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Contributions to WP 10C (1996-97)

[10C/1] Documents to be considered in the 1996-1997 study period
[10C/2] Liaison statement from TG 11/3 to WP 10C concerning Rec. 1196 - Audioc coding for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[10C/2r1] Rev.1: Liaison statement from TG 11/3 to WP 10C concerning Rec. 1196 - Audioc coding for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[10C/3] Excerpts of a guide to digital terrestrial television broadcasting int eh VHF/UHF bands
[10C/4-1,11-3/7] Part 1: Report on the MPEG/Audio multi-channel formal subjective listening tests
[10C/4-2,11-3/7] Part 2: Report on the MPEG/audio multi-channel formal subjective listening tests
[10C/4-3,11-3/7] Part 3: Report on the MPEG/Audio multi-channel formal subjective listening tests
[10C/5,11-3/8] Liaison statement to ITU-R SG 11, TG 11/3 and SG 10
[10C/6,10-11R/17,10-11S/10,10-3/2,10-4/1,10B/2] Covering note by the Chairman of TG 1/4
[10C/7,10-11R/21,10-11S/30,10-3/3,10-4/2,10-5/5,10A/10,10B/4] Information Paper
[10C/8,10-3/5,10-4/3,10A/17,10B/5] Proposed Terminology
[10C/9] Bitrates required for the ISO/MPEG-1 audio layer II backward compatible stereo signal within the ISO/MPEG-2 bitstreams
[10C/10,10-3/9,10-4/8,10-5/8,10A/19,10B/6] A proposal for increasing the value of ITU Recommendations
[10C/11] Comments on Recommendation ITU-R BS.1196
[10C/12] Race DTTB Workpackage 9 audio - Report on the subjective listening tests for MPEG-2 ...
[10C/13] Multi-channel sound recording: Magnetic tape track allocations
[10C/14] Audio coding for digital television broadcasting
[10C/15] Comments on the report to the advisory committee on advanced television service of the federal communications commission
[10C/16] Liaison Statement from TG 11/3 to WP 10C - Multi-channel audio coding
[10C/17] Chairman's Report on the first meeting of WP 10C - Los Angeles, 9-11 November 1996
[10C/18] Liaison statement from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC29/WG11 on quality assessments of audio bit-rate reduction codecs
[10C/19] Liaison statement from TG 10/4
[10C/20,10-11R/27,10-11S/130,11B/24,11C/46,11E/31] Liaison statement from WP 11A - Draft Questionnaire on user requirements for electronic news gathering
[10C/21] Comments on parameters for multi-channel sound recording
[10C/22] Status of texts of SG 10 WPs and TGs
[10C/23] Considerations regarding the up-coming testing of multichannel codecs
[10C/24,10-11R/38] Draft EBU Standard N22-1997 - The broadcast wave format - A format for audio data files in broadcasting introduction
[10C/25,10-11R/39] Preliminary Draft new Recommendation - Use of the broadcast wave format for the exchange of audio data files
[10C/26,10-11R/40] Specification of the broadcast wave format - a format for aduio data files in broadcasting
[10C/27,10-11R/41] Specification of the broadcast wave format - A format for audio data files in broadcasting (Supplement1: MPEG Audio)
[10C/28] Listening conditions for the assessment of monophonic and two-channel stereophonic sound programme material
[10C/29] Assessment method for the subjective evaluation of the quality of sound programme material - music
[10C/30] Liaison statement from WP 10A to WP 10C - Digital transmission system
[10C/31,11A/102,11B/44] Liaison statement from JWP 10-11R to WPs 10C, 11A and 11B and TG 11/2 - File formats, interfaces and network protocols for digital television recording for programme production
[10C/34] Liaison statement to WP 10C - Subjective assessment of sound quality
[10C/35,11C/80,11E/49] Liaison statement to WP 10C, 11C and 11E - Terminology in ITU-T Recommendation J.1
[10C/36] Liaison Statement from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 to ITU-R SG11 on performance of MPEG-2 NBC multichannel audio codecs
[10C/37] Liaison statement to ITU-T SG9, ITU-R WP10C, Special Rapporteur for sound and vision timing reference signals
[10C/39] Comments regarding draft new Question ITU-R (AA/10-3)

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