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Contributions to WP 8B (1996-97)

[8B/1] Numbering of Input Documents
[8B/3] Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R M.493-7
[8B/4] Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R M.493-7
[8B/5] Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R M.493-7
[8B/6] Draft modification to Recommendation ITU-R M.108
[8B/7] Data communication in the Maritime Mobile Service
[8B/8] Data communication in the Maritime Mobile Service
[8B/9 - 8A/2 - 8C/3 - 8D/10 - 8-2/1] Preparation for WRC-97
[8B/10] Draft proposed modifications to Recommendation ITU-R M.493-7
[8B/11] Draft proposed modifications to Recommendation ITU-R M.541-6
[8B/12] Draft proposed modifications to Recommendation ITU-R M.821
[8B/13] Improvement to DSC- Utilization of enhanced position resolution for DSC "Distress Call" protocols
[8B/14] Allocation of radio frequencies for ship identification transponder/transceiver systems
[8B/15] Revision of RR Appendix 18
[8B/16] Preliminary draft proposal to modify Recommendation ITU-R M.1084-1
[8B/17] Preliminary draft proposal to modify Recommendation ITU-R M.1084-1
[8B/18] Preliminary draft new Rec. to Report ITU-R M.[Doc. 8/133]
[8B/19] Preliminary draft proposal to modify Recommendation ITU-R M.493-6
[8B/20] Proposed amendment to Recommendation ITU-R M.541-6
[8B/21] Proposed amendment to Recommendation ITU-R M.541-6
[8B/23] Information Document - Mapping of tetra onto the functions required by maritime VHF users
[8B/24 - 8A/3 -8C/4 - 8D/53] Liaison statement to all ITU-R Study Groups, CCV and the special committee
[8B/25] GMDSS operator certificates for the non-compulsory sector
[8B/27] Report on the fourth meeting of WP 8B (Geneva, 13-21 March 1996): Part 1 (pages 1 - 51)
[8B/27] Report on the fourth meeting of WP 8B (Geneva, 13-21 March 1996): Part 2 (pages 52 - 105)
[8B/28 - 8D/76] Liaisons statement to WPs 8B and 8D
[8B/31 - 8A/29 - 8D/111- 10-11S/83] Comments on Draft new Rec.: Coordination thresholds and techniques for protection of aeronautical mobile telemetry systems from geostationary satellite emissions in the bands 1452-1525 MHz & 2310-2360 MHz
[8B/32] Preliminary draft proposal to modify Recommendation ITU-R M.493-7: Digital selective-calling system for use in the maritime mobile service
[8B/33] Preliminary draft proposal to modify Recommendation ITU-R M.541-6: Operational procedures for the use of digital selective calling (DSC) equipment in the maritime mobile service
[8B/34] Draft elements for CPM text
[8B/35] Proposed amendments to draft Rec. ITU-R M.1082: International maritime MF/HF radiotelephone system with automatic facilities based on DSC signalling format
[8B/36] Proposals to WRC-97 regarding amendments to the radio regulations
[8B/37 - 8A/33 - 8C/18] Progress report form the WP 8D Rapporteur's Group for preparation of the CPM-97 Report
[8B/38] Proposal to modify Question ITU-R 96/8: Contribution to the CPM Report - Improved efficiency in the use of the band 156-174 MHz by stations in the maritime mobile service
[8B/39] Matters concerning draft elements for the CPM Report to WRC-97
[8B/40] Provisional draft revision to Rec. ITU-R M.489-1: Technical characteristics fo VHF radiotelephone equipment operating in the maritime mobile service in channels spaced at 25 kHz
[8B/41] A shipborne automatic identification system using time division multiple access
[8B/42] A shipborne automatic identification system using time division multiple access
[8B/43] Use and extention of UHF channels - RR 669(S5.287)
[8B/44] Standard form for ship station licences - Recommendation 7 (WARC MOB-97)
[8B/45] Licences - Article 24
[8B/46] Revision of Appendix 20
[8B/47 - 8A/54 - 8C/23 - 8D/168] Liaison statement from SG 7 to SGs 4, 8 and 9
[8B/48 - 8A/55] Note by the secretariat: Doc. 7/44 brought to the attention of WPs 8A and 8B
[8B/49] Article 49 [Article S53] Priority of communications draft elements for the CPM Report
[8B/50] Proposed revision of Rec. ITU-R M.1084: Draft elements for the CPM Report - Immproved efficiency in the use of the band 156-174 MHz by stations in the maritime mobile service
[8B/51 - 8A/42 - 8C/28 - 8D/172] Liaison statement to WPs 8A, 8C, 8D and 9D
[8B/52] WRC-95 decisions on further studies concerning application of article 25/S19 (identification of stations) Resolution 71 (WRC-95)
[8B/53 - 8A/69 - 8-1/132 - 8C/34 - 8D/185] Transmittal of Doc. 8/TEMP/1: Terms of reference of Ad hoc Group on the structure of SG 8
[8B/55] Liaison statement to WPs 8B and 9D: Rec. on sharing between broadcasting satellite service (sound) and mobile aeronautical telemetry systems
[8B/56 - 8A/72 - 8D/191] Reply to liaison statement from WP 8B (to WPs 8A, 8D for information): sharing between the broadcasting satellite (sound) and the aeronauatical mobile (telemetry) services in the bands 1452-1492 MHz and 2310-2360 MHz
[8B/57] Liaison statement to WP 8B
[8B/59] Report of the fifth meeting of WP 8B (Geneva, 29 October - 7 November 1996
[8B/060 - 8C/42 - 8D/209] Liaison statement to WPs 4A, 8B, 8C, 9A and 9D and Task Group 8/1 - Frequency bands for consideration for wireless access local loop systems
[8B/61] Liaison statement to WP 8B and 9D - Recommendation on sharing between broadcasting satellite service (sound) and mobile aeronautical telemetry systems
[8B/62-8D/223-8A/92] Liaison statement to WPs 4A, 8A, 8B & 8D - Preliminary draft new Rec. - Sharing in the bands 5 150-5 470 MHz betw.the Earth explor.satell.(active)serv. and spece research(active)serv. & other serv. & other serv.allocated in these bands
[8B/63 - 8A/94] Liaison statement to Working Party 8A and 8B
[8B/64 - 8A/97 - 8D/231] Liaison statement from Task Group 1/5 to SGs 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and JWP 10-11S - Determination and measurment of intermodulation products in transmitter using frequency, phase or digital modulations
[8B/65 - 8A/98 - 8D/232] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11
[8B/66] Statements of patent holding
[8C/2 - 8B/2 - 8D/4] WRC-95 Decisions on incorporation by reference of ITU-R M series Recommendations (Maritime Mobile Service)
[8C/40 - 8B/58 - 8D/194] Liaison statement to WPs 8B, 8C and 8D: Improvement of disaster communication in the mobile, amateur and associated satellite services
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