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Contributions to WP 7B (1996-97)

[7B/1,9D/6] Liaison statement from Joint Ad Hoc Working Party 7B-9D to Working Party 7B and Working Party 9D
[7B/2] Liaison statement from Joint Ad Hoc WP 7B-9D to WP 7B - Need for a Recommendation for specific geostationary data relay satellite orbital locations to be protected from the emissions of fixed service systems
[7B/3] Liaison statement from Joint Ad Hoc WP 7B-9D to WP 7B - Study of techniques to be used data relay systems to minimize the interference from the emissions of fixed service systems
[7B/4] EIRP density limits of fixed service radio-relay stations radiating towards DRS locations on the geostationary orbit
[7B/5,9D/14] Antenna pattern assessment for radio-relay systems used in sharing studies with the space science services near 2 GHz
[7B/6,7A/1,7C/7,7D/2] Proposed attribution of ITU-R Questions assigned by the 1995 Radiocommunication Asssembly to Study Group 7 among Working Parties of SG 7
[7B/7] Report on third meeting of TG 1/3 by SG 7 Rapporteur of TG 1/3
[7B/8] Report to the meeting of WP 7B
[7B/9] Orbital locations of data relay satellites to be protected from the emissions of fixed service systems operating in the 2200-2290 MHz and 25.25-27.5 GHz bands
[7B/10] Progress report of correspondence group on modelling of large antennas
[7B/11] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Frequency sharing between space research service extra-vehicular activity (EVA) links and fixed and mobile service links in the 410-420 MHz band
[7B/12,9D/17] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Maximum permissible power flux-density levels from the space research, space operations and earth exploration-satellite services at the surface of the earth required to protect the fixed servic
[7B/13,9D/18] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Technical operational characteristics of systems in the fixed service to facilitate sharing with the space research, space operation and earth exploration-satellite services operating in the ba
[7B/14,9D/19] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Criteria for data relay satellite networks to facilitate sharinbg with systems in the fixed service in the bands 2025-2110 MHz and 2200-2290 MHz
[7B/15,9D/20] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power of transmitting stations in the fixed service operating in the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz shared with the inter-satellite service
[7B/16,9D/21] Method for calculating separation angles between fixed service transmitting antenna beams and the direction towards geostationary data relay satellites
[7B/17] Space VLBI Telecommunication characteristics
[7B/18,9D/22] EIRP limits on fixed service transmitters to protect space science services in the band 2200-2290 MHz
[7B/19] Draft new Question ITU-R [XYZ] - Frequency bands for telecommand links space operation and space research services in the range from 100 MHz to 1 GHz
[7B/20,9D/28] Frequency bands preferred for implementation telecommand links in the range between 100 MHz and 1 GHz
[7B/21,9D/29] EIRP limits on fixed service transmitters of TDMA system to protect space science service in 2 GHz band
[7B/22,9D/31] Sharing of the frequency band 25.25 - 27.5 GHz between the inter-satellite and fixed services
[7B/23,9D/30] Comments on the 2 GHz preliminary draft new Recommendations contained in Document 7B/48-9D/75 (22 August 1995)
[7B/24,9D/36] Note to Chairman JAH 7B/9D from Chairman WP 7B
[7B/25,7C/36,8A/18,8C/7,8D/81,9D/51] Liaison statement from WP 4A to WPs 7B, 7C, 8A, 8C, 8D and 9D - Annex 1: Resolution 643(WRC-95) and Annex 2: Doc 4A/30 (pp. 6,7,8 and 9)
[7B/26,9D/52] Part 1: Report of the fourth meeting of Joint Ad Hoc Working Party 7B-9D (Geneva, 19-21 March 1996)
[7B/26,9D/52] Part 2: Report of the fourth meeting of Joint Ad Hoc Working Party 7B-9D (Geneva, 19-21 March 1996)
[7B/27] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 9/20] - Mathematical model of average radiation patterns for line-of-sight point-to-point radio-relay system antennas for use in certain coordination studies and interference assessment in the frequency range
[7B/28] Drat new Recommendation [Doc. 9/8] - Performance degradation due to interference from other services sharing the same frequency bands on a primary basis with digital radio-relay systems operating at or above the primary rate and which may f
[7B/29,7C/40] Liaison statement to ITU-R SGs 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (Doc. 9B/TEMP/7)
[7B/30] Liaison statement from WP 3M to WP 7B - Report to CPM-97 (Doc. 3M/TEMP/5)
[7B/31] Chairman's Report of WP 7B meeting, Toulouse, France, 11-15 March 1996
[7B/32,9D/56] Liaison statement from WP 3J to Joint Ad Hoc WP 7B-9D (Doc. 3J/TEMP/7)
[7B/33] Draft new Recommendation - Characteristics and telecommunications requirements for space VLBI
[7B/33r1] Rev.1: Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Preferred frequency bands and typical bandwidths for the transmission of space VLBI data
[7B/34,9D/60] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power of transmitting stations in the fixed service operating in the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz shared with the inter-satellite service
[7B/35,9D/61] Limiting interference to satellites in the space science services from the emissions of trans-horizon radio-relay systems in the 2025-2110 MHz and 2200-2290 MHz bands
[7B/36,7C/95] Frequency sharing considerations in the identification of suitable frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service for high density application (WRC-97 Agenda item 1.9.6)
[7B/37] High data rate transmission in future lunar mission
[7B/37r1] Rev.1: High data rate transmission in future lunar mission
[7B/38,9D/62] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Maximum euqivalent isotropically radiated power of transmitting stations in the fixed service operating in the frequency bands 25.25-27.5 GHz shared with the inter-satellite service
[7B/39,9D/63] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power of transmitting stations in the fixed service operating in the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz shared with the inter-satellite service
[7B/40,9D/64] FS EIRP limits in the band 2200-2290 MHz to protect space stations in the space science services
[7B/41] Modelling methods for large reflector antennas
[7B/42,7D/17] Spaceborne radioastronomy observations
[7B/43] Progress report of correspondence group on frequency spectrum for implementation of telecommand links in the space research and space operations services in the frequency range between 100 MHz and 1 GHz
[7B/44,9D/65] Slant path attenuation by atmospheric gases for use in sharing studies
[7B/45,9D/66] Propagation on the earth-to-space path from a terrestrial station causing interference to a space station at 27.5 GHz
[7B/45r1,9D/66r1] Part 1: Propagation on the Earth-to-space from a terrestrial station causing interference to a space station at 27.5 GHz
[7B/46r1,9D/66r1] Part 2: Propagation on the Earth-to-space path from a terrestrial station causing interference to a space station at 27.5 GHz
[7B/46,9D/67] Comments with respect to the 2 GHz PFD PDNR
[7B/47,9D/68] Part 1: Comments on "Interference mitigation through diffraction attenuation"
[7B/47,9D/68] Part 2: Comments on "Interference mitigation through diffraction attenuation"
[7B/48,9D/69] Part 1: A review of estimates of atmospheric attenuation on the earth-to-space path from a terrestrial station causing interference to a space station at 27.5 GHz and a proposal for the 26 GHz PDNR, Annex X
[7B/48,9D/69] Part 2: A review of estimates of atmospheric attenuation on the earth-to-space,path from,a,terrestrial station causing interference to a space station at 27.5 GHz and a proposal for the 26 GHz PDNR, Annex X
[7B/49,9D/70] FS EIRP limits in the band 2200-2290 MHz to protect space stations in the space science services
[7B/49c1,9D/70c1] FS EIRP Limits in the band 2200-2290 MHz to protect space stations in the space science services
[7B/50,9D/71] Annex to Preliminary draft new Recommendation on 2 GHz flux-density
[7B/51,9D/94] Report of the fifth meeting of Joint Ad-hoc WP 7B-9D
[7B/52] Liaison statement from WP 8D
[7B/53] Liaison statement from WP 8A - High rate transmission in the future lunar mission
[7B/54] Liaison statement from WP 3J - Absorption, ray bending and reference atmosphere
[7B/55] Liaison statement from WP 3J on atmospheric gaseous attenuation at very low elevation angles
[7B/56,7C/127] Liaison statement to WP 7B and WP 7C
[7B/57] Preliminary draft new question - Sharing between systems which make use of the frequency allocation to the inter-satellite service between 25.25 - 27.5 GHz
[7B/58] Modification to Annex 1 of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1155
[7B/59] Modelling methods for large reflector antennas
[7B/60] Report on the meeting of Working Party 7B (8-16 October 1996)
[7B/61] Preliminary assessment of interference to data relay satellites and proximity operations communication systems from the emissions of high density point-to-multipoint fixed service systems in the band 25.25-27/5 GHz
[7B/62,7/118,7C/164,7D/33] Draft new Question - Sharing between feeder links for the mobile-satellite service and the aeronautical radionavigation service in the space-to-earth direction in the band 15.4-15.7 GHz and the protection..
[7B/63] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Typical characteristics of data relay satellite systems
[7B/64] Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7C
[7B/65] Liaison statement to Working Party 7B
[7B/66] Liaison statement to Working Party 7B - Draft new Question - Development of an annex to Recommendation [Doc.9/30] to facilitate its application in planning and design of new systms in the fixed service in the bands 2 025 - 2 200 MHz
[7B/67] Liaison statement to Working party 7B - Response to liaison concerning draft new Recommendation [Doc. 9/8]
[7B/68 - 7C/165] Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7C
[7B/70;7C/174;10-11S/161] Liaison statement from Task Group 1/6: Request for new and revised system parameters for Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7
[7B/71 - 7C/175] Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7C - Development of methods for the determination of the coordination area around earth stations

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