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Contributions to SG 10 (1996-97)

[10/1] Questions assign�es � la Commission d'�tudes 10 des Radiocommunications
[10/1a1] Add.1: Questions attribu�es � la CE 10
[10/1a2] Add. 2: Questions assign�es � la Commission d'�tudes 10 des radiocommunications
[10/2-11/25] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [10-11R/AK] Radiodiffusion de programmes sur film comportant un son multivoie
[10/3] Proposition de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.640-2 - Syst�me � bande lat�rale unique (blu) en radiodiffusion � ondes d�cam�triques
[10/4] Proposition de R�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.560-3 - Rapports de protection RF en radiodiffusion en ondes kilom�triques, hectom�triques et d�cam�triques
[10/4] Proposition de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.560-3 - Rapports de protection RF en radiodiffusion en ondes kilom�triques, hectom�triques et d�cam�triques
[10/5-11/35] Note du Secr�tariat
[10/6] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[AAAA] - Evaluation subjective de la qualit� du son - Guide des Recommandations existantes
[10/7] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.XXXX - M�thodes d'�valuation subjective de la qualit� sonore - Conditions g�n�rales � respecter
[10/8] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[YYYY] - M�thodes de pr�selection pour l'�valuation subjective des faibles d�gradations dans les syst�mes audio
[10/9] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[ZZZZ] - M�thodes d'�valuation subjective des syst�mes audio avec image d'accompagnement
[10/9a1] Add.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[ZZZZ]
[10/10] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.1116 - M�thodes d'�valuation subjective des d�gradations faibles dans les syst�mes audio y compris les syst�mes sonores multivoies
[10/11] Rapport de la troisi�me r�union du Groupe d'action 10/5 (Gen�ve, 29 au 31 octobre 1996)
[10/12] Rapport de la cinqui�me r�union du Groupe d'action 10/3 de l'UIT-R au cours de la p�riode d'�tudes 1996-1998 (Los Angeles, Californie, 5-8 novembre 1996)
[10/13,10-11S/132] Liaison statement from SG 9 on the draft new Rec. on coodinaion thresholds for the BSS ....
[10/14] Liaison statement from WP 3K on propagation factors affecting systems using digital modulation techniques at LF and MF
[10/15,11/53] Liaison statement from WP 3K on the prediction of field strength for low percentages of time
[10/16] Rapport du Pr�sident - Service de radiodiffusion sonore
[10/17] Past record of contributions addressed to questions of Study Group 10
[10/18] Report of the first meeting of ITU-R WP 10C - Los Angeles, 9-11 November 1997
[10/19] Future allocation of work from TG 11/3 concerning digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[10/20] Report on the third and fourth meeting of ITU-R Task Group 10/3
[10/21] Report on the joint meeting of WP 10A and 10D (Vatican City State, 10 to 18 March 1996)
[10/22,11/63] Chairman's report of the first and second meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S
[10/23,11/64] Report of the first meeting of WP 10-11R (March 20-22, 1996)
[10/24] Report on the first meeting of WP 10B (Toledo, Spain, 14-16 October 1996)
[10/25] Report on the third and fourth meeting of TG 10/4
[10/26] Status of texts of SG 10 WPs and TGs
[10/27-1] Part 1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.706-1 - Data system in monophonic AM sound broadcasting (AMDS) (Question ITU-R 60/10)
[10/27-2] Part 2: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.706-1 Data system in monophonic AM sound broadcasting (AMDS) (Question ITU-R 60/10)
[10/27-3] Part 3: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.706-1 - Data system in monophonic AM sound broadcasting (AMDS) (Question ITU-R 60/10)
[10/27r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.706-1 - Data system in monophonic AM sound broadcasting (AMDS) (Question ITU-R 60/10)
[10/28] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[Doc. 10/28] - Service requirements for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands (Question ITU-R 217/10)
[10/28r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[Doc. 10/28] - Service requirements for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands (Question ITU-R 217/10)
[10/29] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[Doc. 10/29] - Implementation of digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands (Questions ITU-R 217/10)
[10/29r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[Doc. 10/29] - Implementation of digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands (Questions ITU-R 217/10)
[10/30] Draft revision of question ITU-R 57/10 - Sky-Wave reception in LF, MF and HF broadcasting
[10/31] Report of the second meeting of JWP 10-11R in the 1996-1997 study period
[10/32] Draft new Recommendation [10-11R/AL] - Requirements for the application of digital technology to audio archiving systems for radio broadcasting (Questions ITU-R 215/10 and 216/10)
[10/32r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation [10-11R/AL] - Requirements for the application of digital technology to audio archiving systems for radio broadcasting (Questions ITU-R 215/10 and 216/10)
[10/33] Draft new Recommendation [10-11R/AM] - File format for the exchange of audio programme materials on formation technology media (Questions ITU-R 215/10)
[10/33r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation [10-11R/AM] - File format for the exchange of audio programme materials on formation technology media (Questions ITU-R 215/10)
[10/34-1] Part 1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/34-2] Part 2: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System multiplexing frequecy modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/34r1] Rev.1: Part 1 - Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System multiplexing frequecy modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/34r1] Rev.1: Part 2 - Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System multiplexing frequecy modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/35] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[10B/AN] - System requirements for multiplexing FM sound broadcasting for a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception (Question ITU-R 71/10)
[10/35r1] Rev.1: Part 1 - Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[10B/AN] - System requirements for multiplexing FM sound broadcasting for a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception ...
[10/35r1] Rev.1: Part 2 - Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[10B/AN] - System requirements for multiplexing FM sound broadcasting for a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception ...
[10/36] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.412-7 - Planning standards for FM sound broadcasting at VHF (Questions ITU-R 74/10 and ITU-R 101/10)
[10/36r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.412-7 - Planning standards for FM sound broadcasting at VHF (Questions ITU-R 74/10 and ITU-R 101/10)
[10/37] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[10C/AAA] - Parameters for multi-channel sound recording (Question ITU-R 211/10)
[10/38] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.707-2 - Transmission of multisound in terrestrial television systems PAL B, G, H and I, and SECAM D, K, K1 and L (Question ITU-R 77/10)
[10/38r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.707-2 - Transmission of multisound in terrestrial television systems PAL B, G, H and I, and SECAM D, K, K1 and L (Question ITU-R 77/10)
[10/39] Draft new Question ITU-R [AA/10-3] - Subjective assessment
[10/40] Summary Report of the second meeting (1996-1997 period) - Geneva, 7-10 April 1997
[10/41] Ce document existe seulement en anglais.
[10/42,11/121] Ad-Hoc group on questions
[10/43] Compte rendu de la premi�re s�ance de la Commission d'�tudes 10, lundi 21 avril 1997 � 14 h 30
[10/44,11/122] Compte rendu de la r�union commune des Commissions d'�tudes 10 et 11, Mardi 22 avril 1997 � 9 heures
[10/45] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 211/10 and draft new Question ITU-R [AA/10-3]
[10/47] Reports - Status of texts of SG 10 to WPs and TGs
[10/48] Questions - Status of texts of SG 10 WPs and TGs
[10/49,11/126,10-11/47r1] List of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of 10 and 11 Study Groups, Working Parties and Task Groups
[10/51] Summary record of the meeting of SG 10 - Wednesday, 23 April 1997, at 1400 hours
[10/52] Summary record of the meeting of SG 10 - Thursday 24th, April 1997, at 1400 hours
[10/53,10-11S/164,11/129] Liaison statement from TG1/5 to SGs 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and JWP 10-11S - Determination and measurement of intermodulation products in transmitter using frequency, phase or digital modulations
[10/54,11/130,7/162] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 - Unwanted emissions
[10/55,11/131] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 - Monitoring of digital broadcasting signals

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