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Contributions to JRG 7D-9D (1998-2000)

[7D-9D/1] Establishment of a correspondence group on sharing between inter-satellite service systems and point-to-multipoint fixed service systems in the frequency range 25.25 - 27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/2] Work plan for the Correspondence Group on sharing between inter-satellite service systems and point-to-multipoint fixed service systems in the frequency range 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/3] Some comments on the analysis presented in Document 7B/TEMP/66
[7D-9D/4] Response to Chairman, ITU-R Study Group 9 on some comments on the analysis presented in Document 7B/TEMP/66
[7D-9D/5] Technical and operating characteristics for proximity operations communication systems
[7D-9D/6] Technical and operational characteristics of low density point-to-multipoint systems in the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/7] Characteristics of the data relay satellite network operated by the United States of America to be used in the analysis of interference from the emissions of point-to-multipoint systems in the 26 GHz band
[7D-9D/8] Characteristics of the data relay test satellite experiment system operated by NASDA to be used in the analysis of interference from the emissions of point-to-multipoint systems in the 26 GHz band
[7D-9D/9] Analysis of interference to TDRSS and proximity operations communication systems from the emissions of a low density point-to-multipoint fixed service system operating in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/10,9D/24] Contribution for consideration by JRG 7D-9D and working document towards the Revision of Rec. ITU-R F.1336 for WP 9D - Relationship between gain and beamwidth for omnidirectional and sectorial antennas
[7D-9D/11] Typical technical and operational characteristics and potential interference considerations of high density point-to-multipoint systems in the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/12] Framework for a preliminary draft new Rec. - Technical and operational characteristics of point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service to facilitate sharing with space stations in the inter-sat. serv. operating in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/13] Framework for a preliminary draft new Rec.- Criteria for data relay satellite networks and proximity operations communication systems to facilitate sharing with point-to-multipoint fixed service systems in the bands 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/14] Framework for a preliminary draft new Rec. - Satellite antenna radiation patterns for use in sharing studies involving space-to-space links in the inter-satellite service in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/15] Framework for a prelim.draft new Rec. - Reference radiation patterns of omnidirectional, sectoral and subscriber antennas of point-to-multipoint syst. for use in studies of sharing with the the the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/16] Liaison statement to Joint Rapporteur Group 7D/9D - Development of regulatory texts for the CPM-99 Report
[7D-9D/17] Minimum elevation angles of data relay satellites as seen from the surface of Earth
[7D-9D/18] Use of the frequency band 31.8 - 33.4 GHz by the fixed service
[7D-9D/19] Technical characteristics of high density point-to-multipoint systems in the frequency band 24.5 - 26.5 GHz
[7D-9D/20] Draft work plan for CPM-99 related tasks of Joint Rapporteur Group 7D-9D
[7D-9D/20R1] Draft work plan for CPM-99 related tasks of Joint Rapporteurs Group 7D-9D
[7D-9D/21] Liaison statement to Rapporteur SC-3 - Development of regulatory/procedural text for the CPM-99 Report
[7D-9D/22,7D/29] Liaison statement to Working Party 7D - Work toward the CPM-99 Report
[7D-9D/23] Report of the first meeting of JRG 7D/9D (Geneva, 4 March 1998)
[7D-9D/24,4-9S/37,9B/51] Liaison statement from WP 3M to WPs 4-9S and 9B and to Joint Rapporteur Group 7D-9D concerning propagation effects at about 47 GHz associated with systems using high altitude platform stations
[7D-9D/25,9B/52] Liaison statement from WP 3M to WP 9B and JRG 7D-9D concerning propagation aspects relating to Resolutions 726 and 133 (WRC-97)
[7D-9D/26] Protection criteria for and characteristics of space research service earth stations operating in the bands 31.8 - 32.3 GHz and 37 - 38 GHz
[7D-9D/27] Characteristics and protection criteria for radio astronomy stations operating in the 42.5 - 43.5 GHz and 48.94 - 49.04 GHz bands
[7D-9D/28] Characteristics of the data relay satellite network planned by the European Space Agency to be used in the analysis of interference from the emissions of point-to-multipoint systems in the 26 GHz band
[7D-9D/29] Outline of high data rate transmission system in future lunar mission
[7D-9D/29-R1] Outline of high data rate transmission system in future lunar mission
[7D-9D/30] Sharing between high density fixed systems and the earth exploration-satellite, space research (passive) and radio astronomy services in the 51.4-52.6 GHz, 55.78-59 GHz and 64-66 GHz bands
[7D-9D/31] Co-frequency sharing of spectrum between high-density fixed systems and space research systems in the 31.8-32.3 GHz band
[7D-9D/32] High Density Systems in the fixed service (HDFS) avoe 30 GHz - Proposed (expanded) element of the CPM-99 Report
[7D-9D/32A1, 9B/66A1] Correspondence Group on High Density Systems in the Fixed Service (HDFS) above 30 GHz - Proposed expanded element of the CPM-99 Report
[7D-9D/33,7B/34] Protection criteria for space research service (space-to-Earth) in the 37-38 GHz band - Case of the moon to Earth communication system
[7D-9D/33R1] Protection criteria for space research service (space-to-Earth) in the 37-38 GHz band - Case of the moon to Earth communication system
[7D-9D/34,7B/36] Characteristics of the data relay test satellite experiment system operated by Japan to be used in the analysis of interference from the emissions of point-to-multipoint systems in the 26 GHz band
[7D-9D/35] Illustration of potential interference from high altitude platforms operating in the 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz bands to a radio astronomy station operating in the 42.5-43.5 GHz and 48.94-49.04 GHz bands
[7D-9D/36] Elements of a methodology to estimate the global distribution of potential hub stations of point-to-multipoint fixed service systems
[7D-9D/37,9D/70] Working Document for preparation of elements of the draft CPM-2000 report in reply to Resolution 126 (WRC-97), agenda ITEM 1.4 - Use of the frequency band 31.8-33.4 GHz for High-density systems in the fixed service
[7D-9D/38] Sharing feasibility between the FS system and the Moon and Earth communications systems in the 37.0-38.0 GHz band
[7D-9D/38R1] Sharing feasibility between the FS system and the Moon and Earth communications systems in the 37.0-38.0 GHz band
[7D-9D/39] Co-frequency sharing of spectrum between high-density fixed systems and scientific satellite systems in the 37-38 GHz and 40.0-40.5 GHz bands
[7D-9D/40,9B/75] Federative Republic of Brazil - Characteristics of FS Systems in the 38 GHz band
[7D-9D/41] Central station antenna pattern in high-density point-to-multipoint systems using the 25.25-27.0 GHz band
[7D-9D/42] Liaison statement to JRG 7D/9D from WP 7B
[7D-9D/43] Liaison statement to WP 9D and JRG 7D-9D - Protection of the fixed service in the frequency band 8 025-8 400 MHz sharing with geostationary-satellite systems of the Earth exploration service
[7D-9D/44] Liaison statement to JRG7D-9D-Compatibility considerations between high-density systems of the fixed services in the bands 51.4-52.6 and 55.78-59 GHz and spaceborne passive sensors of the Earth exploration satellite (passive) service in the ...
[7D-9D/45] Report of the second meeting of JRG 7D/9D (Geneva, 8-9 October 1998)
[7D-9D/46,9D/104] Liaison statement to JRG 7D-9D and WP 9D - Preliminary draft text element for CPM-99 on item 1 of Resolution 726 (WRC-97)
[7D-9D/47] Status of the development of criteria for sharing between point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service and space systems in the inter-satellite service in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/48] Liaison statement to JRG 7D-9D - Regarding sharing between high -density links in the fixed service and the Earth-exploration satellite service (passive) in the bands 51.4-52.6 GHz and 55.78-57.2 GHz
[7D-9D/49] Co-frequency sharing of spectrum between high-density fixed systems and space research systems in the 31.8 -32.3 GHz band
[7D-9D/50] Preliminary draft CPM-99 text
[7D-9D/51,4A/239,4-9S/108,7D/92,9B/106,9D/117] Preliminary draft text element for the CPM-99 Report on the Resolutions 726 (WRC-97) and 133 (WRC-97)
[7D-9D/52, 9D/118] Working document for preparation of elements of the draft CPM-99 report in reply to Resolution 126 (WRC-97), agenda item 1.4 of WRC-2000
[7D-9D/53] Evaluating spectrum degradation potential to space research service earth stations from high density fixed service emissions above 30 GHz
[7D-9D/54] Proposed revision of doc. 7D/TEMP/1, JRG 7D/9D input towards the draft CPM text on agenda item 1.5
[7D-9D/55] Consideration of the statistical characteristics of parameters affecting sharing between stations in the space research service and HDFS stations in the fixed service in bands above 30 GHz
[7D-9D/56] Note from the Chairman of WP 7D to the Chairman of JRG 7D-9D
[7D-9D/58] Report of the third meeting of JRG 7D-9D
[7D-9D/59,3M/134,4-9S/177] Liaison statement to JRG 7D-9D and WP 4-9S concerning sharing between high density links in the fixed service and other services in the frequency range from about 30 to about 50 GHz (area to point propagation)
[7D-9D/60] Summary report to the Chairmen of Study Groups 7 and 9 on the status of sharing between HDFS stations in the fixed service and passive sensors in the Earth exploration-satellite service in the band 55.78-56.26 GHz
[7D-9D/61] Feasibility of sectoral antennas with improved radiation patterns in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/62] Analytical approach for assessment of interference from fixed service systems to data relay systems
[7D-9D/63] Assessment of interference from fixed service hub-stations to data relay satellites in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/64, 7C/189] Preliminary draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1259 - Sharing considerations between spaceborne passive sensors and high-density fixed service systems in the frequency range 55.78-56.26 GHz
[7D-9D/65, 7B/76, 7C/200, 7D/114] Liaison statement from TG 1/5 to Working Parties 7B, 7C, 7D and 9D - Preliminary draft new Recommendation on the protection of passive services from unwanted emissions
[7D-9D/66] An assessment of the spatial and temporal distribution of interference to data relay satellite systems from the emissions of high density point-to-multipoint hub stations in the fixed service in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/67] Sharing between high density point-to-multipoint fixed systems and inter-satellite service systems in the frequency range 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7D-9D/68] A proposed draft new Recommendation on the technical and operational requirements that facilitate sharing between point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service and the inter-satellite service in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
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