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Contributions to WP 7C (1996-97)

[7C/1] Activities of WP 7C with a view to meetings in 1996
[7C/2] Working Document - Analysis of interference to spaceborne passive sensors of the EESS from inter-satellite links of non-geostationary fixed-satellite links of non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems, in the 60 GHz band
[7C/3,7-8R/2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1166 - Performance and interference criteria for active spaceborne sensors
[7C/4] Link budget calculations to determine the maximum allowed flux density of interfering transmission in order to protect the meteorological aids radiosondes in the band 400.15 - 406 MHz
[7C/5] Link budget calculations to determine the maximum allowed power flux density of interfering transmission in order to protect the meteorological aids radiosondes in the band 1668.4 - 1700 MHz
[7C/6,7-8R/1] Draft revised Recommendation ITU-R SA.1166 - Performance and interference criteria for spaceborne sensors
[7C/7-7A/1-7B/6-7D/2] Proposed attribution of ITU-R Questions assigned by the 1995 Radiocommunication Assembly to Study Group 7 among Working Parties of Study Group 7
[7C/8,7-8R/3] Feasibility of using space radar altimeters in the bands 5140 MHz - 5460 MHz
[7C/8r1,7-8R/3r1) Rev.1: Feasibility of using space radar altimeters in the bands 5150-5470 MHz
[7C/9,7-8R/4] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R 577 - Proposal to add the following Annex 2
[7C/10] Working Document - Analysis of the frequency sharing between an Earth exploration-satellite system and fixed-satellite, meteorological satellite and terrestrial fixed and mobile services in the frequency band 8025 to 8400 MHz
[7C/11] Spaceborne cloud radar measurement at 95 GHz band and preliminary sharing considerations
[7C/12] Adjacent channel interference considerations for sharing of the frequency band 1675-1710 MHz between the meteorological-satellite service and the mobile-satellite service
[7C/13] Complement to contribution 7-8R/24 (13 July 1995) - Frequency sharing between active sensors and NGSO MSS feeder-links in the 5.3 GHz band
[7C/14] Sharing of radio spectrum between meteorological aids service and mobile satellite service in the frequency band 1670 MHz to 1690 MHz
[7C/15] Sharing between the meteorological satellite service (Space-to-Earth) and the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-Space) in parts of the band 1670-1690 MHz
[7C/16] Feasibility of sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and inter-satellite links of non-geostationary orbiting satellites operating near 60 GHz
[7C/16c1] Corr.1: Feasibility of sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and inter-satellite links of non-geostationary orbiting satellite operating near 60 GHz
[7C/17] Potential for interference from wind profilers to active spaceborne sensors in the 1215 - 1300 MHz band
[7C/18] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.577-4 - Preferred frequencies and necessary bandwidths for spaceborne active remote sensors
[7C/19] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R [Doc. 7/26] - Performance and interference criteria for active spaceborne sensors
[7C/20] Emission limits for mobile earth stations operating in the band 1675-1710 MHz for protection of meteorological-satellite receivers
[7C/21] Proposed ITU-R WPs 8D and 7C work plan for completing urgent studies as directed by Resolution GT-PLEN-4
[7C/21c1] Corr.1: Proposed ITU-R WP 8D and 7C work plan for completing urgent studies as directed by Resolution GT PLEN-4 - Table 1 to be replaced
[7C/22] Preferred frequency band, technical characteristics and sharing considerations for a spaceborne cloud radar
[7C/23] Preferred frequency band, technical characteristics and sharing considerations for surface penetration applications using spaceborne active sensors
[7C/24] Sharing of EES space-to-earth links with other services in the 22.5-27.0 GHz band
[7C/25] Additional requirement for EESS spectrum
[7C/26] Technical characteristics for radiosonde radio direction finding
[7C/27] Sharing between the fixed and mobile and the earth exploration satellites services in the 02 absorption band around 60 GHz
[7C/28] Spectrum requirements for passive remote sensing
[7C/29] Supplementary information on radidosonde operations for ITU Study Group 7 - Working Part &C
[7C/30] A comparative analysis of emissions from Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) and Wind Profiler Radar (WPR)
[7C/31,3K/2,3M/9,4A/62,9D/48] Liaison statement to WPs 3M, 3K, 4A, 7C and 9D - Preparation of the CPM-97 Report
[7C/32-1] Part 1: Report to WP 7C on its meeting (11-15 March 1996) with a view to its next meeting (October 1996) - (pages 1 - 58)
[7C/32-2] Part 2: Report to WP 7C on its meeting (11-15 March 1996) with a view to its next meeting (October 1996) - (pages 59 - 108)
[7C/32a1] Add.1: Report to WP 7C on its meeting (11-15 March 1996) with a view to its meeting (October 1996)
[7C/33] Contribution of WP 7C to the draft CPM-97 Report
[7C/34] Draft new Question ITU-R [YA/7C] Frequency sharing between earth exploration-satellite systems and systems of the fixed, mobile, inter-satellite and standard frequency and time-signal satellite services operating in the band 25.5-27 GHz
[7C/35] Draft new Question ITU-R [YB/7C] Frequency sharing between active sensor systems in the earth exploration-satellite service and systems operating in other services at around 440 MHz, 1300 MHz, 5300 MHz, 35 GHz and 95 GHz
[7C/36,7B/25,8A/18,8C/7,8D/81,9D/51] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WPs 7B, 7C, 8A, 8C, 8D and 9D (Annex 1: Resolution 643(WRC-95) and Annex 2: Doc. 4A/30 pp. 6,7,8 and 9)
[7C/37] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 9/8) - Performance degradation due to interference from other services sharing the same frequency bands on a primary basis with digital radio-relay systems operating at or above the primary rate and which may
[7C/38] Liaison statement from WP 9D to WP 7C
[7C/39] Liaison statement from WP 9D to WP 7C
[7C/40,7B/29] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11 - Identification of frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service
[7C/41] Liaison statement from TG 8/2 to WP 7C - Feasibility of sharing between active spaceborne sensors and other services in the vicinity of 410-470 MHz
[7C/42,7-8R/31] Liaison statement from WP 8D to JWP 7-8R and WP 7C
[7C/43] Liaison statement from JWP 7-8R to WP 7C
[7C/44] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WP 7C
[7C/45] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WP 7C
[7C/46] Liaison statement from WP 8D to WPs 4A and 7C
[7C/47] Liaison statement from TG 1/3 to WP 7C
[7C/48] Liaison statement from WP 3M to WP 7C - Sharing of EES space-to-earth links with other services in the 25.5-27.0 GHz band (Doc. 3M/TEMP/23)
[7C/49] Liaison statement from WP 3M to WP 7C - Report to CPM 97
[7C/50] Sharing analysis between earth exploration satellite (active) and existing services in the 430 - 440 MHz band
[7C/51] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Interference criteria for radiosonde systems in the meteorological aids service
[7C/52] Supplementary information to the performance criteria for the radiosonde systems in the meteorological aids services presented in the Recommendation ITU-R SA.1165
[7C/53] Working Document - Analysis of interference to spaceborne passive sensors of the EESS from inter-satellite links between satellites in GSO and NGSO of the FSS around 60 GHz
[7C/54] Compatibility analysis between spaceborne radar altimeters and hiperlans around 5.3 GHz
[7C/55] Working Document for WRC-97 Agenda point 1.9.2 - Sharing of the frequency band 401-403 MHz between the meteorological-satellite, earth explorations-satellite services and the meteorological aids service
[7C/56] Proposed draft revision of Recocmmendation ITU-R SA.1162
[7C/57] Revision to Document ITU-R SA.1028 - Performance criteria for satellite passive remote sensing
[7C/58] Revision to Doc. ITU-R SA.1029 - Interference criteria for satellite passive remote sensing
[7C/59,7-8R/46) Compatibility analysis between spaceborne radar altimeters and ground based radars around 5.3 GHz
[7C/60] Working document - Potential interference from spaceborne active senssors into radionavigation-satellite service receivers in the 1215-1260 MHz band
[7C/61] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Sharing between the mobile satellite service from FDMA downlink and GSO earth exploration satellites operating in the 401-403 MHz
[7C/62] Feasibility of sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and inter-satellite links between satellites in geostationary-satellite orbit networks in the band 54.25-58.2 GHz
[7C/63] Draft revision of Document 7C/TEMP/4
[7C/64] Additional requirements for EESS spectrum
[7C/65] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R SA.1026-1 - Interference criteria for space-to-earth data transmission systems operating in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit
[7C/67] Amendment of Doc. 7C/TEMP/13 (+ Corr.1) - Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R SA.1158 - Sharing of the 1675-1710 MHz band between the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-earth) and the mobile-satellite service (earth-to-space)
[7C/68] Frequency requirements for unique water vapor line centered at 183.311 GHz
[7C/69] Proposed draft revision of Rec. ITU-R SA.1165 - Technical characteristics and performance criteria for radiosonde systems in the meteorological aids service
[7C/70] Feasibility of sharing between meteorological aids (radiosondes) and GSO earth-to0space data in the band 401-403 MHz
[7C/71] Feasibility of sharing between meteorological aids (raiosondes) and NGSO earth-to-space data in the band 401-403 MHz
[7C/72] Sharing of the 1675-1700 MHz band between the meteorological aids service and the mobile-satellite service (earth-to-space)
[7C/73,8D/99] Draft revision of preliminary draft new Recommendation - Interference criteria for meteorological aids operated in the bands 400.15 to 406 MHz and 1668.4 to 1700 MHz
[7C/74,8D/100] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Sharing and coordination criteria for meteorological aids in the 400.15 to 406 MHz and 1668.4 to 1700 MHz bands
[7C/75,8D/101] Analysis of spectrum requirements and potential improvements for current radiosondes operated in the 400.15-406 MHz band
[7C/76,8D/102] Draft element of the CPM Report to WRC-97 relating to MSS/Met-Aids sharing in the 1675-1700 MHz band
[7C/77,8D/103] Draft element for Chapter 4 of the CPM Report to WRC-97
[7C/78,8D/104] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Plan for shared use of the 401-406 MHz band between Metaids and mobile satellite service
[7C/79,8D/105] Information Document in support of Preliminary draft new Recommendation and CPM text relating to MSDS and Metaid sharing the 401-406 MHz band under Resolution 214 - Economic and technical analysis of radiosonde alternatives
[7C/80,8D/106] Analysis of the feasibility of sharing between MSS NGSO FDMA downlinks and Metaid ground stations in the 401-406 MHz band
[7C/81,8D/107] Technical input in support of a draft element of the CPM-97 Report - Sharing between spread-spectrum Leo MSS and radiosondes in the 400.15 - 406 MHz band
[7C/82] Preliminary draft element of text toward the CPM-97 Report
[7C/83] Sharing of EES space-to-earth links with other services in the 25.5-27.00 GHz
[7C/120,7-8R/83] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WPs 7C, 7-R and 8D
[7C/83r1] Rev.1: Sharing of EES Space-to-Earth links with other services in the 25.5-27.0 GHz band
[7C/84] Sharing of the frequency band 1670-1710 MHz between the meteorological satellite service and the mobile satellite service - Proposed amendment of Annex 1 of draft modified Rec. ITU-R SA.1158
[7C/85] Sharing of the frequency band 401-403 MHz between the meteorological satellite service and the mobile satellite service
[7C/86] Sharing considerations between the mobile satellite service and the meteorological satellite service in the bands 137-138 MHz
[7C/87] Techniques for MSS transmission control to protect main stations of the METSS - Working Document regarding 7C/TEMP/19 and 7C/TEMP/13
[7C/88] Assessment of potential allocation of the intersatellite service in the 66-71 GHz band - Working document regarding WRC-97 Agenda point
[7C/89] Compatibility analysis between spaceborne synthetic aperture radars and GPS services in L2 band
[7C/90] Sharing between spaceborne altimeters and NGSO MSS feeder links in the 5150-5250 MHz
[7C/91] Consideration on the compatibility of spaceborne cloud radar at 94-95 GHz with radidoastronomy observation
[7C/92] Preliminary draft revision of Rec. ITU-R SA.515-2 - Frequency bands and bandwidths used for satellite passive sensing
[7C/93] Revision to draft new Rec. [7C/TEMP/5 Rev.2] - Sharing in 8025-8400 MHz frequency band with earth exploration satellite service and the meteorological satellite, fixed, fixed-satellite and mobile services in Regions 1, 2 and 3
[7C/93r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation - Sharing in 8025 - 8400 MHz frequency band between earth exploration satellite service and...
[7C/94,8D/109] Sharing between GSO MSS (earth-to-space) and Metaids in the bands 1675-1690 MHz
[7C/95,7B/36] Frequency sharing considerations in the identification of suitable frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service for high density applications (WRC-97 Agenda item 1.9.6)
[7C/96] Sharing between the fixed and earth exploration-satellite service in the 18.6-18.8 GHz band
[7C/97] Sharing between the fixed satellite service and the earth exploration-satellite service in the 18.6-18.8 GHz band
[7C/98,8D/110] Considerations for the implementation of the mobile satellite service within parts of the 1675-1710 MHz range
[7C/99] Agenda item Reallocation near 60 GHz to protect EES (passive) services
[7C/100] Working Document - Sharing around the 02 absorption band around 118 GHz between EES (passive) and fixed, mobile, and ISL of the ISS (NGSO and GSO) services
[7C/101] Sharing between passive sensors of the earth exploration satellite service and transmitters of the mobile service in the band 54.25-55.78 GHz
[7C/102,8D/112] Liaison statement to WPs 7C and 8D - Consideration of spectrum sharing in the 5150-5250 MHz band between feeder uplinks of non-GSO MSS systems and earth exploration-satellite (active) space stations
[7C/103] Sharing between the fixed service and passive remote sensors in the range 50.2-58.2 GHz
[7C/104] Revised Document 7C/28
[7C/105] Separation distances between Metss earth stations and fixed service stations around 7.8 GHz
[7C/105r1] Rev.1: Separation distances between METSS Earth stations and fixed service stations around 7.8 GHz
[7C/106,8D/114] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Interference criteria for space-to-earth links using narrow band modulation in the mobile-satellite service in the 401-406 MHz band
[7C/107,8D/115] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Sharing criteria for space-to-earth links using narrow band modulation in the mobile-satellite service in the 401-406 MHz band
[7C/110] Parameters required for calculation of coordination distances around earth stations in the 1670-1710 MHz and 8025-8400 MHz band
[7C/111,8D/122] Preliminary draft new recommendation - Performance objectives for Space-to-Earth links using narrow band modulation in the mobile-satellite service in the 401-406 MHz band
[7C/112] Feasibility of sharing between the inter-satellite service and the earth exploration satellite service, and the space research service in the band 65-66 GHz
[7C/113] Working document - Sharing the H20 absorption band around 183.31 GHz between EES (passive), and fixed, mobile, and ISL of the ISS (ngso and GSO) services
[7C/114-1] Part 1: Report to WP 7C on its meeting (8-16 October 1996) with a view to its next meeting (June 1997)
[7C/114-2] Part 2: Report to WP 7C on its meeting (8-16 October 1996) with a view to its next meeting (June 1997)
[7C/115] Liaison statement to WP 7C - Airborne radio altimeter data
[7C/116] Liaison statement to WPs 4A and 7C - Consideration of spectrum sharing in the 5150-5250 MHz band between feeder uplinks of NGSO MSS systems and EESS (active) space stations
[7C/117] Liaison statement to WP 7C - Frequency sharing between the meteorological aids service and the mobile-satellite service (earth-to-space) in the 1675-1700 MHz band
[7C/118] Liaison statement to WP 7C
[7C/119] Liaison statement to WP 7C - Feasibility of sharing between radionavigation-satellite service receivers and active spaceborne sensors in the 1215-1260 MHz band
[7C/120,7-8R/83] Liaison statement to WPs 7C, 7-8R and 8D from WP 4A
[7C/121,7-8R/87] Draft revision of preliminary draft new Recommendation: feasibility of sharing between radionavigation-satellite receivers and active spaceborne sensors in the 1215-1260 MHz band
[7C/122,7-8R/91] Analysis of potential interference to spaceborne SARS
[7C/123,7-8R/93] Feasibility of measures required of spaceborne synthetic aperture radars to protect terrestrial radiolocation systems in the 430-440MHz band
[7C/124] Liaison statement to WP 7C - Spaceborne Cloud radars in the band 92-95 GHz and active sensors in the EESS in various bands
[7C/125] Liaison statement to WP 7C - Sharing between EESS (passive) and ISS above 50 GHz
[7C/126] Liaison statement to WP 7B and 7C - Sharing between the earth exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and the inter-satellite, fixed and mobile services in the band 25.5 - 27 GHz
[7C/127,7B/56] Liaison statement to WP 7B and WP 7C
[7C/128] Comments to draft new Recommendations - ITU-R SA.[Doc.7/39] and SA.[Doc.7/41]
[7C/129] Liaison statement to WP 7C
[7C/130] Proposed modification to the DNR ITU-R [Doc.7/74] for sharing between the earth exploration satellite (space-to-earth) and the inter-satellite, fixed and mobile services in the band 25.5-27.0GHz
[7C/130C1] Corr. 1 - Proposed modification tot he DNR ITUR-R[Doc. 7/74] for sharing between the earth exploration-satellite (space-to-Earth) and the inter-satellite, fixed and mobile series in the band 25.5-27.0 GHz
[7C/131] Draft liaison statement to WP 7A - Spaceborne cloud radars in the band 92-95 GHz
[7C/132] Feasability of sharing between spaceborne passive sensors of the Earth exploration-satellite service and inter-satellite links of geostationary satellite networks in the range 50 to 60 GHz
[7C/133] Clarification of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1029
[7C/134] Sharing the H2O absorption band around 183.31 GHz between EES (passive) and fixed, mobile, and ISL of the ISS (NGSO and GSO) services
[7C/135] Sharing the 02 absorption band around 118 GHz between EES (passive) and fixed, mobile, and ISL of the ISS (NGSO and GSO) services
[7C/136] Radio frequencies required for radiosonde operations in the UK
[7C/137] Consideration of spectrum sharing in the 5,150 and 5,250 MHz band between feeder uplink of NGSO MSS systems and EESS (active) space stations
[7C/138] Protection of passive sensors in the 18.6 - 18.8 frequency band: sharing with the fixed service
[7C/139] Earth exploration satellites passive sensing in the band from 199 to 505 GHz
[7C/140] Feasibility of co-channel sharing between meteorological aids and ultra-low power implantable medical devices in the 401-406 MHz band
[7C/141] Draft liaison statement from Chairman WP7C to Chairman SG3
[7C/142] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1022
[7C/143] Proposed Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1026-1
[7C/144] Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1027-1
[7C/145] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1160
[7C/146] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1161
[7C/147] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1163
[7C/148] Proposed revisions to Document 7/43, Draft New Recommendation ITU-R SA.[] - Spectrum sharing between spaceborne passive sensor and inter-satellite links in the range 50.2-61.3 GHz
[7C/149] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1164
[7C/150] Potential interference from spaceborne SARS to MLS in aeronautical radionavigation service around 5.3 GHz
[7C/151] Feasibility of sharing on the 1698-1710 MHz band between the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space)
[7C/152] Potential interference from spaceborne SARS into feeder uplinks fo NGSO MSS systems around 5.3 GHz
[7C/153] Proposed revisions to Recommendation ITU-R SA.515-2 - Frequency bands and bandwidths used for satellite passive sensing
[7C/154] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Feasibility of sharing between the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and the Earth exploration satellite (passive) and space research (passive) services in the band 18.6-18.8 GHz
[7C/155] Revised Data availability criteria for passive microwave sensors
[7C/156] Feasibility of sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and terrestrail services operating near 118 and 183 GHz
[7C/157] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Feasility of sharing between the fixed service and the earth exploration-satellite (passive) and space research (passive) services in the band 18.6 - 18.8 GHz
[7C/158] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Sharing in the bands 5 150 - 5 250 MHz and 5 350 - 5 470 MHz among the aeronautical radionavigation service, radiolocation service, radionavigation service and the active spaceborne sensors ....
[7C/159] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1028 - Performance criteria for satellite passive remote sensing
[7C/160] Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1029 - Interference criteria for satellite passive remote sensing
[7C/161] Sharing between the EESS (passive) and the ISS around 60GHz
[7C/162] Sharing considerations regarding the meteorological-satellite service and the mobile satellite service in the band 1 698-1 710 MHz
[7C/163] Expected unwanted signal power levels from terrestrial radiolocation systems in the 430-440 MHz band at spaceboren synthetic aperture radars
[7C/164,7/118,7B/62,7D/33] Draft new Question - Sharing between feeder links for the mobile-satellite service and the aeronautical radionavigation service in the space-to-Earth direction in the band 15.4-15.7 GHz and the protection...
[7C/165,7B/68] Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7C
[7C/166] Liaison statement to Working party 7C
[7C/167 - 7/119] Liaison statement from WP 9D to WP 7C and SG7
[7C/168] Proposed modification to draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[Doc. 7/104] - comments on feasibility of sharing between the Earth exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and the inter-satellite, fixed and mobile services in the band 25.5-27.0
[7C/169] Potential for interference between radiosondes, and S-VISSR and GVAR downlinks in t he band 1675-1690 MHz
[7C/170] Spectral requirements for passive remote sensing
[7C/171] Corrigendum to Draft New Recommendation [Doc.7/99]
[7C/173] Draft Corrigendum to draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[Doc/799]
[7C/174;7B/70;10-11S/161] Liaison statement from Task Group 1/6: Request for new and revised system parameters for Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7
[7C/175 - 7B/71] Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7C - Development of methods for the determination of the coordination area around earth stations
[7C/176] Part 1 - Report to WP 7C on its meeting (2-6 June 1997) with a view to its next meeting planned for spring 1998
[7C/176] Part 2 - Report to WP 7C on its meeting (2-6 June 1997) with a view to its next meeting planned for spring 1998
[7C/176C1] Report to WP 7C on its meeting (2-6 June 1997) with a view to its next meeting planned for spring 1998
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