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Contributions to JRG 8A-9B (1998-2000)

[8A-9B/1] Summary of the first meeting
[8A-9B/2] Wireless access terms and definitions
[8A-9B/3] Liaison statement to the Joint Rapporteurs Group of Working Parties 8A and 9B on wireless access
[8A-9B/4] Draft new Question - Fixed wired access using ATM interface
[8A-9B/5,8A/13,9B/28] Proposed revision of Questions ITU-R 142/9 and 212/8 and the study on radio local area networks within the ITU-R
[8A-9B/6 - 8A/14 - 9B/34] Frequency sharing criteria between a land-mobile wireless access (MWA) system and a fixed wireless access (FWA) system using the same equipment as the MWA system
[8A-9B/7] Report of activities - Task 1 Rapporteur
[8A-9B/7R1] Report of activies - Task 1 Rapporteur
[8A-9B/8] Draft document dealing with Task-2 - Operational requirements and performance aspects for wireless fixed access to the PSTN
[8A-9B/9] Comments on frequency bands suitable for wireless access
[8A-9B/10] Information document on CITEL activities with respect to service definitions, capacity needs, and bandwidth requirements for fixed wireless access applications
[8A-9B/11] Information document - ETSI BRAN work on spectrum aspects for FWA
[8A-9B/12] BRAN: Background information on project
[8A-9B/13] Work of relevance in Region 1 on P-MP systems
[8A-9B/14] Designation of frequency bands for fixed wireless access (FWA)
[8A-9B/15] Note to the Joint Rapporteurs Group 8A-9B
[8A-9B/16, 8A/46] Liaison statement to the Joint Rapporteurs Group 8A-9B - Radio local area networks
[8A-9B/17,8A/49,9B/47] Report of the first meeting of Joint Rapporteur Group 8A-9B
[8A-9B/18] Scope and future work plan of the Joint Rapporteur Group 8A and 9B
[8A-9B/19,1-5/43,8A/52] Liaison statement to ITU-R TG 1/5 - Spurious and out-of-band emissions for fixed wireless access applications using cellular type mobile technologies and operated in the bands allocated to mobile service
[8A-9B/20] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 8A, 9B and 9D - Frequency sharing between fixed wireless access (FWA) systems (FS) and VSAT satellite systems (FSS) in the range 3.4-3.7 GHz
[8A-9B/21] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4B, 8A and 9B and Task Group 8/1
[8A-9B/22] Liaison statement to the Joint Rapp. Group 8A/9B-WA on survey response on fixed wireless access within IMT-2000 for developing countries
[8A-9B/23] Liaison statement to Joint Rapporteurs Group 8A/9B-WA on requirements
[8A-9B/24] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B - Report on survey responses on fixed wireless access within IMT-2000 for developing countries
[8A-9B/25,4-9S/39] Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S concerning Frequency sharing between fixed wireless access (FWA) systems (FS) and VSAT satellite systems (FSS) in the band 3.4-3.7 GHz
[8A-9B/26, 4A/81] Liaison statement to Working Party 4A and JRG 8A-9B - Sharing between NGSO MSS feeder links and RLAN transmitters in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/27] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B - Sharing between NGSO MSS feeder links and wireless RLAN devices in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/28 - 9B/54] Report from the Tel Aviv Q1/15 Experts Group meeting
[8A-9B/29] Frequency sharing between RLANs and mobile-satellite service feeder links in the 5 GHz band
[8A-9B/30] Proposal for draf new Recommendation - Wireless access terms and definitions
[8A-9B/31] Frequency sharing criteria between a land-mobile wireless access (MWA) system and a fixed wireless access (FWA) system using the same equipment as the MWA system
[8A-9B/32] Preliminary draft new Recommendtion on suitable frequency bands for fixed wireless access and proposed amendments and observations
[8A-9B/33] Bands where sharing with Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) systems may be difficult
[8A-9B/34] Performance and availability requirements and objectives for fixed wireless access (FWA) applications
[8A-9B/35] A fixed wireless access (FWA) system operating in the band 38.5-40 GHz
[8A-9B/36] Requirements for the user network interface (UNI) of fixed wireless access (FWA) terminal station at the user's premises
[8A-9B/37] Bands identified for study for Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) applications
[8A-9B/38] Comments on frequency bands and operational requirements for fixed wireless access systems
[8A-9B/39] Comments on the working document toward a draft new Recommendation - Frequency bands suitable for fixed wireless access
[8A-9B/40] Frequency bands for FWA systems
[8A-9B/41] Frequency bands suitable for Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)
[8A-9B/42] Contribution to the work of ITU-R JRG 8A-9B on the RLAN/MSS feeder links compatibility issue in the 5 GHz band
[8A-9B/43] Report on correspondence group activities March-July 1998
[8A-9B/44] Proposed amendments to the Working Document of Task 1
[8A-9B/45] Proposed amendments to the working document on Task 1
[8A-9B/46] Results regarding FWA applications of the VI and X mtgs of Permanent Con. Com. III (Radiocommunications) (Acapulco, Mexico, Dec. '96 and Natal, Brazil, Jun. '98)
[8A-9B/47] Characteristics of broadband RLAN's
[8A-9B/48] Adoption procedure of DNRs to be developed by the JRG 8A-9B
[8A-9B/49] List of documents, JRG 8A/9B on wireless access
[8A-9B/50, 8A/55, 9B/55] Report of the second meeting of Joint Rapporteur Group 8A-9B
[8A-9B/51] Liaison statement from WP 8B to WP 8A - Technical characteristics of radiodetermination systems operating in the band 3.4-3.7 MHz
[8A-9B/52] Prefered modulation techniques in broadband wireless LANs
[8A-9B/53,3K/13,9B/67] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B concerning propagation prediction methods for sharing between a land mobile access system and a fixed wireless access system
[8A-9B/54] Comments and considerations on terminology for fixed wireless access (FWA)
[8A-9B/55] Some considerations related to spectrum requirements for FS usage and relationship to IMT-2000, FWA, MSW, P-P, P-MP, MP-MP and MS (and perhaps MSS) network infrastructure
[8A-9B/56] Background information o the ETSI broadband radio access networks (EP-BRAN) project
[8A-9B/57] Some relevant spectrum and standards aspects of fixed wireless access (FWA) in Region 1
[8A-9B/58] Spectrum aspects of fixed wireless access (FWA) including the BTSI BRAN project
[8A-9B/59] Responses to survey on FWA within IMT-2000 for developing countries
[8A-9B/60] Proposed draft new Recommendation on band plan for fixed wireless access systems in the 3 400 - 3 700 MHz band
[8A-9B/61] Proposal for a draft new Recommendation - Characteristics of broadband radio local area networks (RLANs)
[8A-9B/62] Draft note to the Chairmen of ITU-R Study Groups 4, 8 and 9 - Frequency sharing between RLANs and MSS feeder links in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/63] Spectrum sharing between MSS and hiperlan
[8A-9B/64] Frequency sharing between RLANs and MSS feeder links in the 5 GHz band
[8A-9B/65] Principal Rapporteur WP 8A - Short loop interface for FWA
[8A-9B/66] Considerations on RLANs and their regulatory status
[8A-9B/67, 4-9S/90, 8D/183] Liaison statement from WP 4A to JRG 8A/9B, WP 8D and WP 4-9S for information - Issues relating to the sharing between the NGSO MSS feeder-link systems and RLANs in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/68,8A/73,9B/89,] Report of the third meeting (Geneva, 2-9 October 1998)
[8A-9B/69] Report on the adoption of draft new Recommendation
[8A-9B/70,8A/74] Liaison statement to Working Party 8A and Joint Rapporteurs Group 8A-9B
[8A-9B/71,8A/75] Liaison statement from ITU-T SG 15 to ITU-R WP 8A, JRG 8A-9B
[8A-9B/72] Liaison statement to ITU-R JRG 8A-9B - UNI for fixed wireless access
[8A-9B/73,8A/80] FWA within IMT-2000 for developing countries
[8A-9B/74] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B on Generic requirements for Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) systems
[8A-9B/75] Draft new Recommendation - Frequency sharing between RLANs and MSS feeder links in the 5 GHz band
[8A-9B/75c1] Draft new Recommendation - Frequency sharing between RLANs and MSS feeder links in the 5 GHz band (Task 5 of JRG 8A-9B)
[8A-9B/76] Frequency bands for fixed wireless access systems
[8A-9B/77] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Frequency band plans for point-to-mutipoint fixed wireless access (FWA) systems in the range 3400-3800 MHz
[8A-9B/78] Material for consideration regarding frequency bands for fixed wireless access systems
[8A-9B/79] Considerations concerning the use of radiolocation bands for FWA and public mobile systems
[8A-9B/80] A fixed wireless access (FWA) system operating in the band 38.6-40 GHz
[8A-9B/81] Remote access techniques in RLANs
[8A-9B/82,8A/95] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 212/8 - Broadband nomadic wireless access systems for mobile applications
[8A-9B/83,8B/72] Working Document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation - A methodology for ensuring the compatible operation of FWA systems when sharing the band 3.4-3.7 GHz with the radiolocation service
[8A-9B/84] Methodology and criterion to assess RLAN interference to MSS feeder links in the band 5.15-5.25 GHz and the impact of a limit on the radiated power of RLANs
[8A-9B/85] Sharing between U-NII devices and the mobile satellite service
[8A-9B/86] Working Document for JRG 8A-9B Task 3 - Coexistence conditions for a land-mobile wireless access (MWA) system and fixed wireless access (FWA) system using the same type equipment and the same frequency band in the same area as the MWA system
[8A-9B/87] Frequency sharing between RLANs and MSS feeder links in the 5 GHz band
[8A-9B/88] Measurement and simulation of building shielding loss at 5 GHz
[8A-9B/89] Adoption procedure of DNRs to be developed under Task 4 for the JRG 8A-9B
[8A-9B/90] Excess path loss due to building blockage on the indoor to outdoor interference path from RLAN to NGSO-MSS at 5 GHz
[8A-9B/91] Consideration of preferred bands for RLANs in the Mid & Upper 5 GHz range
[8A-9B/92] Comments to Telia input document on criteria and radiate power versus EIRP for sharing studies between RLAN and MSS feeder links in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/93] Consideration concerning the shared use of the band 3 400-3 700 MHz by the fixed and radiolocation services
[8A-9B/93] Considerations concerning the shared use of the band 3400-3700 MHz by the fixed and radiolocation services
[8A-9B/94] Proposed new Recommendation on band plan for fixed wireless access systems in the 3 400-3 800 MHz band
[8A-9B/95] Shielding loss calculation for indoor-HIPERLAN/MSS systems
[8A-9B/96] Comments on the shielding loss issue in the study of the sharing between RLANs and MSS in the 5 150-5 250 MHz band
[8A-9B/97] Comments on the liaison statement from WP 4A on the sharing between RLANs and MSS feeder links in the band 5150-5250 MHz
[8A-9B/98] Frequency sharing between RLANs and MSS feeder links in the 5 GHz band
[8A-9B/99] Proposed draft new Recommendation on Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)
[8A-9B/99-2] Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.BWA - Radio transmission systems for broadband wireless access (BWA)
[8A-9B/100,8-1/239] Liaison statement to Task Group 8/1 on adaptive antennae
[8A-9B/101,8-1/242] Liaison statement to Task Group 8/1 (with copy to JRG 8A-9B for information) on emerging technologies for mobile communication systems with service capabilities greater than IMT-2000
[8A-9B/102] Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 13 on Internet applications over mobile systems
[8A-9B/103] Report on the fourth meeting (Geneva, 15-23 February 1999)
[8A-9B/104] Liaison statement from ITU-T Study Group 13 (Q.26/13) to ITU-R Joint Rapporteurs Group 8A-9B and ITU-T SG 15 concerning and analogue phone set for an UNI for fixed wireless access
[8A-9B/105] Multi-point approaches for ATM in a shared media environment for satellite and wireless
[8A-9B/106,8A/119,9B/103] Liaison statement from Working Party 3K to Working Parties 8A, 9B and JRG 8A-9B on draft new Recommendation ITU-R P.[Doc. 3/55] on short-range outdoor propagation
[8A-9B/107] Liaison statement from Working Parties 3K and 3M to Joint Rapporteur Group 8A-9B concerning loss in excess of free-space due to building shielding
[8A-9B/108,8A/122,8-1/338] Liaison statement to WP 8A, TG 8/1 and JRG 8A/9B on Frequency band allocated for new mobile services
[8A-9B/109,4-9-11/368] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B (with copy for information to JRG 4-9-11) on technical characteristics of radiodetermination systems
[8A-9B/110,9B/120] ARQ techniques for fixed wireless access systems using ATM
[8A-9B/111] Frequency reuse for FWA or MWA systems which employ the autonomous radio channel use
[8A-9B/112] Possible bands eligible for FWA
[8A-9B/113,4A/243,8A/123,8D/231,9B/122] Interference to NGSO MSS feeder link (S5.447A) link from RLAN devices in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/114] Modifications to the working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation entitled: "A methodology for ensuring the compatible operation of FWA systems when sharing [bands/the bands 3.4 - 3.7 GHz] with the radiolocation service"
[8A-9B/115] Considerations concerning the use of 5 GHz radiolocation and radionavigation bands for RLANs
[8A-9B/116] Additional frequency bands to be included in the working document "Possible bands eligible for FWA systems and summary of related sharing requirements"
[8A-9B/117] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B on Spectrum, generic requirements for FWA and Handbook update
[8A-9B/118] Liaison statement to ITU-D Study Group 2 on Survey response on FWA within IMT-2000 for developing countries
[8A-9B/119,8A/113,8D/233] Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 8A and 8D, JRG 8A-9B, ITU-T Study Groups 12, 13, 15 and 16 on Revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1079
[8A-9B/120] Some suggested additions for the vocabulary of terms for wireless access
[8A-9B/121] Material for the update to the FWA Handbook
[8A-9B/122] Adaptive antennas: New Question in Study Group 8 and relevance to FWA
[8A-9B/123] FWA spectrum engineering and frequency management issues: Some considerations, including frequency plans
[8A-9B/124] Framework of a draft new Recommendation [F.T3B] Methodologies to assess relationship between traffic handling capability and frequency spectrum requirements for a fixed wireless access (FWA) systems coexisting in a frequency band in the same...
[8A-9B/125] Progression of the work in Task 2
[8A-9B/126] Progression of the work in Task 2
[8A-9B/126R1] Progression of the work in Task 2
[8A-9B/127] Progress Report on the sharing assessment between systems in the radiolocation service and one FWA system
[8A-9B/128] Transfer of documents
[8A-9B/129] Transfer of document
[8A-9B/130] Use of ITU-T Recommendation J.112 Annex B in alternative transmission media
[8A-9B/131, 4A/416] Liaison statement to WP 4A and JRG 8A-9B - RLANs and NGSO MSS feeder links operating in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/132] Report on the fifth meeting, Geneva, 12-16 April 1999
[8A-9B/133] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B - WP 4A involvement in development of JRG 8A-9B PDNR of RLAN E.I.R.P. limits for protection of NGSO MSS feeders links operating in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/134, 8D/315] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B, WP 8D - Draft new Recommendations on protection criteria and power flux-density limits to protect NGSO MSS feeder links in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/135, 9D/316] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B and WP 8D - JRG 8A-9B PDNR of RLAN e.i.r.p. limits for protection of NGSO MSS feeder links operating in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/136] Response to ITU-R JRG 8A-9B's Liaison Statement 8A-9B/TEMP/42-E on Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.BWA
[8A-9B/137] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B on Fixed Wireless Access
[8A-9B/138] Spectrum requirements for RLANs
[8A-9B/139] System architecture and reference model for broadband wireless access
[8A-9B/139C1] System architecture and reference model for broadband wireless access
[8A-9B/140] RLANs/MSS feeder links in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz - Proposed amendments to an ITU-R PDNR on EIRP density limit and operational restrictions for RLANs to ensure the protection of NGSO MSS feeder links in the frequency band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/141] Proposed amendments to a PDNR on EIRP density limit and operational restrictions for RLANs to ensure the protection of NGSO MSS feeder links in the frequency band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/142] Handbook coverage of broadband wireless access (BWU)
[8A-9B/143] Results of sharing studies between the FSS and FS
[8A-9B/144] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R - Prerequisites for the selection of suitable frequency bands for terrestrial fixed wireless access (FWA) systems
[8A-9B/145] Rev. of prel. draft Rec. ITU-R M.[8A-9B-T5/AA] - E.I.R.P. density limit and operational restrictions for RLANs or other wireless access transmitters in order to ensure the protect'n of NGSO MSS feeder links in the frequency band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/146] Modifications to working document - Bands under study for terrestrial FWA systems and summary of related sharing requirements
[8A-9B/147] Active ratio measurement of RLAN transmitters for the sharing study in the frequency band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/148] Expected population of 5 GHz band RLANs in Japan
[8A-9B/149] An intelligent fixed wireless access (FWA) system operating in the bands around 10.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz
[8A-9B/150] Sharing between RLANs and the feeder link of NGSO MSS in the 5 150 - 5 250 MHz frequency band
[8A-9B/151] Further material for the update to the FWA Handbook
[8A-9B/152] Proposed draft new Recommendation - Performance and availability requirements and objectives for fixed wireless access (FWA) to Internet protocol (IP) networks
[8A-9B/153] Text for the update to the Handbook on Fixed Wireless Access: Internet over wireless issues
[8A-9B/154] Broadband fixed wireless access using ATM
[8A-9B/155] Analysis of the possible variance of the tolerable number of RLANS in the band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/156] Parameters relevant to the sharing between RLANS and NSGO MSS feeder links
[8A-9B/157] Coexistence conditions in the same area for an MWA system and an FWA system using the same equipment design and the same frequency band at the MWA system
[8A-9B/158] Short term/long term perspective on the shairng between RLANS and NSGO MSS feeder links
[8A-9B/159] Amendments for the edition 2 of the FWA Handbook - Handbook land mobile
[8A-9B/160] Proposed amendments to a PDNR on EIRP spectral density limit and operational restrictions for RLANS to ensure the protection of NGSO MSS feeder links in the frequency band 5 150 - 5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/161] Use of the transmitted power of RLANs for assessing interference into MSS feeder links
[8A-9B/162] 5.8 GHz building shielding loss data taken at a 20 degree elevation
[8A-9B/163] Report on the adoption of 4 draft new Recommendations and approval of 4 new Recommendations
[8A-9B/164] CEPT Regulations for RLANs in the frequency band 5 150-5 250 MHz
[8A-9B/165] Proposed modification of Recommendation ITU-R F.748-3 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 25, 26 and 28 GHz bands
[8A-9B/166] Proposed modification of Recommendation ITU-R F.749-1 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 38 GHz band
[8A-9B/167] Vocabulary of terms for wireless access: Additional items for Working Document
[8A-9B/168-Part 1] Report on the compatibility studies related to the possible extension band for HIPERLAN at 5 GHz
[8A-9B/168-Part 2] Report on the compatibility studies related to the possible extension band for HIPERLAN at 5 GHz
[8A-9B/168-Part 3] Report on the compatibility studies related to the possible extension band for HIPERLAN at 5 GHz
[8A-9B/169] Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[8A-9B-T5/AA] - E.I.R.P. density limit and operational restrictions for RLANs or other wireless access transmitters in order to ensure the protection of NGSO MSS feeder links in the frequency band ..
[8A-9B/170] Report of the meeting of JEG 4A-8A-9B
[8A-9B/171] Liaison statement to WP 4A and JRG 8A-9B
[8A-9B/172] Draft new Question on Performance and availability objectives for FWA
[8A-9B/173] Report of the sixth meeting - Ottawa, Canada, 12-16 July 1999
[8A-9B/174] Liaison statement from ITU-T Study Group 9 - Some results of the ITU-T Study Group 9 meeting of 16-20 November 1998
[8A-9B/175, 9B/141] Liaison statement to Working Party 9B - Bandwidth and unwanted emissions of digital radio-relay systems in the fixed service
[8A-9B/176, 9B/145, 11-5/86] Liaison statement - Broadband wireless access standards
[8A-9B/177] Liaison statement to ITU-R JRG 8A-9B - Broadband wireless access standards, J.isl (J.116)
[8A-9B/178, 9A/113] Liaison statement - Progress on IP performance recommendations
[8A-9B/179] Liaison statement to Joint Rapporteurs Group 8A-9B
[8A-9B/180] Sharing in the band 5 250-5 350 MHz between the earth exploration-satellite service (active) allocated in this band and the radio local area networks (RLANs)
[8A-9B/181, 11C/76] Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B and to Working Party 11C concerning Recommendation ITU-R P.1410 on propagation for terrestrial broadband millimetric radio access systems
[8A-9B/182, 8A/138] Establishment of a Joint Working Party on wireless access
[8A-9B/183] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1079 on "Performance and quality of service (QoS) requirements for International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000)
[8A-9B/184] Additional vocabulary of terms for wireless access
[8A-9B/185] Proposal for amendments of the PDNR ITU-R F.[T1-3.5 GHz] - Suggested frequency range for FWA systems, 3.4-3.8 GHz
[8A-9B/186] A material of broadband FWA system in Japan for the FWA Handbook
[8A-9B/187] Comment on the liaison statement from Working Party 7C - Frequency sharing between high-speed radio local area networks and earth exploration-satellite service (active) in the band 5 250-5 350 MHz
[8A-9B/188] Frequency sharing between fixed wireless access systems and earth exploration-satellite service (active) in the band 5 250-5 350 MHz
[8A-9B/189] Proposed amendments to Recommendation ITU-R F.748 - Radio-frequency arrangements for systems in the fixed service operating in the 25, 26 and 28 GHz bands
[8A-9B/190] Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[T1-3.5 GHz] - Suggested frequency range for FWA systems
[8A-9B/191] Possible conversion of Joint Rapporteur Group 8A/9B to a Joint Working Party of Study Groups 8 and 9
[8A-9B/192] Proposed amendments to Recommendation ITU-R F.749 - Radio-frequency arrangements for systems in the fixed service operating in the 38 GHz bands
[8A-9B/193] Class of service for fixed wireless access (FWA)
[8A-9B/194] Technical characteristics of FWA system conveying IP packets or ATM cells
[8A-9B/195] Material for the update of the FWA Handbook on PHS-FWA
[8A-9B/196] Information in Joint Rapporteur Group 7D-9D of use to Joint Rapporteur Group 8A-9B
[8A-9B/197] BWA draft texts for edition 2 of the FWA Handbook
[8A-9B/197a1] BWA draft texts for edition 2 of the FWA Handbook
[8A-9B/198] Radio transmission systems for broadband wireless access (BWA) based on cable modem standards (Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.BWA)
[8A-9B/199] Status of edits for the version 2 of the fixed wireless handbook
[8A-9B/200] Input Annex for PDNR ITU-R F.[T.1-3.5 GHz] - Suggested frequency range for FWA systems
[8A-9B/200c1] Input Annex for PDNR ITU-R F.[T1-3.5 GHz] "Suggested frequency range for FWA systems" - Sharing assessment between systems in the radiolocation service and one FWA system operating in the 3 400-3 700 MHz band
[8A-9B/200c2] Input Annex for PDNR ITU-R F.[T.1-3.5 GHz - Suggested frequency range for FWA systems
[8A-9B/201] Spectrum requirement analysis for the implementation of broadband NWA networks
[8A-9B/202] Approval of ITU-R draft Recommendation F.bwa
[8A-9B/203] Recommendations F.BWA and J.116 (ITU-T SG 9)
[8A-9B/204, 4B/77, 9A/120] Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 4B and 9A and JRG 8A-9B - IP performance and availability objectives and allocations
[8A-9B/205] Report of the seventh meeting (Geneva, 13-17 March 2000)
[8A-9B/206] New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work
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