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Contributions to WP 3J (1996-97)

[3J/1] List of Documents from the previous period
[3J/2] Liaison statement from WP 9D to WP 3J - Atmospheric absorption loss at frequencies above about 15 GHz for use in sharing studies
[3J/3] Liaison statement from Joint Ad hoc WP 7B/9D to WP 3J - Accounting for Fresnel zone blockage & atmospheric absorption when calculating the acceptable eirp density of fixed service station emissions in the direction of geostationary data relay sat.
[3J/4] Mathematical expression for the representation of the statistical distribution of the refractivity gradient
[3J/5 - 3M/16] Calculation of actual angle of arrivals of radio signals coming from space at low elevation angles
[3J/6] Items for consideration from Working Party 3L
[3J/7 - 3M/19] Contribution to propagation data banks: Simultaneous rainfall rate and ku-band earth-space pilot tone measurements in Queensland
[3J/8] Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.836 - Surface water vapour density
[3J/9] Proposed amendments to Recommendation ITU-R P.676-2 attenuation by atmospheric gases
[3J/10 - 3K/3 - 3L/28 - 3M/25] Response from TG 1/3 to Liaison statements prepared by the WPs of SG 3 concerning spurious emission interference
[3J/11] Proposed revision of Rec. ITU-R P.526 - Calculation of sub-path obstruction loss
[3J/12] Contribution to the propagation data banks: Rainfall rate measurements in Spain
[3J/13] Chairman's Report
[3J/15] Liaison statement from joint ad hoc group 7B-9D to Study Group 3
[3J/16 - 3M/34] Draft proposed revisions of Rec. ITU-R P.452 and P.526 Diffraction over irregular terrain
[3J/17 - 3M/35] Draft modification to Rec. ITU-R P.311-7: Acquisition, presentation and analysis of data in studies of tropospheric propagation
[3J/18 - 3M/36] Millimetre-wave propagation effects - Proposed modification to Rec. ITU-R P.676-2 - Attenuation by atmospheric gases
[3J/19] Slant path attenuation by atmospheric gases
[3J/20] Mathematical expression for the representative of the statistical distribution of the refractivity gradient
[3J/21] Calculation of ray bendings and of actual angle-of-arrivals of radio signals coming from space at low elevation angles
[3J/22] Contribution to SG 3 data banks - Radiometric sky noise temperature measurements in Italy
[3J/23] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R P.840: Attenuation due to clouds and fog
[3J/24] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R P.836: Surface water vapour density
[3J/25] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R P.676-2: Attenuation by atmospheric gases
[3J/26] Draft new Rec. ITU-R O.[3J/5-2]: Estimation of atmospheric excess path length
[3J/27] Draft new Rec. ITU-R P.[3J/5-1]: Radiometric estimation of a atmospheric attenuation and water contents
[3J/28 - 3L/37] Improved representation of oblique HF raypaths
[3J/29 - 3L/38] Determination of the accuracies of the COST 238 (Prime) regional and of the ITU-R Global monthly median maps of the FOF2 and M(3000) F2 ionospheric characteristics and proposals for implementing improvements to the ITU-R mappings
[3J/30] Slant path attenuation by atmospheric gases - Proposed modification to Rec. ITU-R P.676-2
[3J/32] Reference standard atmosphere for gaseous attenuation - Proposed modification to Rec. ITU-R P.835-1
[3J/33] Attenuation due to clouds and fog
[3J/34] Contribution to the propagation data banks - ra
[3J/36] - Chairman's Report
[3J/37] Reply to liaison statement from Working Party 3J concerning risk and reliability
[3J/38 - 3M/61] Liaison statement from chairman WP 7C to Chairman Study Group 3 concerning the use of Recommendation ITU-R P.526 to calculate smooth earth diffraction in the interference studies
[3J/39 - 3M/62] Liaison statement to Study Goup 3 - Reflection and scaterring properties of the earth in frequency bands near 118 and 183 GHz
[3J/40] Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 3J from Working Party 7B
[3J/41-3K/16-3M/64] Ground cover categories in Study Group 3 Recommendations - Proposed revisions to Recommendations ITU-R P.370, 452, 529, 1058, 1146
[3J/42] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.832 - World atlas of ground conductivities
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Updated : 2007-03-30