97)
[4-9S/99] Part 1 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S (Geneva, 24 September - 2 October 1998)
[4-9S/99] Part 2 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S (Geneva, 24 September - 2 October 1998)
[4-9S/99] Part 3 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S (Geneva, 24 September - 2 October 1998)
[4-9S/99] Part 4 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S (Geneva, 24 September - 2 October 1998)
[4-9S/99] Part 5 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S (Geneva, 24 September - 2 October 1998)
[4-9S/99] Part 6 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S (Geneva, 24 September - 2 October 1998)
[4-9S/99a1] Liaison Statement to Working Party 3M concerning earth stations located on board vessels operating in FSS networks in bands 3 700 - 4 200 and 5 925 - 6 425 MHz
[4-9S/100,3J/37,1-6/56,3M/80,8A/81,8D/195] Liaison stat. to Chair. of TG 1/6 and draft proposal to WP 3M on rev. of Rec. ITU-R P.620-3 to become entitled: "Propag. data required for the evaluation of coordin. distances in the frequency range 100 MHz-15 GHz
[4-9S/101,9A/75] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S and for information to WP 9A PFD limits applied to non-GSO Fixed Satellite Service sharing with the Fixed Service in the 11/12 GHz and 18 GHz bands
[4-9S/102,3M/82] Liaison statement from WP 9A to WP 3M and JRG 3M-9A and for information to WP 4-9S
[4-9S/103] Liaison statement to Joint Working Party 4-9S - Draft element of CPM text under agenda item 1.4 (WRC-2000) - Sharing between the space research service and the fixed-satellite service in the bands 37.5-38 GHz and 40-40.5 GHz
[4-9S/104,4A/237,4B/52] Liaison statement to WPs 4A, 4B and 4-9S from WPs 3J and 3M
[4-9S/105] Liaison statement from Working Party 3M to Working Party 4-9S concerning earth stations located on board vessels operating in FSS networks in bands around 4 and 6 GHz
[4-9S/106] Liaison statement from WP 3J to WP 4-9S - Propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies
[4-9S/107,8A/120,8D/215] Liaison statement from Chairman, WP 3M to WP 4-9S, 8A and 8D on Revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.620 "Propagation data required for the evaluation of coordination distances in the frequency range 100 MHz to 105 GHz"
[4-9S/108,4A/239,7D/92,7D-9D/51,9B/106,9D/117] Preliminary draft text element for the CPM-99 Report on the Resolutions 726 (WRC-97) and 133 (WRC-97)
[4-9S/109] Regulatory and technical provisions to enable Earth stations located on board vessels to operate in the FSS networks in the bands 3 700-4 200 and 5 925-6 425 MHz, including their coordination with other services allocated to these bands
[4-9S/110] Sharing between the fixed satellite service and high altitude platform station systems
[4-9S/111,9B/124] Coordination distance for systems involving high-altitude platform stations sharing the same frequency band with the fixed-satellite service
[4-9S/112,9A/102] An assessment of slant-path interference from non-GSO satellites into fixed service receivers using ATPC in the 10.7 to 11.7 GHz band
[4-9S/113,9A/104] Consideration of sensitive FS links in the establishment of FS protection criteria in the 18.8 - 19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/114,9B/125] Proposal for CPM-99 Report: Possible additional frequency allocations for services using high altitude platform stations
[4-9S/115,9B/126] Consideration on sharing feasibility between high altitude platform station (HAPS) and other systems using frequency bands less than 47 GHz GSO/non-GSO satellite systems in FSS at 19/29 GHz and FWA system in FS at 31 GHz
[4-9S/115c1,9B/126c1] Consideration on sharing feasibility between high altitude platform station (HAPS) and other systems using frequency bands less than 47 GHz - GSO/non-GSO satellite systems in FSS at 19/29 GHz and FWA system in FS at 31 GHz
[4-9S/116] Comments on analytical approach for assessing interference in environments involving non-GSO satellite networks
[4-9S/117] Technical and operational characteristics of earth stations on board vessels in the bands 3 700 - 4 200 MHz and 5 925 and 6 425 MHz
[4-9S/119, 9A/105R1] Factors for consideration in slant path interference studies between the fixed service and non-GSO FSS in the band 17.7-19.3 GHz
[4-9S/136,3M120] Liaison statement to WP 3M and WP 4-9S - Regarding sharing between high density links in the fixed service and other services in the frequency range from 30 to about 50 GHz (area-to-point propagation)
[4-9S/120] Compatibility measurements between FS links and earth stations of the FSS NGSO in 18.8 - 19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/121] Considerations on the regulatory aspects of WRC-2000 agenda item 1.8 (Earth stations on board vessels at 6/4 GHz)
[4-9S/122] Description of a proposed system relevant to WRC-2000 agenda item 1.8: Operation of Earth stations on board vessels in the fixed-sat. service in the bands 3 700-4 200 MHz and 5 925-6 425 MHz and coord. with other serv. allocated to these bands
[4-9S/123] Frequency sharing between HAPS and FSS in the 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz bands
[4-9S/124] Interference from fixed service tranmsitter into non-GSO fixed satellite receivers in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band: effect of the use of topographical database in the calculation of the exclusion zones
[4-9S/125] Effect of ATPC mitigation technique on shring between FS and FSS in the downlink band 18.8-19.3 GHz
[4-9S/126] Effect of dynamic channel assignment mitigation technique on sharing between FS and FSS in the downlink band 18.8-19.3 GHz
[4-9S/127] Combined effect of dynamic channel assignment and ATPC mitigation techniques on sharing conditions between FS and FSS in the downlink band 18.8-19.3 GHz
[4-9S/128] Impact of the segmentation of the 18 GHz band on the fixed service networks
[4-9S/129] Impact of GSO emissions on the aggregate interference from non-GSO FSS systems into fixed service systems in the 14/11 GHz and 30/20 GHz bands
[4-9S/130] Assumptions for interference simulations form non-GSO FSS systesm into FS receivers in the 18 GHz band
[4-9S/131] Proposed revision of preliminary draft new Recommendation [4-9S/AI]-Maximum allowable values of power flux-density produced at the earth's surface by non-GSO satellites in the fixed-satellite service operating in the 10.7-12.75 GHz band
[4-9S/132] Proposed revision of preliminary draft new Recommendation [4-9S/AC] - Maximum allowable values of power flux-density produced at the earth's surface by non-GSO satellites in the fixed-satellite service operating in the 17.7-19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/133] Protection distance for FSS earth stations on board vessels in the 4/6 GHz band
[4-9S/134,8D/273,4A/246,10-11S/123] Part 1 - Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 8D and 10-11S
[4-9S/134,8D/273,4A/246,10-11S/123] Part 2 - Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 8D and 10-11S
[4-9S/134,8D/273,4A/246,10-11S/123] Part 3 - Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 8D and 10-11S
[4-9S/135] pfd limits required to protect service receivers from interference from satellites of non-GSO FSS networks operating in the 17.7-19.3 GHz band: results obtained through the analytical method using a more realistic interference model
[4-9S/137] Establishment of a protection zone to protect digital line-of-sight FS systems from potential interference without the need for frequency coordination
[4-9S/138] Determination of interference potential between Earth stations on vessels and stations in the fixed service
[4-9S/138C1] Determination of interference potential between earth stations on vessels and stations in the fixed service
[4-9S/139] Working document towards a draft new Recommendation - Use of the band 28.6-29.1 GHz by the FS and NGSO FSS in the Earth-to-space direction
[4-9S/140] An analysis of the interference into FS receivers from NGSO FSS satellites operating in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band near the FS antenna main beam
[4-9S/141] Latitude sensitivity analysis of the interference into FS receivers from NGSO FSS constellations operating in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/142] The effect of multiple NGSO constellations on evaluation of pfd levels required to protect fixed service receivers from interference from satellites of NGSO FSS networks operating in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/143] Working document toward a draft new Rec. - A statistical method for the evaluation of PFD limits required to protect fixed service receivers from interference from satellites of NGSO FSS networks operating in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/144] Simple pfd mask simulations over-estimate the interference into FS recivers from NGSO FSS constellations operating in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/145] An assessment of slant-path interference from non-GSO satellites into fixed service receivers using ATPC in the 10.7 to 11.7 GHz band
[4-9S/145R1] An assessment of slant-path interference from non-GSO satellites into fixed service receivers using ATPC in the 10.7 to 11.7 GHz band
[4-9S/146] Coordination distance for systems involving high-altitude platform stations sharing the same frequency band with the fixed-satellite service
[4-9S/146r1] Coordination distance for systems involving high-altitude platform stations sharing the same frequency band with the fixed-satellite service
[4-9S/147] An analysis of potential techniques proposed to facilitate sharing between FS transmitters and NSGO FSS user terminals operating in the 18.8 - 19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/148] Frequency sharing between geostationary fixed-satellite service (GSO FSS) and fixed service (FS) systems operating in the frequency bands 37.5 - 40.0 GHz and 40.5 - 42.5 GHz
[4-9S/149] Preliminary draft new Rec. ESV-1 - Determination of coordination area for Earth stations located on board vessels operating in the fixed-satellite service in the bands 3 700-4 200 MHz (space-to-earth) and 5 925-6 425 MHz (earth-to-space)
[4-9S/150] Draft CPM text for Agenda item 1.8 - WRC 2000
[4-9S/151] Draft CPM-99 text regarding sharing between FS and non-GSO FSS systems operating in the 30/20 GHz band
[4-9S/152] Power flux density limits for the fixed satellite service to protect the fixed service in the frequency band 40.5-42.5 GHz
[4-9S/153] Power flux density limits for the fixed satellite service to protect the fixed service in the frequency band 37.5-40.0 GHz
[4-9S/154] Draft new Recommendation on pfd limits to be applied to non-GSO fixed-satellite service in the 11/12 GHz and 18 GHz bands
[4-9S/155] Operation of Earth station on board vessels in the fixed-satellite service in the band 5 925 - 6 425 MHz with respect to the fixed service in this band
[4-9S/156,4A/266] Methodologies for determination of the coordination area for Earth stations operating to non-GSO space stations
[4-9S/157] Sharing between transmitting stations in the fixed service and receiving space stations in a non-GSO FSS system in the 12.78 - 18.4 GHz frequency range
[4-9S/158] Proposed text for the CPM-99 Report
[4-9S/158A1] Proposed text for the CPM-99 Report
[4-9S/159] Coordination area for earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations in the fixed satellite services in bands shared with the terrestrial services
[4-9S/160] Evaluation of power-flux density limits required to protect the fixed-service operating in the 17.7-19.3 GHz band from non-GSO FSS interference with different constellation sizes
[4-9S/161] Toward coordination procedure for the operation of earth stations on board vessels in the FSS 3700-4200 MHz and 5925-6425 MHz frequency bands with other services
[4-9S/162] Coordination criteria for the protection of fixed service stations on shore from Earth stations on board vessels in the fixed-satellite service in the 6/4 GHz band
[4-9S/163] Liaison statement to Task Group 1/6 - Determination of the coordination areas around high density fixed-satellite service Earth stations and high density fixed service stations in the same frequency band
[4-9S/165] Further studies on dynamic channel assignment (DCA) mitigation technique in NGSO FSS systems
[4-9S/166] Analysis of site shielding as a possible mitigation technique to facilitate FSS and FS coexistence in the 18.8 - 19.3 GHz band
[4-9S/167] Impact of several HDFS P-MP networks into a non-GSO satellite receiver of the FSS in the 28 GHz band
[4-9S/168] Coordination criteria for the protection of fixed service stations on shore from earth stations on board vessels in the fixed-satellite service in the 6/4 GHz band
[4-9S/168R1] Coordination criteria for the protection of fixed service stations on shore from earth stations on board vessels in the fixed-satellite service in the 6/4 GHz band
[4-9S/169] Analysis of the impact of implementing dynamic channel assignment (DCA) in NGSO FSS systems
[4-9S/170] Modification of preliminary draft new Recommendation 4-9S/AH to establish maximum allowable values of power flux power density at the surface of the earth produced by geostationary and non-geostationary FSS satellites in the bands 37.5-42.5 GHz
[4-9S/171] List of documents issued
[4-9S/171R1] List of documents issued
[4-9S/172] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S - Derivation of interference criteria applied to non-GSO fixed-satellite service sharing with the fixed service in the 11 GHz, 38 GHz and 40 GHz bands
[4-9S/173] Proposed element for CPM text relating to WRC-97 Reslution 122
[4-9S/174, 4A/318, 7D/95, 7D-9D/57, 9D/145] Liaison statement to Working Parties 7D, 9D, 4-9S, 4A and JRG 7D-9D
[4-9S/175] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S - FS and NGSO FSS sharing in the 17.7 - 19.7 GHz and 27.5 and 29.5 GHz bands
[4-9S/176, 4A/341] Liaison Statement to Working Parties 4A and 4-9S
[4-9S/177,7D-9D/59,3M/134] Liaison statement to JRG 7D-9D and WP 4-9S concerning sharing between high density links in the fixed service and other services in the frequency range from about 30 to about 50 GHz (area to point propagation)
[4-9S/178] Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S - Geneva, 21-28 April 1999
[4-9S/179] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S - Frequency sharing between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service in the band 37.5-42.5 GHz
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Updated : 2007-03-30