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Contributions to WP 11B (1996-97)

[11B/1] Documents to be considered in the 1996-1997 study period
[11B/2] Liaison statement to WP 11B - Sound/Vision delay
[11B/3,10-11R/11,10-11S/6,11-1/4,11-2/4,11-3/6,11C/3,11E/4] Rapporteur on the Coordination of the Television signal chain - Liaison statement to WPs 11B, 11C, 11E, 10-11R, 10-11S and TGs 11/1, 11/2 and 11/3
[11B/4] Proposed draft Revision of Question 207-1/1 - Generic bit-rate reduction coding of digital television signals
[11B/5] Progress report on multi-program services using adaptvie bit-rate reduction coding based on statistical multiplexing of television signals
[11B/6,10-11R/19,10-11S/14,11-1/5,11-2/11,11-3/18,11A/7,11C/9,11E/15] Report of the Rapporteur on Vocabulary
[11B/7,11-3/20] Joint coding for multi-program transmission
[11B/8] Centering, aspect ratio and blanking on video images
[11B/10] MPEG-2 4:2:2 Profile verification - Definition of quality and acceptability thresholds
[11B/11] Digital video bit-rate reduction codec assessment methods and results
[11B/14] Transmission of Doc. 11E/30 - Subjective characterization of adaptively processed images
[11B/15,11-2/22,11-3/36,11A/9,11C/23,11E/22] Information paper
[11B/16] Liaison statement to WP 11B - Interfacing and routing requirements associated with new forms of digital signal representation and new televison production techniques
[11B/17,11A/12,11C/25,11E/24] Proposed Terminology and Definitions
[11B/18,10-11S/32,11C/26] Liaison statement from ITU-T SG9 to WP 11B, 11C and 10-11S- ITU-R Questions 47-1/11, 207-1/11, 232/11, 241/11
[11B/19] Draft new Recommendation on performance and draft new Question on quality of service
[11B/20] Liaison Statement from WP 11E - Draft Recommendation on user requirements
[11B/21,11A/16,11C/29] Liaison Statement from WP 11E - Recommendation ITU-R BT.500
[11B/22,10-11R/23,10-11S/37,10-11/34,11-2/24,11-3/39,11A/18,11C/30,11E/27] A proposal for increasing the value of ITU Recommendations
[11B/23] Chairman's Report on the first meeting of WP 11B, Geneva, 21-27 March 1996
[11B/24,10-11R/27,10-11S/130,10C/20,11C/46,11E/31] Liaison statement from WP 11A - Draft Questionnaire on user requirements for electronic news gathering
[11B/25] Liaison statement from WP 11A on performance and quality of service
[11B/26,11A/69] Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 11A and 11B and to ITU-T WP 1 OF SG 9
[11B/27] Proposed reply to the liaison statement from the Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 9 in Document 11B.18
[11B/28] Second report of the Special Rapporteur on coding methods not based on DCT algorithm
[11B/29,11-2/31] Liaison statement to WP 11B and TG 11-2 concerning Recommendation ITU-R BT.1200
[11B/30] Liaison statement to WP 11B from TG 11/1 regarding Recommendation ITU-R BT.1200
[11B/31] Future allocation of work from TG 11/3 concerning digital terrestrial television broadcassting
[11B/32,11E/35] Stereoscopic image coding: effects of disparate image-quality in left-and right-eve views
[11B/33] Bit allocation for joint coding of multiple video programs
[11B/34,11E/36] Subjective evaluation of joint versus independent coding for multi-program transmission
[11B/35,11A/78] Progress report on stereoscopic television MPEG-2
[11B/36] Multi-programme coding based on joint control of statistical multiplexing
[11B/37] The application of computers technology in television production processes
[11B/38,11/69,11A/90,11C/57,11E/41,10-11R/32,10-11S/146,11-2/38] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11B/39,11-2/39] Report of Special Rapporteur on bit-rate reduction for TV production studio applications
[11B/40] Report on the use of computer technology in TV broadcasting applications
[11B/40c1] Corr.1: Report on the use of computer technology in TV broadcasting applications
[11B/41] Letter from a member of TG 11/1
[11B/42] HDTV scanning and interconnections not utilizing 1125 line frames
[11B/43,10-11R/43] Liaison statement to WP 11B and JWP 10-11R - Future work on Recommendations applying to programme exchange in the form of packetised single or multiple digital signals
[11B/44,10C/31,11A/102] Liaison statement from JWP 10-11R to WPs 10C, 11A and 11B and TG 11/2 - File formats, interfaces and network protocols for digital television recording for programme production
[11B/45] Liaison statement to WP 11B - Work related to Recommendation ITU-R BT.1200
[11B/46] Liaison statement to WPs 11A and 11B and MPEG and CIE - Adaptive image quality control in future TV systems and quality optimization and assessment for TV colour reproduction
[11B/49] Response to the contribution from the Rapporteur for vocabulary of study group 11: A report for the meetings of Working Parties and Task Groups of Study Group 11
[11B/50] Proposed reply to the liaison statement from ITU-R Study Group 9 - Terminology and definitions
[11B/51,11-2/45] Liaison statement to WP 11B and TG 11/2
[11B/51r1,11-2/45r1] Rev.1: Liaison statement to WP 11B and TG 11/2
[11B/52,11-2/46] Reply to a liaison statement received from Working Party 11B and liaison statement to Task Group 11/2
[11B/53] Chairman's Report on the second meeting of WP 11B (Geneva, 15-18 April 1997)
[11B/54] Reply to liaison statement of ITU-R WP 11B - Terminology and definitions
[11B/55] Liaison Statement on new terminology approved by ITU-T WP1/9
[11B/58] Liaison statement to ITU-R WPs 11B and 11E, ITU-T SGs 9, 12 and 15 and ISO, IEC and CIE-Adaptive image quality control in future TV systems
[11B/59] Liaison statement to ITU-R WPS11B and 11E, ITU-R SGs9, 12 and 15 and ISO, IEC and CIE-Assessment and optimizaiton of quality of colour reproduciton in television
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