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Contributions to the CPM99-1

[CPM99-1/1] Table of contents
[CPM99-1/2] Attribution des travaux pr�paratoires de l'UIT-R pour la CMR-99
[CPM99-1/3] Allocation des travaux pr�paratoires de l'UIT-R pour la CMR-01
[CPM99-1/4] Extrait du CA/30
[CPM99-1/4-r1] Chapter structure and working procedures
[CPM99-1/5] Tentative timetable for the preparation of the 1999 conference
[CMP99-1/5-r1] Tentative timetable for the preparation of the 1999 Conference
[CPM99-1/6] Rapporteur groups of the special committee for the preparation of WRC-99 and WRC-01
[CPM99-1/7] Draft CPM-01 Report outline Table of Contents

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Mis � jour le 2007-03-30